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* file
* @author Till Junge <>
* @date 05 Jul 2018
* @brief Python bindings for µSpectre field collections
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright © 2018 Till Junge
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with µSpectre; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
* with proprietary FFT implementations or numerical libraries, containing parts
* covered by the terms of those libraries' licenses, the licensors of this
* Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
#include "common/common.hh"
#include "common/field.hh"
#include "common/field_collection.hh"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace muSpectre; // NOLINT // TODO(junge): figure this out
namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace pybind11::literals; // NOLINT: recommended usage
template <Dim_t Dim, class FieldCollectionDerived>
void add_field_collection(py::module & mod) {
std::stringstream name_stream{};
name_stream << "_" << (FieldCollectionDerived::Global ? "Global" : "Local")
<< "FieldCollection_" << Dim << 'd';
const auto name{name_stream.str()};
using FC_t = FieldCollectionBase<Dim, FieldCollectionDerived>;
py::class_<FC_t>(mod, name.c_str())
[](FC_t & field_collection, std::string unique_name) ->
typename FC_t::template TypedField_t<Real> & {
return field_collection.template get_typed_field<Real>(
"unique_name"_a, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
[](FC_t & field_collection, std::string unique_name) ->
typename FC_t::template TypedField_t<Int> & {
return field_collection.template get_typed_field<Int>(unique_name);
"unique_name"_a, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
[](FC_t & field_collection, std::string unique_name) ->
typename FC_t::template TypedField_t<Uint> & {
return field_collection.template get_typed_field<Uint>(
"unique_name"_a, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
[](FC_t & field_collection, std::string unique_name) ->
typename FC_t::template TypedField_t<Complex> & {
return field_collection.template get_typed_field<Complex>(
"unique_name"_a, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
[](FC_t & field_collection, std::string unique_name) ->
typename FC_t::template TypedStateField_t<Real> & {
return field_collection.template get_typed_statefield<Real>(
"unique_name"_a, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
[](FC_t & field_collection, std::string unique_name) ->
typename FC_t::template TypedStateField_t<Int> & {
return field_collection.template get_typed_statefield<Int>(
"unique_name"_a, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
[](FC_t & field_collection, std::string unique_name) ->
typename FC_t::template TypedStateField_t<Uint> & {
return field_collection.template get_typed_statefield<Uint>(
"unique_name"_a, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
[](FC_t & field_collection, std::string unique_name) ->
typename FC_t::template TypedStateField_t<Complex> & {
return field_collection.template get_typed_statefield<Complex>(
"unique_name"_a, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
"field_names", &FC_t::get_field_names,
"returns the names of all fields in this collection")
.def_property_readonly("statefield_names", &FC_t::get_statefield_names,
"returns the names of all state fields in this "
template <typename T, class FieldCollection>
void add_field(py::module & mod, std::string dtype_name) {
using Field_t = TypedField<FieldCollection, T>;
std::stringstream name_stream{};
name_stream << (FieldCollection::Global ? "Global" : "Local") << "Field"
<< dtype_name << "_" << FieldCollection::spatial_dim();
std::string name{name_stream.str()};
using Ref_t = py::EigenDRef<Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>>;
py::class_<Field_t, typename Field_t::Parent>(mod, name.c_str())
.def_property("array", [](Field_t & field) { return field.eigen(); },
[](Field_t & field, Ref_t mat) { field.eigen() = mat; },
"array of stored data")
"array", [](const Field_t & field) { return field.eigen(); },
"array of stored data")
.def_property("vector", [](Field_t & field) { return field.eigenvec(); },
[](Field_t & field, Ref_t mat) { field.eigen() = mat; },
"flattened array of stored data")
"vector", [](const Field_t & field) { return field.eigenvec(); },
"flattened array of stored data");
template <Dim_t Dim, class FieldCollection>
void add_field_helper(py::module & mod) {
std::stringstream name_stream{};
name_stream << (FieldCollection::Global ? "Global" : "Local") << "Field"
<< "_" << Dim;
std::string name{name_stream.str()};
using Field_t = internal::FieldBase<FieldCollection>;
py::class_<Field_t>(mod, name.c_str())
.def_property_readonly("name", &Field_t::get_name, "field name")
.def_property_readonly("collection", &Field_t::get_collection,
"Collection containing this field")
.def_property_readonly("nb_components", &Field_t::get_nb_components,
"number of scalars stored per pixel in this field")
[](const Field_t & field) {
return field.get_stored_typeid().name();
"fundamental type of scalars stored in this field")
.def_property_readonly("size", &Field_t::size,
"number of pixels in this field")
.def("set_zero", &Field_t::set_zero,
"Set all components in the field to zero");
add_field<Real, FieldCollection>(mod, "Real");
add_field<Int, FieldCollection>(mod, "Int");
template <typename T, class FieldCollection>
void add_statefield(py::module & mod, std::string dtype_name) {
using StateField_t = TypedStateField<FieldCollection, T>;
std::stringstream name_stream{};
name_stream << (FieldCollection::Global ? "Global" : "Local") << "StateField"
<< dtype_name << "_" << FieldCollection::spatial_dim();
std::string name{name_stream.str()};
py::class_<StateField_t, typename StateField_t::Parent>(mod, name.c_str())
.def("get_current_field", &StateField_t::get_current_field,
"returns the current field value",
.def("get_old_field", &StateField_t::get_old_field, "nb_steps_ago"_a = 1,
"returns the value this field held 'nb_steps_ago' steps ago",
template <Dim_t Dim, class FieldCollection>
void add_statefield_helper(py::module & mod) {
std::stringstream name_stream{};
name_stream << (FieldCollection::Global ? "Global" : "Local") << "StateField"
<< "_" << Dim;
std::string name{name_stream.str()};
using StateField_t = StateFieldBase<FieldCollection>;
py::class_<StateField_t>(mod, name.c_str())
.def_property_readonly("prefix", &StateField_t::get_prefix,
"state field prefix")
.def_property_readonly("collection", &StateField_t::get_collection,
"Collection containing this field")
.def_property_readonly("nb_memory", &StateField_t::get_nb_memory,
"number of old states stored")
[](const StateField_t & field) {
return field.get_stored_typeid().name();
"fundamental type of scalars stored in this field");
add_statefield<Real, FieldCollection>(mod, "Real");
add_statefield<Int, FieldCollection>(mod, "Int");
template <Dim_t Dim>
void add_field_collection_helper(py::module & mod) {
add_field_helper<Dim, GlobalFieldCollection<Dim>>(mod);
add_field_helper<Dim, LocalFieldCollection<Dim>>(mod);
add_statefield_helper<Dim, GlobalFieldCollection<Dim>>(mod);
add_statefield_helper<Dim, LocalFieldCollection<Dim>>(mod);
add_field_collection<Dim, GlobalFieldCollection<Dim>>(mod);
add_field_collection<Dim, LocalFieldCollection<Dim>>(mod);
void add_field_collections(py::module & mod) {

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