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Sat, Mar 15, 02:47
* Copyright (C) iMariner. All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is
* included at /legal/license.txt).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
Extracts from ZyGrib / GribV1Record.cpp
World Meteorogical Organization WMO-No.306
Manual on Codes
International Codes
PART B - Binary Codes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MIN(X, Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
#define MAX(X, Y) (((X) > (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
// Table Code 2
#define DATATYPE_TEMP 11 // K
#define DATATYPE_UWIND 33 // m/s
#define DATATYPE_VWIND 34 // m/s
#define DATATYPE_PRECIP 61 // kg/m2
#define DATATYPE_WAVES 100 // m
#define DATATYPE_APCP 157
// Table Code 3
#define LEVELTYPE_NO 0
#define LEVELTYPE_MSL 102 // Mean Sea Level
bool Verbose = false;
unsigned char buf[1024*100];
// IS : Indicator Section
typedef struct {
off_t offsetInFile;
unsigned long sectionSize;
unsigned long totalLength;
unsigned char editionNumber; // GRIB1 or GRIB2
char magic[5];
} T_section0;
// PDS : Product Description Section
typedef struct {
off_t offsetInFile;
unsigned long sectionSize; // Length of section
unsigned char parameterTableVersion; // GRIB tables Version No
unsigned char idCenter;
unsigned char idModel;
unsigned char idGrid;
unsigned char flags;
unsigned char dataType; // PDS9
unsigned char levelType; // PDS10
unsigned int levelValue; // PDS11 & PDS12
unsigned int year;
unsigned char month;
unsigned char day;
unsigned char hour;
unsigned char minute;
unsigned char forcastTimeUnit;
unsigned char periodP1;
unsigned char periodP2;
unsigned char timeRange;
int D;
double Dpow10;
} T_section1;
// GDS : Grid Description Section
typedef struct {
off_t offsetInFile;
unsigned long sectionSize;
unsigned char NV; // number of vertical coordinate parameters
unsigned char PV; // PV - location (octet number) of the list of numbers
// of points in each row (if no vertical coordinate
// parameters are present), if present;
// or PL – location (octet number) of the list of numbers
// of points in each row (if no vertical coordinate
// parameters are present), if present;
// or 255 (all bits set to 1) if neither are present
unsigned char gridType; // Data representation type (see Code table 6)
unsigned int Ni;
unsigned int Nj;
double La1;
double Lo1;
unsigned char resolFlags;
double La2;
double Lo2;
double Di;
double Dj;
unsigned char scanFlags;
double lonMin;
double lonMax;
double latMin;
double latMax;
bool hasDiDj;
bool isEarthSpheric;
bool isUeastVnorth;
bool isScanIpositive;
bool isScanJpositive;
bool isAdjacentI;
} T_section2;
// BMS : BitMap Section
typedef struct {
off_t offsetInFile;
unsigned long sectionSize;
} T_section3;
// BDS : Binary Data Section
typedef struct {
off_t offsetInFile;
unsigned long sectionSize;
unsigned char flags;
int scaleFactorE;
double refValue;
unsigned char nbBitsInPack;
double scaleFactorEpow2;
unsigned char unusedBitsEndBDS;
bool isGridData;
bool isSimplePacking;
bool isFloatValues;
double data[100*1024];
} T_section4;
// ES : End Section
typedef struct {
off_t offsetInFile;
unsigned long sectionSize;
char magic[5];
} T_section5;
typedef struct {
T_section0 s0;
T_section1 s1;
T_section2 s2;
T_section3 s3;
T_section4 s4;
T_section5 s5;
} T_gribRecord;
//T_gribRecord rec;
unsigned int readInt2(unsigned char *buf) {
return buf[0]<<8 | buf[1];
unsigned int readInt3(unsigned char *buf) {
return buf[0]<<16 | buf[1]<<8 | buf[2];
unsigned int readInt4(unsigned char *buf) {
return buf[0]<<24 | buf[1]<<16 | buf[2]<<8 | buf[3];
unsigned long readLong8(unsigned char *buf) {
int i;
unsigned long l = 0;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
l = (l<<8) + buf[i];
return l;
int readSignedInt2(unsigned char *buf) {
int sign = buf[0]&0x80 ? -1 : 1;
return ((buf[0]&0x7f)<<8 | buf[1]) * sign;
int readSignedInt3(unsigned char *buf) {
int sign = buf[0]&0x80 ? -1 : 1;
return ((buf[0]&0x7f)<<16 | buf[1]<<8 | buf[2])*sign;
double readFloat4(unsigned char *buf) {
double val;
int sign = buf[0]&0x80 ? -1 : 1;
int A = buf[0]&0x7F;
int B = readInt3(buf+1);
val = pow(2.,-24)*B*pow(16.,A-64);
return val * sign;
/* wesley ebisuzaki v0.2
* takes 4 byte character string (single precision ieee big-endian)
* and returns a float
* doesn't handle NAN, infinity and any other funny stuff in ieee
* ansi C
float ieee2flt(unsigned char *ieee) {
double fmant;
int exp;
if ((ieee[0] & 127) == 0 && ieee[1] == 0 && ieee[2] == 0 && ieee[3] == 0)
return (float) 0.0;
exp = ((ieee[0] & 127) << 1) + (ieee[1] >> 7);
fmant = (double) ((int) ieee[3] + (int) (ieee[2] << 8) +
(int) ((ieee[1] | 128) << 16));
if (ieee[0] & 128) fmant = -fmant;
return (float) (ldexp(fmant, (int) (exp - 128 - 22)));
unsigned int readPackedBits(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int first, unsigned int nbBits) {
unsigned int oct = first / 8;
unsigned int bit = first % 8;
//printf ("readPackedBits(%d,%d)\n", first, nbBits);
unsigned int val = (buf[oct]<<24) + (buf[oct+1]<<16) + (buf[oct+2]<<8) + (buf[oct+3]);
val = val << bit;
val = val >> (32-nbBits);
return val;
// PDS : Product Definition Section
int GRIB1_readSection1(int fd, T_gribRecord *rec) {
off_t offset = rec->s0.offsetInFile+rec->s0.sectionSize;
if (lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
return -1;
rec->s1.offsetInFile = offset;
//printf ("s1.offsetInFile = %ld\n", rec->s1.offsetInFile);
if (read (fd, buf, 3) != 3)
return -2;
rec->s1.sectionSize = readInt3(buf);
//printf ("s1.sectionSize = %ld\n", rec->s1.sectionSize);
if (read (fd, buf, rec->s1.sectionSize-3) != rec->s1.sectionSize-3)
return -3;
rec->s1.parameterTableVersion = buf[0];
rec->s1.idCenter = buf[1];
rec->s1.idModel = buf[2];
rec->s1.idGrid = buf[3];
rec->s1.flags = buf[4];
rec->s1.dataType = buf[5];
rec->s1.levelType = buf[6];
rec->s1.levelValue = readInt2(buf+7);
rec->s1.year = (buf[21]-1)*100+buf[9];
rec->s1.month = buf[10];
rec-> = buf[11];
rec->s1.hour = buf[12];
rec->s1.minute = buf[13];
rec->s1.forcastTimeUnit = buf[14];
rec->s1.timeRange= buf[17];
switch (rec->s1.timeRange) {
case 10 :
rec->s1.periodP1 = (buf[15] << 8) + buf[16];
rec->s1.periodP2 = 0;
default :
rec->s1.periodP1 = buf[15];
rec->s1.periodP2 = buf[16];
int decim = (buf[23]&0x7f)<<8 | buf[24];
if (buf[23] & 0x80)
decim = -decim;
rec->s1.D = decim;
rec->s1.Dpow10 = pow(10.0, decim);
return 0;
void GRIB1_dumpSection1(T_gribRecord *rec) {
if (!Verbose) return;
printf ("PDS :\n");
printf ("s1.offsetInFile = %ld\n", rec->s1.offsetInFile);
printf ("s1.sectionSize = %ld\n", rec->s1.sectionSize);
printf ("s1.parameterTableVersion = %d : GRIB tables Version No. (currently 3 for international exchange)\n", rec->s1.parameterTableVersion);
printf ("s1.idCenter = %d : Identification of originating/generating centre (see Code table 0 = Common Code table C–1 in Part C/c.)\n", rec->s1.idCenter);
printf ("s1.idModel = %d\n", rec->s1.idModel);
printf ("s1.idGrid = %d\n", rec->s1.idGrid);
printf ("s1.flags = 0x%02x\n", rec->s1.flags);
printf ("s1.dataType = %d : Indicator of parameter (see Code table 2) 33=u-wind, 34=v-wind, 2=pressure\n", rec->s1.dataType);
printf ("s1.levelType = %d : Indicator of type of level (see Code table 3)\n", rec->s1.levelType);
printf ("s1.levelValue = %d : Height, pressure, etc. of levels (see Code table 3)\n", rec->s1.levelValue);
printf ("s1.year = %d : Reference time of data - date and time of start of averaging or accumulation period\n", rec->s1.year);
printf ("s1.month = %d\n", rec->s1.month);
printf (" = %d\n", rec->;
printf ("s1.hour = %d\n", rec->s1.hour);
printf ("s1.minute = %d\n", rec->s1.minute);
printf ("s1.forcastTimeUnit = %d : Indicator of unit of time range (see Code table 4) 0=min 1=hour 2=day ...\n", rec->s1.forcastTimeUnit);
printf ("s1.periodP1 = %d : Period of time (number of time units) (0 for analyses or initialized analyses). Units of time given by octet 18\n", rec->s1.periodP1);
printf ("s1.periodP2 = %d : Period of time (number of time units); or Time interval between successive analyses, initialized analyses or forecasts, undergoing averaging or accumulation. Units of time given by octet 18\n", rec->s1.periodP2);
printf ("s1.timeRange = %d : Time range indicator (see Code table 5)\n", rec->s1.timeRange);
printf ("s1.D = %d : Units decimal scale factor (D)\n", rec->s1.D);
printf ("s1.Dpow10 = %f\n", rec->s1.Dpow10);
printf ("\n");
int GRIB1_readSection2(int fd, T_gribRecord *rec) {
// There is no GDS
if ((rec->s1.flags & 0x80) == 0) {
rec->s2.offsetInFile = 0;
rec->s2.sectionSize = 0;
return 0;
off_t offset = rec->s1.offsetInFile+rec->s1.sectionSize;
if (lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset) {
printf ("ERROR LSEEK %ld\n", offset);
return -1;
rec->s2.offsetInFile = offset;
if (read (fd, buf, 3) != 3)
return -2;
rec->s2.sectionSize = readInt3(buf);
if (read (fd, buf, rec->s2.sectionSize-3) != rec->s2.sectionSize-3)
return -3;
rec->s2.NV = buf[0];
rec->s2.PV = buf[1];
rec->s2.gridType = buf[2];
// It is not a Latitude/Longitude Grid
if (rec->s2.gridType != 0) {
printf ("FATAL ERROR : It is not a Latitude/Longitude Grid\n");
return -1;
rec->s2.Ni = readInt2(buf+3);
rec->s2.Nj = readInt2(buf+5);
rec->s2.La1 = readSignedInt3(buf+7)/1000.0;
rec->s2.Lo1 = readSignedInt3(buf+10)/1000.0;
rec->s2.resolFlags = buf[13];
rec->s2.La2 = readSignedInt3(buf+14)/1000.0;
rec->s2.Lo2 = readSignedInt3(buf+17)/1000.0;
if (rec->s2.Lo1>=0 && rec->s2.Lo1<=180 && rec->s2.Lo2<0) {
rec->s2.Lo2 += 360.0; // cross the 180 deg meridien,beetwen alaska and russia
rec->s2.Di = readSignedInt2(buf+20)/1000.0;
rec->s2.Dj = readSignedInt2(buf+22)/1000.0;
while ( rec->s2.Lo1> rec->s2.Lo2 && rec->s2.Di >0) { // horizontal size > 360 °
rec->s2.Lo1 -= 360.0;
rec->s2.hasDiDj = (rec->s2.resolFlags&0x80) !=0;
rec->s2.isEarthSpheric = (rec->s2.resolFlags&0x40) ==0;
rec->s2.isUeastVnorth = (rec->s2.resolFlags&0x08) ==0;
rec->s2.scanFlags = buf[24];
rec->s2.isScanIpositive = (rec->s2.scanFlags&0x80) ==0;
rec->s2.isScanJpositive = (rec->s2.scanFlags&0x40) !=0;
rec->s2.isAdjacentI = (rec->s2.scanFlags&0x20) ==0;
if (rec->s2.Lo2 > rec->s2.Lo1) {
rec->s2.lonMin = rec->s2.Lo1;
rec->s2.lonMax = rec->s2.Lo2;
else {
rec->s2.lonMin = rec->s2.Lo2;
rec->s2.lonMax = rec->s2.Lo1;
if (rec->s2.La2 > rec->s2.La1) {
rec->s2.latMin = rec->s2.La1;
rec->s2.latMax = rec->s2.La2;
else {
rec->s2.latMin = rec->s2.La2;
rec->s2.latMax = rec->s2.La1;
if (rec->s2.Ni<=1 || rec->s2.Nj<=1) {
return -1;
else {
rec->s2.Di = (rec->s2.Lo2-rec->s2.Lo1) / (rec->s2.Ni-1);
rec->s2.Dj = (rec->s2.La2-rec->s2.La1) / (rec->s2.Nj-1);
return 0;
void GRIB1_dumpSection2(T_gribRecord *rec) {
if (!Verbose) return;
printf ("GDS :\n");
printf ("s2.offsetInFile = %ld\n", rec->s2.offsetInFile);
printf ("s2.sectionSize = %ld\n", rec->s2.sectionSize);
printf ("s2.NV = %d : number of vertical coordinate parameters\n", rec->s2.NV);
printf ("s2.PV = %d\n", rec->s2.PV);
printf ("s2.gridType = %d : Data representation type (see Code table 6). 0 in our case (Latitude/longitude).\n", rec->s2.gridType);
printf ("s2.Ni = %d (number of points along a parallel)\n", rec->s2.Ni);
printf ("s2.Nj = %d (number of points along a meridian)\n", rec->s2.Nj);
printf ("s2.La1 = %f (latitude of first grid point)\n", rec->s2.La1);
printf ("s2.Lo1 = %f (longitude of first grid point)\n", rec->s2.Lo1);
printf ("s2.resolFlags = %x : Resolution and component flags (see Code table 7)\n", rec->s2.resolFlags);
printf (" %s %s %s\n",
rec->s2.hasDiDj ? "hasDiDj":"",
rec->s2.isEarthSpheric ? "isEarthSpheric":"",
rec->s2.isUeastVnorth ? "isUeastVnorth":"");
printf ("s2.La2 = %f (latitude of last grid point)\n", rec->s2.La2);
printf ("s2.Lo2 = %f (longitude of last grid point)\n", rec->s2.Lo2);
printf ("s2.Di = %f (i direction increment)\n", rec->s2.Di);
printf ("s2.Dj = %f (j direction increment)\n", rec->s2.Dj);
printf ("s2.scanFlags = %x : Scanning mode (flags – see Flag/Code table 8)\n", rec->s2.scanFlags);
if (rec->s2.scanFlags & 0x80)
printf (" Points scan in -i direction (east to west)\n");
printf (" Points scan in +i direction (west to east)\n");
if (rec->s2.scanFlags & 0x40)
printf (" Points scan in +j direction (south to north)\n");
printf (" Points scan in -j direction (north to south)\n");
if (rec->s2.scanFlags & 0x20)
printf (" Adjacent points in j direction are consecutive\n");
printf (" Adjacent points in i direction are consecutive\n");
printf ("\n");
int GRIB1_readSection3(int fd, T_gribRecord *rec) {
off_t offset;
// There is no BMS
if ((rec->s1.flags & 0x40) == 0) {
rec->s3.offsetInFile = 0;
rec->s3.sectionSize = 0;
return -1;
if (rec->s1.flags & 0x80)
offset = rec->s2.offsetInFile+rec->s2.sectionSize;
offset = rec->s1.offsetInFile+rec->s1.sectionSize;
if (lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
return -1;
rec->s3.offsetInFile = offset;
if (read (fd, buf, 3) != 3)
return -2;
rec->s3.sectionSize = readInt3(buf);
if (read (fd, buf, rec->s3.sectionSize-3) != rec->s3.sectionSize-3)
return -3;
// TBD
return 0;
void GRIB1_dumpSection3(T_gribRecord *rec) {
if (!Verbose) return;
printf ("BMS :\n");
printf ("s3.offsetInFile = %ld\n", rec->s3.offsetInFile);
printf ("s3.sectionSize = %ld\n", rec->s3.sectionSize);
printf ("\n");
void GRIB1_dumpSection4(T_gribRecord *rec) {
if (!Verbose) return;
printf ("BDS :\n");
printf ("s4.offsetInFile = %ld\n", rec->s4.offsetInFile);
printf ("s4.sectionSize = %ld\n", rec->s4.sectionSize);
printf ("s4.flags = %x\n", rec->s4.flags);
printf ("s4.unusedBitsEndBDS = %d\n", rec->s4.unusedBitsEndBDS);
printf ("s4.scaleFactorE = %d\n", rec->s4.scaleFactorE);
printf ("s4.refValue = %f : minimum of packed values\n", rec->s4.refValue);
printf ("s4.nbBitsInPack = %d : Number of bits containing each packed value\n", rec->s4.nbBitsInPack);
printf ("s4.scaleFactorEpow2 = %f\n", rec->s4.scaleFactorEpow2);
printf ("\n");
int GRIB1_readSection4(int fd, T_gribRecord *rec) {
off_t offset;
if (rec->s1.flags & 0x40)
offset = rec->s3.offsetInFile+rec->s3.sectionSize;
else if (rec->s1.flags & 0x80)
offset = rec->s2.offsetInFile+rec->s2.sectionSize;
offset = rec->s1.offsetInFile+rec->s1.sectionSize;
rec->s4.offsetInFile = offset;
if (lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
return -1;
if (read (fd, buf, 3) != 3)
return -2;
rec->s4.sectionSize = readInt3(buf);
int n = read (fd, buf, rec->s4.sectionSize-3);
if (n != rec->s4.sectionSize-3)
return -3;
rec->s4.flags = buf[0] & 0xF0;
rec->s4.unusedBitsEndBDS = buf[0] & 0x0F;
rec->s4.scaleFactorE = readSignedInt2(buf+1);
rec->s4.refValue = readFloat4(buf+3);
rec->s4.nbBitsInPack = buf[7];
rec->s4.scaleFactorEpow2 = pow(2.,rec->s4.scaleFactorE);
rec->s4.isGridData = (rec->s4.flags&0x80) ==0;
rec->s4.isSimplePacking = (rec->s4.flags&0x80) ==0;
rec->s4.isFloatValues = (rec->s4.flags&0x80) ==0;
// Read data in the order given by isAdjacentI
int i, j, x;
int ind;
unsigned int startbit = 0;
if (rec->s2.isAdjacentI) {
//double La = MIN(rec->s2.La1, rec->s2.La2);
double La = rec->s2.La1;
for (j=0; j<rec->s2.Nj; j++) {
//double Lo = MIN(rec->s2.Lo1, rec->s2.Lo2);
double Lo = rec->s2.Lo1;
for (i=0; i<rec->s2.Ni; i++) {
if (!rec->s2.hasDiDj && !rec->s2.isScanJpositive) {
//if (!rec->s2.isScanJpositive) {
ind = (rec->s2.Nj-1 -j)*rec->s2.Ni+i;
else {
ind = j*rec->s2.Ni+i;
// if (rec->s2.hasValue(i,j)) {
x = readPackedBits(buf+8, startbit, rec->s4.nbBitsInPack);
rec->[ind] = (rec->s4.refValue + x*rec->s4.scaleFactorEpow2)/rec->s1.Dpow10;
if (Verbose)
printf ("La:%f Lo:%f ind:%d data[%d,%d] = %d => %f\n", La, Lo, ind, i, j, x, rec->[ind]);
startbit += rec->s4.nbBitsInPack;
else {
rec->[ind] = GRIB_NOTDEF;
Lo = Lo + rec->s2.Di;
La = La + rec->s2.Dj;
else {
for (i=0; i<rec->s2.Ni; i++) {
for (j=0; j<rec->s2.Nj; j++) {
if (!rec->s2.hasDiDj && !rec->s2.isScanJpositive) {
ind = (rec->s2.Nj-1 -j)*rec->s2.Ni+i;
else {
ind = j*rec->s2.Ni+i;
// if (rec->s2.hasValue(i,j)) {
x = readPackedBits(buf+8, startbit, rec->s4.nbBitsInPack);
startbit += rec->s4.nbBitsInPack;
rec->[ind] = (rec->s4.refValue + x*rec->s4.scaleFactorEpow2)/rec->s1.Dpow10;
//printf ("rec->[%d,%d] = %f\n", i, j, rec->[ind]);
else {
rec->[ind] = GRIB_NOTDEF;
return 0;
double getDataAtIndex(T_gribRecord *rec, int i, int j) {
int ind = j*rec->s2.Ni+i;
return rec->[ind];
double getDataAtValues(T_gribRecord *rec, double La, double Lo) {
int i = (Lo - rec->s2.Lo1) / rec->s2.Di;
int j = (La - rec->s2.La1) / rec->s2.Dj;
if (Verbose)
printf ("getDataAtIndex (%f,%f) (i:%d,j:%d)\n", La, Lo, i, j);
return getDataAtIndex (rec, i, j);
bool inRectangle(T_gribRecord *rec, double La, double Lo) {
//printf ("XXX %f,%f %f %f %f %f\n", La, Lo, MIN(rec->s2.La1, rec->s2.La2), MAX(rec->s2.La1, rec->s2.La2), MIN(rec->s2.Lo1, rec->s2.Lo2), MAX(rec->s2.Lo1, rec->s2.Lo2));
if (La < MIN(rec->s2.La1, rec->s2.La2))
return false;
if (La > MAX(rec->s2.La1, rec->s2.La2))
return false;
if (Lo < MIN(rec->s2.Lo1, rec->s2.Lo2))
return false;
if (Lo > MAX(rec->s2.Lo1, rec->s2.Lo2))
return false;
return true;
int GRIB1_readSection5(int fd, T_gribRecord *rec) {
off_t offset = rec->s4.offsetInFile+rec->s4.sectionSize;
if (lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
return -1;
rec->s5.offsetInFile = offset;
rec->s5.sectionSize = 4;
if (read (fd, buf, rec->s5.sectionSize) != rec->s5.sectionSize)
return -1;
memcpy (rec->s5.magic, buf, 4);
rec->s5.magic[4] = 0;
if (strcmp(rec->s5.magic, "7777"))
return -2;
return 0;
void GRIB1_dumpSection5( T_gribRecord *rec) {
if (!Verbose) return;
printf ("ES :\n");
printf ("s5.offsetInFile = %ld\n", rec->s5.offsetInFile);
printf ("s5.sectionSize = %ld\n", rec->s5.sectionSize);
printf ("s5.magic = %s\n", rec->s5.magic);
printf ("\n");
int GRIB1_seekToNextRecord(int fd, T_gribRecord *rec) {
off_t offset = rec->s0.offsetInFile+rec->s0.totalLength;
off_t res;
res = lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET);
//printf ("seekToNextRecord nextRecord %ld. res=%ld\n", offset, res);
return res;
int GRIB1(int fd, T_gribRecord *rec) {
GRIB1_readSection1 (fd, rec);
GRIB1_dumpSection1 (rec);
GRIB1_readSection2 (fd, rec);
GRIB1_dumpSection2 (rec);
GRIB1_readSection3 (fd, rec);
GRIB1_dumpSection3 (rec);
GRIB1_readSection4 (fd, rec);
//GRIB1_dumpSection4 (rec);
GRIB1_readSection5 (fd, rec);
GRIB1_dumpSection5 (rec);
return 0;
//====================================== GRIB2 =============================
typedef struct {
off_t offsetInFile;
unsigned long sectionSize;
unsigned long totalLength;
unsigned char editionNumber;
char magic[5];
unsigned int discipline;
} T_grib2sect0;
typedef struct {
unsigned int center;
unsigned int subCenter;
unsigned int year;
unsigned char month;
unsigned char day;
unsigned char hour;
unsigned char minute;
} T_grib2sect1;
typedef struct {
int Ni, Nj;
double La1, Lo1, La2, Lo2;
double Di, Dj;
} T_grib2sect3;
typedef struct {
int E;
int D;
double R;
double Epow2;
double Dpow10;
int nbBits;
} T_grib2sect5;
typedef struct {
double data[100*1024];
} T_grib2sect7;
typedef struct {
T_grib2sect0 s0;
T_grib2sect1 s1;
T_grib2sect3 s3;
T_grib2sect5 s5;
T_grib2sect7 s7;
} T_grib2Record;
//T_grib2Record rec2;
int GRIB2_readSection1 (int fd, T_grib2Record *rec2, int secLen) {
if (read (fd, buf, secLen) != secLen)
return -1;
rec2-> = readInt2(buf);
rec2->s1.subCenter = readInt2(buf+2);
printf ("==== Identification Section====\n");
printf ("rec2-> = %d\n", rec2->;
printf ("rec2->s1.subCenter = %d\n", rec2->s1.subCenter);
printf ("rec2->s1.masterTables = %d\n", buf[4]);
printf ("Significance of ref time = %d (0:analysis 1:start of forecast)\n", buf[6]);
printf ("Year = %d\n", readInt2(buf+7));
printf ("Month = %d\n", buf[9]);
printf ("Day = %d\n", buf[10]);
printf ("Hour = %d\n", buf[11]);
printf ("Minute = %d\n", buf[12]);
printf ("Second = %d\n", buf[13]);
printf ("Production Status = %d\n", buf[14]);
printf ("Type of processed data = %d (0:analysis 1:forecast)\n", buf[15]);
return 0;
int GRIB2_readSection3 (int fd, T_grib2Record *rec2, int secLen) {
if (read (fd, buf, secLen) != secLen)
return -1;
printf ("==== Grid Definition Section ====\n");
printf ("Number of data points = %d\n", readInt4(buf+1));
printf ("Grid template = %d\n", readInt2(buf+7));
switch (readInt2(buf+7)) {
case 0: // Lat/Lon
printf ("Latitude/Longitude\n");
rec2->s3.Ni = readInt4(buf+25);
rec2->s3.Nj = readInt4(buf+29);
rec2->s3.La1 = readInt4(buf+41)/1000000.0;
rec2->s3.Lo1 = readInt4(buf+45)/1000000.0;
rec2->s3.La2 = readInt4(buf+50)/1000000.0;
rec2->s3.Lo2 = readInt4(buf+54)/1000000.0;
rec2->s3.Di = readInt4(buf+58)/1000000.0;
rec2->s3.Dj = readInt4(buf+62)/1000000.0;
printf ("Ni = %d\n", rec2->s3.Ni);
printf ("Nj = %d\n", rec2->s3.Nj);
printf ("La1 = %f\n", rec2->s3.La1);
printf ("Lo1 = %f\n", rec2->s3.Lo1);
printf ("La2 = %f\n", rec2->s3.La2);
printf ("Lo2 = %f\n", rec2->s3.Lo2);
printf ("Di = %f\n", rec2->s3.Di);
printf ("Dj = %f\n", rec2->s3.Di);
return 0;
int GRIB2_readSection4 (int fd, T_grib2Record *rec2, int secLen) {
if (read (fd, buf, secLen) != secLen)
return -1;
printf ("==== Product Definition Section ====\n");
printf ("Product Definition Template = %d\n", readInt2(buf+2));
switch (readInt2(buf+2)) {
case 0: // Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level
printf ("Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level\n");
printf ("Parameter category = %d\n", buf[4]);
printf ("Parameter number = %d\n", buf[5]);
switch (rec2->s0.discipline) {
case 0 : // Meteorological Products
switch (buf[4]) {
case 2 : // Momentum
if (buf[5] == 0)
printf ("=> WDIR (°)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 1)
printf ("=> WIND (m/s)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 2)
printf ("=> UGRD (m/s)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 3)
printf ("=> VGRD (m/s)\n");
case 10 : // Oceanographic Products
switch (buf[4]) {
case 0 : // Waves
if (buf[5] == 3)
printf ("=> HTSGW (m)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 4)
printf ("=> WVDIR (Degree True)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 5)
printf ("=> WVHGT (m)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 6)
printf ("=> WVPER (s)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 7)
printf ("=> SWDIR (Degree True)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 8)
printf ("=> SWELL (m)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 9)
printf ("=> WSPER (s)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 10)
printf ("=> DIRPW (Degree True)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 11)
printf ("=> PERPW (s)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 12)
printf ("=> DIRSW (Degree True)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 13)
printf ("=> PERSW (s)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 14)
printf ("=> WWSDIR (Degree True)\n");
else if (buf[5] == 15)
printf ("=> MWSPER (s)\n");
case 1 : // Currents
if (buf[5] == 0)
printf ("=> DIR C (Degree True)\n");
if (buf[5] == 1)
printf ("=> SP C (m/s)\n");
if (buf[5] == 2)
printf ("=> UOGRD (m/s)\n");
if (buf[5] == 3)
printf ("=> VOGRD (m/s)\n");
printf ("Hours after ref time = %d\n", readInt2(buf+9));
printf ("Minutes after ref time = %d\n", buf[11]);
printf ("Indicator of units of time range : %d (1:hour 2:day)\n", buf[12]);
printf ("Forecast time in units : %d\n", readInt4(buf+13));
return 0;
int GRIB2_readSection5 (int fd, T_grib2Record *rec2, int secLen) {
if (read (fd, buf, secLen) != secLen)
return -1;
printf ("==== Data Representation Section ====\n");
printf ("Data Representation Template = %d (0:Grid Point Data - Simple Packing)\n", readInt2(buf+4));
switch (readInt2(buf+4)) {
case 0: // Grid Point Data - Simple Packing
rec2->s5.R = ieee2flt(buf+6);
rec2->s5.E = readSignedInt2(buf+10);
rec2->s5.Epow2 = pow(2.,rec2->s5.E);
rec2->s5.D = readSignedInt2(buf+12);
rec2->s5.Dpow10 = pow(10.,rec2->s5.D);
rec2->s5.nbBits = buf[14];
printf ("Reference Value (R) = %f\n", rec2->s5.R);
printf ("Binary Scale Factor (E) = %d\n", rec2->s5.E);
printf ("Epow2 = %f\n", rec2->s5.Epow2);
printf ("Decimal Scale Factor (D) = %d\n", rec2->s5.D);
printf ("Dpow10 = %f\n", rec2->s5.Dpow10);
printf ("nbBits : %d\n", rec2->s5.nbBits);
return 0;
int GRIB2_readSection7(int fd, T_grib2Record *rec2, int secLen) {
if (read (fd, buf, secLen) != secLen)
return -1;
printf ("==== DATA SECTION ====\n");
// Read data in the order given by isAdjacentI
int i, j, x;
double *pt = rec2->;
unsigned int startbit = 0;
for (j=0; j<rec2->s3.Nj; j++) {
for (i=0; i<rec2->s3.Ni; i++) {
x = readPackedBits(buf, startbit, rec2->s5.nbBits);
*pt = (rec2->s5.R + x*rec2->s5.Epow2)/rec2->s5.Dpow10;
printf ("data[%d,%d] = %d => %f\n", i, j, x, *pt);
startbit += rec2->s5.nbBits;
pt ++;
return 0;
int GRIB2(int fd, T_grib2Record *rec2) {
off_t startOfSection = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
while (1) {
if (read (fd, buf, 5) != 5)
if (!memcmp(buf, "7777", 4)) {
printf ("\nSection 8, 7777 End of Record\n");
long secLen = readInt4(buf);
int secNum = buf[4];
printf ("\nSection %d, len=%ld\n", secNum, secLen);
switch (secNum) {
case 1 :
GRIB2_readSection1 (fd, rec2, secLen-5);
case 3 :
GRIB2_readSection3 (fd, rec2, secLen-5);
case 4 :
GRIB2_readSection4 (fd, rec2, secLen-5);
case 5 :
GRIB2_readSection5 (fd, rec2, secLen-5);
case 7 :
GRIB2_readSection7 (fd, rec2, secLen-5);
startOfSection = lseek (fd, startOfSection + secLen, SEEK_SET);
return 0;
// IS : Indicator Section
int GRIBx_readSection0(int fd, T_gribRecord *rec, T_grib2Record *rec2) {
rec->s0.offsetInFile = lseek (fd, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
if (read (fd, buf, 8) != 8)
return -1;
memcpy (rec->s0.magic, buf, 4);
rec->s0.magic[4] = 0;
if (strcmp(rec->s0.magic, "GRIB"))
return -2;
rec->s0.editionNumber = buf[7];
switch (rec->s0.editionNumber) {
case 1:
rec->s0.sectionSize = 8;
rec->s0.totalLength = readInt3(buf+4);
case 2:
rec2->s0.offsetInFile = lseek (fd, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
rec->s0.sectionSize = 16;
rec2->s0.sectionSize = 16;
rec2->s0.editionNumber = buf[7];
strcpy (rec2->s0.magic, rec->s0.magic);
rec2->s0.discipline = buf[6];
if (read (fd, buf, 8) != 8)
return -3;
rec2->s0.totalLength = readLong8(buf);
rec->s0.totalLength = rec2->s0.totalLength;
return 0;
void GRIBx_dumpSection0(T_gribRecord *rec, T_grib2Record *rec2) {
if (!Verbose) return;
printf ("\nIS :\n");
printf ("s0.magic = %s\n", rec->s0.magic);
printf ("s0.editionNumber = %d\n", rec->s0.editionNumber);
switch (rec->s0.editionNumber) {
case 1:
printf ("s0.offsetInFile = %ld\n", rec->s0.offsetInFile);
printf ("s0.sectionSize = %ld\n", rec->s0.sectionSize);
printf ("s0.totalLength = %ld\n", rec->s0.totalLength);
case 2:
printf ("s0.offsetInFile = %ld\n", rec2->s0.offsetInFile);
printf ("s0.sectionSize = %ld\n", rec2->s0.sectionSize);
printf ("s0.discipline = %d\n", rec2->s0.discipline);
printf ("s0.totalLength = %ld\n", rec2->s0.totalLength);
printf ("\n");
int GetGRIB(char *fn, uint8_t dataType, uint8_t levelType, struct tm *tmRequested, double La, double Lo, double *res) {
T_gribRecord rec;
T_grib2Record rec2;
if (Verbose)
printf ("REQUEST %04d/%02d/%02d at %02dh UTC : datatype:%d level=%d. for [%f,%f]\n",
tmRequested->tm_year+1900, tmRequested->tm_mon+1, tmRequested->tm_mday, tmRequested->tm_hour,
dataType, levelType, La, Lo);
int fd = open(fn, 0);
if (fd < 0)
return -1;
bool end = false;
uint32_t recnum = 0;
while (!end) {
if (GRIBx_readSection0 (fd, &rec, &rec2) < 0) {
end = true;
if (rec.s0.editionNumber == 1) {
time_t t0;
struct tm tm;
if (GRIB1_readSection1 (fd, &rec) < 0) {
end = true;
memset (&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
tm.tm_year = rec.s1.year - 1900;
tm.tm_mon = rec.s1.month - 1;
tm.tm_mday =;
tm.tm_hour = rec.s1.hour;
t0 = timegm(&tm);
if (rec.s1.forcastTimeUnit == 0) { // min
t0 += rec.s1.periodP1*60;
else if (rec.s1.forcastTimeUnit == 1) { // hour
t0 += rec.s1.periodP1*3600;
else if (rec.s1.forcastTimeUnit == 2) { // day
t0 += rec.s1.periodP1*3600*24;
//*tm = gmtime (&t0);
memcpy (&tm, gmtime(&t0), sizeof(tm));
GRIB1_readSection2 (fd, &rec);
if (Verbose)
printf ("Record #%d contains %04d/%02d/%02d at %02dh UTC : datatype:%d level=%d from [%f,%f] to [%f,%f]\n",
tm.tm_year+1900, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, rec.s1.dataType, rec.s1.levelType,
rec.s2.La1, rec.s2.Lo1, rec.s2.La2, rec.s2.Lo2);
if (rec.s1.dataType == dataType
&& rec.s1.levelType == levelType
&& tm.tm_year == tmRequested->tm_year && tm.tm_mon == tmRequested->tm_mon && tm.tm_mday == tmRequested->tm_mday
&& tm.tm_hour == tmRequested->tm_hour) {
//GRIB1_readSection2 (fd, &rec);
if (inRectangle(&rec, La, Lo)) {
if (Verbose)
printf ("Found\n");
GRIB1_readSection3 (fd, &rec);
GRIB1_readSection4 (fd, &rec);
GRIB1_readSection5 (fd, &rec);
close (fd);
*res = getDataAtValues (&rec, La, Lo);
return 0;
if (GRIB1_seekToNextRecord(fd, &rec) < 0) {
end = true;
recnum ++;
close (fd);
if (Verbose)
printf ("-------------------- Not found -------------------\n");
return -1;
void DumpGrib(char *fn) {
T_gribRecord rec;
T_grib2Record rec2;
int recnum;
int fd = open(fn, 0);
if (fd < 0)
exit (1);
printf ("File %s\n", fn);
recnum = 1;
while (1) {
if (GRIBx_readSection0 (fd, &rec, &rec2) < 0) {
printf ("End of file\n");
printf ("Record #%d\n", recnum);
GRIBx_dumpSection0 (&rec, &rec2);
switch (rec.s0.editionNumber) {
case 1:
GRIB1 (fd, &rec);
case 2:
GRIB2 (fd, &rec2);
recnum ++;
if (GRIB1_seekToNextRecord(fd, &rec) < 0)
close (fd);
// 2016-08-26T08:55:47
int iso8601_to_tm(char *iso, struct tm *tm) {
if (!iso || strlen(iso) < 19)
return -1;
if ((iso[4] != '-') || (iso[7] != '-') || (iso[10] != 'T') || (iso[13] != ':') || (iso[16] != ':'))
return -1;
memset (tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
tm->tm_year = (iso[0]-'0')*1000 + (iso[1]-'0')*100 + (iso[2]-'0') * 10 + (iso[3]-'0') - 1900;
tm->tm_mon = (iso[5]-'0')*10 + (iso[6]-'0') - 1;
tm->tm_mday = (iso[8]-'0')*10 + (iso[9]-'0');
tm->tm_isdst = -1;
tm->tm_hour = (iso[11]-'0')*10 + (iso[12]-'0');
tm->tm_min = (iso[14]-'0')*10 + (iso[15]-'0');
// Seconds are decimal
char tmp[7];
memcpy (tmp, iso+17, 6);
tmp[6] = 0;
double seconds = atof(tmp);
tm->tm_sec = (int)seconds;
return 0;
void demo(char *file) {
struct tm tmRequested;
double La, Lo;
double uwind, vwind, temp;
int rc;
tmRequested.tm_year = 2016-1900;
tmRequested.tm_mon = 9-1;
tmRequested.tm_mday = 14;
tmRequested.tm_hour = 6;
La = 43;
Lo = 5;
Verbose = true;
//DumpGrib (file);
double pressure;
rc = GetGRIB (file, DATATYPE_PRESSURE, LEVELTYPE_MSL, &tmRequested, La, Lo, &pressure);
if (rc >= 0)
printf ("===> Pressure : %f\n", pressure);
rc = GetGRIB (file, DATATYPE_UWIND, LEVELTYPE_HEIGHT, &tmRequested, La, Lo, &uwind);
if (rc >= 0) {
printf ("===> uwind : %f m/s = %f Kts\n", uwind, uwind*1.94);
rc = GetGRIB (file, DATATYPE_VWIND, LEVELTYPE_HEIGHT, &tmRequested, La, Lo, &vwind);
printf ("===> vwind : %f m/s = %f Kts\n", vwind, vwind*1.94);
double wind = sqrt(uwind*uwind + vwind*vwind);
printf ("===> wind : %f m/s = %f Kts\n", wind, wind*1.94);
double A = atan2(uwind, vwind) * 180 / M_PI;
A = A + 180;
printf (" Angle %f\n", A);
rc = GetGRIB (file, DATATYPE_TEMP, LEVELTYPE_MSL, &tmRequested, La, Lo, &temp);
if (rc >= 0)
printf ("===> temp : %fK, %f°C\n", temp, temp-273.15);
rc = GetGRIB (file, DATATYPE_TEMP, LEVELTYPE_HEIGHT, &tmRequested, La, Lo, &temp);
if (rc >= 0)
printf ("===> temp : %fK, %f°C\n", temp, temp-273.15);
int main(int ac, char **av) {
struct tm tmRequested;
double La, Lo;
int rc;
if (ac < 2) exit (1);
if (ac < 7) {
return 0;
iso8601_to_tm(av[2], &tmRequested);
La = atof(av[3]);
Lo = atof(av[4]);
uint8_t datatype = atoi(av[5]);
uint8_t level = atoi(av[6]);
Verbose = false;
double value;
rc = GetGRIB (av[1], datatype, level, &tmRequested, La, Lo, &value);
if (rc >= 0)
printf ("%f\n", value);
printf ("???\n");
return 0;

Event Timeline