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Fri, Jan 3, 06:52
: Implements a mechanism to replace a fragment shown by `pb-view` with another, aligned fragment, e.g. the translation
: corresponding to a page of the transcription. The local name of a function in this module can be passed to the
: `map` property of the `pb-view`.
module namespace mapping="";
import module namespace nav="" at "navigation-tei.xql";
declare namespace tei="";
import module namespace console="";
import module namespace util="";
import module namespace config="" at "config.xqm";
declare function mapping:nietzsche-test($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $log := console:log($root)
<div xmlns="" type="test"/>
: For the Nietzsche Druckmanuskript: find the page break corresponding
: to the surface shown in the diplomatic transcription.
declare function mapping:nietzsche-page($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $pbId := substring-after($root/@start, '#')
return root($root)//tei:text//tei:pb[@xml:id = $pbId]
declare function mapping:nietzsche-dm-for-ed($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $next := $root/following::tei:pb[1]
let $milestones := root($root)//tei:text//tei:milestone[preceding::tei:pb[@n = $root/@n] and following::tei:pb[@n = $next/@n]]
let $surfaces := for $milestone in $milestones
let $start := concat('#', $milestone/@n)
return $config:newest-dm//tei:sourceDoc/tei:surface[@start = $start]
let $file := util:document-name($config:newest-dm)
return <div xmlns="" type="corresp">
{ for $surface in $surfaces
return element pb {
attribute n {substring-after($surface/@start, '#')},
attribute ed {$file},
attribute source { util:node-id($surface)}
: For the Nietzsche Druckmanuskript: find the ed text corresponding
: to the surface shown in the diplomatic transcription.
declare function mapping:nietzsche-ed-for-dm($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $pb := if ($root instance of element(tei:pb)) then ($root/@xml:id) else (substring-after($root/@start, '#'))
let $milestone := $config:newest-ed//tei:text//tei:milestone[@unit="page" and @source="#Dm" and @n=$pb ]
return if (exists($milestone)) then (
let $nextMilestone := $milestone/following::tei:milestone[@unit="page" and @source="#Dm"][1]
let $content := if (exists($nextMilestone)) then (
local:filterNodes(($milestone/following::node() intersect $nextMilestone/preceding::node()), util:document-name($config:newest-ed))
) else (
local:filterNodes($milestone/following::node()[ancestor::tei:text and not(ancestor::*/preceding::tei:milestone = $milestone)], util:document-name($config:newest-ed))
(: :let $log := console:log($content) :)
let $firstLB := if ($milestone/following-sibling::*[1]/local-name() != 'lb') then (
) else ()
let $omitText := if (count($firstLB/following::node() intersect $milestone/preceding::node()) gt 0) then (
<hi xmlns="" rend="italic" type="editor">[...]</hi>
) else ()
let $omitTextAfter := if (exists($nextMilestone) and $nextMilestone/following::tei:lb[1]/ancestor::tei:div2 = $nextMilestone/ancestor::tei:div2
and count($nextMilestone/following::node() intersect $nextMilestone/following::tei:lb[1]/preceding::node()) gt 0) then (
<hi xmlns="" rend="italic" type="editor">[...]</hi>
) else ()
let $div := <div xmlns="">
{ $firstLB,
return $div
) else (
<div>{concat('Kein Milestone in ', util:document-name($config:newest-ed),' für ', $pb)} </div>
declare function local:filterNodes($nodes, $file){
let $filteredNodes := for $node in $nodes
return if(count($node/parent::* intersect $nodes) gt 0) then () else (
if ($node instance of element(tei:pb) or $node instance of element(tei:div2)) then (
element {node-name($node)} {
$node/@* except $node/@facs,
attribute ed {$file},
attribute source { util:node-id($node)},
) else ($node)
return $filteredNodes
: For the Nietzsche Druckmanuskript: find the page information corresponding
: to the surface shown in the diplomatic transcription.
declare function mapping:nietzsche-page-info($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $pbId := if ($root instance of element(tei:pb)) then ($root/@xml:id) else (substring-after($root/@start, '#'))
let $div := <div xmlns="" type="pageInfo">{
for $id in root($root)//tei:text//tei:pb[@xml:id = $pbId]/tokenize(@corresp, ' ')
let $content := root($root)//*[@xml:id = substring-after($id, '#') ]
return if ($content) then (
element {node-name($content/ancestor::*[local-name() != 'p'][1])} {
) else ()
return $div
: For the Nietzsche Druckmanuskript: find the change information of the page corresponding
: to the surface shown in the diplomatic transcription.
declare function mapping:nietzsche-change-info($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $pbId := if ($root instance of element(tei:pb)) then ($root/@xml:id) else (substring-after($root/@start, '#'))
let $div := <div xmlns="" type="changeInfo" source="#{$root/@xml:id}">{
for $id in root($root)//tei:text//tei:pb[@xml:id = $pbId]/tokenize(@change, ' ')
let $xmlId := substring-after($id, '#')
return root($root)//tei:profileDesc/tei:creation/tei:listChange/tei:change[@xml:id = $xmlId ]
return $div
declare %private function local:getCorrContents($root as element(), $corresp as xs:string?, $userParams as map(*)){
if($corresp and contains($corresp, '#')) then (
let $first := substring-after(substring-before($corresp[1], ' '), '#')
let $content := root($root)//*[@xml:id = $first ]
element {node-name($content/ancestor::*[local-name() != 'p'][1])} {
let $rest := substring-after($corresp, ' ')
return if ($rest) then (
local:getCorrContents($root, $rest, $userParams)
) else ()
) else ()
: For the Nietzsche Druckmanuskript: find the notes corresponding
: to the surface shown in the diplomatic transcription.
declare function mapping:nietzsche-apps($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
(: : if (empty(root($root)//tei:text//tei:app/tei:note[@type="editorial"]) and count(root($root)//tei:text//tei:note[@type="editorial"]) gt 0) then (
mapping:nietzsche-notes($root, $userParams)
) else () :)
let $pbId := if ($root instance of element(tei:pb)) then ($root/@xml:id) else (substring-after($root/@start, '#'))
let $apps := if (root($root)//tei:surface[@xml:id = $root/@xml:id]/following-sibling::tei:surface[1]) then (
let $nextPbId := substring-after(root($root)//tei:surface[@xml:id = $root/@xml:id]/following-sibling::tei:surface[1]/@start, '#')
return root($root)//tei:text//tei:pb[@xml:id = $pbId]/following::tei:app[tei:note[@type="editorial"] and following::tei:pb[@xml:id = $nextPbId] ]
) else (
root($root)//tei:text//tei:app[tei:note[@type="editorial"] and preceding::tei:pb[@xml:id = $pbId]]
let $pbN := root($root)//tei:text//tei:pb[@xml:id = $pbId]/@xml:id
let $div := <div xmlns="" type="noteDiv">
{ for $app in $apps
return if ($app/@from) then ($app) else (
element { node-name($app) } {
$app/@*[local-name() != 'loc' and local-name() != 'corresp'],
attribute loc {
normalize-space(substring-after($app/@loc, $pbN))
if (count(tokenize($app/@corresp)) gt 1) then (
local:parseLoc($root, $app/@loc, $app/@corresp)
) else (
attribute corresp {
return $div
declare function mapping:nietzsche-qv($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $pbId := if ($root instance of element(tei:pb)) then (concat('#',$root/@xml:id)) else ($root/@start)
let $qvs := <div xmlns="" type="qvDiv">
{ for $ref in $config:newest-qv//tei:div3[@type='genesis']//tei:ref[contains(@target, $pbId)]
let $div := $ref/ancestor::tei:div3[1]
return <p xmlns="" type="{$div/@type}">
let $log := console:log($qvs)
return $qvs
declare function mapping:nietzsche-qv-head($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $pbId := if ($root instance of element(tei:pb)) then (concat('#',$root/@xml:id)) else ($root/@start)
let $div2Ids:= distinct-values(for $ref in $config:newest-qv//tei:div3[@type=$userParams?type]//tei:ref[contains(@target, $pbId)]
let $div := $ref/ancestor::tei:div2[1]
return $div/@xml:id)
let $qvs := <div xmlns="" type="qvDiv" corresp="{$pbId}">
{ for $id in $div2Ids
let $div := $config:newest-qv//tei:div2[@xml:id=$id ]
return <list xmlns="" type="qvDiv2" corresp="{concat('#', $id)}">
for $div3 in $div/tei:div3[@type=$userParams?type]
where $div3//tei:ref[contains(@target, $pbId)]
return <item xmlns="" type="{$div3/@type}">
let $log := console:log($root)
return $qvs
declare function local:parseLoc($root as node(), $loc as xs:string?, $corresp as xs:string*) as attribute()* {
let $corrMap := local:parseCorresp($root, $corresp, map {})
return if ($corresp and $corrMap?from) then (
attribute from {
},if ($corrMap?corresp) then (
attribute corresp {
) else (),
if ($corrMap?to) then (
attribute to {
) else ()
) else (
if (contains($loc, ',')) then (
let $locTok := if (contains($loc, '-')) then (tokenize($loc, '-')) else (tokenize($loc, ','))
return if (count($locTok) gt 1) then (
local:createTargetAttribute($root, substring-after($locTok[1], ','),'from'), local:createTargetAttribute($root, $locTok[2],'to')
) else (
local:createTargetAttribute($root, substring-after($locTok[1], ','),'from')
) else ()
declare function local:parseCorresp($root as node(), $corresp as xs:string*, $corrMap as map(*)) as map(*) {
let $corrToks := tokenize(normalize-space($corresp))
return if (count($corrToks) gt 0) then (
let $currentTok := $corrToks[1]
let $type := root($root)//*[@xml:id = substring-after($currentTok, '#')]/local-name()
return if ($type = 'anchor') then (
let $newMap := map:merge(($corrMap, map {
'corresp': concat($corrMap?corresp, ' ', $currentTok)
return local:parseCorresp($root, substring-after($corresp, $currentTok), $newMap)
) else (
if ($type = 'lb') then (
let $newMap := if ($corrMap?from) then (
map:merge(($corrMap, map {
'to': $currentTok
) else (
map:merge(($corrMap, map {
'from': $currentTok
return local:parseCorresp($root, substring-after($corresp, $currentTok), $newMap)
) else (
local:parseCorresp($root, substring-after($corresp, $currentTok), $corrMap)
) else (
declare function local:createTargetAttribute($root as node(), $n as xs:string, $attrName as xs:string) {
let $id := root($root)//tei:text//tei:lb[@n = $n]/@xml:id/string()
return if (count($id) eq 1) then (
attribute {$attrName} {
) else (
let $log := console:log($n)
let $log1 := console:log($attrName)
return ()
declare function mapping:nietzsche-notes($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $ED := doc($config:data-root || "/GM_Ed_incl.xml")
let $rdgs := for $line in $root//tei:line/@start
return local:extendApp($ED//tei:rdg[@wit="#Dm" and @source=$line]/parent::tei:app, $ED)
let $pbId := substring-after($root/@start, '#')
let $notes := if (root($root)//tei:surface[@xml:id = $root/@xml:id]/following-sibling::tei:surface) then (
root($root)//tei:text//tei:note[@type="editorial" and preceding::tei:pb[1][@xml:id = $pbId] and following::tei:pb[preceding::tei:pb[1][@xml:id = $pbId] ]]
) else (
root($root)//tei:text//tei:note[@type="editorial" and preceding::tei:pb[@xml:id = $pbId]]
let $div := <div xmlns="" type="noteDiv">{ for $note in $notes
return if ($note/@target and $note/tei:term) then ($note) else (
let $target := if ($note/@target) then ($note/@target) else (local:getLineTargets($root, $note/@xml:id, $note/text(), true()))
let $targetEnd := if ($note/@targetEnd) then ($note/@targetEnd) else (local:getLineTargets($root, $note/@xml:id, $note/text(), false()))
return if ($targetEnd) then (<note xmlns="" xml:id="{$note/@xml:id}" type="{$note/@type}"
target="{$target}" targetEnd="{$targetEnd}">
else (
<note xmlns="" xml:id="{$note/@xml:id}" type="{$note/@type}"
}{ for $rdg in $rdgs
return $rdg
return $div
declare function local:getLineTargets($root, $id, $text, $isFirst) {
if (matches($text, '.*[0-9]+-[0-9]+:')) then (
let $lineRef := substring-before($text[1], ':')
let $firstId := substring-before($lineRef, '-')
let $lastId := substring-after($lineRef, '-')
return if ($isFirst) then (concat('#',root($root)//tei:text//tei:lb[@n = $firstId]/@xml:id)) else (concat('#',root($root)//tei:text//tei:lb[@n = $lastId]/@xml:id))
) else (
if ($isFirst) then (concat('#',root($root)//tei:text//tei:note[@xml:id = $id]/preceding::tei:lb[1]/@xml:id)) else ()
declare function local:parseNoteContent($item as item()*) {
if (contains($item/text()[1], ']')) then (
<term xmlns="" type="lem"> {substring-after(substring-before($item/text()[1], ']'), ':') } </term>, substring-after($item/text()[1], ']'), ($item/*|$item/text()[position() gt 1])
) else (
if (matches($item/text()[1], '.*[0-9]:')) then (
substring-after($item/text()[1], ':'), ($item/*|$item/text()[position() gt 1])
) else ($item/(*|text()))
declare function local:extendApp($node as node()*, $ED){
let $seg := if (count($node/@from) > 1) then ($ED//tei:seg[@xml:id=substring-after($node[1]/@from, '#')]) else ($ED//tei:seg[@xml:id=substring-after($node/@from, '#')])
return if ($seg) then (
element { node-name($node) } {
$node/@* except $node/@exist:id,
attribute exist:id { util:node-id($node) },
attribute n { concat($seg/preceding::tei:pb[not(@edRef)][1]/@n, ',', $seg/preceding::tei:lb[not(@edRef)][1]/@n) },
util:expand(($node/(*|text())), "add-exist-id=all")
) else
: For the Nietzsche Druckmanuskript: find the notes corresponding
: to the surface shown in the diplomatic transcription.
declare function mapping:nietzsche-diffs($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $ED := doc($config:data-root || "/GM_Ed_incl.xml")
let $rdgs := for $line in $root//tei:line/@start
return local:extendApp($ED//tei:rdg[@wit="#Dm" and @source=$line]/parent::tei:app, $ED)
let $pbId := substring-after($root/@start, '#')
let $notes := if (root($root)//tei:surface[@xml:id = $root/@xml:id]/following-sibling::tei:surface) then (
root($root)//tei:text//tei:note[@type="editorial" and preceding::tei:pb[1][@xml:id = $pbId] and following::tei:pb[preceding::tei:pb[1][@xml:id = $pbId] ]]
) else (
root($root)//tei:text//tei:note[@type="editorial" and preceding::tei:pb[@xml:id = $pbId]]
let $div := <div xmlns="" type="noteDiv">{ for $note in $notes
return <note xmlns="" xml:id="{$note/@xml:id}" type="{$note/@type}" target="{concat('#',root($root)//tei:text//tei:note[@xml:id = $note/@xml:id]/preceding::tei:lb[1]/@xml:id)}">{$note/text()}</note>
}{ for $rdg in $rdgs
return $rdg
let $log := console:log($div)
return $div
: For the Van Gogh letters: find the page break in the translation corresponding
: to the one shown in the transcription.
declare function mapping:vg-translation($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $id := ``[pb-trans-`{$root/@f}`-`{$root/@n}`]``
let $node := root($root)/id($id)
declare function mapping:cortez-translation($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $first := (($root/following-sibling::text()/ancestor::*[@xml:id])[last()], $root/following-sibling::*[@xml:id], ($root/ancestor::*[@xml:id])[last()])[1]
let $last := $root/following::tei:pb[1]
let $firstExcluded := ($last/following-sibling::*[@xml:id], $last/following::*[@xml:id])[1]
let $mappedStart := root($root)/id(translate($first/@xml:id, "s", "t"))
let $mappedEnd := root($root)/id(translate($firstExcluded/@xml:id, "s", "t"))
let $context := root($root)//tei:text[@type='translation']
nav:milestone-chunk($mappedStart, $mappedEnd, $context)
(:~ mapping by retrieving same book number in the translation; assumes div view ~:)
declare function mapping:barum-book($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $bookNumber := $root/@n
let $node := root($root)//tei:text[@type='translation']//tei:div[@type="book"][@n=$bookNumber]
(:~ mapping by translating id prefix, by default from prefix s to t1 ~:)
declare function mapping:prefix-translation($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $sourcePrefix := ($userParams?sourcePrefix, 's')[1]
let $targetPrefix := ($userParams?targetPrefix, 't1')[1]
let $id := $root/@xml:id
let $node := root($root)/id(translate($id, $sourcePrefix, $targetPrefix))
(:~ mapping trying to find a node in the same relation to the base of translation as current node to the base of transcription ~:)
declare function mapping:offset-translation($root as element(), $userParams as map(*)) {
let $language := ($userParams?language, 'en')[1]
let $node-id := util:node-id($root)
let $source-root := util:node-id(root($root)//tei:text[@type='source']/tei:body)
let $translation-root := util:node-id(root($root)//tei:text[@type='translation'][@xml:lang=$language]/tei:body)
let $offset := substring-after($node-id, $source-root)
let $node := util:node-by-id(root($root), $translation-root || $offset)

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