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* file statefield.hh
* @author Till Junge <>
* @date 28 Feb 2018
* @brief A state field is an abstraction of a field that can hold
* current, as well as a chosen number of previous values. This is
* useful for instance for internal state variables in plastic laws,
* where a current, new, or trial state is computed based on its
* previous state, and at convergence, this new state gets cycled into
* the old, the old into the old-1 etc. The state field abstraction
* helps doing this safely (i.e. only const references to the old
* states are available, while the current state can be assigned
* to/modified), and efficiently (i.e., no need to copy values from
* new to old, we just cycle the labels). This file implements the
* state field as well as state maps using the Field, FieldCollection
* and FieldMap abstractions of µSpectre
* Copyright © 2018 Till Junge
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with µSpectre; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
* with proprietary FFT implementations or numerical libraries, containing parts
* covered by the terms of those libraries' licenses, the licensors of this
* Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
#include "common/field_helpers.hh"
#include "common/field.hh"
#include "common/ref_array.hh"
#include <array>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
namespace muSpectre {
* Forward-declaration
template <class FieldCollection, typename T>
class TypedField;
* Base class for state fields, useful for storing polymorphic references
template <class FieldCollection>
class StateFieldBase {
//! get naming prefix
const std::string & get_prefix() const { return this->prefix; }
//! get a ref to the `StateField` 's field collection
const FieldCollection & get_collection() const { return this->collection; }
virtual ~StateFieldBase() = default;
* returns number of old states that are stored
size_t get_nb_memory() const { return this->nb_memory; }
//! return type_id of stored type
virtual const std::type_info & get_stored_typeid() const = 0;
* cycle the fields (current becomes old, old becomes older,
* oldest becomes current)
virtual void cycle() = 0;
//! constructor
StateFieldBase(std::string unique_prefix,
const FieldCollection & collection, size_t nb_memory = 1)
: prefix{unique_prefix}, nb_memory{nb_memory}, collection{collection} {}
* the unique prefix is used as the first part of the unique name
* of the subfields belonging to this state field
std::string prefix;
* number of old states to store, defaults to 1
const size_t nb_memory;
//! reference to the collection this statefield belongs to
const FieldCollection & collection;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class FieldCollection, typename T>
class TypedStateField : public StateFieldBase<FieldCollection> {
//! Parent class
using Parent = StateFieldBase<FieldCollection>;
//! Typed field
using TypedField_t = TypedField<FieldCollection, T>;
//! returns a TypedField ref to the current value of this state field
virtual TypedField_t & get_current_field() = 0;
//! returns a const TypedField ref to an old value of this state field
virtual const TypedField_t &
get_old_field(size_t nb_steps_ago = 1) const = 0;
//! returns a `StateField` reference if `other is a compatible state field
inline static TypedStateField & check_ref(Parent & other) {
// the following triggers and exception if the fields are incompatible
if (typeid(T).hash_code() != other.get_stored_typeid().hash_code()) {
std::stringstream err_str{};
err_str << "Cannot create a rerference of requested type "
<< "for statefield '" << other.get_prefix() << "' of type '"
<< other.get_stored_typeid().name() << "'";
throw std::runtime_error(err_str.str());
return static_cast<TypedStateField &>(other);
//! return type_id of stored type
const std::type_info & get_stored_typeid() const final {
return typeid(T);
virtual ~TypedStateField() = default;
//! constructor
TypedStateField(const std::string & unique_prefix,
const FieldCollection & collection, size_t nb_memory)
: Parent{unique_prefix, collection, nb_memory} {}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class FieldCollection, size_t nb_memory, typename T>
class TypedSizedStateField : public TypedStateField<FieldCollection, T> {
//! Parent class
using Parent = TypedStateField<FieldCollection, T>;
//! the current (historically accurate) ordering of the fields
using index_t = std::array<size_t, nb_memory + 1>;
//! get the current ordering of the fields
inline const index_t & get_indices() const { return this->indices; }
//! destructor
virtual ~TypedSizedStateField() = default;
//! constructor
TypedSizedStateField(std::string unique_prefix,
const FieldCollection & collection, index_t indices)
: Parent{unique_prefix, collection, nb_memory}, indices{indices} {};
index_t indices; ///< these are cycled through
//! early declaration
template <class FieldMap, size_t nb_memory>
class StateFieldMap;
namespace internal {
template <class Field, size_t size, size_t... I>
inline decltype(auto)
build_fields_helper(std::string prefix,
typename Field::Base::collection_t & collection,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
auto get_field{[&prefix, &collection](size_t i) -> Field & {
std::stringstream name_stream{};
name_stream << prefix << ", sub_field index " << i;
return make_field<Field>(name_stream.str(), collection);
return RefArray<Field, size>(get_field(I)...);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <size_t size, size_t... I>
inline decltype(auto) build_indices(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return std::array<size_t, size>{(size - I) % size...};
} // namespace internal
* A statefield is an abstraction around a Field that can hold a
* current and `nb_memory` previous values. There are useful for
* history variables, for instance.
template <class Field_t, size_t nb_memory = 1>
class StateField
: public TypedSizedStateField<typename Field_t::Base::collection_t,
nb_memory, typename Field_t::Scalar> {
//! the underlying field's collection type
using FieldCollection_t = typename Field_t::Base::collection_t;
//! base type for fields
using Scalar = typename Field_t::Scalar;
//! Base class for all state fields of same memory
using Base = TypedSizedStateField<FieldCollection_t, nb_memory, Scalar>;
* storage of field refs (can't be a `std::array`, because arrays
* of refs are explicitely forbidden
using Fields_t = RefArray<Field_t, nb_memory + 1>;
//! Typed field
using TypedField_t = TypedField<FieldCollection_t, Scalar>;
//! Default constructor
StateField() = delete;
//! Copy constructor
StateField(const StateField & other) = delete;
//! Move constructor
StateField(StateField && other) = delete;
//! Destructor
virtual ~StateField() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
StateField & operator=(const StateField & other) = delete;
//! Move assignment operator
StateField & operator=(StateField && other) = delete;
//! get (modifiable) current field
inline Field_t & current() { return this->fields[this->indices[0]]; }
//! get (constant) previous field
template <size_t nb_steps_ago = 1>
inline const Field_t & old() {
static_assert(nb_steps_ago <= nb_memory,
"you can't go that far inte the past");
static_assert(nb_steps_ago > 0, "Did you mean to call current()?");
return this->fields[this->];
//! returns a TypedField ref to the current value of this state field
TypedField_t & get_current_field() final { return this->current(); }
//! returns a const TypedField ref to an old value of this state field
const TypedField_t & get_old_field(size_t nb_steps_ago = 1) const final {
return this->fields[this->];
//! factory function
template <class StateFieldType, class CollectionType>
friend StateFieldType & make_statefield(const std::string & unique_prefix,
CollectionType & collection);
//! returns a `StateField` reference if `other is a compatible state field
inline static StateField & check_ref(Base & other) {
// the following triggers and exception if the fields are incompatible
return static_cast<StateField &>(other);
//! returns a const `StateField` reference if `other` is a compatible state
//! field
inline static const StateField & check_ref(const Base & other) {
// the following triggers and exception if the fields are incompatible
return static_cast<const StateField &>(other);
//! get a ref to the `StateField` 's fields
Fields_t & get_fields() { return this->fields; }
* Pure convenience functions to get a MatrixFieldMap of
* appropriate dimensions mapped to this field. You can also
* create other types of maps, as long as they have the right
* fundamental type (T), the correct size (nbComponents), and
* memory (nb_memory).
inline decltype(auto) get_map() {
using FieldMap = decltype(this->fields[0].get_map());
return StateFieldMap<FieldMap, nb_memory>(*this);
* Pure convenience functions to get a MatrixFieldMap of
* appropriate dimensions mapped to this field. You can also
* create other types of maps, as long as they have the right
* fundamental type (T), the correct size (nbComponents), and
* memory (nb_memory).
inline decltype(auto) get_const_map() {
using FieldMap = decltype(this->fields[0].get_const_map());
return StateFieldMap<FieldMap, nb_memory>(*this);
* cycle the fields (current becomes old, old becomes older,
* oldest becomes current)
inline void cycle() final {
for (auto & val : this->indices) {
val = (val + 1) % (nb_memory + 1);
* Constructor. @param unique_prefix is used to create the names
* of the fields that this abstraction creates in the background
* @param collection is the field collection in which the
* subfields will be stored
inline StateField(const std::string & unique_prefix,
FieldCollection_t & collection)
: Base{unique_prefix, collection,
internal::build_indices<nb_memory + 1>(
std::make_index_sequence<nb_memory + 1>{})},
fields{internal::build_fields_helper<Field_t, nb_memory + 1>(
unique_prefix, collection,
std::make_index_sequence<nb_memory + 1>{})} {}
Fields_t fields; //!< container for the states
namespace internal {
template <class FieldMap, size_t size, class Fields, size_t... I>
inline decltype(auto) build_maps_helper(Fields & fields,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return std::array<FieldMap, size>{FieldMap(fields[I])...};
} // namespace internal
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class StateFieldType, class CollectionType>
inline StateFieldType & make_statefield(const std::string & unique_prefix,
CollectionType & collection) {
std::unique_ptr<StateFieldType> ptr{
new StateFieldType(unique_prefix, collection)};
auto & retref{*ptr};
return retref;
* extends the StateField <-> Field equivalence to StateFieldMap <-> FieldMap
template <class FieldMap, size_t nb_memory = 1>
class StateFieldMap {
* iterates over all pixels in the `muSpectre::FieldCollection` and
* dereferences to a proxy giving access to the appropriate iterates
* of the underlying `FieldMap` type.
class iterator;
//! stl conformance
using reference = typename iterator::reference;
//! stl conformance
using value_type = typename iterator::value_type;
//! stl conformance
using size_type = typename iterator::size_type;
//! field collection type where this state field can be stored
using FieldCollection_t = typename FieldMap::Field::collection_t;
//! Fundamental type stored
using Scalar = typename FieldMap::Scalar;
//! base class (must be at least sized)
using TypedSizedStateField_t =
TypedSizedStateField<FieldCollection_t, nb_memory, Scalar>;
//! for traits access
using FieldMap_t = FieldMap;
//! for traits access
using ConstFieldMap_t = typename FieldMap::ConstMap;
//! Default constructor
StateFieldMap() = delete;
//! constructor using a StateField
template <class StateField>
explicit StateFieldMap(StateField & statefield)
: collection{statefield.get_collection()}, statefield{statefield},
maps{internal::build_maps_helper<FieldMap, nb_memory + 1>(
std::make_index_sequence<nb_memory + 1>{})},
internal::build_maps_helper<ConstFieldMap_t, nb_memory + 1>(
std::make_index_sequence<nb_memory + 1>{})} {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<TypedSizedStateField_t, StateField>::value,
"Not the right type of StateField ref");
//! Copy constructor
StateFieldMap(const StateFieldMap & other) = delete;
//! Move constructor
StateFieldMap(StateFieldMap && other) = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~StateFieldMap() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
StateFieldMap & operator=(const StateFieldMap & other) = delete;
//! Move assignment operator
StateFieldMap & operator=(StateFieldMap && other) = delete;
//! access the wrapper to a given pixel directly
value_type operator[](size_type index) { return *iterator(*this, index); }
* return a ref to the current field map. useful for instance for
* initialisations of `StateField` instances
FieldMap & current() {
return this->maps[this->statefield.get_indices()[0]];
//! stl conformance
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this, 0); }
//! stl conformance
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, this->collection.size()); }
const FieldCollection_t & collection; //!< collection holding the field
TypedSizedStateField_t & statefield; //!< ref to the field itself
std::array<FieldMap, nb_memory + 1>
maps; //!< refs to the addressable maps;
//! const refs to the addressable maps;
std::array<ConstFieldMap_t, nb_memory + 1> const_maps;
* Iterator class used by the `StateFieldMap`
template <class FieldMap, size_t nb_memory>
class StateFieldMap<FieldMap, nb_memory>::iterator {
class StateWrapper;
using Ccoord = typename FieldMap::Ccoord; //!< cell coordinates type
using value_type = StateWrapper; //!< stl conformance
using const_value_type = value_type; //!< stl conformance
using pointer_type = value_type *; //!< stl conformance
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; //!< stl conformance
using size_type = size_t; //!< stl conformance
using iterator_category =
std::random_access_iterator_tag; //!< stl conformance
using reference = StateWrapper; //!< stl conformance
//! Default constructor
iterator() = delete;
//! constructor
iterator(StateFieldMap & map, size_t index = 0) : index{index}, map{map} {};
//! Copy constructor
iterator(const iterator & other) = default;
//! Move constructor
iterator(iterator && other) = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~iterator() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
iterator & operator=(const iterator & other) = default;
//! Move assignment operator
iterator & operator=(iterator && other) = default;
//! pre-increment
inline iterator & operator++() {
return *this;
//! post-increment
inline iterator operator++(int) {
iterator curr{*this};
return curr;
//! dereference
inline value_type operator*() { return value_type(*this); }
//! pre-decrement
inline iterator & operator--() {
return *this;
//! post-decrement
inline iterator operator--(int) {
iterator curr{*this};
return curr;
//! access subscripting
inline value_type operator[](difference_type diff) {
return value_type{iterator{this->map, this->index + diff}};
//! equality
inline bool operator==(const iterator & other) const {
return this->index == other.index;
//! inequality
inline bool operator!=(const iterator & other) const {
return this->index != other.index;
//! div. comparisons
inline bool operator<(const iterator & other) const {
return this->index < other.index;
//! div. comparisons
inline bool operator<=(const iterator & other) const {
return this->index <= other.index;
//! div. comparisons
inline bool operator>(const iterator & other) const {
return this->index > other.index;
//! div. comparisons
inline bool operator>=(const iterator & other) const {
return this->index >= other.index;
//! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
inline iterator operator+(difference_type diff) const {
return iterator{this->map, this - index + diff};
//! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
inline iterator operator-(difference_type diff) const {
return iterator{this->map, this - index - diff};
//! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
inline iterator & operator+=(difference_type diff) {
this->index += diff;
return *this;
//! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
inline iterator & operator-=(difference_type diff) {
this->index -= diff;
return *this;
//! get pixel coordinates
inline Ccoord get_ccoord() const {
return this->map.collection.get_ccoord(this->index);
//! access the index
inline const size_t & get_index() const { return this->index; }
size_t index; //!< current pixel this iterator refers to
StateFieldMap & map; //!< map over with `this` iterates
namespace internal {
//! FieldMap is an `Eigen::Map` or `Eigen::TensorMap` here
template <class Array, size_t... I, class iterator, class maps_t,
class indices_t>
inline Array build_old_vals_helper(iterator & it, maps_t & maps,
indices_t & indices,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return Array{maps[indices[I + 1]][it.get_index()]...};
template <class Array, size_t size, class iterator, class maps_t,
class indices_t>
inline Array build_old_vals(iterator & it, maps_t & maps,
indices_t & indices) {
return build_old_vals_helper<Array>(it, maps, indices,
} // namespace internal
* Light-weight resource-handle representing the current and old
* values of a field at a given pixel identified by an iterator
* pointing to it
template <class FieldMap, size_t nb_memory>
class StateFieldMap<FieldMap, nb_memory>::iterator::StateWrapper {
//! short-hand
using iterator = typename StateFieldMap::iterator;
//! short-hand
using Ccoord = typename iterator::Ccoord;
//! short-hand
using Map = typename FieldMap::reference;
//! short-hand
using ConstMap = typename FieldMap::const_reference;
* storage type differs depending on whether Map is a Reference type (in the
* C++ sense) or not, because arrays of references are forbidden
using Array_t = std::conditional_t<
RefArray<std::remove_reference_t<ConstMap>, nb_memory>,
std::array<ConstMap, nb_memory>>;
//! Default constructor
StateWrapper() = delete;
//! Copy constructor
StateWrapper(const StateWrapper & other) = default;
//! Move constructor
StateWrapper(StateWrapper && other) = default;
//! construct with `StateFieldMap::iterator`
StateWrapper(iterator & it)
: it{it},
old_vals(internal::build_old_vals<Array_t, nb_memory>(
it,, {}
//! Destructor
virtual ~StateWrapper() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
StateWrapper & operator=(const StateWrapper & other) = default;
//! Move assignment operator
StateWrapper & operator=(StateWrapper && other) = default;
//! returns reference to the currectly mapped value
inline Map & current() { return this->current_val; }
//! recurnts reference the the value that was current `nb_steps_ago` ago
template <size_t nb_steps_ago = 1>
inline const ConstMap & old() const {
static_assert(nb_steps_ago <= nb_memory,
"You have not stored that time step");
static_assert(nb_steps_ago > 0,
"Did you mean to access the current value? If so, use "
return this->old_vals[nb_steps_ago - 1];
//! read the coordinates of the current pixel
inline Ccoord get_ccoord() const { return this->it.get_ccoord(); }
iterator & it; //!< ref to the iterator that dereferences to `this`
Map current_val; //!< current value
Array_t old_vals; //!< all stored old values
} // namespace muSpectre

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