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* @file cell_split.hh
* @author Ali Falsafi <>
* @date 19 Apr 2018
* @brief Base class representing a unit cell able to handle
* split material assignments
* Copyright © 2017 Till Junge
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef CELL_SPLIT_H
#define CELL_SPLIT_H
#include "common/common.hh"
#include "common/ccoord_operations.hh"
#include "common/field.hh"
#include "common/utilities.hh"
#include "materials/material_base.hh"
#include "fft/projection_base.hh"
#include "cell/cell_traits.hh"
#include "cell/cell_base.hh"
#include "common/intersection_octree.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <functional>
namespace muSpectre {
//! DimS spatial dimension (dimension of problem
//! DimM material_dimension (dimension of constitutive law)
/* This class handles the cells that has
splitly assigned material to their pixels */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM=DimS>
class CellSplit: public CellBase<DimS, DimM> {
friend class CellBase<DimS, DimM>;
using Parent = CellBase<DimS, DimM>; //!< base class
//! global field collection
using FieldCollection_t = GlobalFieldCollection<DimS>;
using Projection_t = ProjectionBase<DimS, DimM>;
//! projections handled through `std::unique_ptr`s
using Projection_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Projection_t>;
using StrainField_t =
TensorField<FieldCollection_t, Real, secondOrder, DimM>;
//! expected type for stress fields
using StressField_t =
TensorField<FieldCollection_t, Real, secondOrder, DimM>;
//! expected type for tangent stiffness fields
using TangentField_t =
TensorField<FieldCollection_t, Real, fourthOrder, DimM>;
//! combined stress and tangent field
using FullResponse_t =
std::tuple<const StressField_t&, const TangentField_t&>;
//! ref to constant vector
using ConstVector_ref = typename Parent::ConstVector_ref;
//! Default constructor
CellSplit() = delete;
//! constructor using sizes and resolution
CellSplit(Projection_ptr projection,
SplittedCell is_cell_splitted = SplittedCell::yes);
//! Copy constructor
CellSplit(const CellSplit &other) = delete;
//! Move constructor
CellSplit(CellSplit &&other) = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~CellSplit() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
CellSplit& operator=(const CellSplit &other) = delete;
//! Move assignment operator
CellSplit& operator=(CellSplit &&other) = default;
*completes the assignmnet of material with a specific material so
*all the under-assigned pixels would be assigned to a material.
void complete_material_assignment(MaterialBase<DimS, DimM>& material);
//returns the assigend ratios to each pixel
std::vector<Real> get_assigned_ratios();
//template<class MaterialType>
void make_automatic_precipitate(std::vector<Rcoord_t<DimS>>
MaterialBase<DimS, DimM>& material);
std::vector<Real> get_unassigned_ratios_incomplete_pixels();
std::vector<int> get_index_incomplete_pixels();
std::vector<Ccoord_t<DimS>> get_unassigned_pixels();
class IncompletePixels{
//! constructor
IncompletePixels(CellSplit<DimS, DimM>& cell);
//! copy constructor
IncompletePixels(const IncompletePixels & other) = default;
//! move constructor
IncompletePixels(IncompletePixels & other) = default;
virtual ~IncompletePixels() = default;
//! iterator type over all incompletetedly assigned pixel's
class iterator{
using value_type = std::tuple<Ccoord_t<DimS>, Real>; //!< stl conformance
using const_value_type = const value_type; //!< stl conformance
using pointer = value_type*; //!< stl conformance
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; //!< stl conformance
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;//!<stl conformance
using reference = value_type; //!< stl conformance
//! constructor
iterator(const IncompletePixels & pixels, bool begin = true);
virtual ~iterator() = default;
//! dereferencing
auto operator*()->value_type const;
//! pre-increment
auto operator++()->iterator&;
//! inequality
auto operator!=(const iterator & other)->bool;
//! equality
inline bool operator==(const iterator & other) const;
const IncompletePixels& incomplete_pixels;
size_t index;
inline iterator begin() const {return iterator(*this);}
//! stl conformance
inline iterator end() const {return iterator(*this, false);}
//! stl conformance
inline size_t size() const {
return CcoordOps::get_size(this->cell.get_domain_resolutions());
CellSplit<DimS, DimM>& cell;
std::vector<Real> incomplete_assigned_ratios;
std::vector<int> index_incomplete_pixels;
auto make_incomplete_pixels() -> IncompletePixels;
void check_material_coverage() override final;
void set_p_k_zero();
//full resppnse is composed of the stresses and tangent matrix
FullResponse_t evaluate_stress_tangent(StrainField_t & F) override;
std::array<ConstVector_ref, 2> evaluate_stress_tangent() override;
ConstVector_ref evaluate_stress() override;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
void CellSplit<DimS, DimM>::make_automatic_precipitate
(std::vector<Rcoord_t<DimS>> precipitate_vertices,
MaterialBase<DimS, DimM>& material){
RootNode<DimS> precipitate (*this,
auto precipitate_intersects=
auto precipitate_intersection_ratios =
for (auto tup:akantu::zip(precipitate_intersects,
auto pix = std::get<0> (tup);
auto ratio = std::get<1> (tup);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
void CellSplit<DimS, DimM>::complete_material_assignment
(MaterialBase<DimS, DimM>& material){
std::vector<Real> pixel_assigned_ratio(this->get_assigned_ratios());
for (auto && tup: akantu::enumerate(*this)) {
auto && pixel = std::get<1>(tup);
auto iterator = std::get<0>(tup);
if (pixel_assigned_ratio[iterator] < 1.0){
material.add_pixel_split(pixel, 1.0-pixel_assigned_ratio[iterator]);
} //muspectre
#endif /* CELL_SPLIT_H */

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