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* @file
* @author Till Junge <>
* @author Francesco Maresca <>
* @date 23 Feb 2018
* @brief finite strain crystal plasticity implementation
* Copyright © 2018 Till Junge, Francesco Maresca
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "materials/stress_transformations_PK2.hh"
#include "materials/material_crystal_plasticity_finite.hh"
#include "common/iterators.hh"
namespace muSpectre {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, Int NbSlip>
MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<DimS, DimM, NbSlip>::
MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite(std::string name, Real bulk_m,
Real shear_m, Real gamma_dot0, Real m_par,
Real tau_y0, Real h0,
Real delta_tau_y_max, Real a_par,
Real q_n, SlipVecs_ref Slip0,
SlipVecs_ref Normal0, Real delta_t,
Real tolerance, Int maxiter)
: Parent{name}, FpField{make_statefield<FpField_t>(
"Plastic Deformation Gradient Fₚ(t)",
"Plastic slip rates dγᵅ/dt", this->internal_fields)),
"Critical resolved shear stress τᵅy(t)", this->internal_fields)),
GammaField{make_field<MatrixField<LColl_t, Real, NbSlip, 1>>(
"Accumulated slips γᵅ(t)", this->internal_fields)},
EulerField{make_field<MatrixField<LColl_t, Real, NbEuler, 1>>(
"Euler angles", this->internal_fields)},
bulk_m{bulk_m}, shear_m{shear_m}, gamma_dot0{gamma_dot0}, m_par{m_par},
tau_y0{tau_y0}, h0{h0}, tau_infty{tau_y0 + delta_tau_y_max},
a_par{a_par}, q_n{q_n}, delta_t{delta_t}, tolerance{tolerance},
maxiter{maxiter}, Slip0{Slip0}, Normal0{Normal0},
dummy_gamma_dot{make_field<MatrixField<LColl_t, Real, NbSlip, 1>>(
"dummy γ_dot", this->internal_fields)},
dummy_tau_inc{make_field<MatrixField<LColl_t, Real, NbSlip, 1>>(
"dummy τ_inc", this->internal_fields)},
ArrayFieldMap<LColl_t, Real, NbEuler, 1, true>(EulerField),
MatrixFieldMap<LColl_t, Real, NbSlip, 1>(dummy_gamma_dot),
MatrixFieldMap<LColl_t, Real, NbSlip, 1>(dummy_tau_inc)} {
// Enforce n₀ and s₀ to be unit vectors!
auto lambda{MatTB::convert_elastic_modulus<
ElasticModulus::lambda, ElasticModulus::Bulk, ElasticModulus::Shear>(
bulk_m, shear_m)};
this->C_el = Hooke::compute_C_T4(lambda, shear_m);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, Int NbSlip>
void MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<DimS, DimM, NbSlip>::add_pixel(
const Ccoord_t<DimS> & /*pixel*/) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"this material needs pixels with a column vector of Euler angles");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, Int NbSlip>
void MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<DimS, DimM, NbSlip>::add_pixel(
const Ccoord_t<DimS> & pixel,
const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Array<Real, NbEuler, 1>> Euler) {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, Int NbSlip>
void MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<DimS, DimM, NbSlip>::initialise() {
if (not this->is_initialised) {
using T2_t = Eigen::Matrix<Real, DimM, DimM>;
this->FpField.get_map().current() = T2_t::Identity();
using ColArray_t = Eigen::Matrix<Real, NbSlip, 1>;
ScalarPerSlip_map(this->GammaDotField).current() = ColArray_t::Zero();
ScalarPerSlip_map(this->TauYField).current() =
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, Int NbSlip>
void MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<DimS, DimM,
NbSlip>::save_history_variables() {
auto GammaMap = this->GammaField.get_map();
auto GammaDotMap = this->GammaDotField.get_map();
for (auto && tup : akantu::zip(GammaMap, GammaDotMap)) {
auto & gamma = std::get<0>(tup);
auto & gamma_dot = std::get<1>(tup);
gamma += .5 * this->delta_t * (gamma_dot.current() + gamma_dot.old());
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM, Int NbSlip>
MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<DimS, DimM, NbSlip>::evaluate_stress_tangent(
const Eigen::Ref<const T2_t> & F, Fp_ref Fp, GammaDot_ref gamma_dot,
TauY_ref tau_y, Euler_ref Euler, Dummy_ref dummy_gamma_dot,
Dummy_ref dummy_tau_inc) -> std::tuple<T2_t, T4_t> {
auto dot = [](auto && a, auto && b) { return Matrices::dot<DimM>(a, b); };
auto ddot = [](auto && a, auto && b) { return Matrices::ddot<DimM>(a, b); };
Rotator<DimM> Rot(Euler);
T2_t Floc{Rot.rotate(F)};
std::array<T2_t, NbSlip> SchmidT;
for (Int i{0}; i < NbSlip; ++i) {
SchmidT[i] = this->Slip0.row(i).transpose() * this->Normal0.row(i);
// trial elastic deformation
T2_t Fe_star{Floc * Fp.old().inverse()};
T2_t CGe_star{Fe_star.transpose() *
Fe_star}; // elastic Cauchy-Green strain
T2_t GLe_star{.5 * (CGe_star - T2_t::Identity())};
T2_t SPK_star{Matrices::tensmult(C_el, GLe_star)};
using ColArray_t = Eigen::Array<Real, NbSlip, 1>;
using ColMatrix_t = Eigen::Matrix<Real, NbSlip, 1>;
ColArray_t tau_star;
// pl_corr is the plastic corrector (Bᵅ)
std::array<T2_t, NbSlip> pl_corr;
using SlipMat_t = Eigen::Matrix<Real, NbSlip, NbSlip>;
SlipMat_t pl_corr_proj;
for (Int i{0}; i < NbSlip; ++i) {
// first half of eq (19)
tau_star(i) = (CGe_star * SPK_star * SchmidT[i].transpose()).trace();
// eq (19)
pl_corr[i] =
Matrices::tensmult(C_el, .5 * (CGe_star * SchmidT[i] +
SchmidT[i].transpose() * CGe_star));
for (Int j{0}; j < NbSlip; ++j) {
pl_corr_proj(i, j) = ddot(CGe_star * pl_corr[i], SchmidT[j]);
SlipMat_t I(SlipMat_t::Identity());
auto && q_matrix{(I + this->q_n * (SlipMat_t::Ones() - I))};
// residual on plastic slip rates
gamma_dot.current() = gamma_dot.old();
tau_y.current() = tau_y.old();
ColArray_t tau_inc{tau_star};
auto objective_fun = [this, &gamma_dot, &tau_inc, &tau_y]() {
return (gamma_dot.current().array() -
this->gamma_dot0 *
(abs(tau_inc).array() / tau_y.current().array())
.pow(1. / this->m_par) *
ColArray_t res{objective_fun()};
auto compute_h_matrix = [this, &q_matrix](const ColMatrix_t & tau_y_temp) {
auto && parens = (ColMatrix_t::Ones() - tau_y_temp / this->tau_infty)
return this->h0 * parens.asDiagonal() * q_matrix;
ColArray_t s_dot_old{
(compute_h_matrix(tau_y.current()) * gamma_dot.old()).array()};
SlipMat_t drdgammadot{SlipMat_t::Identity()};
ColArray_t dr_stress{ColArray_t::Zero()};
Int counter{};
while (abs(res).maxCoeff() / this->gamma_dot0 > tolerance) {
if (counter++ > this->maxiter) {
throw std::runtime_error("Max. number of iteration for plastic slip "
"reached without convergence");
// in eq (27), term |τᵅ(tₙ₊₁)|^(¹⁻ᵐ/ₘ)·(sᵃ(tₙ₊₁))^(-¹/ₘ)·sgn(τᵅ(tₙ₊₁))
dr_stress = abs(tau_inc).pow((1 - this->m_par) / this->m_par) *
tau_y.current().array().pow(-1 / this->m_par) * sign(tau_inc);
// in eq (27), term |τᵅ(tₙ₊₁)|^(¹/ₘ)·(sᵅ(tₙ₊₁))^(-1-¹/ₘ)·sgn(τᵅ(tₙ₊₁))
ColArray_t dr_hard{abs(tau_inc).pow(1 / this->m_par) *
tau_y.current().array().pow(-1 - 1 / this->m_par) *
//! eq (27)?
drdgammadot =
((I + 0.5 * this->delta_t * this->gamma_dot0 / this->m_par *
dr_stress.matrix().asDiagonal() *
pl_corr_proj.transpose()) +
(0.5 * this->delta_t * this->gamma_dot0 / this->m_par *
dr_hard.matrix().asDiagonal() * compute_h_matrix(tau_y.current()) *
gamma_dot.current() -= drdgammadot.inverse() * res.matrix();
tau_inc =
tau_star -
(0.5 * this->delta_t *
(gamma_dot.current() + gamma_dot.old()).transpose() * pl_corr_proj)
Int counter_h{};
ColMatrix_t tau_y_temp{};
Real tau_y_residual{};
do {
if (counter_h++ > this->maxiter) {
throw std::runtime_error("Max. number of iteration for hardening "
"reached without convergence");
tau_y_temp = tau_y.current();
tau_y.current() = tau_y.old() + 0.5 * this->delta_t *
(s_dot_old.matrix() +
compute_h_matrix(tau_y_temp) *
//! // TODO: rediscuss with francesco why the second version is wrong
//! (commented one)
// tau_y.current() += 0.5*this->delta_t*(s_dot_old.matrix() +
// compute_h_matrix(tau_y_temp)*gamma_dot.current());
tau_y_residual = (tau_y.current() - tau_y_temp).norm() /
(tau_y.current().norm() + 1);
} while (tau_y_residual > tolerance);
res = objective_fun();
dummy_gamma_dot = gamma_dot.current();
dummy_tau_inc = tau_inc;
T2_t SPK{SPK_star};
for (Int i{0}; i < NbSlip; ++i) {
SPK -= .5 * delta_t * (gamma_dot.current()(i) + gamma_dot.old()(i)) *
T2_t Lp{T2_t::Zero()};
for (Int i{0}; i < NbSlip; ++i) {
Lp += .5 * (gamma_dot.current()(i) + gamma_dot.old()(i)) * SchmidT[i];
Fp.current() = (T2_t::Identity() + this->delta_t * Lp) * Fp.old();
T2_t PK2 = Rot.rotate_back(Fp.current().inverse() * SPK *
// Stiffness matrix calculation begins
// A4: elastic trial consistent tangent
auto IRT = Matrices::Itrns<DimM>();
auto I4 = Matrices::Iiden<DimM>();
auto odot = [](auto && T4, auto && T2) {
T4_t ret_val(T4_t::Zero());
for (Int i = 0; i < DimM; ++i) {
for (Int j = 0; j < DimM; ++j) {
for (Int k = 0; k < DimM; ++k) {
for (Int l = 0; l < DimM; ++l) {
for (Int m = 0; m < DimM; ++m) {
get(ret_val, i, j, k, l) += get(T4, i, m, k, l) * T2(m, j);
return ret_val;
T4_t dAdF1{odot(dot(Fp.old().inverse().transpose(), IRT), Fe_star)};
T4_t dAdF2{odot(dot(Fe_star.transpose(), I4), Fp.old().inverse())};
T4_t dAdF{dAdF1 + dAdF2};
T4_t A4{.5 * ddot(C_el, dAdF)};
// E4: Tangent of the projector
T4_t E4{T4_t::Zero()};
for (Int i{0}; i < NbSlip; ++i) {
T4_t dBprojdF{odot(dAdF, SchmidT[i]) + dot(SchmidT[i].transpose(), dAdF)};
E4 -= .5 * this->delta_t * (gamma_dot.current()(i) + gamma_dot.old()(i)) *
ddot(C_el, dBprojdF);
// G4: Tangent of slip rate
// dgammadot/dtau
SlipMat_t dgammadotdtau{
-drdgammadot.inverse() *
(-this->gamma_dot0 / this->m_par * dr_stress.matrix().asDiagonal())};
T4_t G4p1{T4_t::Zero()};
for (Int k{0}; k < NbSlip; ++k) {
for (Int mu{0}; mu < NbSlip; ++mu) {
G4p1 += Matrices::outer(pl_corr[k], dgammadotdtau(k, mu) * SchmidT[mu]);
T4_t G4p2{odot(dAdF, SPK) + dot(CGe_star, (A4 + E4).eval())};
T4_t G4_RHS{.5 * delta_t * G4p1 * G4p2};
auto xdot = [](auto && T4, auto && T2) {
T4_t ret_val(T4_t::Zero());
for (Int i = 0; i < DimM; ++i) {
for (Int j = 0; j < DimM; ++j) {
for (Int k = 0; k < DimM; ++k) {
for (Int l = 0; l < DimM; ++l) {
for (Int m = 0; m < DimM; ++m) {
get(ret_val, i, j, k, l) += get(T4, i, j, m, l) * T2(m, k);
return ret_val;
T4_t G4_LHS{I4 - .5 * delta_t * xdot(G4p1, CGe_star)};
T4_t G4{G4_LHS.inverse() * G4_RHS};
// Plastic contribution to geometric tangent
T4_t F4p1{T4_t::Zero()};
T4_t F4p2{T4_t::Zero()};
for (Int k{0}; k < NbSlip; ++k) {
for (Int mu{0}; mu < NbSlip; ++mu) {
F4p1 += Matrices::outer(SchmidT[k], dgammadotdtau(k, mu) * SchmidT[mu]);
F4p2 += Matrices::outer(SchmidT[k].transpose(),
dgammadotdtau(k, mu) * SchmidT[mu]);
T4_t F4L{-.5 * delta_t *
odot(dot(Fp.old(), (F4p1 * (A4 + E4 + G4)).eval()),
SPK * Fp.current().inverse().transpose())};
T4_t F4R{-.5 * delta_t *
(dot((Fp.current().inverse() * SPK).eval(),
odot((F4p2 * (A4 + E4 + G4)).eval(),
T4_t K4{
Rot.rotate_back(F4L +
odot(dot(Fp.current().inverse(), (A4 + E4 + G4).eval()),
Fp.current().inverse().transpose()) +
return std::make_tuple(std::move(PK2), std::move(K4));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template class MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<twoD, twoD, 3>;
template class MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<twoD, threeD, 12>;
template class MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<threeD, threeD, 12>;
// toy materials with a single slip system for testing
template class MaterialCrystalPlasticityFinite<twoD, twoD, 1>;
} // namespace muSpectre

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