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Tue, Apr 1, 01:06


* Python lexer which can handle fragments of source code, e.g. for syntax
* highlighting of inline snippets. This is largely based on Pygments:
* This lexer is not suitable for parser construction; it always lexes any
* input stream, even if the input is not Python.
final class PhutilPythonFragmentLexer extends PhutilLexer {
protected function getRawRules() {
$keywords = array(
$builtins = array(
$pseudo_builtins = array(
$exceptions = array(
$nonsemantic_rules = array(
array('[^\\S\\n]+', null),
array('#[^\\n]*', 'c'),
$stringescape = array(
$nl = array(
array('\\n', 's'),
$strings = array(
'%(\\(\\w+\\))?[-#0 +]*([0-9]+|[*])?(\\.([0-9]+|[*]))?'.
array('[^\\\\\'"%\\n]+', 's'),
// quotes, percents, and backslashes must be parsed one at a time
array('[\'"\\\\]', 's'),
// unhandled string formatting sign
array('%', 's'),
// newlines are an error (use $nl rules)
array('', null, '!pop'),
$dqs = array_merge(array(
array('"', 's', '!pop'),
// included here for raw strings
array('(?:\\\\\\\\|\\\\\'|\\\\n)', 's'),
), $strings);
$sqs = array_merge(array(
array('\'', 's', '!pop'),
// included here for raw strings
array('(?:\\\\\\\\|\\\\\'|\\\\n)', 's'),
), $strings);
$tdqs = array_merge(array(
array('"""', 's', '!pop'),
), $nl, $strings);
$tsqs = array_merge(array(
array('\'\'\'', 's', '!pop'),
), $nl, $strings);
return array(
'start' => array_merge(array(
array('\\n', null),
// TODO: Docstrings should match only at the start of a line
array('""".*?"""', 'sd'),
array('\'\'\'.*?\'\'\'', 'sd'),
), $nonsemantic_rules, array(
array('[]{}:(),;[]', 'p'),
array('\\\\\\n', null),
array('\\\\', null),
array('(?:in|is|and|or|not)\\b', 'ow'),
array('(?:!=|==|<<|>>|[-~+/*%=<>&^|.])', 'o'),
array('(?:'.implode('|', $keywords).')\\b', 'k'),
array('def(?=\\s)', 'k', 'funcname'),
array('class(?=\\s)', 'k', 'classname'),
array('from(?=\\s)', 'kn', 'fromimport'),
array('import(?=\\s)', 'kn', 'import'),
array('(?<!\\.)(?:'.implode('|', $builtins).')\\b', 'nb'),
array('(?<!\\.)(?:'.implode('|', $pseudo_builtins).')\\b', 'bp'),
array('(?<!\\.)(?:'.implode('|', $exceptions).')\\b', 'ne'),
array('`[^\\n]*?`', 'sb'),
array('(?:[rR]|[uU][rR]|[rR][uU])"""', 's', 'tdqs_raw'),
array('(?:[rR]|[uU][rR]|[rR][uU])\'\'\'', 's', 'tsqs_raw'),
array('(?:[rR]|[uU][rR]|[rR][uU])"', 's', 'dqs_raw'),
array('(?:[rR]|[uU][rR]|[rR][uU])\'', 's', 'sqs_raw'),
array('[uU]?"""', 's', 'tdqs'),
array('[uU]?\'\'\'', 's', 'tsqs'),
array('[uU]?"', 's', 'dqs'),
array('[uU]?\'', 's', 'sqs'),
array('@[\\w.]+', 'nd'),
array('[a-zA-Z_]\\w*', 'n'),
array('(\\d+\\.\\d*|\\d*\\.\\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?j?', 'mf'),
array('\\d+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+j?', 'mf'),
array('0[0-7]+j?', 'mo'),
array('0[bB][01]+', 'mb'),
array('0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+', 'mh'),
array('\\d+L', 'il'),
array('\\d+j?', 'mi'),
array('.', null),
'funcname' => array_merge($nonsemantic_rules, array(
array('[a-zA-Z_]\w*', 'nf', '!pop'),
array('', null, '!pop'),
'classname' => array_merge($nonsemantic_rules, array(
array('[a-zA-Z_]\w*', 'nc', '!pop'),
array('', null, '!pop'),
'fromimport' => array_merge($nonsemantic_rules, array(
array('import\b', 'kn', '!pop'),
// if None occurs here, it's "raise x from None", since None can
// never be a module name
array('None\b', 'bp', '!pop'),
// sadly, in "raise x from y" y will be highlighted as namespace too
array('[a-zA-Z_.][\w.]*', 'nn'),
array('', null, '!pop'),
'import' => array_merge($nonsemantic_rules, array(
array('as\b', 'kn'),
array(',', 'o'),
array('[a-zA-Z_.][\w.]*', 'nn'),
array('', null, '!pop'),
'dqs_raw' => $dqs,
'sqs_raw' => $sqs,
'dqs' => array_merge($stringescape, $dqs),
'sqs' => array_merge($stringescape, $sqs),
'tdqs_raw' => $tdqs,
'tsqs_raw' => $tsqs,
'tdqs' => array_merge($stringescape, $tdqs),
'tsqs' => array_merge($stringescape, $tsqs),

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