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Fri, Feb 7, 19:59


* Parser and renderer for ".cow" files used by the `cowsay` program.
final class PhutilCowsay extends Phobject {
private $template;
private $eyes = 'oo';
private $tongue = ' ';
private $action = 'say';
private $text;
public function setTemplate($template) {
$this->template = $template;
return $this;
public function setEyes($eyes) {
$this->eyes = $eyes;
return $this;
public function setTongue($tongue) {
$this->tongue = $tongue;
return $this;
public function setAction($action) {
$this->action = $action;
return $this;
public function setText($text) {
$this->text = $text;
return $this;
public function renderCow() {
$width = 40;
$template = $this->template;
// Real ".cow" files are Perl scripts which define a variable called
// "$the_cow". We aren't going to interpret Perl, so strip all this stuff
// (and any comments in the file) away.
$template = phutil_split_lines($template, true);
$keep = array();
$is_perl_cowfile = false;
foreach ($template as $key => $line) {
if (preg_match('/^#/', $line)) {
if (preg_match('/^\s*\\$the_cow/', $line)) {
$is_perl_cowfile = true;
if (preg_match('/^\s*EOC\s*$/', $line)) {
$keep[] = $line;
$template = implode('', $keep);
// Original .cow files are perl scripts which contain escaped sequences.
// We attempt to unescape here by replacing any character preceded by a
// backslash/escape with just that character.
if ($is_perl_cowfile) {
$template = preg_replace(
$template = preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'replaceTemplateVariable'),
if ($template === false) {
throw new Exception(
'Failed to replace template variables while rendering cow!'));
$lines = $this->text;
// TODO: It would be nice to use a utf8 soft wrap here instead, but we
// do not currently have one. Soft wrap first, then force to utf8.
$lines = wordwrap($lines, $width - 4, "\n", true);
$lines = phutil_split_lines($lines, false);
foreach ($lines as $key => $line) {
$lines[$key] = phutil_utf8ize($line);
if ($this->action == 'think') {
$borders = '((()))';
} else {
if (count($lines) == 1) {
$borders = '<<<>>>';
} else {
$borders = '/|\\\\|/';
$size = 0;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$size = max(strlen($line), $size);
$balloon = array();
$balloon[] = ' '.str_repeat('_', $size + 2);
$lines = array_values($lines);
$last = (count($lines) - 1);
foreach ($lines as $idx => $line) {
if ($idx == 0) {
$l = $borders[0];
$r = $borders[3];
} else if ($idx == $last) {
$l = $borders[2];
$r = $borders[5];
} else {
$l = $borders[1];
$r = $borders[4];
$balloon[] = $l.' '.str_pad($line, $size).' '.$r;
$balloon[] = ' '.str_repeat('-', $size + 2);
$balloon = implode("\n", $balloon);
return rtrim($balloon."\n".$template);
public function replaceTemplateVariable($matches) {
switch ($matches[1]) {
case 'eyes':
return str_pad($this->eyes, 2);
case 'tongue':
return str_pad($this->tongue, 2);
case 'thoughts':
return ($this->action == 'say' ? '\\' : 'o');
return $matches[0];

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