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final class PhutilSearchStemmerTestCase
extends PhutilTestCase {
public function testStemTokens() {
$tests = array(
// Various real-world cases collected from users before we implemented
// stemming.
'tokens' => 'token',
'panels' => 'panel',
'renames' => 'renam',
'rename' => 'renam',
'components' => 'compon',
'component' => 'compon',
'implementation' => 'implement',
'implements' => 'implement',
'implementing' => 'implement',
'implementer' => 'implement',
'deleting' => 'delet',
'deletion' => 'delet',
'delete' => 'delet',
'erratically' => 'errat',
'erratic' => 'errat',
// Stems should be normalized.
'DOG' => 'dog',
// If stemming would bring a token under 3 characters, it should not
// be stemmed.
'dns' => 'dns',
'nis' => 'nis',
// Complex tokens with internal punctuation should be left untouched;
// these are usually things like domain names, API calls, informal tags,
// etc.
'apples' => 'appl',
'bananas' => 'banana',
'apples_bananas' => 'apples_bananas',
'apples_bananas.apples_bananas' => 'apples_bananas.apples_bananas',
$stemmer = new PhutilSearchStemmer();
foreach ($tests as $input => $expect) {
$stem = $stemmer->stemToken($input);
pht('Token stem of "%s".', $input));
public function testStemDocuments() {
$tests = array(
'The wild boar meandered erratically.' =>
'the wild boar meander errat',
'Fool me onc, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.' =>
'fool onc shame you twice',
'Fireball is a seventh-level spell which deals 2d16 points of damage '.
'in a 1-meter radius around a target.' =>
'firebal seventh level spell which deal 2d16 point damag meter '.
'radiu around target',
'apples-bananas' => 'appl banana',
'apples_bananas' => 'apples_bananas',
'apples.bananas' => 'apples.bananas',
'oddly-proportioned' => 'oddli proport',
$stemmer = new PhutilSearchStemmer();
foreach ($tests as $input => $expect) {
$stem = $stemmer->stemCorpus($input);
pht('Corpus stem of: %s', $input));

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