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* @file material_muSpectre_base.hh
* @author Till Junge <>
* @date 25 Oct 2017
* @brief Base class for materials written for µSpectre specifically. These
* can take full advantage of the configuration-change utilities of
* µSpectre. The user can inherit from them to define new constitutive
* laws and is merely required to provide the methods for computing the
* second Piola-Kirchhoff stress and Tangent. This class uses the
* "curiously recurring template parameter" to avoid virtual calls.
* Copyright © 2017 Till Junge
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with µSpectre; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
* with proprietary FFT implementations or numerical libraries, containing parts
* covered by the terms of those libraries' licenses, the licensors of this
* Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
#include "common/common.hh"
#include "materials/material_base.hh"
#include "materials/materials_toolbox.hh"
#include "materials/material_evaluator.hh"
#include "common/field_collection.hh"
#include "common/field.hh"
#include "common//utilities.hh"
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace muSpectre {
// Forward declaration for factory function
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
class CellBase;
* material traits are used by `muSpectre::MaterialMuSpectre` to
* break the circular dependence created by the curiously recurring
* template parameter. These traits must define
* - these `muSpectre::FieldMap`s:
* - `StrainMap_t`: typically a `muSpectre::MatrixFieldMap` for a
* constant second-order `muSpectre::TensorField`
* - `StressMap_t`: typically a `muSpectre::MatrixFieldMap` for a
* writable secord-order `muSpectre::TensorField`
* - `TangentMap_t`: typically a `muSpectre::T4MatrixFieldMap` for a
* writable fourth-order `muSpectre::TensorField`
* - `strain_measure`: the expected strain type (will be replaced by the
* small-strain tensor ε
* `muspectre::StrainMeasure::Infinitesimal` in small
* strain computations)
* - `stress_measure`: the measure of the returned stress. Is used by
* `muspectre::MaterialMuSpectre` to transform it into
* Cauchy stress (`muspectre::StressMeasure::Cauchy`) in
* small-strain computations and into first
* Piola-Kirchhoff stress `muspectre::StressMeasure::PK1`
* in finite-strain computations
* - `InternalVariables`: a tuple of `muSpectre::FieldMap`s containing
* internal variables
template <class Material>
struct MaterialMuSpectre_traits {};
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
class MaterialMuSpectre;
* Base class for most convenient implementation of materials
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
class MaterialMuSpectre : public MaterialBase<DimS, DimM> {
* type used to determine whether the
* `muSpectre::MaterialMuSpectre::iterable_proxy` evaluate only
* stresses or also tangent stiffnesses
using NeedTangent = MatTB::NeedTangent;
using Parent = MaterialBase<DimS, DimM>; //!< base class
//! global field collection
using GFieldCollection_t = typename Parent::GFieldCollection_t;
//! expected type for stress fields
using StressField_t = typename Parent::StressField_t;
//! expected type for strain fields
using StrainField_t = typename Parent::StrainField_t;
//! expected type for tangent stiffness fields
using TangentField_t = typename Parent::TangentField_t;
//! traits for the CRTP subclass
using traits = MaterialMuSpectre_traits<Material>;
//! Default constructor
MaterialMuSpectre() = delete;
//! Construct by name
explicit MaterialMuSpectre(std::string name);
//! Copy constructor
MaterialMuSpectre(const MaterialMuSpectre & other) = delete;
//! Move constructor
MaterialMuSpectre(MaterialMuSpectre && other) = delete;
//! Destructor
virtual ~MaterialMuSpectre() = default;
//! Factory
template <class... ConstructorArgs>
static Material & make(CellBase<DimS, DimM> & cell,
ConstructorArgs &&... args);
/** Factory
* takes all arguments after the name of the underlying
* Material's constructor. E.g., if the underlying material is a
* `muSpectre::MaterialLinearElastic1<threeD>`, these would be Young's
* modulus and Poisson's ratio.
template <class... ConstructorArgs>
static std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Material>, MaterialEvaluator<DimM>>
make_evaluator(ConstructorArgs &&... args);
//! Copy assignment operator
MaterialMuSpectre & operator=(const MaterialMuSpectre & other) = delete;
//! Move assignment operator
MaterialMuSpectre & operator=(MaterialMuSpectre && other) = delete;
//! allocate memory, etc
void initialise() override;
using Parent::compute_stresses;
using Parent::compute_stresses_tangent;
//! computes stress
void compute_stresses(const StrainField_t & F, StressField_t & P,
Formulation form) final;
//! computes stress and tangent modulus
void compute_stresses_tangent(const StrainField_t & F, StressField_t & P,
TangentField_t & K, Formulation form) final;
//! computes stress with the formulation available at compile time
//! __attribute__ required by g++-6 and g++-7 because of this bug:
template <Formulation Form>
inline void compute_stresses_worker(const StrainField_t & F,
StressField_t & P)
//! computes stress with the formulation available at compile time
//! __attribute__ required by g++-6 and g++-7 because of this bug:
template <Formulation Form>
inline void compute_stresses_worker(const StrainField_t & F,
StressField_t & P, TangentField_t & K)
//! this iterable class is a default for simple laws that just take a strain
//! the iterable is just a templated wrapper to provide a range to iterate
//! over that does or does not include tangent moduli
template <NeedTangent need_tgt = NeedTangent::no>
class iterable_proxy;
* inheriting classes with internal variables need to overload this function
typename traits::InternalVariables & get_internals() {
return static_cast<Material &>(*this).get_internals();
bool is_initialised{false}; //!< to handle double initialisation right
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::MaterialMuSpectre(std::string name)
: Parent(name) {
using stress_compatible =
typename traits::StressMap_t::template is_compatible<StressField_t>;
using strain_compatible =
typename traits::StrainMap_t::template is_compatible<StrainField_t>;
using tangent_compatible =
typename traits::TangentMap_t::template is_compatible<TangentField_t>;
static_assert((stress_compatible::value && stress_compatible::explain()),
"The material's declared stress map is not compatible "
"with the stress field. More info in previously shown "
static_assert((strain_compatible::value && strain_compatible::explain()),
"The material's declared strain map is not compatible "
"with the strain field. More info in previously shown "
static_assert((tangent_compatible::value && tangent_compatible::explain()),
"The material's declared tangent map is not compatible "
"with the tangent field. More info in previously shown "
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <class... ConstructorArgs>
Material &
MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::make(CellBase<DimS, DimM> & cell,
ConstructorArgs &&... args) {
auto mat = std::make_unique<Material>(args...);
auto & mat_ref = *mat;
return mat_ref;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <class... ConstructorArgs>
std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Material>, MaterialEvaluator<DimM>>
MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::make_evaluator(
ConstructorArgs &&... args) {
auto mat = std::make_shared<Material>("name", args...);
using Ret_t =
std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Material>, MaterialEvaluator<DimM>>;
return Ret_t(mat, MaterialEvaluator<DimM>{mat});
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
void MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::initialise() {
if (!this->is_initialised) {
this->is_initialised = true;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
void MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::compute_stresses(
const StrainField_t & F, StressField_t & P, Formulation form) {
switch (form) {
case Formulation::finite_strain: {
this->template compute_stresses_worker<Formulation::finite_strain>(F, P);
case Formulation::small_strain: {
this->template compute_stresses_worker<Formulation::small_strain>(F, P);
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown formulation");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
void MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::compute_stresses_tangent(
const StrainField_t & F, StressField_t & P, TangentField_t & K,
Formulation form) {
switch (form) {
case Formulation::finite_strain: {
this->template compute_stresses_worker<Formulation::finite_strain>(F, P,
case Formulation::small_strain: {
this->template compute_stresses_worker<Formulation::small_strain>(F, P,
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown formulation");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <Formulation Form>
void MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::compute_stresses_worker(
const StrainField_t & F, StressField_t & P, TangentField_t & K) {
/* These lambdas are executed for every integration point.
F contains the transformation gradient for finite strain calculations and
the infinitesimal strain tensor in small strain problems
The internal_variables tuple contains whatever internal variables
Material declared (e.g., eigenstrain, strain rate, etc.)
using Strains_t = std::tuple<typename traits::StrainMap_t::reference>;
using Stresses_t = std::tuple<typename traits::StressMap_t::reference,
typename traits::TangentMap_t::reference>;
auto constitutive_law_small_strain = [this](Strains_t Strains,
Stresses_t Stresses,
auto && internal_variables) {
constexpr StrainMeasure stored_strain_m{get_stored_strain_type(Form)};
constexpr StrainMeasure expected_strain_m{
get_formulation_strain_type(Form, traits::strain_measure)};
auto & this_mat = static_cast<Material &>(*this);
// Transformation gradient is first in the strains tuple
auto & F = std::get<0>(Strains);
auto && strain =
MatTB::convert_strain<stored_strain_m, expected_strain_m>(F);
// return value contains a tuple of rvalue_refs to both stress and tangent
// moduli
Stresses = apply(
[&strain, &this_mat](auto &&... internals) {
return this_mat.evaluate_stress_tangent(std::move(strain),
auto constitutive_law_finite_strain = [this](Strains_t Strains,
Stresses_t Stresses,
auto && internal_variables) {
constexpr StrainMeasure stored_strain_m{get_stored_strain_type(Form)};
constexpr StrainMeasure expected_strain_m{
get_formulation_strain_type(Form, traits::strain_measure)};
auto & this_mat = static_cast<Material &>(*this);
// Transformation gradient is first in the strains tuple
auto & grad = std::get<0>(Strains);
auto && strain =
MatTB::convert_strain<stored_strain_m, expected_strain_m>(grad);
// TODO(junge): Figure this out: I can't std::move(internals...),
// because if there are no internals, compilation fails with "no
// matching function for call to ‘move()’'. These are tuples of
// lvalue references, so it shouldn't be too bad, but still
// irksome.
// return value contains a tuple of rvalue_refs to both stress
// and tangent moduli
auto stress_tgt = apply(
[&strain, &this_mat](auto &&... internals) {
return this_mat.evaluate_stress_tangent(std::move(strain),
auto & stress = std::get<0>(stress_tgt);
auto & tangent = std::get<1>(stress_tgt);
Stresses =
MatTB::PK1_stress<traits::stress_measure, traits::strain_measure>(
std::move(grad), std::move(stress), std::move(tangent));
iterable_proxy<NeedTangent::yes> fields{*this, F, P, K};
for (auto && arglist : fields) {
* arglist is a tuple of three tuples containing only Lvalue
* references (see value_tye in the class definition of
* iterable_proxy::iterator). Tuples contain strains, stresses
* and internal variables, respectively,
// auto && stress_tgt = std::get<0>(tuples);
// auto && inputs = std::get<1>(tuples);TODO:clean this
static_assert(std::is_same<typename traits::StrainMap_t::reference,
"Type mismatch for strain reference, check iterator "
static_assert(std::is_same<typename traits::StressMap_t::reference,
"Type mismatch for stress reference, check iterator"
static_assert(std::is_same<typename traits::TangentMap_t::reference,
"Type mismatch for tangent reference, check iterator"
switch (Form) {
case Formulation::small_strain: {
apply(constitutive_law_small_strain, std::move(arglist));
case Formulation::finite_strain: {
apply(constitutive_law_finite_strain, std::move(arglist));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <Formulation Form>
void MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::compute_stresses_worker(
const StrainField_t & F, StressField_t & P) {
/* These lambdas are executed for every integration point.
F contains the transformation gradient for finite strain calculations and
the infinitesimal strain tensor in small strain problems
The internal_variables tuple contains whatever internal variables
Material declared (e.g., eigenstrain, strain rate, etc.)
using Strains_t = std::tuple<typename traits::StrainMap_t::reference>;
using Stresses_t = std::tuple<typename traits::StressMap_t::reference>;
auto constitutive_law_small_strain = [this](Strains_t Strains,
Stresses_t Stresses,
auto && internal_variables) {
constexpr StrainMeasure stored_strain_m{get_stored_strain_type(Form)};
constexpr StrainMeasure expected_strain_m{
get_formulation_strain_type(Form, traits::strain_measure)};
auto & this_mat = static_cast<Material &>(*this);
// Transformation gradient is first in the strains tuple
auto & F = std::get<0>(Strains);
auto && strain =
MatTB::convert_strain<stored_strain_m, expected_strain_m>(F);
// return value contains a tuple of rvalue_refs to both stress and tangent
// moduli
auto & sigma = std::get<0>(Stresses);
sigma = apply(
[&strain, &this_mat](auto &&... internals) {
return this_mat.evaluate_stress(std::move(strain), internals...);
auto constitutive_law_finite_strain = [this](Strains_t Strains,
Stresses_t && Stresses,
auto && internal_variables) {
constexpr StrainMeasure stored_strain_m{get_stored_strain_type(Form)};
constexpr StrainMeasure expected_strain_m{
get_formulation_strain_type(Form, traits::strain_measure)};
auto & this_mat = static_cast<Material &>(*this);
// Transformation gradient is first in the strains tuple
auto & F = std::get<0>(Strains);
auto && strain =
MatTB::convert_strain<stored_strain_m, expected_strain_m>(F);
// TODO(junge): Figure this out: I can't std::move(internals...),
// because if there are no internals, compilation fails with "no
// matching function for call to ‘move()’'. These are tuples of
// lvalue references, so it shouldn't be too bad, but still
// irksome.
// return value contains a tuple of rvalue_refs to both stress
// and tangent moduli
auto && stress = apply(
[&strain, &this_mat](auto &&... internals) {
return this_mat.evaluate_stress(std::move(strain), internals...);
auto & P = get<0>(Stresses);
P = MatTB::PK1_stress<traits::stress_measure, traits::strain_measure>(
F, stress);
iterable_proxy<NeedTangent::no> fields{*this, F, P};
for (auto && arglist : fields) {
* arglist is a tuple of three tuples containing only Lvalue
* references (see value_tye in the class definition of
* iterable_proxy::iterator). Tuples contain strains, stresses
* and internal variables, respectively,
// auto && stress_tgt = std::get<0>(tuples);
// auto && inputs = std::get<1>(tuples);TODO:clean this
static_assert(std::is_same<typename traits::StrainMap_t::reference,
"Type mismatch for strain reference, check iterator "
static_assert(std::is_same<typename traits::StressMap_t::reference,
"Type mismatch for stress reference, check iterator"
switch (Form) {
case Formulation::small_strain: {
apply(constitutive_law_small_strain, std::move(arglist));
case Formulation::finite_strain: {
apply(constitutive_law_finite_strain, std::move(arglist));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//! this iterator class is a default for simple laws that just take a strain
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <MatTB::NeedTangent NeedTgt>
class MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::iterable_proxy {
//! Default constructor
iterable_proxy() = delete;
* type used to determine whether the
* `muSpectre::MaterialMuSpectre::iterable_proxy` evaluate only
* stresses or also tangent stiffnesses
using NeedTangent =
typename MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::NeedTangent;
/** Iterator uses the material's internal variables field
collection to iterate selectively over the global fields
(such as the transformation gradient F and first
Piola-Kirchhoff stress P.
template <bool DoNeedTgt = (NeedTgt == NeedTangent::yes)>
iterable_proxy(MaterialMuSpectre & mat, const StrainField_t & F,
StressField_t & P,
std::enable_if_t<DoNeedTgt, TangentField_t> & K)
: material{mat}, strain_field{F},
stress_tup{P, K}, internals{material.get_internals()} {};
/** Iterator uses the material's internal variables field
collection to iterate selectively over the global fields
(such as the transformation gradient F and first
Piola-Kirchhoff stress P.
template <bool DontNeedTgt = (NeedTgt == NeedTangent::no)>
iterable_proxy(MaterialMuSpectre & mat, const StrainField_t & F,
std::enable_if_t<DontNeedTgt, StressField_t> & P)
: material{mat}, strain_field{F},
stress_tup{P}, internals{material.get_internals()} {};
//! Expected type for strain fields
using StrainMap_t = typename traits::StrainMap_t;
//! Expected type for stress fields
using StressMap_t = typename traits::StressMap_t;
//! Expected type for tangent stiffness fields
using TangentMap_t = typename traits::TangentMap_t;
//! expected type for strain values
using Strain_t = typename traits::StrainMap_t::reference;
//! expected type for stress values
using Stress_t = typename traits::StressMap_t::reference;
//! expected type for tangent stiffness values
using Tangent_t = typename traits::TangentMap_t::reference;
//! tuple of intervnal variables, depends on the material
using InternalVariables = typename traits::InternalVariables;
//! tuple containing a stress and possibly a tangent stiffness field
using StressFieldTup =
std::conditional_t<(NeedTgt == NeedTangent::yes),
std::tuple<StressField_t &, TangentField_t &>,
std::tuple<StressField_t &>>;
//! tuple containing a stress and possibly a tangent stiffness field map
using StressMapTup =
std::conditional_t<(NeedTgt == NeedTangent::yes),
std::tuple<StressMap_t, TangentMap_t>,
//! tuple containing a stress and possibly a tangent stiffness value ref
using Stress_tTup = std::conditional_t<(NeedTgt == NeedTangent::yes),
std::tuple<Stress_t, Tangent_t>,
//! Copy constructor
iterable_proxy(const iterable_proxy & other) = default;
//! Move constructor
iterable_proxy(iterable_proxy && other) = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~iterable_proxy() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
iterable_proxy & operator=(const iterable_proxy & other) = default;
//! Move assignment operator
iterable_proxy & operator=(iterable_proxy && other) = default;
* dereferences into a tuple containing strains, and internal
* variables, as well as maps to the stress and potentially
* stiffness maps where to write the response of a pixel
class iterator {
//! type to refer to internal variables owned by a CRTP material
using InternalReferences = MatTB::ReferenceTuple_t<InternalVariables>;
//! return type to be unpacked per pixel my the constitutive law
using value_type =
std::tuple<std::tuple<Strain_t>, Stress_tTup, InternalReferences>;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; //!< stl conformance
//! Default constructor
iterator() = delete;
/** Iterator uses the material's internal variables field
collection to iterate selectively over the global fields
(such as the transformation gradient F and first
Piola-Kirchhoff stress P.
explicit iterator(const iterable_proxy & it, bool begin = true)
: it{it}, strain_map{it.strain_field}, stress_map(it.stress_tup),
index{begin ? 0 : it.material.internal_fields.size()} {}
//! Copy constructor
iterator(const iterator & other) = default;
//! Move constructor
iterator(iterator && other) = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~iterator() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
iterator & operator=(const iterator & other) = default;
//! Move assignment operator
iterator & operator=(iterator && other) = default;
//! pre-increment
inline iterator & operator++();
//! dereference
inline value_type operator*();
//! inequality
inline bool operator!=(const iterator & other) const;
const iterable_proxy & it; //!< ref to the proxy
StrainMap_t strain_map; //!< map onto the global strain field
//! map onto the global stress field and possibly tangent stiffness
StressMapTup stress_map;
size_t index; //!< index or pixel currently referred to
//! returns iterator to first pixel if this material
iterator begin() { return std::move(iterator(*this)); }
//! returns iterator past the last pixel in this material
iterator end() { return std::move(iterator(*this, false)); }
MaterialMuSpectre & material; //!< reference to the proxied material
const StrainField_t & strain_field; //!< cell's global strain field
//! references to the global stress field and perhaps tangent stiffness
StressFieldTup stress_tup;
//! references to the internal variables
InternalVariables & internals;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <MatTB::NeedTangent NeedTgt>
MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::iterable_proxy<NeedTgt>::iterator::
operator!=(const iterator & other) const {
return (this->index != other.index);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <MatTB::NeedTangent NeedTgt>
typename MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS,
DimM>::template iterable_proxy<NeedTgt>::iterator &
MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::iterable_proxy<NeedTgt>::iterator::
operator++() {
return *this;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Material, Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
template <MatTB::NeedTangent NeedTgT>
typename MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS, DimM>::template iterable_proxy<
MaterialMuSpectre<Material, DimS,
DimM>::iterable_proxy<NeedTgT>::iterator::operator*() {
const Ccoord_t<DimS> pixel{
auto && strain = std::make_tuple(this->strain_map[pixel]);
auto && stresses = apply(
[&pixel](auto &&... stress_tgt) {
return std::make_tuple(stress_tgt[pixel]...);
auto && internal = this->it.material.get_internals();
const auto id{this->index};
auto && internals = apply(
[id](auto &&... internals_) {
return InternalReferences{internals_[id]...};
return std::make_tuple(std::move(strain), std::move(stresses),
} // namespace muSpectre

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