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* file
* @author Till Junge <>
* @date 20 Sep 2017
* @brief Test the FieldCollection classes which provide fast optimized iterators
* over run-time typed fields
* @section LICENCE
* Copyright (C) 2017 Till Junge
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <stdexcept>
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <random>
#include <type_traits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "common/common.hh"
#include "common/ccoord_operations.hh"
#include "common/test_goodies.hh"
#include "tests.hh"
#include "common/field_collection.hh"
#include "common/field.hh"
#include "common/field_map.hh"
namespace muSpectre {
//! Test fixture for simple tests on single field in collection
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, bool Global>
struct FC_fixture:
public FieldCollection<DimS, DimM, Global> {
:fc() {}
inline static constexpr Dim_t sdim(){return DimS;}
inline static constexpr Dim_t mdim(){return DimM;}
inline static constexpr bool global(){return Global;}
using FC_t = FieldCollection<DimS, DimM, Global>;
FC_t fc;
using test_collections = boost::mpl::list<FC_fixture<2, 2, true>,
FC_fixture<2, 3, true>,
FC_fixture<3, 3, true>,
FC_fixture<2, 2, false>,
FC_fixture<2, 3, false>,
FC_fixture<3, 3, false>>;
const Dim_t sdim = 2;
const Dim_t mdim = 2;
using FC_t = FieldCollection<sdim, mdim>;
FC_t fc;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(FC_t::spatial_dim(), sdim);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(fc.get_spatial_dim(), sdim);
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(Simple_construction_test, F, test_collections, F) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(F::FC_t::spatial_dim(), F::sdim());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(F::fc.get_spatial_dim(), F::sdim());
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(get_field2_test, F, test_collections, F) {
const auto order{2};
using FC_t = typename F::FC_t;
using TF_t = TensorField<FC_t, Real, order, F::mdim()>;
auto && myfield = make_field<TF_t>("TensorField real 2", F::fc);
using TensorMap = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, Real, order,F::mdim()>;
using MatrixMap = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Real, F::mdim(), F::mdim()>;
using ArrayMap = ArrayFieldMap<FC_t, Real, F::mdim(), F::mdim()>;
TensorMap TFM(myfield);
MatrixMap MFM(myfield);
ArrayMap AFM(myfield);
"Tensor(d, "+ std::to_string(order) +
"_o, " + std::to_string(F::mdim()) + "_d)");
"Matrix(d, "+ std::to_string(F::mdim()) +
"x" + std::to_string(F::mdim()) + ")");
"Array(d, "+ std::to_string(F::mdim()) +
"x" + std::to_string(F::mdim()) + ")");
constexpr Dim_t order{4}, matrix_order{2};
//! Test fixture for multiple fields in the collection
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, bool Global>
struct FC_multi_fixture{
:fc() {
//add Real tensor field
make_field<TensorField<FC_t, Real, order, DimM>>
("Tensorfield Real o4", fc);
//add Real tensor field
make_field<TensorField<FC_t, Real, matrix_order, DimM>>
("Tensorfield Real o2", fc);
//add integer scalar field
make_field<ScalarField<FC_t, Int>>
("integer Scalar", fc);
//add complex matrix field
make_field<MatrixField<FC_t, Complex, DimS, DimM>>
("Matrixfield Complex sdim x mdim", fc);
inline static constexpr Dim_t sdim(){return DimS;}
inline static constexpr Dim_t mdim(){return DimM;}
inline static constexpr bool global(){return Global;}
using FC_t = FieldCollection<DimS, DimM, Global>;
FC_t fc;
using mult_collections = boost::mpl::list<FC_multi_fixture<2, 2, true>,
FC_multi_fixture<2, 3, true>,
FC_multi_fixture<3, 3, true>,
FC_multi_fixture<2, 2, false>,
FC_multi_fixture<2, 3, false>,
FC_multi_fixture<3, 3, false>>;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(multi_field_test, F, mult_collections, F) {
using FC_t = typename F::FC_t;
// possible maptypes for Real tensor fields
using T_type = Real;
using T_TFM1_t = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, T_type, order, F::mdim()>;
using T_TFM2_t = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, T_type, 2, F::mdim()*F::mdim()>; //! dangerous
using T4_Map_t = T4MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Real, F::mdim()>;
// impossible maptypes for Real tensor fields
using T_SFM_t = ScalarFieldMap<FC_t, T_type>;
using T_MFM_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, T_type, 1, 1>;
using T_AFM_t = ArrayFieldMap<FC_t, T_type, 1, 1>;
using T_MFMw1_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Int, 1, 2>;
using T_MFMw2_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Real, 1, 2>;
using T_MFMw3_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Complex, 1, 2>;
const std::string T_name{"Tensorfield Real o4"};
const std::string T_name_w{"TensorField Real o4 wrongname"};
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T_SFM_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T4_Map_t(, std::out_of_range);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T_MFM_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T_AFM_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T_MFMw1_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T_MFMw2_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T_MFMw2_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T_MFMw3_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T_SFM_t(, std::out_of_range);
// possible maptypes for integer scalar fields
using S_type = Int;
using S_SFM_t = ScalarFieldMap<FC_t, S_type>;
using S_TFM1_t = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, S_type, 1, 1>;
using S_TFM2_t = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, S_type, 2, 1>;
using S_MFM_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, S_type, 1, 1>;
using S_AFM_t = ArrayFieldMap<FC_t, S_type, 1, 1>;
using S4_Map_t = T4MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, S_type, 1>;
// impossible maptypes for integer scalar fields
using S_MFMw1_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Int, 1, 2>;
using S_MFMw2_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Real, 1, 2>;
using S_MFMw3_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Complex, 1, 2>;
const std::string S_name{"integer Scalar"};
const std::string S_name_w{"integer Scalar wrongname"};
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(S_MFMw1_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(T4_Map_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(S_MFMw2_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(S_MFMw2_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(S_MFMw3_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(S_SFM_t(, std::out_of_range);
// possible maptypes for complex matrix fields
using M_type = Complex;
using M_MFM_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, M_type, F::sdim(), F::mdim()>;
using M_AFM_t = ArrayFieldMap<FC_t, M_type, F::sdim(), F::mdim()>;
// impossible maptypes for complex matrix fields
using M_SFM_t = ScalarFieldMap<FC_t, M_type>;
using M_MFMw1_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Int, 1, 2>;
using M_MFMw2_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Real, 1, 2>;
using M_MFMw3_t = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Complex, 1, 2>;
const std::string M_name{"Matrixfield Complex sdim x mdim"};
const std::string M_name_w{"Matrixfield Complex sdim x mdim wrongname"};
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(M_SFM_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(M_MFMw1_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(M_MFMw2_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(M_MFMw2_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(M_MFMw3_t(, FieldInterpretationError);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(M_SFM_t(, std::out_of_range);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//! Check whether fields can be initialized
using mult_collections_t = boost::mpl::list<FC_multi_fixture<2, 2, true>,
FC_multi_fixture<2, 3, true>,
FC_multi_fixture<3, 3, true>>;
using mult_collections_f = boost::mpl::list<FC_multi_fixture<2, 2, false>,
FC_multi_fixture<2, 3, false>,
FC_multi_fixture<3, 3, false>>;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(init_test_glob, F, mult_collections_t, F) {
Ccoord_t<F::sdim()> size;
for (auto && s: size) {
s = 3;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(init_test_loca, F, mult_collections_f, F) {
testGoodies::RandRange<Int> rng;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
Ccoord_t<F::sdim()> pixel;
for (auto && s: pixel) {
s = rng.randval(0, 7);
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(init_test_loca_with_push_back, F, mult_collections_f, F) {
constexpr auto mdim = F::mdim();
constexpr int nb_pix = 7;
testGoodies::RandRange<Int> rng;
using ftype = internal::TypedFieldBase<decltype(F::fc), Real, mdim*mdim*mdim*mdim>;
using stype = Eigen::Array<Real, mdim*mdim*mdim*mdim, 1>;
auto & field = reinterpret_cast<ftype&>(F::fc["Tensorfield Real o4"]);
for (int i = 0; i < nb_pix; ++i) {
Ccoord_t<F::sdim()> pixel;
for (auto && s: pixel) {
s = rng.randval(0, 7);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(F::fc.initialise(), FieldCollectionError);
for (int i = 0; i < nb_pix-1; ++i) {
//! Test fixture for iterators over multiple fields
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, bool Global>
struct FC_iterator_fixture
: public FC_multi_fixture<DimS, DimM, Global> {
using Parent = FC_multi_fixture<DimS, DimM, Global>;
:Parent() {
this-> fill();
template <bool isGlobal = Global>
std::enable_if_t<isGlobal> fill() {
static_assert(Global==isGlobal, "You're breaking my SFINAE plan");
Ccoord_t<Parent::sdim()> size;
for (auto && s: size) {
s = cube_size();
template <bool notGlobal = !Global>
std::enable_if_t<notGlobal> fill (int dummy = 0) {
static_assert(notGlobal != Global, "You're breaking my SFINAE plan");
testGoodies::RandRange<Int> rng;
for (int i = 0*dummy; i < sele_size(); ++i) {
Ccoord_t<Parent::sdim()> pixel;
for (auto && s: pixel) {
s = rng.randval(0, 7);
constexpr static Dim_t cube_size() {return 3;}
constexpr static Dim_t sele_size() {return 7;}
using iter_collections = boost::mpl::list<FC_iterator_fixture<2, 2, true>,
FC_iterator_fixture<2, 3, true>,
FC_iterator_fixture<3, 3, true>,
FC_iterator_fixture<2, 2, false>,
FC_iterator_fixture<2, 3, false>,
FC_iterator_fixture<3, 3, false>>;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(iter_field_test, F, iter_collections, F) {
using FC_t = typename F::Parent::FC_t;
using Tensor4Map = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, Real, order, F::Parent::mdim()>;
Tensor4Map T4map{F::fc["Tensorfield Real o4"]};
F::fc["Tensorfield Real o4"].set_zero();
for (auto && tens:T4map) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(Real(Eigen::Tensor<Real, 0>(tens.abs().sum().eval())()), 0);
using Tensor2Map = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, Real, matrix_order, F::Parent::mdim()>;
using MSqMap = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Real, F::Parent::mdim(), F::Parent::mdim()>;
using ASqMap = ArrayFieldMap<FC_t, Real, F::Parent::mdim(), F::Parent::mdim()>;
Tensor2Map T2map{F::fc["Tensorfield Real o2"]};
MSqMap Mmap{F::fc["Tensorfield Real o2"]};
ASqMap Amap{F::fc["Tensorfield Real o2"]};
auto t2_it = T2map.begin();
auto t2_it_end = T2map.end();
auto m_it = Mmap.begin();
auto a_it = Amap.begin();
for (; t2_it != t2_it_end; ++t2_it, ++m_it, ++a_it) {
auto && m = *m_it;
bool comp = (m == a_it->matrix());
using ScalarMap = ScalarFieldMap<FC_t, Int>;
ScalarMap s_map{F::fc["integer Scalar"]};
for (Uint i = 0; i < s_map.size(); ++i) {
s_map[i] = i;
Uint counter{0};
for (const auto& val: s_map) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(counter++, val);
using glob_iter_colls = boost::mpl::list<FC_iterator_fixture<2, 2, true>,
FC_iterator_fixture<2, 3, true>,
FC_iterator_fixture<3, 3, true>>;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(ccoord_indexing_test, F, glob_iter_colls, F) {
using FC_t = typename F::Parent::FC_t;
using ScalarMap = ScalarFieldMap<FC_t, Int>;
ScalarMap s_map{F::fc["integer Scalar"]};
for (Uint i = 0; i < s_map.size(); ++i) {
s_map[i] = i;
for (size_t i = 0; i < CcoordOps::get_size(F::fc.get_sizes()); ++i) {
Ccoord_t<F::sdim()> sizes(F::fc.get_sizes());
Ccoord_t<F::sdim()> ccoords(CcoordOps::get_ccoord(sizes, i));
CcoordOps::get_ccoord(F::fc.get_sizes(), i)), i);
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(iterator_methods_test, F, iter_collections, F) {
using FC_t = typename F::Parent::FC_t;
using Tensor4Map = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, Real, order, F::Parent::mdim()>;
Tensor4Map T4map{F::fc["Tensorfield Real o4"]};
using it_t = typename Tensor4Map::iterator;
std::ptrdiff_t diff{3}; // arbitrary, as long as it is smaller than the container size
// check constructors
auto itstart = T4map.begin(); // standard way of obtaining iterator
auto itend = T4map.end(); // ditto
it_t it1{T4map};
it_t it2{T4map, false};
it_t it3{T4map, size_t(diff)};
BOOST_CHECK(itstart == itstart);
BOOST_CHECK(itstart != itend);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(itstart, it1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(itend, it2);
// check ostream operator
std::stringstream response;
response << it3;
("iterator on field 'Tensorfield Real o4', entry ") +
// check copy, move, and assigment constructor (and operator+)
it_t itcopy = it1;
it_t itmove = std::move(T4map.begin());
it_t it4 = it1+diff;
it_t it5(it2);
it_t tmp(it2);
it_t it6(std::move(tmp));
it_t it7 = it4 -diff;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(itcopy, it1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(itmove, it1);
// check increments/decrements
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it1++, itcopy); // post-increment
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it1, itcopy+1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(--it1, itcopy); // pre -decrement
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++it1, itcopy+1); // pre -increment
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it1--, itcopy+1); // post-decrement
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it1, itcopy);
// dereference and member-of-pointer check
Eigen::Tensor<Real, 4> Tens = *it1;
Eigen::Tensor<Real, 4> Tens2 = *itstart;
Eigen::Tensor<bool, 0> check = (Tens==Tens2).all();
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bool(check()), true);
//check access subscripting
auto T3a = *it3;
auto T3b = itstart[diff];
BOOST_CHECK(bool(Eigen::Tensor<bool, 0>((T3a==T3b).all())()));
// div. comparisons
BOOST_CHECK_LT(itstart, itend);
BOOST_CHECK(!(itend < itstart));
BOOST_CHECK(!(itstart < itstart));
BOOST_CHECK_LE(itstart, itend);
BOOST_CHECK_LE(itstart, itstart);
BOOST_CHECK(!(itend <= itstart));
BOOST_CHECK_GT(itend, itstart);
BOOST_CHECK_GE(itend, itstart);
BOOST_CHECK_GE(itend, itend);
BOOST_CHECK(!(itstart >= itend));
// check assignment increment/decrement
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it1+=diff, it3);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it1-=diff, itstart);
// check cell coordinates
using Ccoord = Ccoord_t<F::sdim()>;
Ccoord a{itstart.get_ccoord()};
Ccoord b{0};
// Weirdly, boost::has_left_shift<std::ostream, T>::value is false for Ccoords, even though the operator is implemented :(
bool check2 = (a==b);
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(const_tensor_iter_test, F, iter_collections, F) {
using FC_t = typename F::Parent::FC_t;
using Tensor4Map = TensorFieldMap<FC_t, Real, order, F::Parent::mdim()>;
Tensor4Map T4map{F::fc["Tensorfield Real o4"]};
using T_t = typename Tensor4Map::T_t;
Eigen::TensorMap<const T_t> Tens2(T4map[0].data(), F::Parent::sdim(), F::Parent::sdim(), F::Parent::sdim(), F::Parent::sdim());
for (auto it = T4map.cbegin(); it != T4map.cend(); ++it) {
// maps to const tensors can't be initialised with a const pointer this sucks
auto&& tens = *it;
auto&& ptr =;
static_assert(std::is_pointer<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(ptr)>>::value, "should be getting a pointer");
//static_assert(std::is_const<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(ptr)>>::value, "should be const");
// If Tensor were written well, above static_assert should pass, and the
// following check shouldn't. If it get triggered, it means that a newer
// version of Eigen now does have const-correct
// TensorMap<const Tensor<...>. This means that const-correct field maps
// are then also possible for tensors
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(const_matrix_iter_test, F, iter_collections, F) {
using FC_t = typename F::Parent::FC_t;
using MatrixMap = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Complex, F::sdim(), F::mdim()>;
MatrixMap Mmap{F::fc["Matrixfield Complex sdim x mdim"]};
for (auto it = Mmap.cbegin(); it != Mmap.cend(); ++it) {
// maps to const tensors can't be initialised with a const pointer this sucks
auto&& mat = *it;
auto&& ptr =;
static_assert(std::is_pointer<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(ptr)>>::value, "should be getting a pointer");
//static_assert(std::is_const<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(ptr)>>::value, "should be const");
// If Matrix were written well, above static_assert should pass, and the
// following check shouldn't. If it get triggered, it means that a newer
// version of Eigen now does have const-correct
// MatrixMap<const Matrix<...>. This means that const-correct field maps
// are then also possible for matrices
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(const_scalar_iter_test, F, iter_collections, F) {
using FC_t = typename F::Parent::FC_t;
using ScalarMap = ScalarFieldMap<FC_t, Int>;
ScalarMap Smap{F::fc["integer Scalar"]};
for (auto it = Smap.cbegin(); it != Smap.cend(); ++it) {
auto&& scal = *it;
"referred type should be const");
"Should have returned an lvalue ref");
} // muSpectre

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