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No OneTemporary

File Metadata

Sun, Feb 16, 16:46


* Simple wrapper to create a temporary file and guarantee it will be deleted on
* object destruction. Used like a string to path:
* $temp = new TempFile();
* Filesystem::writeFile($temp, 'Hello World');
* echo "Wrote data to path: ".$temp;
* Throws Filesystem exceptions for errors.
* @task create Creating a Temporary File
* @task config Configuration
* @task internal Internals
final class TempFile extends Phobject {
private $dir;
private $file;
private $preserve;
private $destroyed = false;
/* -( Creating a Temporary File )------------------------------------------ */
* Create a new temporary file.
* @param string? Filename hint. This is useful if you intend to edit the
* file with an interactive editor, so the user's editor shows
* "commit-message" instead of "p3810hf-1z9b89bas".
* @param string? Root directory to hold the file. If omitted, the system
* temporary directory (often "/tmp") will be used by default.
* @task create
public function __construct($filename = null, $root_directory = null) {
$this->dir = Filesystem::createTemporaryDirectory(
if ($filename === null) {
$this->file = tempnam($this->dir, getmypid().'-');
} else {
$this->file = $this->dir.'/'.$filename;
// If we fatal (e.g., call a method on NULL), destructors are not called.
// Make sure our destructor is invoked.
register_shutdown_function(array($this, '__destruct'));
Filesystem::writeFile($this, '');
/* -( Configuration )------------------------------------------------------ */
* Normally, the file is deleted when this object passes out of scope. You
* can set it to be preserved instead.
* @param bool True to preserve the file after object destruction.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setPreserveFile($preserve) {
$this->preserve = $preserve;
return $this;
/* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Get the path to the temporary file. Normally you can just use the object
* in a string context.
* @return string Absolute path to the temporary file.
* @task internal
public function __toString() {
return $this->file;
* When the object is destroyed, it destroys the temporary file. You can
* change this behavior with @{method:setPreserveFile}.
* @task internal
public function __destruct() {
if ($this->destroyed) {
if ($this->preserve) {
// NOTE: tempnam() doesn't guarantee it will return a file inside the
// directory you passed to the function, so we make sure to nuke the file
// explicitly.
$this->file = null;
$this->dir = null;
$this->destroyed = true;

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