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final class PhutilSearchQueryCompilerTestCase
extends PhutilTestCase {
public function testCompileQueries() {
$tests = array(
'' => null,
'cat dog' => '+"cat" +"dog"',
'cat -dog' => '+"cat" -"dog"',
'cat-dog' => '+"cat-dog"',
// If there are spaces after an operator, the operator applies to the
// next search term.
'cat - dog' => '+"cat" -"dog"',
// Double quotes serve as delimiters even if there is no whitespace
// between terms.
'"cat"dog' => '+"cat" +"dog"',
// This query is too long.
str_repeat('x', 2048) => false,
// Multiple operators are not permitted.
'++cat' => false,
'+-cat' => false,
'--cat' => false,
// Stray operators are not permitted.
'+' => false,
'cat +' => false,
// Double quotes must be paired.
'"' => false,
'cat "' => false,
'"cat' => false,
'A"' => false,
'A"B"' => '+"A" +"B"',
// Test that we compile queries correctly if the operators have been
// swapped to use "AND" by default.
$operator_tests = array(
'cat dog' => '"cat" "dog"',
'cat -dog' => '"cat" -"dog"',
$this->assertCompileQueries($operator_tests, ' |-><()~*:""&\'');
// Test that we compile queries correctly if the quote operators have
// been swapped to differ.
$quote_tests = array(
'cat dog' => '+[cat] +[dog]',
'cat -dog' => '+[cat] -[dog]',
$this->assertCompileQueries($quote_tests, '+ -><()~*:[]&|');
public function testCompileQueriesWithStemming() {
$stemming_tests = array(
'cat dog' => array(
'+"cat" +"dog"',
'cats dogs' => array(
'+"cat" +"dog"',
'cats "dogs"' => array(
'"blessed blade" of the windseeker' => array(
'+"blessed blade"',
'+"of" +"the" +"windseek"',
'mailing users for mentions on tasks' => array(
'+"mail" +"user" +"for" +"mention" +"on" +"task"',
$stemmer = new PhutilSearchStemmer();
$this->assertCompileQueries($stemming_tests, null, $stemmer);
public function testCompileQueriesWithFunctions() {
$op_and = PhutilSearchQueryCompiler::OPERATOR_AND;
$op_sub = PhutilSearchQueryCompiler::OPERATOR_SUBSTRING;
$op_exact = PhutilSearchQueryCompiler::OPERATOR_EXACT;
$mao = "\xE7\x8C\xAB";
$function_tests = array(
'cat' => array(
array(null, $op_and, 'cat'),
':cat' => array(
array(null, $op_and, 'cat'),
'title:cat' => array(
array('title', $op_and, 'cat'),
'title:cat:dog' => array(
array('title', $op_and, 'cat:dog'),
'title:~cat' => array(
array('title', $op_sub, 'cat'),
'cat title:="Meow Meow"' => array(
array(null, $op_and, 'cat'),
array('title', $op_exact, 'Meow Meow'),
'title:cat title:dog' => array(
array('title', $op_and, 'cat'),
array('title', $op_and, 'dog'),
'~"core and seven years ag"' => array(
array(null, $op_sub, 'core and seven years ag'),
$mao => array(
array(null, $op_sub, $mao),
'+'.$mao => array(
array(null, $op_and, $mao),
'~'.$mao => array(
array(null, $op_sub, $mao),
'"'.$mao.'"' => array(
array(null, $op_and, $mao),
private function assertCompileQueries(
array $tests,
$operators = null,
PhutilSearchStemmer $stemmer = null) {
foreach ($tests as $input => $expect) {
$caught = null;
$query = null;
$literal_query = null;
$stemmed_query = null;
try {
$compiler = new PhutilSearchQueryCompiler();
if ($operators !== null) {
if ($stemmer !== null) {
$tokens = $compiler->newTokens($input);
if ($stemmer) {
$literal_query = $compiler->compileLiteralQuery($tokens);
$stemmed_query = $compiler->compileStemmedQuery($tokens);
} else {
$query = $compiler->compileQuery($tokens);
} catch (PhutilSearchQueryCompilerSyntaxException $ex) {
$caught = $ex;
if ($caught !== null) {
$query = false;
$literal_query = false;
$stemmed_query = false;
if (!$stemmer) {
pht('Compilation of query: %s', $input));
} else {
($literal_query === false)
? false
: array($literal_query, $stemmed_query),
pht('Stemmed compilation of query: %s', $input));
private function assertCompileFunctionQueries(array $tests) {
foreach ($tests as $input => $expect) {
$compiler = id(new PhutilSearchQueryCompiler())
$tokens = $compiler->newTokens($input);
$result = array();
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$result[] = array(
pht('Function compilation of query: %s', $input));

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