FROM postgres:9.6 # variables ENV I2B2_VERSION="v1.7.08.0001" \ I2B2_DATA_DIR="/opt/i2b2-data" \ I2B2_DOMAIN_NAME="medcodeployment" \ I2B2_DEMO_DB_NAME="i2b2demo" \ I2B2_MEDCO_DB_NAME="i2b2medco" \ I2B2_FR_FILES_DIR="/opt/FRC_files" \ SHRINE_DEMO_ONTOLOGY_SQL="/opt/ShrineDemo.sql" \ ADMIN_PASSWORD="prigen2017" \ DB_PASSWORD="pFjy3EjDVwLfT2rB9xkK" # pre-requisites RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install git ant default-jdk wget && apt-get -y clean # download i2b2 demo data, apply patches, and download shrine demo ontology WORKDIR "$I2B2_DATA_DIR" RUN git clone . && \ git checkout tags/$I2B2_VERSION && \ chmod -R 777 . && \ wget -O "$SHRINE_DEMO_ONTOLOGY_SQL" && \ sed -i '1s/^/SET search_path TO shrine_ont;\n/' "$SHRINE_DEMO_ONTOLOGY_SQL" COPY patches/* ./ RUN git apply *.diff # authorize admin connection for phppgadmin ENV POSTGRES_PASSWORD="$ADMIN_PASSWORD" # .sh, .sql and .sql.gz will automatically be executed in this directory WORKDIR /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d COPY initdb-data/* ./