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* @file field_map.hh
* @author Till Junge <>
* @date 26 Sep 2017
* @brief just and indirection to include all iterables defined for fields
* Copyright © 2017 Till Junge
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with µSpectre; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
* with proprietary FFT implementations or numerical libraries, containing parts
* covered by the terms of those libraries' licenses, the licensors of this
* Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
#include "common/field_map_tensor.hh"
#include "common/field_map_matrixlike.hh"
#include "common/field_map_scalar.hh"
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
namespace muSpectre {
* allows to iterate over raw data as if it were a FieldMap. This is
* particularly useful when interacting with external solvers, such
* as scipy and Eigen
* @param EigenMap needs to be statically sized a Eigen::Map<XXX>
* @warning This type is not safe for re-use. I.e., after there has
* been an assignment to the underlying eigen array, the
* `RawFieldMap` might be invalidated!
template <class EigenMap>
class RawFieldMap {
* determining the constness of the mapped array required in order
* to formulate the constructors const-correctly
constexpr static bool IsConst{std::is_const<
std::remove_pointer_t<typename EigenMap::PointerArgType>>::value};
//! short-hand for the basic scalar type
using T = typename EigenMap::Scalar;
//! raw pointer type to store
using T_ptr = std::conditional_t<IsConst, const T *, T *>;
//! input array (~field) type to be mapped
using FieldVec_t =
std::conditional_t<IsConst, const Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::VectorXd>;
//! Plain mapped Eigen type
using EigenPlain = typename EigenMap::PlainObject;
//! Default constructor
RawFieldMap() = delete;
//! constructor from a *contiguous* array
RawFieldMap(Eigen::Map<FieldVec_t> vec,
Dim_t nb_rows = EigenMap::RowsAtCompileTime,
Dim_t nb_cols = EigenMap::ColsAtCompileTime)
: data{}, nb_rows{nb_rows}, nb_cols{nb_cols},
nb_components{nb_rows * nb_cols},
nb_pixels(vec.size() / nb_components) {
if ((nb_rows == Eigen::Dynamic) or (nb_cols == Eigen::Dynamic)) {
throw FieldError(
"You have to specify the number of rows and columns if you map a "
"dynamically sized Eigen Map type.");
if ((nb_rows < 1) or (nb_cols < 1)) {
throw FieldError("Only positive numbers of rows and columns make "
if (vec.size() % this->nb_components != 0) {
std::stringstream err{};
err << "The vector size of " << vec.size()
<< " is not an integer multiple of the size of value_type, which "
<< "is " << this->nb_components << ".";
throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
//! constructor from a *contiguous* array
RawFieldMap(Eigen::Ref<FieldVec_t> vec,
Dim_t nb_rows = EigenMap::RowsAtCompileTime,
Dim_t nb_cols = EigenMap::ColsAtCompileTime)
: data{}, nb_rows{nb_rows}, nb_cols{nb_cols},
nb_components{nb_rows * nb_cols},
nb_pixels(vec.size() / nb_components) {
if (vec.size() % this->nb_components != 0) {
std::stringstream err{};
err << "The vector size of " << vec.size()
<< " is not an integer multiple of the size of value_type, which "
<< "is " << this->nb_components << ".";
throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
//! Copy constructor
RawFieldMap(const RawFieldMap & other) = delete;
//! Move constructor
RawFieldMap(RawFieldMap && other) = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~RawFieldMap() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
RawFieldMap & operator=(const RawFieldMap & other) = delete;
//! Move assignment operator
RawFieldMap & operator=(RawFieldMap && other) = delete;
//! returns number of EigenMaps stored within the array
size_t size() const { return this->nb_pixels; }
//! forward declaration of iterator type
template <bool IsConst>
class iterator_t;
using iterator = iterator_t<false>;
using const_iterator = iterator_t<true>;
//! returns an iterator to the first element
iterator begin() { return iterator{*this, 0}; }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator{*this, 0}; }
//! returns an iterator past the last element
iterator end() { return iterator{*this, this->size()}; }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator{*this, this->size()}; }
//! evaluates the average of the field
EigenPlain mean() const {
using T_t = EigenPlain;
T_t mean(T_t::Zero(this->nb_rows, this->nb_cols));
for (auto && val : *this) {
mean += val;
mean /= this->size();
return mean;
inline T_ptr get_data() { return data; }
inline const T_ptr get_data() const { return data; }
//! raw data pointer (ugly, I know)
T_ptr data;
const Dim_t nb_rows;
const Dim_t nb_cols;
const Dim_t nb_components;
//! number of EigenMaps stored within the array
size_t nb_pixels;
* Small iterator class to be used with the RawFieldMap
template <class EigenMap>
template <bool IsConst>
class RawFieldMap<EigenMap>::iterator_t {
//! short hand for the raw field map's type
using Parent = RawFieldMap<EigenMap>;
//! the map needs to be friend in order to access the protected constructor
friend Parent;
//! stl compliance
using value_type = std::conditional_t<
IsConst, Eigen::Map<const typename EigenMap::PlainObject>, EigenMap>;
using T_ptr =
std::conditional_t<IsConst, const Parent::T_ptr, Parent::T_ptr>;
//! stl compliance
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
//! Default constructor
iterator_t() = delete;
//! Copy constructor
iterator_t(const iterator_t & other) = default;
//! Move constructor
iterator_t(iterator_t && other) = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~iterator_t() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
iterator_t & operator=(const iterator_t & other) = default;
//! Move assignment operator
iterator_t & operator=(iterator_t && other) = default;
//! pre-increment
inline iterator_t & operator++() {
return *this;
//! dereference
inline value_type operator*() {
return value_type(raw_ptr + this->map.nb_components * index,
this->map.nb_rows, this->map.nb_cols);
//! inequality
inline bool operator!=(const iterator_t & other) const {
return this->index != other.index;
//! equality
inline bool operator==(const iterator_t & other) const {
return this->index == other.index;
//! protected constructor
iterator_t(const Parent & map, size_t start)
: raw_ptr{map.get_data()}, map{map}, index{start} {}
template <bool dummy_non_const = not IsConst>
iterator_t(std::enable_if_t<dummy_non_const, Parent &> map, size_t start)
: raw_ptr{}, map{map}, index{start} {
static_assert(dummy_non_const == not IsConst, "SFINAE");
//! raw data
T_ptr raw_ptr;
//! ref to underlying map
const Parent & map;
//! currently pointed-to element
size_t index;
} // namespace muSpectre

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