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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Bare minimum molecular dynamics code for modeling liquid argon in NVE and NVT
- velocity-Verlet algorithm
- sampling g(r) and S(k)
- sampling mean squared displacement and velocity autocorrelation function
- sampling velocity distribution in NVT
import copy
from numba.typed import List
from numba import jit
from numba import prange
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
__author__ = "Alexey Tal"
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__date__ = "2021/05/18"
def crystal(Ncells, lat_par, T=0.78):
# Create initial position and velocities of the atoms
# Total number of atoms
N = 4*Ncells**3
# Size of simulation box
L = Ncells*lat_par
# Volume of the simulation box
V = L**3
initPositions = create_init_Positions(Ncells, lat_par, N)
initVelocities = create_init_Velocities(N, T)
return initPositions, initVelocities
def create_init_Positions(Ncells, lat_par, N):
# Create FCC lattice for Argon atoms
x = np.linspace(0, lat_par*Ncells-lat_par, Ncells)
xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x, x, x)
Ncells3 = Ncells**3
xPos = np.reshape(xx, (Ncells3, 1))
yPos = np.reshape(yy, (Ncells3, 1))
zPos = np.reshape(zz, (Ncells3, 1))
# Set of atoms at 0,0,0 in unit cell
pos1 = np.hstack((xPos, yPos, zPos))
# Set of atoms at 1/2,1/2,0 in unit cell
pos2 = np.zeros((Ncells3, 3))
pos2[:, 0] = pos1[:, 0] + lat_par/2
pos2[:, 1] = pos1[:, 1] + lat_par/2
pos2[:, 2] = pos1[:, 2]
# Set of atoms at 1/2,0,1/2 in unit cell
pos3 = np.zeros((Ncells3, 3))
pos3[:, 0] = pos1[:, 0] + lat_par/2
pos3[:, 1] = pos1[:, 1]
pos3[:, 2] = pos1[:, 2] + lat_par/2
# Set of atoms at 0,1/2,1/2 in unit cell
pos4 = np.zeros((Ncells3, 3))
pos4[:, 0] = pos1[:, 0]
pos4[:, 1] = pos1[:, 1] + lat_par/2
pos4[:, 2] = pos1[:, 2] + lat_par/2
# Vectors for all atoms
pos = np.vstack((pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4))
# Random displacements
# pos += np.random.normal(0, 0.09, (N, 3))
return pos
def create_init_Velocities(N, T):
# Create Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of velocities
# x,y,z projections are generated by Normal distribution
mu = 0
sigma = np.sqrt(T)
# MW veloctties
vel = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, (N, 3))
# Remove center of mass velocity
mean = np.mean(vel, axis=0)
vel -= mean
return vel
@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def calculateForces(pos, L, N, Nbins, r_cutoff):
Forces_x = np.zeros((N, 1))
Forces_y = np.zeros((N, 1))
Forces_z = np.zeros((N, 1))
gofr = np.zeros(Nbins)
EnPot = 0
r_cutoff2 = r_cutoff**2
Lbin = 0.5 * L / Nbins
# Loop over all pairs
for ii in range(N):
for jj in range(ii+1, N):
# Distance between particles
d_x = pos[ii, 0] - pos[jj, 0]
d_y = pos[ii, 1] - pos[jj, 1]
d_z = pos[ii, 2] - pos[jj, 2]
# Periodic boundary conditions
d_x -= L * np.rint(d_x / L)
d_y -= L * np.rint(d_y / L)
d_z -= L * np.rint(d_z / L)
# Absolute distance
dr2 = (d_x**2 + d_y**2 + d_z**2)
# Potential and force inside cutoff
if dr2 < r_cutoff2:
EnPot += 4*((1/dr2)**6 - (1/dr2)**3)
# Forces projections are computed as -(1/dr)*dV/dr*dx
Fx = 4*(12*(1/dr2)**7 - 6*(1/dr2)**4) * d_x
Fy = 4*(12*(1/dr2)**7 - 6*(1/dr2)**4) * d_y
Fz = 4*(12*(1/dr2)**7 - 6*(1/dr2)**4) * d_z
Fx = 0
Fy = 0
Fz = 0
# Add computed forces
Forces_x[ii] += Fx
Forces_x[jj] -= Fx
Forces_y[ii] += Fy
Forces_y[jj] -= Fy
Forces_z[ii] += Fz
Forces_z[jj] -= Fz
# Histogram
if dr2 < (L/2.)**2:
gofr[int(np.sqrt(dr2) / Lbin)] += 1.0
# Add tail
EnPot += 8*np.pi*(1/r_cutoff**9/9.-1/r_cutoff**3/3.)
# Stack x,y,z components of forces
forces = np.hstack((Forces_x, Forces_y, Forces_z))
return forces, EnPot, gofr
def run_NVE(pos_in, vel_in, L, nsteps, N, dt=0.0046, T=None, Nbins=300, r_cutoff=2.5, direct_sofk=False):
# Copy by value
pos = copy.copy(pos_in)
vel = copy.copy(vel_in)
forces, EnPot, gofr = calculateForces(pos, L, N, Nbins, r_cutoff)
# Empty arrays
EnKin = np.zeros(nsteps)
EnPot = np.zeros(nsteps)
gofr = np.zeros((nsteps, Nbins))
msd = np.zeros(nsteps)
vacf = np.zeros(nsteps)
# Shifts across the boundary
shift = np.zeros_like(pos)
# Initialize the k grid
sofk_direct = generate_kgrid(L, N, Nbins)
# Output
print("#{:^5}{:^13}{:^13}".format('Step', 'Pontetial', 'Kinetic'))
print("#{:-^5}{:-^13}{:-^13}".format('', '', ''))
# Time evolution
for ii in range(nsteps):
# Move particles with Velocity Verlet
vel += 0.5 * forces * dt
pos += vel * dt
# Boundary conditions
shift += pos // L
pos = pos % L
if ii == 0:
pos_init = copy.copy(pos + L * shift)
vel_init = copy.copy(vel)
vacf[ii] = np.mean([, a)/3. for a, b in zip(vel_init, vel)])
msd[ii] = np.mean(((pos_init - (pos + L*shift))**2).sum(axis=1))
# Calculate new forces
forces, EnPot[ii], gofr[ii, :] = calculateForces(
pos, L, N, Nbins, r_cutoff)
# Compute sofk with the direct method
if direct_sofk:
pos, N, L, sofk_direct['kvec'], sofk_direct['iqshell'], sofk_direct['nkshell'], sofk_direct['sofk'])
vel += 0.5 * forces * dt
EnKin[ii] = 0.5 * np.sum(vel * vel)
# Adjust the temperature
if (ii % 1 == 0) and T:
vel = vel * np.sqrt((N)*3*T / (2*EnKin[ii]))
# Calculte energy per atom
EnKin[ii] /= N
EnPot[ii] /= N
# Output
print("%5.d %5.8f %5.8f " % (ii, EnKin[ii], EnPot[ii]))
# Compute the average g(r) nd s(k)
gofr = calculate_gofr(gofr, L, N, Nbins)
sofk = calculate_sofk_FT(gofr, L, N)
if direct_sofk:
sofk_direct['sofk'] = sofk_direct['sofk']/nsteps/N
return {'nsteps': range(nsteps),
'pos': pos,
'vel': vel,
'EnPot': EnPot,
'EnKin': EnKin,
'gofr': gofr,
'sofk': sofk,
'sofk_direct': sofk_direct,
'msd': msd,
'vacf': vacf}
# --------------------Verlet list--------------------
@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def calculateForces_list(pos, L, N, l, Nbins, r_cutoff):
Forces_x = np.zeros((N, 1))
Forces_y = np.zeros((N, 1))
Forces_z = np.zeros((N, 1))
gofr = np.zeros(Nbins)
sofk = np.zeros(Nbins)
EnPot = 0
r_cutoff2 = r_cutoff**2
Lbin = 0.5 * L / Nbins
# Loop over all pairs
for ii in range(N):
for jj in range(ii+1, N):
# Distance between particles
d_x = pos[ii, 0] - pos[jj, 0]
d_y = pos[ii, 1] - pos[jj, 1]
d_z = pos[ii, 2] - pos[jj, 2]
# Periodic boundary conditions
d_x -= L * np.rint(d_x / L)
d_y -= L * np.rint(d_y / L)
d_z -= L * np.rint(d_z / L)
# Absolute distance
dr2 = (d_x**2 + d_y**2 + d_z**2)
# Potential and force inside cutoff
if l[ii, jj] == True:
if dr2 < r_cutoff2:
EnPot += 4*((1/dr2)**6 - (1/dr2)**3)
# Forces projections are computed as -(1/dr)*dV/dr*dx
Fx = 4*(12*(1/dr2)**7 - 6*(1/dr2)**4) * d_x
Fy = 4*(12*(1/dr2)**7 - 6*(1/dr2)**4) * d_y
Fz = 4*(12*(1/dr2)**7 - 6*(1/dr2)**4) * d_z
# Add computed forces
Forces_x[ii] += Fx
Forces_x[jj] -= Fx
Forces_y[ii] += Fy
Forces_y[jj] -= Fy
Forces_z[ii] += Fz
Forces_z[jj] -= Fz
# Add one to the pair density
if dr2 < (L/2.)**2:
gofr[int(np.sqrt(dr2) / Lbin)] += 1.0
# Add tail
EnPot += 8*np.pi*(1/r_cutoff**9/9.-1/r_cutoff**3/3.)
# Stack x,y,z components of forces
forces = np.hstack((Forces_x, Forces_y, Forces_z))
return forces, EnPot, gofr
@jit(nopython=True) # , parallel=True)
def compute_list(pos, L, N, r_cutoff, l):
r_cutoff2 = r_cutoff**2
for ii in range(N):
for jj in range(ii+1, N):
# Distance between particles
d_x = pos[ii, 0] - pos[jj, 0]
d_y = pos[ii, 1] - pos[jj, 1]
d_z = pos[ii, 2] - pos[jj, 2]
# Periodic boundary conditions
d_x -= L * np.rint(d_x / L)
d_y -= L * np.rint(d_y / L)
d_z -= L * np.rint(d_z / L)
# Absolute distance
dr2 = (d_x**2 + d_y**2 + d_z**2)
# Pair inside cutoff
if dr2 < r_cutoff2:
l[ii, jj] = 1
l[ii, jj] = 0
def run_list_NVE(pos_in, vel_in, L, nsteps, N, dt=0.0046, T=None, Nbins=300, r_cutoff=2.5, direct_sofk=False):
# Copy by value
pos = copy.copy(pos_in)
pos_update = copy.copy(pos_in)
vel = copy.copy(vel_in)
r_skin = 0.3
r_skin2 = r_skin**2
# Creation and initialization of the list of pair
lverlet = np.zeros((N, N))
compute_list(pos, L, N, r_cutoff+r_skin, lverlet)
# Initialize the k grid in all cases
sofk_direct = generate_kgrid(L, N, Nbins)
forces, EnPot, gofr = calculateForces_list(
pos, L, N, lverlet, Nbins, r_cutoff)
# Empty arrays
EnKin = np.zeros(nsteps)
EnPot = np.zeros(nsteps)
gofr = np.zeros((nsteps, Nbins))
msd = np.zeros(nsteps)
vacf = np.zeros(nsteps)
# Shifts across the boundary
shift = np.zeros_like(pos)
shift_up = np.zeros_like(pos)
# Output
print("#{:^5}{:^13}{:^13}".format('Step', 'Pontetial', 'Kinetic'))
print("#{:-^5}{:-^13}{:-^13}".format('', '', ''))
# Time evolution
for ii in range(nsteps):
# Move particles with Velocity Verlet
vel += 0.5 * forces * dt
dpos = vel * dt
pos += dpos
# Boundary conditions
shift += pos // L
pos = pos % L
# Check that the particles did not move too much
# For a pair of particles, the minimal distance to enter or leave the cutoff radius of each other,
# while being previously out or in the verlet list cutoff, is 1/2 r_skin
# r_skin being the distance between the cutoff radius and the list cutoff
# This is very conservatif, as for such occurence to happen, both particles have to be in very perticular configuration.
if np.any(np.sum((pos-pos_update+L*(shift-shift_up))**2, axis=1) > r_skin2/4):
pos_update = pos.copy()
shift_up = shift.copy()
compute_list(pos, L, N, r_cutoff+r_skin, lverlet)
if ii == 0:
pos_init = copy.copy(pos + L * shift)
vel_init = copy.copy(vel)
vacf[ii] = np.mean([, a)/3. for a, b in zip(vel_init, vel)])
msd[ii] = np.mean(((pos_init - (pos + L*shift))**2).sum(axis=1))
# Calculate new forces
forces, EnPot[ii], gofr[ii, :] = calculateForces_list(
pos, L, N, lverlet, Nbins, r_cutoff)
vel += 0.5 * forces * dt
EnKin[ii] = 0.5 * np.sum(vel * vel)
# Adjust the temperature
if (ii % 1 == 0) and T:
vel = vel * np.sqrt((N)*3*T / (2*EnKin[ii]))
# Calculte energy per atom
EnKin[ii] /= N
EnPot[ii] /= N
# Compute sofk with the direct method
if direct_sofk:
pos, N, L, sofk_direct['kvec'], sofk_direct['iqshell'], sofk_direct['nkshell'], sofk_direct['sofk'])
# Output
print("%5.d %5.8f %5.8f " % (ii, EnKin[ii], EnPot[ii]))
# Pair inside cutoff
gofr = calculate_gofr(gofr, L, N, Nbins)
sofk = calculate_sofk_FT(gofr, L, N)
if direct_sofk:
sofk_direct['sofk'] = sofk_direct['sofk']/nsteps/N
return {'nsteps': range(nsteps),
'pos': pos,
'vel': vel,
'EnPot': EnPot,
'EnKin': EnKin,
'gofr': gofr,
'sofk': sofk,
'sofk_direct': sofk_direct,
'msd': msd,
'vacf': vacf}
# ------------------------NVT------------------------
def run_NVT(pos_in, vel_in, L, nsteps, N, dt=0.0046, T=0.78, Q=10, xi=0, lns=0, Nbins=300):
# Copy by value
pos = copy.copy(pos_in)
vel = copy.copy(vel_in)
forces, EnPot, gofr = calculateForces(pos, L, N, Nbins, r_cutoff)
# Empty arrays
EnKin = np.zeros(nsteps)
EnPot = np.zeros(nsteps)
EnNH = np.zeros(nsteps)
gofr = np.zeros((nsteps, Nbins))
pv = np.zeros((nsteps, Nbins))
pv2 = np.zeros((nsteps, Nbins))
msd = np.zeros(nsteps)
vacf = np.zeros(nsteps)
# Shifts across the boundary
shift = np.zeros_like(pos)
# Output
'Step', 'Pontetial', 'Kinetic', 'Total NH'))
print("#{:-^5}{:-^13}{:-^13}{:-^13}".format('', '', '', ''))
# Time evolution
for ii in range(nsteps):
# Move particles with Velocity Verlet
pos += vel * dt + 0.5 * (forces - xi * vel) * dt**2
vel += 0.5 * (forces - xi * vel) * dt
if ii == 0:
pos_init = copy.copy(pos + L * shift)
vel_init = copy.copy(vel)
# Calculate new forces
forces, EnPot[ii], gofr[ii, :] = calculateForces(
pos, L, N, Nbins, r_cutoff)
vacf[ii] = np.mean([, a)/3. for a, b in zip(vel_init, vel)])
msd[ii] = np.mean(((pos_init - (pos + L*shift))**2).sum(axis=1))
# Nose-Hoover thermostat
EnKin[ii] = 0.5*np.sum(vel*vel)
dsumv2 = (2.0*EnKin[ii] - 3.*N*T)/Q
lns += xi*dt + 0.5*dsumv2*dt**2
xi += 0.5*dsumv2*dt
vel += 0.5*(forces - xi*vel)*dt
EnKin[ii] = 0.5*np.sum(vel*vel)
dsumv2 = (2.0*EnKin[ii]-3.*N*T)/Q
xi += 0.5*dsumv2*dt
EnNH[ii] = EnKin[ii] + EnPot[ii] + ((xi**2*Q)/2. + 3.*N*T*lns)
pv[ii], v = np.histogram(
vel[:, 0], bins=Nbins, range=(-10, 10), density=True)
pv2[ii], v = np.histogram(np.sqrt(np.sum(vel**2, axis=1)),
bins=Nbins, density=True, range=(0, 10))
# Calculte energy per atom
EnKin[ii] /= N
EnPot[ii] /= N
EnNH[ii] /= N
# Output
print("%5.d %5.8f %5.8f %5.8f" % (ii, EnKin[ii], EnPot[ii], EnNH[ii]))
return {'nsteps': range(nsteps),
'pos': pos,
'vel': vel,
'EnPot': EnPot,
'EnKin': EnKin,
'EnNH': EnNH,
'msd': msd,
'vacf': vacf,
'pv': pv,
'pv2': pv2,
'v': v,
'xi': xi,
'lns': lns,
# --------------------gofr and sofk--------------------
def calculate_gofr(gofr, L, N, Nbins=300):
gofr_mean = np.zeros(Nbins)
r = np.zeros(Nbins)
Lbin = 0.5 * L / Nbins
V = L**3
for ii in range(Nbins):
r[ii] = Lbin * (ii + 0.5)
gofr_mean[ii] = 2*V/(N*(N-1)) * np.mean(gofr[:, ii],
axis=0) / (4*np.pi*r[ii]**2*Lbin)
return {'g': gofr_mean, 'r': r}
def calculate_sofk_FT(gofr, L, N, qmax=30, nqvec=300):
sofk = np.zeros(nqvec)
v = np.zeros(nqvec)
k = np.zeros(nqvec)
dq = qmax/float(nqvec-1)
rho = N / L**3
dr = gofr['r'][1]-gofr['r'][0]
for ii in range(nqvec):
k[ii] = ii*dq
for ii in range(len(k)):
for jj in range(len(gofr['r'])):
phase = k[ii]*gofr['r'][jj]
# Small sinus case
if abs(phase) < 1e-8:
v[jj] = gofr['r'][jj]**2 * \
(gofr['g'][jj]-1)*(1-phase**2/6 *
# Integrand r[g(r)-1]sin(q*r)/q
v[jj] = gofr['r'][jj]*(gofr['g'][jj]-1)*np.sin(phase)/k[ii]
sofk[ii] = 1 + 4*np.pi*rho*np.trapz(v, dx=dr)
return {'s': sofk, 'k': k}
def generate_kgrid(L, N, Nbins=300, qmax=30, nqvec=300):
# allocate and initialize k-vectors (N.B., since positions are in L*\sigma units,
# k vectors here are in 1/(L*\sigma) units, where L is the box size in \sigma units
qmax = 32
nkmax = 300000
nk1 = 30; nk2 = 30; nk3 = 30
kvec = []
iqshell = np.zeros(nkmax, dtype=int)
iqshell = []
nkshell = np.zeros(nqvec)
Struc_fac = np.zeros(nqvec)
# initialize q grid (q are in 1/\sigma units)
qvec = np.zeros(nqvec)
dqvec = qmax/float(nqvec-1)
for ii in range(1, nqvec):
qvec[ii] = dqvec * (ii + 0.5)
# regular uniform grid of k-points
dk1 = 1
dk2 = 1
dk3 = 1
ii = 0
nn = 1
kmod = 0.0
while (kmod < 4.*qmax):
# trick to reduce the number of k-points
for i in range((nn-1)*nk1, nn*nk1, dk1):
for j in range((nn-1)*nk2, nn*nk2, dk2):
for k in range((nn-1)*nk3, nn*nk3, dk3):
# exclude k=0, which gives a delta contribution
if (i == 0 and j == 0 and k == 0): continue
ijk = np.array([i, j, k])
# square modulus of k
kmod = 2*np.pi/(L) * np.sqrt(np.sum((ijk**2)))
# consider only k vectors within the largest shell
if (kmod < qmax):
iq = int(kmod/qmax * nqvec)
# assign k vector to a q shell
# iqshell[ii] = iq
# update counter of that shell
nkshell[iq] = nkshell[iq] + 1
ii = ii + 1
# add also other 3 inequivalent k-points with same modulus
# and handle special cases to avoid duplicates
ijkold = ijk
for iperm in range(3):
ijknew = ijk * perm(iperm)
if (np.sum(np.abs(ijknew - ijk)) != 0 and np.sum(np.abs(ijknew + ijkold)) != 0):
# iqshell[ii] = iq
nkshell[iq] = nkshell[iq] + 1
ijkold = ijknew
ii = ii + 1
# when kmod gets larger, the density of k-points increases (as kmod^2)
# hence we use a coarser sampling in k-space
dk1 = dk1 + 1
dk2 = dk2 + 1
dk3 = dk3 + 1
nn = nn + 1
return {'qvec':qvec,'kvec':kvec,'iqshell':iqshell,'nkshell':nkshell,'sofk':np.full(nqvec,1./N)}
def calculate_sofk_direct(pos,N,L,kvec,iqshell,nkshell,sofk):
for ii in prange(nktot):
sumcos = 0.0
sumsin = 0.0
for i in range(N):
phase = 2.0*np.pi/L * (kvec[ii,0]* pos[i,0]+kvec[ii,1]* pos[i,1]+kvec[ii,2]* pos[i,2])
sumcos = sumcos + np.cos( phase )
sumsin = sumsin + np.sin( phase )
iq = iqshell[ii]
# sofk[iq] = sofk[iq] + (sumcos**2 + sumsin**2) / nkshell[iq]
sofk_full[ii] = (sumcos**2 + sumsin**2) / nkshell[iq]
for ii in range(nktot):
iq = iqshell[ii]
sofk[iq] +=sofk_full[ii]
def perm(p):
return np.array(
# --------------------I/O functions--------------------
def dump_pos_vel(fname, pos, vel, N, L, xi=0, lns=0):
with open(fname,'w') as f:
if xi and lns:
f.write("%% T %d %E %E %E %E %E\n"%(N, L, L, L, xi, lns))
f.write("%% T %d %E %E %E \n"%(N, L, L, L))
np.savetxt(f, pos, fmt=[' %.15E','%.15E','%.15E'])
np.savetxt(f, vel, fmt=['%% % .15E','% .15E','% .15E'])
def read_pos_vel(fname):
parameters = open(fname).readline().strip().split()
N = int(parameters[2])
L = float(parameters[3])
pos = np.loadtxt(fname, comments="%")
vel = np.loadtxt(fname,skiprows=int(N)+1, usecols = [1,2,3])
if len(parameters) > 6:
xi = float(parameters[6])
lns = float(parameters[7])
return N, L, pos, vel, xi, lns
return N, L, pos, vel

Event Timeline