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* Utilities for parsing simple option lists used in Remarkup, like codeblocks:
* lang=text
* lang=php, name=example.php, lines=30, counterexample
* @task parse Parsing Simple Options
* @task unparse Unparsing Simple Options
* @task config Parser Configuration
* @task internal Internals
final class PhutilSimpleOptions extends Phobject {
private $caseSensitive;
/* -( Parsing Simple Options )--------------------------------------------- */
* Convert a simple option list into a dict. For example:
* legs=4, eyes=2
* ...becomes:
* array(
* 'legs' => '4',
* 'eyes' => '2',
* );
* @param string Input option list.
* @return dict Parsed dictionary.
* @task parse
public function parse($input) {
$result = array();
$lexer = new PhutilSimpleOptionsLexer();
$tokens = $lexer->getNiceTokens($input);
$state = 'key';
$pairs = array();
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
list($type, $value) = $token;
switch ($state) {
case 'key':
if ($type != 'word') {
return array();
if (!strlen($value)) {
return array();
$key = $this->normalizeKey($value);
$state = '=';
case '=':
if ($type == '=') {
$state = 'value';
if ($type == ',') {
$pairs[] = array($key, true);
$state = 'key';
return array();
case 'value':
if ($type == ',') {
$pairs[] = array($key, null);
$state = 'key';
if ($type != 'word') {
return array();
$pairs[] = array($key, $value);
$state = ',';
case ',':
if ($type == 'word') {
$pair = array_pop($pairs);
$pair[1] .= $value;
$pairs[] = $pair;
if ($type != ',') {
return array();
$state = 'key';
if ($state == '=') {
$pairs[] = array($key, true);
if ($state == 'value') {
$pairs[] = array($key, null);
$result = array();
foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
list($key, $value) = $pair;
if ($value === null) {
} else {
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
/* -( Unparsing Simple Options )------------------------------------------- */
* Convert a dictionary into a simple option list. For example:
* array(
* 'legs' => '4',
* 'eyes' => '2',
* );
* ...becomes:
* legs=4, eyes=2
* @param dict Input dictionary.
* @param string Additional characters to escape.
* @return string Unparsed option list.
public function unparse(array $options, $escape = '') {
$result = array();
foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
$name = $this->normalizeKey($name);
if (!strlen($value)) {
if ($value === true) {
$result[] = $this->quoteString($name, $escape);
} else {
$qn = $this->quoteString($name, $escape);
$qv = $this->quoteString($value, $escape);
$result[] = $qn.'='.$qv;
return implode(', ', $result);
/* -( Parser Configuration )----------------------------------------------- */
* Configure case sensitivity of the parser. By default, the parser is
* case insensitive, so "legs=4" has the same meaning as "LEGS=4". If you
* set it to be case sensitive, the keys have different meanings.
* @param bool True to make the parser case sensitive, false (default) to
* make it case-insensitive.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setCaseSensitive($case_sensitive) {
$this->caseSensitive = $case_sensitive;
return $this;
/* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */
private function normalizeKey($key) {
if (!strlen($key)) {
throw new Exception(pht('Empty key is invalid!'));
if (!$this->caseSensitive) {
$key = strtolower($key);
return $key;
private function quoteString($string, $escape) {
if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', $string)) {
$string = '"'.addcslashes($string, '\\\'"'.$escape).'"';
return $string;

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