`libphutil` is a collection of utility classes and functions for PHP. Some features of the library include: **libphutil Library System** A system for organizing, loading and introspecting PHP classes and functions. Uses static analysis to generate, validate and update library contents and includes. Based on Facebook's similar `flib` system. **Futures** Futures (also known as "promises") are objects which act as placeholders for some future result of computation. They let you express parallel and asynchronous execution with a natural syntax. There are three provided concrete `Future` implementations: `ExecFuture` for executing system commands, `HTTPFuture` for making HTTP requests, and `QueryFuture` for executing database queries. **Filesystem** The builtin PHP filesystem functions return error codes and emit warnings. It is tedious to check these consistently. The `Filesystem` class provides a simple API for common filesystem operations that throws exceptions on failure. **xsprintf** This module allows you to build `sprintf()`-style functions that have arbitrary conversions. This is particularly useful for escaping data correctly. Three concrete implementations are provided: - `csprintf()`: safely escape data for system commands - `jsprintf()`: safely escape data for Javascript - `qsprintf()`: safely escape data for MySQL **AAST/PHPAST** An abstract, abstract syntax tree which can make it easier to perform simple static analysis, and a concrete AST for PHP. **Remarkup** A Markdown-like lightweight markup language. Remarkup's syntax is defined by parser plugins and fairly easy to extend and configure. **Daemons** Enables running PHP scripts as stable, long-lived daemons. **Utilities** A handful of solid utility functions. `libphutil` is used by - [Phabricator](https://secure.phabricator.com/diffusion/P/) - [Arcnaist](https://secure.phabricator.com/diffusion/ARC/) - [Diviner](https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/diviner/) ---------- **BUG REPORTS** Please update `libphutil` to **HEAD** before filing bug reports. Follow our [bug reporting guide](https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabcontrib/article/bug_reports/) for complete instructions. **PULL REQUESTS** We do not accept pull requests through GitHub. If you would like to contribute code, please read our [Contributor's Guide](https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabcontrib/article/contributing_code/) for more information. **LICENSE** `libphutil` is released under the Apache 2.0 license except as otherwise noted.