import numpy as np import scipy.sparse.linalg as sp import itertools import sys # turn of warning for zero division # (which occurs in the linearization of the logarithmic strain) np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # ----------------------------------- GRID ------------------------------------ Nx = 1 # number of voxels in x-direction Ny = 1 # number of voxels in y-direction Nz = 1 # number of voxels in z-direction shape = [Nx,Ny,Nz] # number of voxels as list: [Nx,Ny,Nz] # ----------------------------- TENSOR OPERATIONS ----------------------------- # tensor operations / products: np.einsum enables index notation, avoiding loops # e.g. ddot42 performs $C_ij = A_ijkl B_lk$ for the entire grid trans2 = lambda A2 : np.einsum('ijxyz ->jixyz ',A2 ) ddot22 = lambda A2,B2: np.einsum('ijxyz ,jixyz ->xyz ',A2,B2) ddot42 = lambda A4,B2: np.einsum('ijklxyz,lkxyz ->ijxyz ',A4,B2) ddot44 = lambda A4,B4: np.einsum('ijklxyz,lkmnxyz->ijmnxyz',A4,B4) dot11 = lambda A1,B1: np.einsum('ixyz ,ixyz ->xyz ',A1,B1) dot22 = lambda A2,B2: np.einsum('ijxyz ,jkxyz ->ikxyz ',A2,B2) dot24 = lambda A2,B4: np.einsum('ijxyz ,jkmnxyz->ikmnxyz',A2,B4) dot42 = lambda A4,B2: np.einsum('ijklxyz,lmxyz ->ijkmxyz',A4,B2) dyad22 = lambda A2,B2: np.einsum('ijxyz ,klxyz ->ijklxyz',A2,B2) dyad11 = lambda A1,B1: np.einsum('ixyz ,jxyz ->ijxyz ',A1,B1) # eigenvalue decomposition of 2nd-order tensor: return in convention i,j,x,y,z # NB requires to swap default order of NumPy (in in/output) def eig2(A2): swap1i = lambda A1: np.einsum('xyzi ->ixyz ',A1) swap2 = lambda A2: np.einsum('ijxyz->xyzij',A2) swap2i = lambda A2: np.einsum('xyzij->ijxyz',A2) vals,vecs = np.linalg.eig(swap2(A2)) vals = swap1i(vals) vecs = swap2i(vecs) return vals,vecs # logarithm of grid of 2nd-order tensors def ln2(A2): vals,vecs = eig2(A2) return sum([np.log(vals[i])*dyad11(vecs[:,i],vecs[:,i]) for i in range(3)]) # exponent of grid of 2nd-order tensors def exp2(A2): vals,vecs = eig2(A2) return sum([np.exp(vals[i])*dyad11(vecs[:,i],vecs[:,i]) for i in range(3)]) # determinant of grid of 2nd-order tensors def det2(A2): return (A2[0,0]*A2[1,1]*A2[2,2]+A2[0,1]*A2[1,2]*A2[2,0]+A2[0,2]*A2[1,0]*A2[2,1])-\ (A2[0,2]*A2[1,1]*A2[2,0]+A2[0,1]*A2[1,0]*A2[2,2]+A2[0,0]*A2[1,2]*A2[2,1]) # inverse of grid of 2nd-order tensors def inv2(A2): A2det = det2(A2) A2inv = np.empty([3,3,Nx,Ny,Nz]) A2inv[0,0] = (A2[1,1]*A2[2,2]-A2[1,2]*A2[2,1])/A2det A2inv[0,1] = (A2[0,2]*A2[2,1]-A2[0,1]*A2[2,2])/A2det A2inv[0,2] = (A2[0,1]*A2[1,2]-A2[0,2]*A2[1,1])/A2det A2inv[1,0] = (A2[1,2]*A2[2,0]-A2[1,0]*A2[2,2])/A2det A2inv[1,1] = (A2[0,0]*A2[2,2]-A2[0,2]*A2[2,0])/A2det A2inv[1,2] = (A2[0,2]*A2[1,0]-A2[0,0]*A2[1,2])/A2det A2inv[2,0] = (A2[1,0]*A2[2,1]-A2[1,1]*A2[2,0])/A2det A2inv[2,1] = (A2[0,1]*A2[2,0]-A2[0,0]*A2[2,1])/A2det A2inv[2,2] = (A2[0,0]*A2[1,1]-A2[0,1]*A2[1,0])/A2det return A2inv # ------------------------ INITIATE (IDENTITY) TENSORS ------------------------ # identity tensor (single tensor) i = np.eye(3) # identity tensors (grid) I = np.einsum('ij,xyz' , i ,np.ones([Nx,Ny,Nz])) I4 = np.einsum('ijkl,xyz->ijklxyz',np.einsum('il,jk',i,i),np.ones([Nx,Ny,Nz])) I4rt = np.einsum('ijkl,xyz->ijklxyz',np.einsum('ik,jl',i,i),np.ones([Nx,Ny,Nz])) I4s = (I4+I4rt)/2. II = dyad22(I,I) # ------------------------------------ FFT ------------------------------------ # projection operator (only for non-zero frequency, associated with the mean) # NB: vectorized version of "" # - allocate / support function Ghat4 = np.zeros([3,3,3,3,Nx,Ny,Nz]) # projection operator x = np.zeros([3 ,Nx,Ny,Nz],dtype='int64') # position vectors q = np.zeros([3 ,Nx,Ny,Nz],dtype='int64') # frequency vectors delta = lambda i,j: np.float(i==j) # Dirac delta function # - set "x" as position vector of all grid-points [grid of vector-components] x[0],x[1],x[2] = np.mgrid[:Nx,:Ny,:Nz] # - convert positions "x" to frequencies "q" [grid of vector-components] for i in range(3): freq = np.arange(-(shape[i]-1)/2,+(shape[i]+1)/2,dtype='int64') q[i] = freq[x[i]] # - compute "Q = ||q||", and "norm = 1/Q" being zero for the mean (Q==0) # NB: avoid zero division q = q.astype(np.float) Q = dot11(q,q) Z = Q==0 Q[Z] = 1. norm = 1./Q norm[Z] = 0. # - set projection operator [grid of tensors] for i, j, l, m in itertools.product(range(3), repeat=4): Ghat4[i,j,l,m] = norm*delta(i,m)*q[j]*q[l] # (inverse) Fourier transform (for each tensor component in each direction) fft = lambda x: np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn (np.fft.ifftshift(x),[Nx,Ny,Nz])) ifft = lambda x: np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(x),[Nx,Ny,Nz])) # functions for the projection 'G', and the product 'G : K^LT : (delta F)^T' G = lambda A2 : np.real( ifft( ddot42(Ghat4,fft(A2)) ) ).reshape(-1) K_dF = lambda dFm: trans2(ddot42(K4,trans2(dFm.reshape(3,3,Nx,Ny,Nz)))) G_K_dF = lambda dFm: G(K_dF(dFm)) # --------------------------- CONSTITUTIVE RESPONSE --------------------------- # constitutive response to a certain loading and history # NB: completely uncoupled from the FFT-solver, but implemented as a regular # grid of quadrature points, to have an efficient code; # each point is completely independent, just evaluated at the same time def constitutive(F,F_t,be_t,ep_t): # function to compute linearization of the logarithmic Finger tensor def dln2_d2(A2): vals,vecs = eig2(A2) K4 = np.zeros([3,3,3,3,Nx,Ny,Nz]) for m, n in itertools.product(range(3),repeat=2): gc = (np.log(vals[n])-np.log(vals[m]))/(vals[n]-vals[m]) gc[vals[n]==vals[m]] = (1.0/vals[m])[vals[n]==vals[m]] K4 += gc*dyad22(dyad11(vecs[:,m],vecs[:,n]),dyad11(vecs[:,m],vecs[:,n])) return K4 # elastic stiffness tensor C4e = K*II+2.*mu*(I4s-1./3.*II) # trial state Fdelta = dot22(F,inv2(F_t)) be_s = dot22(Fdelta,dot22(be_t,trans2(Fdelta))) lnbe_s = ln2(be_s) tau_s = ddot42(C4e,lnbe_s)/2. taum_s = ddot22(tau_s,I)/3. taud_s = tau_s-taum_s*I print("taud_s =\n{}".format(taud_s.reshape([3, 3]))) taueq_s = np.sqrt(3./2.*ddot22(taud_s,taud_s)) print("taueq_s = {}".format(taueq_s)) N_s = 3./2.*taud_s/taueq_s print("N_s =\n{}".format(N_s.reshape([3, 3]))) print("tauy0 = {}".format(tauy0)) phi_s = taueq_s-(tauy0+H*ep_t) print("phi_s(before) = {}".format(phi_s)) print("ep_t = {}".format(ep_t)) phi_s = 1./2.*(phi_s+np.abs(phi_s)) print("phi_s = {}".format(phi_s)) # return map dgamma = phi_s/(H+3.*mu) print("dgamma = {}".format(dgamma)) ep = ep_t + dgamma tau = tau_s -2.*dgamma*N_s*mu lnbe = lnbe_s-2.*dgamma*N_s be = exp2(lnbe) P = dot22(tau,trans2(inv2(F))) # consistent tangent operator a0 = dgamma*mu/taueq_s a1 = mu/(H+3.*mu) C4ep = ((K-2./3.*mu)/2.+a0*mu)*II+(1.-3.*a0)*mu*I4s+2.*mu*(a0-a1)*dyad22(N_s,N_s) dlnbe4_s = dln2_d2(be_s) dbe4_s = 2.*dot42(I4s,be_s) K4 = (C4e/2.)*(phi_s<=0.).astype(np.float)+C4ep*(phi_s>0.).astype(np.float) C4 = K4.copy() K4 = ddot44(K4,ddot44(dlnbe4_s,dbe4_s)) K4 = dot42(-I4rt,tau)+K4 K4 = dot42(dot24(inv2(F),K4),trans2(inv2(F))) return tau, C4, P,K4,be,ep # phase indicator: square inclusion of volume fraction (3*3*15)/(11*13*15) phase = np.zeros([Nx,Ny,Nz]); phase[:3,:3,:] = 1. # function to convert material parameters to grid of scalars param = lambda M0,M1: M0*np.ones([Nx,Ny,Nz])*(1.-phase)+\ M1*np.ones([Nx,Ny,Nz])* phase # material parameters K = param(0.833,0.833) # bulk modulus mu = param(0.386,0.386) # shear modulus H = param(0.004,0.004) # hardening modulus tauy0 = param(0.003,0.003) # initial yield stress # ---------------------------------- LOADING ---------------------------------- # stress, deformation gradient, plastic strain, elastic Finger tensor # NB "_t" signifies that it concerns the value at the previous increment ep_t = np.zeros([ Nx,Ny,Nz]) P = np.zeros([3,3,Nx,Ny,Nz]) F = np.array(I,copy=True) F_t = np.array(I,copy=True) be_t = np.array(I,copy=True) # initialize macroscopic incremental loading ninc = 50 lam = 0.0 barF = np.array(I,copy=True) barF_t = np.array(I,copy=True) # initial tangent operator: the elastic tangent K4 = K*II+2.*mu*(I4s-1./3.*II) F = np.array(I,copy=True) F[0, 1] = 1.e-5 tau, C4, P,K4,be,ep = constitutive(F, F_t, be_t, ep_t) # end-of-increment: update history barF_t = np.array(barF,copy=True) F_t = np.array(F ,copy=True) be_t = np.array(be ,copy=True) ep_t = np.array(ep ,copy=True) print("tau1 =\n{}".format(tau.reshape([3, 3]))) print("F_t1 =\n{}".format(F_t.reshape([3, 3]))) print("be_t1 =\n{}".format(be_t.reshape([3, 3]))) print("ep_t1 =\n{}".format(ep_t.reshape([1]))) print("C4 =\n{}".format(C4.reshape([9, 9]))) F = np.array(I,copy=True) F[0, 1] = .2 tau, C4, P,K4,be,ep = constitutive(F, F_t, be_t, ep_t) print("tau2 =\n{}".format(tau.reshape([3, 3]))) print("tau2 =\n{}".format(tau.reshape([3, 3]))) print("F_t2 =\n{}".format(F.reshape([3, 3]))) print("be_t2 =\n{}".format(be.reshape([3, 3]))) print("ep_t2 =\n{}".format(ep.reshape([1]))) print("C4 =\n{}".format(C4.reshape([9, 9]))) sys.exit() # incremental deformation for inc in range(1,ninc): print('=============================') print('inc: {0:d}'.format(inc)) # set macroscopic deformation gradient (pure-shear) lam += 0.2/float(ninc) barF = np.array(I,copy=True) barF[0,0] = (1.+lam) barF[1,1] = 1./(1.+lam) # store normalization Fn = np.linalg.norm(F) # first iteration residual: distribute "barF" over grid using "K4" b = -G_K_dF(barF-barF_t) F += barF-barF_t # parameters for Newton iterations: normalization and iteration counter Fn = np.linalg.norm(F) iiter = 0 # iterate as long as the iterative update does not vanish while True: # solve linear cell using the Conjugate Gradient iterative solver dFm,_ =, A = sp.LinearOperator(shape=(F.size,F.size),matvec=G_K_dF,dtype='float'), b = b, ) # add solution of linear cell to DOFs F += dFm.reshape(3,3,Nx,Ny,Nz) # compute residual stress and tangent, convert to residual P,K4,be,ep = constitutive(F,F_t,be_t,ep_t) b = -G(P) # check for convergence, print convergence info to screen print('{0:10.2e}'.format(np.linalg.norm(dFm)/Fn)) if np.linalg.norm(dFm)/Fn<1.e-5 and iiter>0: break # update Newton iteration counter iiter += 1 # end-of-increment: update history barF_t = np.array(barF,copy=True) F_t = np.array(F ,copy=True) be_t = np.array(be ,copy=True) ep_t = np.array(ep ,copy=True)