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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" This super class can be used to represent all image types.
# Copyright (C) University of Basel 2019 {{{1
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <> 1}}}
__author__ = "Christian Steiner"
__maintainer__ = __author__
__copyright__ = 'University of Basel'
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
__license__ = "GPL v3"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
from lxml import etree as ET
from os.path import isfile, basename
import sys
from .attachable_object import AttachableObject
from .matrix import Matrix
from .text_field import TextField
from class_spec import SemanticClass
class Image(AttachableObject,SemanticClass):
This super class represents all types of images.
file_name (str): name of the image file.
node (lxml.etree.Element) node, containing information
URL (str): URL of image file.
height (float): height of image
width (float): width of image
text_field (.text_field.TextField) text_field on image representation
stringKeys = [ 'file_name', 'URL', 'local_path' ]
floatKeys = [ 'height', 'width' ]
XML_TAG = 'image'
SECONDARY_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/'
FAKSIMILE_DIR = 'faksimiles/'
def __init__(self, node=None, file_name=None, local_path=None, URL=None, height=0.0, width=0.0, matrix=None, text_field=None, tag=XML_TAG):
self.text_field = text_field
self.tag = tag
if node is not None:
self.file_name = node.get('file-name')
self.local_path = node.get('local-path')
self.URL = node.get('URL')
self.height = float(node.get('height'))
self.width = float(node.get('width'))
self.transform = Matrix(node.get('transform')) if bool(node.get('transform')) and 'matrix(' in node.get('transform') else None
if len(node.findall(TextField.XML_TAG)) > 0:
self.text_field = TextField(node=node.find(TextField.XML_TAG))
self.file_name = file_name
self.local_path = local_path
self.URL = URL
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.transform = matrix
self.primaryURL = self.URL
self.secondaryURL = None
if self.file_name is not None:
self.secondaryURL = self.SECONDARY_URL + self.file_name.replace('./','')\
if self.file_name is not None and self.file_name.endswith('svg')\
else self.SECONDARY_URL + self.FAKSIMILE_DIR + self.file_name
self.transform_string = self.transform.toString()\
if self.transform is not None\
else None
def attach_object_to_tree(self, target_tree):
"""Attach object to tree.
if target_tree.__class__.__name__ == '_ElementTree':
target_tree = target_tree.getroot()
obj_node = target_tree.find('.//' + self.tag) \
if(len(target_tree.findall('.//' + self.tag)) > 0) \
else ET.SubElement(target_tree, self.tag)
for key in self.floatKeys:
if self.__dict__[key] is not None:
obj_node.set(key.replace('_','-'), str(round(self.__dict__[key], 3)))
for key in self.stringKeys:
if self.__dict__[key] is not None:
obj_node.set(key.replace('_','-'), self.__dict__[key])
if self.transform is not None and self.transform.isRotationMatrix():
obj_node.set('transform', self.transform.toString())
if self.text_field is not None:
def get_semantic_dictionary(cls):
""" Creates and returns a semantic dictionary as specified by SemanticClass.
dictionary = {}
class_dict = cls.get_class_dictionary()
properties = {}
for floatKey in Image.floatKeys:
properties.update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary(floatKey, float, cardinality=1))
properties.update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('file_name', str, cardinality=1))
properties.update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('text_field', TextField))
#properties.update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('transform', str))
properties.update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('transform_string', str, name='hasTransform'))
properties.update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('primaryURL', str, cardinality=1, subPropertyOf=cls.HAS_URL))
properties.update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('secondaryURL', str, cardinality=1, subPropertyOf=cls.HAS_URL))
dictionary.update({'class': class_dict})
dictionary.update({'properties': properties})
return dictionary
class SVGImage(Image):
"""This class represents a svg image.
XML_TAG = 'svg-image'
ASSETS_FOLDER = '/assets/'
def __init__(self, node=None, file_name=None, URL=None, height=0.0, width=0.0, text_field=None, tag=XML_TAG):
if node is not None and node.tag != self.XML_TAG:
file_name = node.get('file')
height = float(node.get('height')) if bool(node.get('height')) else 0.0
width = float(node.get('width')) if bool(node.get('width')) else 0.0
node = None
super(SVGImage, self).__init__(node=node, file_name=file_name, URL=URL,\
height=height, width=width, text_field=text_field, tag=self.XML_TAG)
self.primaryURL = self.URL_PREFIX + basename(self.file_name.replace('./', ''))
self.secondaryURL= self.ASSETS_FOLDER + self.file_name.replace('./', '')
def decontextualize_file_name(self, update_url=None):
"""Decontextualize file name.
self.file_name = self.file_name.replace('./', '')
if update_url is not None:
self.URL = update_url + self.file_name
# @classmethod
# def get_semantic_dictionary(cls):
# """ Creates and returns a semantic dictionary as specified by SemanticClass.
# """
# dictionary = super(SVGImage,cls).get_semantic_dictionary()
# return cls.return_dictionary_after_updating_super_classes(dictionary)

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