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final class AphrontIsolatedDatabaseConnection
extends AphrontDatabaseConnection {
private $configuration;
private static $nextInsertID;
private $insertID;
private $transcript = array();
public function __construct(array $configuration) {
$this->configuration = $configuration;
if (self::$nextInsertID === null) {
// Generate test IDs into a distant ID space to reduce the risk of
// collisions and make them distinctive.
self::$nextInsertID = 55555000000 + mt_rand(0, 1000);
public function close() {
public function escapeUTF8String($string) {
return '<S>';
public function escapeBinaryString($string) {
return '<B>';
public function escapeColumnName($name) {
return '<C>';
public function escapeMultilineComment($comment) {
return '<K>';
public function escapeStringForLikeClause($value) {
return '<L>';
private function getConfiguration($key, $default = null) {
return idx($this->configuration, $key, $default);
public function getInsertID() {
return $this->insertID;
public function getAffectedRows() {
return $this->affectedRows;
public function selectAllResults() {
return $this->allResults;
public function executeRawQuery($raw_query) {
// NOTE: "[\s<>K]*" allows any number of (properly escaped) comments to
// appear prior to the allowed keyword, since this connection escapes
// them as "<K>" (above).
$keywords = array(
$preg_keywords = array();
foreach ($keywords as $key => $word) {
$preg_keywords[] = preg_quote($word, '/');
$preg_keywords = implode('|', $preg_keywords);
if (!preg_match('/^[\s<>K]*('.$preg_keywords.')\s*/i', $raw_query)) {
throw new AphrontNotSupportedQueryException(
"Database isolation currently only supports some queries. You are ".
"trying to issue a query which does not begin with an allowed ".
"keyword (".implode(', ', $keywords)."): '".$raw_query."'");
$this->transcript[] = $raw_query;
// NOTE: This method is intentionally simplified for now, since we're only
// using it to stub out inserts/updates. In the future it will probably need
// to grow more powerful.
$this->allResults = array();
// NOTE: We jitter the insert IDs to keep tests honest; a test should cover
// the relationship between objects, not their exact insertion order. This
// guarantees that IDs are unique but makes it impossible to hard-code tests
// against this specific implementation detail.
self::$nextInsertID += mt_rand(1, 10);
$this->insertID = self::$nextInsertID;
$this->affectedRows = 1;
public function executeRawQueries(array $raw_queries) {
$results = array();
foreach ($raw_queries as $id => $raw_query) {
$results[$id] = array();
return $results;
public function getQueryTranscript() {
return $this->transcript;

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