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Fri, May 24, 07:56

package ch.epfl.lca1.medco;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.i2b2.crc.I2B2CRCCell;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.i2b2.crc.I2B2QueryRequest;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.i2b2.crc.I2B2QueryResponse;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.unlynx.UnlynxClient;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.util.Constants;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.util.Logger;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.util.Timers;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.util.exceptions.MedCoError;
import ch.epfl.lca1.medco.util.exceptions.MedCoException;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.PanelType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.QueryDefinitionType;
import org.javatuples.Pair;
import sun.rmi.runtime.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
* Implements the MedCo v0.1 query workflow from within the i2b2 hive.
public class StandardQuery {
// todo: make more generic the use of unlynx (as a cryptographic engine using specific protocols)
// todo: implement user authentication & authorization
// todo: implement differential privacy
* The incoming query request, in i2b2 CRC format.
private I2B2QueryRequest queryRequest;
* Connection to the i2b2 CRC cell (data repository).
private I2B2CRCCell crcCell;
* Connection to the i2b2 PM cell (hive data and user management).
private I2B2PMCell pmCell;
* Connection to Unlynx (cryptographic engine).
private UnlynxClient unlynxClient;
* All the timers of the query.
private Timers timers;
* @param request the incoming query request to execute
* @param unlynxBinPath path to the Unlynx binary to call
* @param unlynxGroupFilePath public key of the Unlynx collective authority
* @param unlynxDebugLevel debug level to pass to Unlynx
* @param unlynxEntryPointIdx index (within the group file) of the collective authority node attached to the current instance
* @param unlynxProofsFlag flag for proof usage in Unlynx (dramatically decrease performances if true)
* @param unlynxTimeoutSeconds timeout value for Unlynx
* @param crcCellUrl URL of the i2b2 CRC cell
* @param pmCellUrl URL of the i2b2 PM cell
public StandardQuery(I2B2QueryRequest request,
String unlynxBinPath, String unlynxGroupFilePath, int unlynxDebugLevel, int unlynxEntryPointIdx,
int unlynxProofsFlag, long unlynxTimeoutSeconds,
String crcCellUrl, String pmCellUrl) {
this.queryRequest = request;
unlynxClient = new UnlynxClient(unlynxBinPath, unlynxGroupFilePath, unlynxDebugLevel, unlynxEntryPointIdx, unlynxProofsFlag, unlynxTimeoutSeconds);
crcCell = new I2B2CRCCell(crcCellUrl, queryRequest.getMessageHeader());
pmCell = new I2B2PMCell(pmCellUrl, queryRequest.getMessageHeader());
timers = new Timers();
* Implements the high-level step-by-step logic of the MedCo query.
* @return the query answer in CRC XML format, ready to send back to the requester
* @throws MedCoException if the query fails for a MedCo-specific reason
* @throws I2B2Exception if the query fails for an i2b2-specific reason
public I2B2QueryResponse executeQuery() throws MedCoException, I2B2Exception {
// get user information (auth., privacy budget, authorizations, public key)
// todo: get and check budget query / user
// todo: get user permissions
timers.get("steps").start("User information retrieval");
UserInformation user = pmCell.getUserInformation(queryRequest.getMessageHeader());
Logger.warn("Riccardo: created user: " + user.getUsername());
if (!user.isAuthenticated()) {
Logger.warn("Authentication failed for user " + user.getUsername());
// todo: proper auth failed response
return null;
RoleType userRole = user.checkUserRolePermission(queryRequest);
Logger.warn("Riccardo: user role: " + userRole.getRole());
if (userRole == null) {
Logger.warn("User not allowed to perform the query.");
return null; //TODO return proper error
// retrieve the encrypted query terms
timers.get("steps").start("Query parsing/splitting");
List<String> encryptedQueryItems = getEncryptedQueryTerms();
// intercept test query from SHRINE and bypass unlynx
if (encryptedQueryItems.contains(Constants.CONCEPT_NAME_TEST_FLAG)) {"Intercepted SHRINE status query (" + queryRequest.getQueryName() + ").");
return crcCell.queryRequest(queryRequest);
// query unlynx to tag the query terms
timers.get("steps").start("Query tagging");
List<String> taggedItems = unlynxClient.computeDistributedDetTags(queryRequest.getQueryName(), encryptedQueryItems);
// replace the query terms, query i2b2 with the original clear query terms + the tagged ones
timers.get("steps").start("i2b2 query");
queryRequest.setOutputTypes(new String[]{"PATIENTSET", "PATIENT_COUNT_XML"}); // TODO ????
I2B2QueryResponse i2b2Response = crcCell.queryRequest(queryRequest);
// retrieve the patient set, including the encrypted dummy flags
timers.get("steps").start("i2b2 patient set retrieval");
Pair<List<String>, List<String>> patientSet = crcCell.queryForPatientSet(i2b2Response.getPatientSetId(), true);
Logger.warn("Riccardo: patient set " + patientSet.getValue0() + " " + patientSet.getValue1());
String aggResult;
switch (userRole.getRole()) {
//TODO all the cases
case "DATA_SITE":
aggResult = unlynxClient.aggregateData(queryRequest.getQueryName(), user.getUserPublicKey(), patientSet.getValue1());
case "DATA_TOT_OBF":
// Hash the patient count
Logger.warn("Riccardo: here will have the hash and table");
// Hashing the patientSet
MessageDigest messageDigest;
try {
messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
} catch (Exception NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
return null; //TODO error
messageDigest.update(String.join("", patientSet.getValue0()).getBytes());
String hashPatientSet = new String(messageDigest.digest());
Logger.warn("Riccardo: hash patient set: " + hashPatientSet);
case "DATA_IND":
case "DATA_TOT":
throw new MedCoError("Query type not supported yet.");
i2b2Response.setQueryResults(user.getUserPublicKey(), aggResult, timers.generateFullReport());"MedCo query successful (" + queryRequest.getQueryName() + ").");
return i2b2Response;
* Replace within the queryRequest, in top-bottom order, the encrypted query terms with their tagged equivalent.
* @param taggedQueryTerms the tagged query terms to use for replacement.
private void replaceEncryptedQueryTerms(List<String> taggedQueryTerms) {
QueryDefinitionType qd = queryRequest.getQueryDefinition();
int encTermCount = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < qd.getPanel().size(); p++) {
PanelType panel = qd.getPanel().get(p);
int nbItems = panel.getItem().size();
for (int i = 0; i < nbItems; i++) {
// replace encrypted item with its tagged version
Matcher medcoKeyMatcher = Constants.REGEX_QUERY_KEY_ENC.matcher(panel.getItem().get(i).getItemKey());
if (medcoKeyMatcher.matches()) {
Logger.debug("Replacing " + panel.getItem().get(i).getItemKey() + " by " + taggedQueryTerms.get(encTermCount) +
" on (panel=" + p + ", item=" + i + ")" );
panel.getItem().get(i).setItemKey(Constants.CONCEPT_PATH_TAGGED_PREFIX + taggedQueryTerms.get(encTermCount++) + "\\");
// check the provided taggedQueryTerms match the number of encrypted terms
if (encTermCount != taggedQueryTerms.size()) {
Logger.warn("Mismatch in provided number of tagged items (" + taggedQueryTerms.size() + ") and number of encrypted items in query (" + encTermCount + ")");
* @return the list of encrypted terms from the queryRequest in top-bottom order.
private List<String> getEncryptedQueryTerms() {
QueryDefinitionType qd = queryRequest.getQueryDefinition();
List<String> extractedItems = new ArrayList<>();
for (int p = 0; p < qd.getPanel().size(); p++) {
PanelType panel = qd.getPanel().get(p);
int nbItems = panel.getItem().size();
for (int i = 0; i < nbItems; i++) {
// check if item is clear or encrypted, extract and generate predicate if yes
Matcher medcoKeyMatcher = Constants.REGEX_QUERY_KEY_ENC.matcher(panel.getItem().get(i).getItemKey());
if (medcoKeyMatcher.matches()) {
Logger.debug("Returned item " + extractedItems.get(extractedItems.size() - 1) + "; panel=" + p + ", item=" + i);
}"Returned " + extractedItems.size() + " encrypted query terms for query " + queryRequest.getQueryName());
return extractedItems;

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