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xquery version "3.1";
: A set of helper functions to access the application context from
: within a module.
module namespace config="";
import module namespace http="" at "java:org.exist.xquery.modules.httpclient.HTTPClientModule";
import module namespace nav="" at "navigation.xql";
import module namespace tpu="" at "lib/util.xql";
import module namespace console="";
declare namespace templates="";
declare namespace repo="";
declare namespace expath="";
declare namespace jmx="";
declare namespace tei="";
: The version of the pb-components webcomponents library to be used by this app.
: Should either point to a version published on npm,
: or be set to 'local' or 'dev'.
: If set to 'local', webcomponents
: are assumed to be self-hosted in the app (which means you
: have to npm install them yourself using the existing package.json).
: If a version is given, the components will be loaded from a public CDN.
: This is recommended unless you develop your own components.
: Using 'dev' will try to load the components from a local development
: server started from within the pb-components repo clone by using `npm start`.
: In this case, change $config:webcomponents-cdn to point to http://localhost:port
: (default: 8000, but check where your server is running).
declare variable $config:webcomponents :="2.4.5";
: CDN URL to use for loading webcomponents. Could be changed if you created your
: own library extending pb-components and published it to a CDN.
declare variable $config:webcomponents-cdn := "";
(: declare variable $config:webcomponents-cdn := ""; :)
(: declare variable $config:webcomponents-cdn := "http://localhost:8000"; :)
: A list of regular expressions to check which external hosts are
: allowed to access this TEI Publisher instance. The check is done
: against the Origin header sent by the browser.
declare variable $config:origin-whitelist := (
: Set to true to allow caching: if the browser sends an If-Modified-Since header,
: TEI Publisher will respond with a 304 if the resource has not changed since last
: access. However, this does *not* take into account changes to ODD or other auxiliary
: files, so don't use it during development.
declare variable $config:enable-proxy-caching :=
let $prop := util:system-property("teipublisher.proxy-caching")
exists($prop) and lower-case($prop) = 'false'
: Should documents be located by xml:id or filename?
declare variable $config:address-by-id := false();
: Set default language for publisher app i18n
declare variable $config:default-language := "de";
: The default to use for determining the amount of content to be shown
: on a single page. Possible values: 'div' for showing entire divs (see
: the parameters below for further configuration), or 'page' to browse
: a document by actual pages determined by TEI pb elements.
declare variable $config:default-view :="page";
: The default HTML template used for viewing document content. This can be
: overwritten by the teipublisher processing instruction inside a TEI document.
declare variable $config:default-template :="surface.html";
: The element to search by default, either 'tei:div' or 'tei:text'.
declare variable $config:search-default :="tei:text";
: Defines which nested divs will be displayed as single units on one
: page (using pagination by div). Divs which are nested
: deeper than $pagination-depth will always appear in their parent div.
: So if you have, for example, 4 levels of divs, but the divs on level 4 are
: just small sub-subsections with one paragraph each, you may want to limit
: $pagination-depth to 3 to not show the sub-subsections as separate pages.
: Setting $pagination-depth to 1 would show entire top-level divs on one page.
declare variable $config:pagination-depth := 10;
: If a div starts with less than $pagination-fill elements before the
: first nested div child, the pagination-by-div algorithm tries to fill
: up the page by pulling following divs in. When set to 0, it will never
: attempt to fill up the page.
declare variable $config:pagination-fill := 5;
: Display configuration for facets to be shown in the sidebar. The facets themselves
: are configured in the index configuration, collection.xconf.
declare variable $config:facets := [
map {
"dimension": "genre",
"heading": "facets.genre",
"max": 5,
"hierarchical": true()
map {
"dimension": "language",
"heading": "facets.language",
"max": 5,
"hierarchical": false(),
"output": function($label) {
case "de" return "German"
case "es" return "Spanish"
case "la" return "Latin"
case "fr" return "French"
case "en" return "English"
default return $label
: The function to be called to determine the next content chunk to display.
: It takes two parameters:
: * $elem as element(): the current element displayed
: * $view as xs:string: the view, either 'div', 'page' or 'body'
declare variable $config:next-page := nav:get-next#3;
: The function to be called to determine the previous content chunk to display.
: It takes two parameters:
: * $elem as element(): the current element displayed
: * $view as xs:string: the view, either 'div', 'page' or 'body'
declare variable $config:previous-page := nav:get-previous#3;
: The CSS class to declare on the main text content div.
declare variable $config:css-content-class := "content";
: The domain to use for logged in users. Applications within the same
: domain will share their users, so a user logged into application A
: will be able to access application B.
declare variable $config:login-domain := "org.exist.tei-simple";
: Configuration XML for Apache FOP used to render PDF. Important here
: are the font directories.
declare variable $config:fop-config :=
let $fontsDir := config:get-fonts-dir()
<fop version="1.0">
<!-- Strict user configuration -->
<!-- Strict FO validation -->
<!-- Base URL for resolving relative URLs -->
<renderer mime="application/pdf">
if ($fontsDir) then (
<font kerning="yes"
<font-triplet name="Junicode" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
<font kerning="yes"
<font-triplet name="Junicode" style="normal" weight="700"/>
<font kerning="yes"
<font-triplet name="Junicode" style="italic" weight="normal"/>
<font kerning="yes"
<font-triplet name="Junicode" style="italic" weight="700"/>
) else
: The command to run when generating PDF via LaTeX. Should be a sequence of
: arguments.
declare variable $config:tex-command := function($file) {
( "pdflatex", "-interaction=nonstopmode", $file )
: Temporary directory to write .tex output to. The LaTeX process will receive this
: as working director.
declare variable $config:tex-temp-dir :=
: Configuration for epub files.
declare variable $config:epub-config := function ($doc as document-node(), $langParameter as xs:string?) {
let $root := $doc/*
let $properties := tpu:parse-pi($doc, ())
map {
"metadata": map {
"title": nav:get-metadata($properties, $root, "title"),
"creator": string-join(nav:get-metadata($properties, $root, "author"), ", "),
"urn": util:uuid(),
"language": nav:get-metadata($properties, $root, "language")
"odd": $properties?odd,
"output-root": $config:odd-root,
"fonts": [
$config:app-root || "/resources/fonts/Junicode.ttf",
$config:app-root || "/resources/fonts/Junicode-Bold.ttf",
$config:app-root || "/resources/fonts/Junicode-BoldItalic.ttf",
$config:app-root || "/resources/fonts/Junicode-Italic.ttf"
: Root path where images to be included in the epub can be found.
: Leave as empty sequence if images can be located within the data
: collection using relative path.
declare variable $config:epub-images-path := ();
Determine the application root collection from the current module load path.
declare variable $config:app-root :=
let $rawPath := system:get-module-load-path()
let $modulePath :=
(: strip the xmldb: part :)
if (starts-with($rawPath, "xmldb:exist://")) then
if (starts-with($rawPath, "xmldb:exist://embedded-eXist-server")) then
substring($rawPath, 36)
substring($rawPath, 15)
substring-before($modulePath, "/modules")
: The context path to use for links within the application, e.g. menus.
: The default should work when running on top of a standard eXist installation,
: but may need to be changed if the app is behind a proxy.
declare variable $config:context-path :=
let $prop := util:system-property("teipublisher.context-path")
if (not(empty($prop)) and $prop != "auto")
then ($prop)
else if(not(empty(request:get-header("X-Forwarded-Host"))))
then ("")
else (
request:get-context-path() || substring-after($config:app-root, "/db")
: The root of the collection hierarchy containing data.
declare variable $config:data-root :=$config:app-root || "/data";
: The root of the collection hierarchy whose files should be displayed
: on the entry page. Can be different from $config:data-root.
declare variable $config:data-default := $config:data-root;
: A sequence of root elements which should be excluded from the list of
: documents displayed in the browsing view.
declare variable $config:data-exclude :=
doc($config:data-root || "/taxonomy.xml")//tei:text
: The main ODD to be used by default
declare variable $config:default-odd :="surface.odd";
: Complete list of ODD files used by the app. If you add another ODD to this list,
: make sure to run modules/generate-pm-config.xql to update the main configuration
: module for transformations (modules/pm-config.xql).
declare variable $config:odd-available :=("surface.odd","nietzsche-ed.odd");
: Newest version of "Genealogie der Moral. Erstdruck E 40"
declare variable $config:newest-ed := config:get-newest-doc-with-title('Zur Genealogie der Moral. Erstdruck E 40');
: Newest version of "Zur Genealogie der Moral. Druckmanuskript D 20"
declare variable $config:newest-dm := config:get-newest-doc-with-title('Zur Genealogie der Moral. Druckmanuskript D 20');
: Newest version of "Zur Genealogie der Moral. Druckmanuskript D 20"
declare variable $config:newest-annex := config:get-newest-doc-with-title('Zur Genealogie der Moral. Anhang: Dokumente zur Entstehungs- und Druckgeschichte');
declare function config:get-newest-doc-with-title($title as xs:string) as document-node() {
let $docs := for $doc in collection($config:data-root)//tei:titleStmt/tei:title
where $doc/text() = $title
order by xmldb:last-modified($config:data-root, util:document-name($doc)) descending
return root($doc)
return if (count($docs) gt 0) then ($docs[1]) else ()
: List of ODD files which are used internally only, i.e. not for displaying information
: to the user.
declare variable $config:odd-internal := "docx.odd";
declare variable $config:odd-root := $config:app-root || "/resources/odd";
declare variable $config:output := "transform";
declare variable $config:output-root := $config:app-root || "/" || $config:output;
declare variable $config:default-odd-for-docx := $config:default-odd;
declare variable $config:default-docx-pi := ``[odd="`{$config:default-odd-for-docx}`"]``;
declare variable $config:module-config := doc($config:odd-root || "/configuration.xml")/*;
declare variable $config:repo-descriptor := doc(concat($config:app-root, "/repo.xml"))/repo:meta;
declare variable $config:expath-descriptor := doc(concat($config:app-root, "/expath-pkg.xml"))/expath:package;
declare variable $config:session-prefix := $config:expath-descriptor/@abbrev/string();
declare variable $config:default-fields := ();
declare variable $config:dts-collections := map {
"id": "default",
"title": $config:expath-descriptor/expath:title/string(),
"memberCollections": (
map {
"id": "documents",
"title": "Document Collection",
"path": $config:data-default,
"members": function() {
nav:get-root((), map {
"leading-wildcard": "yes",
"filter-rewrite": "yes"
"metadata": function($doc as document-node()) {
let $properties := tpu:parse-pi($doc, ())
map:entry("title", nav:get-metadata($properties, $doc/*, "title")/string()),
map {
"dts:dublincore": map {
"dc:creator": string-join(nav:get-metadata($properties, $doc/*, "author"), "; "),
"dc:license": nav:get-metadata($properties, $doc/*, "license")
map {
"id": "odd",
"title": "ODD Collection",
"path": $config:odd-root,
"members": function() {
"metadata": function($doc as document-node()) {
map {
"title": string-join($doc//tei:teiHeader/tei:fileDesc/tei:titleStmt/tei:title[not(@type)], "; ")
declare variable $config:dts-page-size := 10;
declare variable $config:dts-import-collection := $config:data-default || "/playground";
: Returns a default display configuration as a map for the given collection and
: document path. If an empty value is returned, the default configuration (as configured
: by global variables in this module) will be
: used. If a map is returned, it will be merged with the default configuration, so
: you can selectively overwrite particular settings.
: Change this to support different configurations for different collections or document types.
: By default this returns a configuration based on the default settings defined
: by other variables in this module.
: @param $collection relative collection path (i.e. with $config:data-root stripped off)
: @param $docUri relative document path (including $collection)
declare function config:collection-config($collection as xs:string?, $docUri as xs:string?) {
(: Return empty sequence to use default config :)
: Replace line above with the following code to switch between different view configurations per collection.
: $collection corresponds to the relative collection path (i.e. after $config:data-root).
switch ($collection)
case "playground" return
map {
"odd": "dodis.odd",
"view": "body",
"depth": $config:pagination-depth,
"fill": $config:pagination-fill,
"template": "facsimile.html"
default return
: Helper function to retrieve the default config for the given document path.
: Delegates to config:collection-config().
declare function config:default-config($docUri as xs:string?) {
let $defaultConfig := map {
"odd": $config:default-odd,
"view": $config:default-view,
"depth": $config:pagination-depth,
"fill": $config:pagination-fill,
"template": $config:default-template
let $collection :=
if (exists($docUri)) then
replace($docUri, "^(.*)/[^/]+$", "$1") => substring-after($config:data-root || "/")
let $collectionConfig :=
if (exists($docUri)) then
config:collection-config($collection, substring-after($docUri, $config:data-root || "/"))
config:collection-config((), ())
if (exists($collectionConfig)) then
map:merge(($defaultConfig, $collectionConfig))
declare function config:document-type($div as element()) {
switch (namespace-uri($div))
case "" return
case "" return
default return
declare function config:get-document($idOrName as xs:string) {
if ($config:address-by-id) then
else if (starts-with($idOrName, '/')) then
doc(xmldb:encode-uri($config:data-root || "/" || $idOrName))
: Return an ID which may be used to look up a document. Change this if the xml:id
: which uniquely identifies a document is *not* attached to the root element.
declare function config:get-id($node as node()) {
: Returns a path relative to $config:data-root used to locate a document in the database.
declare function config:get-relpath($node as node()) {
let $root := if (ends-with($config:data-root, "/")) then $config:data-root else $config:data-root || "/"
substring-after(document-uri(root($node)), $root)
declare function config:get-identifier($node as node()) {
if ($config:address-by-id) then
: Resolve the given path using the current application context.
: If the app resides in the file system,
declare function config:resolve($relPath as xs:string) {
if (starts-with($config:app-root, "/db")) then
doc(concat($config:app-root, "/", $relPath))
doc(concat("file://", $config:app-root, "/", $relPath))
: Returns the repo.xml descriptor for the current application.
declare function config:repo-descriptor() as element(repo:meta) {
: Returns the expath-pkg.xml descriptor for the current application.
declare function config:expath-descriptor() as element(expath:package) {
declare %templates:wrap function config:app-title($node as node(), $model as map(*)) as text() {
declare function config:app-meta($node as node(), $model as map(*)) as element()* {
<meta xmlns="" name="description" content="{$config:repo-descriptor/repo:description/text()}"/>,
for $author in $config:repo-descriptor/repo:author
<meta xmlns="" name="creator" content="{$author/text()}"/>
: For debugging: generates a table showing all properties defined
: in the application descriptors.
declare function config:app-info($node as node(), $model as map(*)) {
let $expath := config:expath-descriptor()
let $repo := config:repo-descriptor()
<table class="app-info">
<td>app collection:</td>
for $attr in ($expath/@*, $expath/*, $repo/*)
<td>{ request:get-attribute("$exist:controller") }</td>
(: Try to dynamically determine data directory by calling JMX. :)
declare function config:get-data-dir() as xs:string? {
try {
let $request := <http:request method="GET" href="http://localhost:{request:get-server-port()}/{request:get-context-path()}/status?c=disk"/>
let $response := http:send-request($request)
if ($response[1]/@status = "200") then
} catch * {
declare function config:get-repo-dir() {
let $dataDir := config:get-data-dir()
let $pkgRoot := $config:expath-descriptor/@abbrev || "-" || $config:expath-descriptor/@version
if ($dataDir) then
$dataDir || "/expathrepo/" || $pkgRoot
declare function config:get-fonts-dir() as xs:string? {
let $repoDir := config:get-repo-dir()
if ($repoDir) then
$repoDir || "/resources/fonts"

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