#============================================================================== # file muspectreTools.cmake # # @author Nicolas Richart # # @date 11 Jan 2018 # # @brief some tool to help to do stuff with cmake in µSpectre # # @section LICENSE # # Copyright © 2018 Till Junge # # µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at # your option) any later version. # # µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with µSpectre; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # #[=[.rst: µSpectreTools ------------- This module provide some helper functions for µSpectre :: download_external_project(project_name URL BACKEND [TAG ] [THIRD_PARTY_SRC_DIR ] [NO_UPDATE] ) Downloads the external project based on the uri ``THIRD_PARTY_SRC_DIR `` Specifies where to download the source ``NO_UPDATE`` Does not try to update existing download :: mark_as_advanced_prefix(prefix) Marks as advanced all variables whoes names start with prefix :: add_external_dep(package [IGNORE_SYSTEM] [VERSION ] [...]) Tries to find the external package and if not found but a local ${package}.cmake files exists, it includes it. The extra arguments are passed to find_package() ``IGNORE_SYSTEM`` does not do the find_package ``VERSION`` Specifies the required minimum version ]=] # function(download_external_project project_name) include(CMakeParseArguments) set(_dep_flags NO_UPDATE) set(_dep_one_variables URL TAG BACKEND THIRD_PARTY_SRC_DIR ) set(_dep_multi_variables) cmake_parse_arguments(_dep_args "${_dep_flags}" "${_dep_one_variables}" "${_dep_multi_variables}" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT _dep_args_URL) message(FATAL_ERROR "You have to provide a URL for the project ${project_name}") endif() if(NOT _dep_args_BACKEND) message(FATAL_ERROR "You have to provide a backend to download ${project_name}") endif() if(_dep_args_TAG) set(_ep_tag "${_dep_args_BACKEND}_TAG ${_dep_args_TAG}") endif() set(_src_dir ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/third-party/${project_name}) if (_dep_args_THIRD_PARTY_SRC_DIR) set(_src_dir ${_dep_args_THIRD_PARTY_SRC_DIR}/${project_name}) endif() if(EXISTS ${_src_dir}/.DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS AND _dep_args_NO_UPDATE) return() endif() set(_working_dir ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/third-party/${project_name}-download) file(WRITE ${_working_dir}/CMakeLists.txt " cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) project(${project_name}-download NONE) include(ExternalProject) ExternalProject_Add(${project_name} SOURCE_DIR ${_src_dir} BINARY_DIR ${_working_dir} ${_dep_args_BACKEND}_REPOSITORY ${_dep_args_URL} ${_ep_tag} CONFIGURE_COMMAND \"\" BUILD_COMMAND \"\" INSTALL_COMMAND \"\" TEST_COMMAND \"\" ) ") message(STATUS "Downloading ${project_name} ${_dep_args_GIT_TAG}") execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -G "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" . RESULT_VARIABLE _result WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_working_dir} OUTPUT_FILE ${_working_dir}/configure-out.log ERROR_FILE ${_working_dir}/configure-error.log) if(_result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Something went wrong (${_result}) during the download" " process of ${project_name} check the file" " ${_working_dir}/configure-error.log for more details:") file(STRINGS "${_working_dir}/configure-error.log" ERROR_MSG) message("${ERROR_MSG}") endif() execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . RESULT_VARIABLE _result WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_working_dir} OUTPUT_FILE ${_working_dir}/build-out.log ERROR_FILE ${_working_dir}/build-error.log) if(_result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Something went wrong (${_result}) during the download" " process of ${project_name} check the file" " ${_working_dir}/build-error.log for more details") endif() file(WRITE ${_src_dir}/.DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS "") endfunction() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function(mark_as_advanced_prefix prefix) get_property(_list DIRECTORY PROPERTY VARIABLES) foreach(_var ${_list}) if(${_var} MATCHES "^${prefix}.*") mark_as_advanced(${_var}) endif() endforeach() endfunction() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function(add_external_package package) include(CMakeParseArguments) set(_cmake_includes ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) set(_${package}_external_dir ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/external) set(_aep_flags IGNORE_SYSTEM ) set(_aep_one_variables VERSION ) set(_aep_multi_variables) cmake_parse_arguments(_aep_args "${_aep_flags}" "${_aep_one_variables}" "${_aep_multi_variables}" ${ARGN} ) if(_aep_args_VERSION) set(_${package}_version ${_aep_args_VERSION}) endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${_cmake_includes}/${package}.cmake) set(_required REQUIRED) endif() if(NOT _aep_args_IGNORE_SYSTEM) find_package(${package} ${_${package}_version} ${_required} ${_aep_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} QUIET) if(${package}_FOUND AND NOT ${package}_FOUND_EXTERNAL) return() endif() endif() if(EXISTS ${_cmake_includes}/${package}.cmake) include(${_cmake_includes}/${package}.cmake) endif() endfunction() function(muSpectre_add_test test_name) include(CMakeParseArguments) set(_mat_flags ) set(_mat_one_variables TYPE MPI_NB_PROCS ) set(_mat_multi_variables) cmake_parse_arguments(_mat_args "${_mat_flags}" "${_mat_one_variables}" "${_mat_multi_variables}" ${ARGN} ) if ("${_mat_args_TYPE}" STREQUAL "BOOST") elseif("${_mat_args_TYPE}" STREQUAL "PYTHON") else () message (SEND_ERROR "Can only handle types 'BOOST' and 'PYTHON'") endif ("${_mat_args_TYPE}" STREQUAL "BOOST") set(_exe ${_mat_args_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if (${RUNNING_IN_CI}) if ("${_mat_args_TYPE}" STREQUAL "BOOST") LIST(APPEND _exe "--logger=JUNIT,all,test_results_${test_name}.xml") elseif("${_mat_args_TYPE}" STREQUAL "PYTHON") set(_exe ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -m pytest --junitxml test_results_${test_name}.xml ${_exe}) endif ("${_mat_args_TYPE}" STREQUAL "BOOST") else () if("${_mat_args_TYPE}" STREQUAL "PYTHON") set(_exe ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${_exe}) endif ("${_mat_args_TYPE}" STREQUAL "PYTHON") endif (${RUNNING_IN_CI}) if(${_mat_args_MPI_NB_PROCS}) set(_exe ${MPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE} ${MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS} ${MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG} ${_mat_args_MPI_NB_PROCS} ${_exe}) endif(${_mat_args_MPI_NB_PROCS}) add_test(${test_name} ${_exe}) endfunction()