External tools --------------------------------- - Needs python3 - Needs pip3 : sudo apt-get install python3-pip - Needs geographiclib : pip3 install geographiclib Current content of the repository --------------------------------- ./bin/console Console that plugs into a NMEA multiplexer (or any TCP server). It displays the NMEA sentences. USAGE: ./console 39150 localhost or (equivalent) ./console 39150 --- ./bin/joiner Tool that sends the NMEA sentences from one server to another one. USAGE: ./joiner localhost 39150 localhost 39151 (This would send the traffic from the NMEA server on port 39150 to the server on port 39151) --- ./bin/multiplexer NMEA multiplexer. Each NMEA client that connects to the multiplexer will receive the NMEA traffic from other clients, and its NMEA sentences will be sent to other clients. USAGE: ./multiplexer 39150 localhost or (equivalent) ./multiplexer 39150 --- ./bin/pipe Pipe tool to connect 2 NMEA servers in both directions. Like a joiner but in both directions. USAGE: ./joiner localhost 39150 localhost 39151 --- ./tools/dpt Client NMEA client that sends random DPT sentences (with YX talker ID) every second. USAGE: ./dpt 39150 --- ./tools/boat Fake boat that waits for a RMB sentence from navigation (like OpenCPN), and sends RMC position sentences. When the navigation starts sending RMB messages, the fake boat will jump to the provided way point. This wokrs by activation a route in OpenCPN. USAGE: ./boat (it connects to server on port 39150 by default) --- ./tools/PetitBaigneur.py Fake AIS ship sending AIS type 5 and type 1 messages. USAGE: ./PetitBaigneur.py (it connects to server on port 39150 by default) --- ./tools/MOB.py Simulate AIS Man Over Board --- ./tools/CardNorth Simulate AIS Cardinal N