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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" This class can be used to represent a word.
# Copyright (C) University of Basel 2019 {{{1
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <> 1}}}
__author__ = "Christian Steiner"
__maintainer__ = __author__
__copyright__ = 'University of Basel'
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
__license__ = "GPL v3"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
import copy
import inspect
from lxml import etree as ET
from operator import attrgetter
import re
import string
import sys
import warnings
from .box import Box
from .editor_comment import EditorComment
from .matrix import Matrix
from .path import Path
from .simple_word import SimpleWord
from .style import Style
from .word_deletion_path import WordDeletionPath
from .word_position import WordPosition
from .transkription_position import TranskriptionPosition
from .writing_process import WritingProcess
SINGLE_PUNCTUATION_PATTERN = r"^[{}–]$".format(string.punctuation)
def execute_function_on_parts(word_parts, func_name):
"""Execute function on parts and add those parts instead of original word to word_parts.
:return: new word_parts, output from func
copy_parts = word_parts[:]
for word in word_parts:
output = eval('word.{0}()'.format(func_name))
if len(word.word_parts) > 0:
for part_word in word.word_parts:
copy_parts.insert(copy_parts.index(word), part_word)
word.word_parts = []
return copy_parts, output
def update_transkription_position_ids(word):
"""Update transkription_position' ids according to index.
word_part_ids = [ for wp in word.word_parts ]
if len(word_part_ids) != len(set(word_part_ids)):
for id, wp in enumerate(word.word_parts): = id
for index, transkription_position in enumerate(sorted(word.transkription_positions, key=attrgetter('left'))): = index
transkription_position.has_box = None
transkription_position.deleted = False
class Word(SimpleWord):
This class represents a word.
COPY_PROPERTY_KEY = [ 'line_number', 'deleted', 'writing_process_id' ]
DATA = 'debug-data'
XML_TAG = 'word'
XML_EARLIER_VERSION = 'earlier-version'
XML_OVERWRITES = 'overwrites'
XML_CORRECTION_DICT = { 'isClarificationOfWord': 'clarifiesWord',\
'isDeletionOfWord': 'deletesEarlierPart',\
'isExtensionOfWord': 'extendsEarlierVersion',\
'isTransformationOfWord': 'transformsEarlierPart' }
def __init__(self, id=0, text='', line_number=-1, deleted=False, transkription_positions=None, faksimile_positions=None, word_part_objs=None, word_parts=None, writing_process_id=-1, earlier_version=None, box_paths=None, styles=None):
super(Word,self).__init__(id=id, text=text, line_number=line_number, transkription_positions=transkription_positions,\
self.corrections = []
self.deleted = deleted
self.deletion_paths = []
self.debug_container = {}
self.debug_msg = None
self.earlier_version = earlier_version
self.edited_text = None
self.editor_comment = None
self.isClarificationOfWord = None
self.isDeletionOfWord = None
self.isExtensionOfWord = None
self.isTransformationOfWord = None
if len(self.text) == 0 and len(''.join([ tp.get_text() for tp in self.transkription_positions if type(tp) == TranskriptionPosition ])) > 0:
self.text = ''.join([ tp.get_text() for tp in self.transkription_positions ])
self.overwrites_word = None
self.styles = styles\
if styles is not None\
else []
self.verified = None
self.writing_process_id = writing_process_id
self.writing_processes = []
self.word_insertion_mark = None
self.word_box = None
self.word_parts = word_parts if word_parts is not None else []
self.word_part_objs = word_part_objs if word_part_objs is not None else []
def add_deletion_paths(self, deletion_paths, tr_xmin=0.0, tr_ymin=0.0):
"""Add a word deletion path to word.
if len(self.word_parts) > 0:
for part in self.word_parts: part.add_deletion_paths(deletion_paths, tr_xmin=tr_xmin, tr_ymin=tr_ymin)
elif self.deleted and len(self.transkription_positions) > 0:
word_path = Path.create_path_from_transkription_position(self.transkription_positions[0],\
tr_xmin=tr_xmin, tr_ymin=tr_ymin)
self.deletion_paths = [ deletion_path for deletion_path in deletion_paths\
if do_paths_intersect_saveMode(deletion_path, word_path) ]
def attach_word_to_tree(self, target_tree):
"""Attaches word to tree target_tree.
word_node = super(Word,self).attach_word_to_tree(target_tree)
if self.deleted is not None:
word_node.set('deleted', str(self.deleted).lower())
if self.verified is not None:
word_node.set('verified', str(self.verified).lower())
if self.edited_text is not None:
word_node.set('edited-text', self.edited_text)
if self.editor_comment is not None:
if self.writing_process_id > -1:
word_node.set('writing-process-id', str(self.writing_process_id))
for index, word_part in enumerate(self.word_parts): = index
if self.earlier_version is not None:
earlier_node = ET.SubElement(word_node, self.XML_EARLIER_VERSION)
if self.overwrites_word is not None\
and len(self.overwrites_word.transkription_positions) > 0:
overwrite_node = ET.SubElement(word_node, self.XML_OVERWRITES)
if self.word_box is not None:
if len(self.corrections) > 0:
word_node.set('corrections', ' '.join(set([ str( for word in self.corrections ])))
for key in self.XML_CORRECTION_DICT.keys():
if self.__dict__[key] is not None:
word_node.set(self.XML_CORRECTION_DICT[key], 'true')
return word_node
def belongs_to_multiple_writing_processes(self, include_parts=False):
"""Returns true if transkription_positions belong to different WritingProcesses.
if len(self.word_parts) > 0 and include_parts:
return len(set(word.writing_process_id for word in self.word_parts)) > 1
return len(set(tp.writing_process_id for tp in self.transkription_positions )) > 1
def set_parent_word_writing_process_id(self):
"""Set writing_process_id for parent word.
ids = set(word.transkription_positions[0].style for word in self.word_parts\
if len(word.transkription_positions) > 0 and word.transkription_positions[0].style is not None)
if len(ids) > 1:
self.writing_process_id = max([style.writing_process_id for style in ids])
if len(set(word.transkription_positions[0].style.create_a_copy_wo_writing_process_id()\
for word in self.word_parts\
if len(word.transkription_positions) > 0 and word.transkription_positions[0].style is not None))\
> 1:
self.writing_process_id += 1
def create_cls(cls, word_node):
"""Creates a word from a (lxml.Element) node.
[:return:] Word
cls = super(Word,cls).create_cls(word_node)
cls.writing_process_id = int(word_node.get('writing-process-id')) if bool(word_node.get('writing-process-id')) else -1
cls.split_strings = None
cls.join_string = word_node.get('join')
if bool(word_node.get('split')):
cls.split_strings = word_node.get('split').split(' ')
if ''.join(cls.split_strings) != cls.text:
error_msg = 'Error in file {0}: word with id="{1}" has split attributes that do not correspond to its text attribute!\n'.\
format(word_node.getroottree().docinfo.URL, str(\
+ 'Split attributes: "{0}".\n'.format(' '.join(cls.split_strings))\
+ 'Text attribute: "{0}".\n'.format(cls.text)
raise Exception(error_msg)
cls.verified = word_node.get('verified') == 'true'\
if bool(word_node.get('verified')) else None
cls.deleted = word_node.get('deleted') == 'true'\
if bool(word_node.get('deleted')) else None
cls.edited_text = word_node.get('edited-text')
cls.editor_comment = [ EditorComment.create_cls_from_node(node) for node in word_node.xpath('./' + EditorComment.XML_TAG) ][0]\
if len([ node for node in word_node.xpath('./' + EditorComment.XML_TAG) ]) > 0 else None
cls.word_parts = [ cls.create_cls(node) for node in word_node.xpath('./' + cls.XML_TAG) ]
if bool(word_node.get('corrections')):
for index in [ int(i) for i in word_node.get('corrections').split(' ') ]:
if index < len(cls.word_parts):
cls.earlier_version = None
if len(word_node.xpath('./' + cls.XML_EARLIER_VERSION + '/' + cls.XML_TAG)) > 0:
cls.earlier_version = [ cls.create_cls(node) for node in word_node.xpath('./' + cls.XML_EARLIER_VERSION + '/' + cls.XML_TAG) ][0]
for key_value in cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT.values():
if word_node.get(key_value) == 'true':
cls.__dict__[key_value] = True
if cls.earlier_version is not None:
for word_part in cls.word_parts:
for key in [ key for key, value in cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT.items() if value.endswith('Part') ]:
if cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT[key] in word_part.__dict__.keys() and word_part.__dict__[cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT[key]]\
and len(cls.word_parts) <= len(cls.earlier_version.word_parts):
word_part.__dict__[key] = cls.earlier_version.word_parts[]
except Exception:
msg = f'{} {cls.text}: {}'
raise Exception(msg)
for key in [ key for key, value in cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT.items() if value.endswith('EarlierVersion') ]:
if cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT[key] in word_part.__dict__.keys() and word_part.__dict__[cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT[key]]:
word_part.__dict__[key] = cls.earlier_version
for key in [ key for key, value in cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT.items() if value.endswith('Word') ]:
if cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT[key] in word_part.__dict__.keys() and word_part.__dict__[cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT[key]]:
word_part.__dict__[key] = cls
cls.overwrites_word = [ cls.create_cls(node) for node in word_node.xpath('./' + cls.XML_OVERWRITES + '/' + cls.XML_TAG)][0]\
if len(word_node.xpath('./' + cls.XML_OVERWRITES + '/' + cls.XML_TAG)) > 0\
else None
cls.word_box = [ Box(node=node) for node in word_node.xpath('./' + Box.XML_TAG) ][0]\
if len(word_node.xpath('./' + Box.XML_TAG)) > 0\
else None
return cls
def join_words(cls, list_of_words):
"""Creates a word from a list of words.
[:return:] Word
if len(list_of_words) > 1:
deleted = True in [ word.deleted for word in list_of_words ]\
and len(set([ word.deleted for word in list_of_words ])) == 1
line_number = list_of_words[0].line_number\
if len(set([ word.line_number for word in list_of_words ])) == 1\
else -1
for word in list_of_words:
if len(word.word_parts) > 0:
index = list_of_words.index(word)
for part_word in reversed(word.word_parts):
list_of_words.insert(index, part_word)
new_word = cls(id=list_of_words[0].id, text=''.join([word.text for word in list_of_words]),\
line_number=line_number, deleted=deleted, word_parts=list_of_words)
if True in [ word.text.endswith('-') or word.text.endswith('=') for word in new_word.word_parts[:-1]]:
change_text = [ word.text for word in new_word.word_parts[:-1] if word.text.endswith('-') or word.text.endswith('=') ][0]
new_word.edited_text = new_word.text.replace(change_text, change_text[:-1])
for id, word in enumerate(new_word.word_parts): = id
return new_word
if len(list_of_words) > 0:
return list_of_words[0]
return None
def create_earlier_version(self, root_word=None, id=0):
"""Create an earlier version of word.
if root_word is None:
root_word = self
word_parts = []
non_single_punctuation_word_parts = [ word_part for word_part in self.word_parts\
if not re.match(SINGLE_PUNCTUATION_PATTERN, word_part.text) ]
non_single_punctuation_word_parts_length = len(non_single_punctuation_word_parts)
if non_single_punctuation_word_parts_length > 0\
and len([ word_part for word_part in non_single_punctuation_word_parts\
if word_part.deleted ])\
== non_single_punctuation_word_parts_length:
self.deleted = True
for word_part in non_single_punctuation_word_parts: word_part.deleted = False
for id, word_part in enumerate(self.word_parts):
earlierWordPart = word_part.create_earlier_version(root_word=root_word, id=id)
if word_part.deleted:
word_part.isDeletionOfWord = earlierWordPart
if word_part not in self.corrections:
elif word_part.overwrites_word is not None\
and ((len(word_part.transkription_positions) > 0\
and word_part.overwrites_word.transkription_positions[0].style is not None\
and word_part.transkription_positions[0].style is not None\
and word_part.transkription_positions[0].style\
!= word_part.overwrites_word.transkription_positions[0].style)
or word_part.word_box.earlier_version): =
word_part.isTransformationOfWord = word_part.overwrites_word
#print(f'transform: {self.text}')
if word_part not in self.corrections:
elif root_word.writing_process_id > -1\
and (len(word_part.transkription_positions) > 0\
and word_part.transkription_positions[0].style is not None\
and word_part.transkription_positions[0].style.writing_process_id\
== root_word.writing_process_id):
word_part.extendsEarlierVersion = True
if word_part not in self.corrections:
if word_part.deleted:
word_part.isDeletionOfWord = earlierWordPart
if word_part not in self.corrections:
#print(f'default: {self.text}')
text = ''.join([ word.text for word in word_parts ])\
if len(word_parts) > 0\
else self.text
if len(word_parts) == 1:
self.transkription_positions += word_parts[0].transkription_positions
self.faksimile_positions += word_parts[0].faksimile_positions
word_parts = []
new_transkription_positions = copy.deepcopy(self.transkription_positions)
if len(self.transkription_positions) > 0\
and self.transkription_positions[0].style is not None:
writing_process_id = self.transkription_positions[0].style.writing_process_id
for new_tp in new_transkription_positions: = writing_process_id
return Word(id=id, text=text, transkription_positions=new_transkription_positions,\
faksimile_positions=self.faksimile_positions, line_number=self.line_number,\
def create_correction_history(self, page=None, box_style=None):
"""Create correction history.
if self.word_box is not None:
manuscript = self.transkription_positions[0].style.manuscript\
if len(self.transkription_positions) > 0\
and self.transkription_positions[0].style is not None\
else None
style = Style()
if box_style is not None:
style = box_style
if page is not None:
style = Style.create_cls(page, self.word_box.text_style_class, manuscript=manuscript)
for font_key in [ font_key for font_key in self.word_box.text_style_class.split(' ') if font_key in page.fontsizekey2stage_mapping.keys() ]:
style.writing_process_id = page.fontsizekey2stage_mapping.get(font_key)
transkription_positions = TranskriptionPosition.copy_list_of_cls(self.transkription_positions)
for transkription_position in transkription_positions: = style
self.overwrites_word = Word(text=self.word_box.earlier_text, transkription_positions=transkription_positions,\
for word_part in self.word_parts:
word_part.create_correction_history(page=page, box_style=box_style)
if len(self.word_parts) > 0:
earlier_version = self.create_earlier_version()
extending_words = self._get_parts_with_property_key('extendsEarlierVersion')
if len(extending_words) > 0:
for word in extending_words:
word.isExtensionOfWord = earlier_version
if self.has_mixed_status('deleted', include_parts=True):
self.edited_text = ''.join([ word.text for word in self.word_parts if not word.deleted ])
if len(self.corrections) > 0:
self.earlier_version = earlier_version
def CREATE_WORD(word_node=None, page=None, word_part_objs=[], id=0, height=0, endX=0, endSign=None, matrix=None, line_number=-1, debug_msg=None):
"""Creates a word from a (lxml.Element) node or word_part_objs.
[:return:] Word
if word_node is not None: # init word from xml node
id = int(word_node.get('id'))
line_number = int(word_node.get('line-number')) if bool(word_node.get('line-number')) else line_number
text = word_node.get('text')
deleted = bool(word_node.get('deleted')) and word_node.get('deleted') == 'true'
transkription_positions = [ TranskriptionPosition(node=node) for node in word_node.findall('.//' + WordPosition.TRANSKRIPTION) ]
faksimile_positions = [ WordPosition(node=node) for node in word_node.findall('.//' + WordPosition.FAKSIMILE) ]
word_part_objs = [ item.attrib for item in word_node.findall('.//' + Word.DATA + '/part')]\
if len(word_node.findall('.//' + Word.DATA)) > 0\
else [ item.attrib for item in word_node.findall('.//part')]
return Word(id=id, text=text, deleted=deleted, line_number=line_number, transkription_positions=transkription_positions,\
faksimile_positions=faksimile_positions, word_part_objs=word_part_objs)
elif len(word_part_objs) > 0: # init word from word_part_obj that has been extracted from svg file
FONTWIDTHFACTOR = 0.7 # factor that multiplies lastCharFontSize
height = height
x = round(float(word_part_objs[0]['x']), 3)
if(page is not None and bool(page.style_dict)):
HEIGHT_FACTOR = 1.1 # factor that multiplies biggest_font_size -> height
style_set = set(' '.join(set( dict['class'] for dict in word_part_objs)).split(' '))
biggest_font_size = page.get_biggest_fontSize4styles(style_set=style_set)
height = round(biggest_font_size * HEIGHT_FACTOR + HEIGHT_FACTOR / biggest_font_size, 3)
TOPCORRECTION = 1 + HEIGHT_FACTOR / biggest_font_size
if endSign is not None and '%' in endSign:
lastCharFontSizeList = [ float(page.style_dict[key]['font-size'].replace('px',''))\
for key in word_part_objs[len(word_part_objs)-1]['class'].split(' ')\
if bool(page.style_dict[key].get('font-size'))]
lastCharFontSize = lastCharFontSizeList[0] if len(lastCharFontSizeList) > 0 else 1
endX = float(endX) + lastCharFontSize * FONTWIDTHFACTOR
elif endSign is not None and '%' in endSign:
endX = float(endX) + WIDTH
bottom = round(float(word_part_objs[0]['y']), 3)
y = round(bottom - height + TOPCORRECTION, 3)
width = round(float(endX) - x, 3)
transkription_positions = [ WordPosition(height=height, width=width, x=x, y=y, matrix=matrix, tag=WordPosition.TRANSKRIPTION) ]
text = ''.join([ dict['text'] for dict in word_part_objs])
line_number = page.get_line_number( (y + bottom)/2) if page is not None else line_number
word = Word(id=id, text=text, line_number=line_number, transkription_positions=transkription_positions, word_part_objs=word_part_objs)
word.debug_msg = debug_msg
return word
error_msg = 'word_node has not been defined' if (word_node is None) else 'word_part_objs is empty'
raise Exception('Error: {}'.format(error_msg))
def get_semantic_dictionary(cls):
""" Creates and returns a semantic dictionary as specified by SemanticClass.
dictionary = super(Word,cls).get_semantic_dictionary()
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('styles', Style,\
cardinality=1, cardinality_restriction='minCardinality',\
name='wordHasStyle', label='word has style', comment='Word has an appearance that is characterized by this style.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('corrections', Word,\
name='wordHasCorrection', label='word has corrections', comment='Word has a correction made by the author.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('deletion_paths', WordDeletionPath,\
name='wordIsDeletedByPath', label='word has been deleted with a deletion path',\
comment='Word has been deleted by the author using a deletion path.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('editor_comment', EditorComment,\
name='wordHasEditorComment', label='word has a comment by the editors', comment='Word has been commented by the editors.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('earlier_version', Word,\
name='wordHasEarlierVersion', label='word has an earlier version', comment='There is a earlier version of this word.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('edited_text', str,\
name='hasEditedText', label='word has an edited text', comment='Word has a text that is edited automatically by removing deleted parts or hyphens.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('isClarificationOfWord', Word,\
name='isClarificationOfWord', label='word is a clarification of word',\
comment='The author has used this part of the word in order to clarify the appearance of that word.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('isDeletionOfWord', Word,\
name='isDeletionOfWord', label='word is a deletion of word',\
comment='The author has used this part of a word in order to delete the corresponding part of an earlier version of this word.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('isExtensionOfWord', Word,\
name='isExtensionOfWord', label='word is a extension of word',\
comment='The author has used this part of a word in order to extend an earlier version of this word.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('isTransformationOfWord', Word,\
name='isTransformationOfWord', label='word is a transformation of word',\
comment='The author has used this part of a word in order to transform the corresponding part of an earlier version of this word.'))
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('overwrites_word', Word,\
name='overwritesWord', label='word overwrites word',\
comment='The author has used this word in order to overwrite that word.'))
# This makes wordHasWordParts a subproperty of cls.HAS_HOMOTYPIC_PARTS_URL_STRING,
# cls.return_dictionary_after_updating_super_classes will subclass Word under the corresponding super class.
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update(cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary('word_parts', list,\
name='wordHasWordParts', label='word has word parts', comment='Word consists of a list of words.',\
super_property_dictionary = cls.create_semantic_property_dictionary(cls.SUPER_PROPERTY, Word,\
name='isCorrectionOfWord', label='word is a correction of word',\
comment='The author has used this word in order to correct that word.')
for key in cls.XML_CORRECTION_DICT.keys():
correction_dict = dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].get(key)
dictionary[cls.PROPERTIES_KEY].update({key: correction_dict})
return cls.return_dictionary_after_updating_super_classes(dictionary)
def has_mixed_status(self, property_key, include_parts=False, concerns_word=True):
"""Returns true if transkription_positions have mixed status concerning the property_key in their __dict__.
if False in set(property_key in tp.__dict__.keys() for tp in self.transkription_positions):
return False
if len(self.word_parts) > 0 and include_parts:
if concerns_word:
if False in set(property_key in word.__dict__.keys() for word in self.word_parts):
return False
return len(set(word.__dict__[property_key] for word in self.word_parts)) > 1
return len(set(word.transkription_positions[0].__dict__[property_key] for word in self.word_parts\
if len(word.transkription_positions) > 0 and property_key in word.transkription_positions[0].__dict__.keys())) > 1
return len(set(tp.__dict__[property_key] for tp in self.transkription_positions )) > 1
def init_word(self, page):
"""Initialize word with objects from page.
if self.writing_process_id > -1:
self.writing_processes += [ wp for wp in page.writing_processes if == self.writing_process_id ]
writing_processes = self.writing_processes
for word_part in self.word_parts:
self.lines += word_part.lines
self.writing_processes += word_part.writing_processes
self.lines = [ line for line in set(self.lines) ]
self.writing_processes = [ wp for wp in set(self.writing_processes)]
if self.overwrites_word is not None:
if self.earlier_version is not None:
if self.earlier_version.writing_process_id == -1:
self.earlier_version.writing_process_id = self.writing_process_id-1
if self.earlier_version.line_number == -1:
self.earlier_version.line_number = self.line_number
def join(self, other_word, append_at_end_of_new_word=True):
"""Joins other_word with this word by changing the text of current word and adding other_word.transkription_positions.
if append_at_end_of_new_word:
self.text = self.text + other_word.text
for position in other_word.transkription_positions: = str(len(self.transkription_positions))
self.text = other_word.text + self.text
index = 0
for position in other_word.transkription_positions:
self.transkription_positions.insert(index, position)
index += 1
while index < len(self.transkription_positions):
self.transkription_positions[index].id = str(index)
index += 1
def partition_according_to_deletion(self):
"""Partition a word according to its transkription_positions' deletion status
->split word and add partial words as its parts.
if self.has_mixed_status('deleted'):
transkription_positions = []
last_status = None
for transkription_position in self.transkription_positions:
if transkription_position.deleted != last_status\
and len(transkription_positions) > 0:
newWord = Word(id=len(self.word_parts), line_number=self.line_number,\
transkription_positions=transkription_positions, deleted=last_status, writing_process_id=self.writing_process_id)
transkription_positions = []
last_status = transkription_position.deleted
if len(transkription_positions) > 0:
newWord = Word(id=len(self.word_parts), line_number=self.line_number,\
transkription_positions=transkription_positions, deleted=last_status, writing_process_id=self.writing_process_id)
self.transkription_positions = []
self.line_number = -1
self.deleted = False
elif len(self.word_parts) > 0:
self.word_parts, none = execute_function_on_parts(self.word_parts, 'partition_according_to_deletion')
elif not self.deleted\
and len(self.transkription_positions) > 0\
and self.transkription_positions[0].deleted:
self.deleted = True
def partition_according_to_writing_process_id(self):
"""Partition a word according to its transkription_positions' writing_process_ids
->split word and add partial words as its parts.
if self.belongs_to_multiple_writing_processes():
last_writing_process_id = -1
transkription_positions = []
for transkription_position in self.transkription_positions:
if transkription_position.writing_process_id != last_writing_process_id\
and len(transkription_positions) > 0:
newWord = Word(id=len(self.word_parts), line_number=self.line_number,\
transkription_positions=transkription_positions, writing_process_id=last_writing_process_id)
transkription_positions = []
last_writing_process_id = transkription_position.writing_process_id
if len(transkription_positions) > 0:
newWord = Word(id=len(self.word_parts), line_number=self.line_number,\
transkription_positions=transkription_positions, writing_process_id=last_writing_process_id)
self.transkription_positions = []
elif len(self.word_parts) > 0:
self.word_parts, none = execute_function_on_parts(self.word_parts, 'partition_according_to_writing_process_id')
if self.belongs_to_multiple_writing_processes(include_parts=True):
self.writing_process_id = sorted(set([ word.writing_process_id for word in self.word_parts ]), reverse=True)[0]
elif len(self.transkription_positions) > 0:
self.writing_process_id = self.transkription_positions[0].writing_process_id
def process_boxes(self, box_paths, tr_xmin=0.0, tr_ymin=0.0, previous_word_has_box=False):
"""Determines whether word is over a word box.
word_over_box = None
if len(self.word_parts) > 0:
for word in self.word_parts:
current_word = word.process_boxes(box_paths, tr_xmin=tr_xmin, tr_ymin=tr_ymin, previous_word_has_box=(word_over_box is not None))
if current_word is not None and current_word.word_box is not None:
word_over_box = current_word
new_tp_dict = {}
for index, transkription_position in enumerate(self.transkription_positions):
if previous_word_has_box and index == 0:
if len(transkription_position.positional_word_parts) > 0:
transkription_position.positional_word_parts[0].left += transkription_position.positional_word_parts[0].width/2
#print(f'{self.text}: {transkription_position.positional_word_parts[0].left}')
transkription_position.left += 1
word_path = Path.create_path_from_transkription_position(transkription_position,\
tr_xmin=tr_xmin, tr_ymin=tr_ymin)
containing_boxes = [ box_path for box_path in box_paths\
if word_path.is_partially_contained_by(box_path)\
or box_path.do_paths_intersect(word_path) ]
if len(containing_boxes) > 0:
if previous_word_has_box:
print(f'{self.text}: {word_path.path.bbox()} {containing_boxes[0].path.bbox()}')
self._set_box_to_transkription_position(containing_boxes[0], word_path,\
transkription_position, new_tp_dict, tr_xmin)
for replace_tp in new_tp_dict.keys():
for tp in new_tp_dict.get(replace_tp):
self.transkription_positions.insert(self.transkription_positions.index(replace_tp), tp)
word_over_box = self._get_partial_word_over_box()
return word_over_box
def set_word_insertion_mark(self, word_insertion_mark):
"""Sets word_insertion_mark
self.word_insertion_mark = word_insertion_mark
def set_writing_process_id_to_transkription_positions(self, page):
"""Determines the writing process id of the transkription_positions.
for transkription_position in self.transkription_positions:
if len(transkription_position.positional_word_parts) > 0:
for font_key in transkription_position.positional_word_parts[0].style_class.split(' '):
if font_key in page.fontsizekey2stage_mapping.keys():
transkription_position.writing_process_id = page.fontsizekey2stage_mapping.get(font_key)
def simplify_transkription_positions(self):
"""Merge transkription_positions if possible.
index = len(self.transkription_positions)-1
while index > 0\
and False not in [ 'positional_word_parts' in tp.__dict__.keys() for tp in self.transkription_positions ]:
current_tp = self.transkription_positions[index]
index -= 1
previous_tp = self.transkription_positions[index]
if previous_tp.is_mergebale_with(current_tp):
positional_word_parts = previous_tp.positional_word_parts
positional_word_parts += current_tp.positional_word_parts
transkription_positions = TranskriptionPosition.CREATE_TRANSKRIPTION_POSITION_LIST_FROM_PWPS(\
positional_word_parts, debug_msg_string='simplifying transkription positions',
if len(transkription_positions) == 1:
transkription_positions[0].writing_process_id = previous_tp.writing_process_id\
if previous_tp.writing_process_id != -1\
else current_tp.writing_process_id
self.transkription_positions[index] = transkription_positions[0]
#print(self.text, len(self.transkription_positions))
def split(self, split_string, start_id=0):
"""Splits the word and returns an 3-tuple of new words.
previousString, currentString, nextString = self.text.partition(split_string)
currentWord = None
previousWord = None
nextWord = None
previousIndex = 0
current_id = start_id
all_positional_word_parts = []
for position in self.transkription_positions:
all_positional_word_parts += position.positional_word_parts
if len(all_positional_word_parts) == 0:
warnings.warn('ATTENTION: Word: {} {} with Strings "{}, {}, {}": there are no parts!'.format(, self.text, previousString, currentString, nextString))
if len(previousString) > 0:
previous_pwps = []
while previousIndex < len(all_positional_word_parts) and previousString != ''.join([ pwp.text for pwp in previous_pwps ]):
previousIndex += 1
if previousString != ''.join([ pwp.text for pwp in previous_pwps ]):
warnings.warn('ATTENTION: "{}" does not match a word_part_obj!'.format(previousString))
previous_transkription_positions = TranskriptionPosition.CREATE_TRANSKRIPTION_POSITION_LIST_FROM_PWPS(previous_pwps, debug_msg_string='word.split')
previous_text = ''.join([ pwp.text for pwp in previous_pwps ])
previousWord = Word(text=previous_text, id=current_id, line_number=self.line_number, transkription_positions=previous_transkription_positions)
current_id += 1
all_positional_word_parts = all_positional_word_parts[previousIndex:]
if len(nextString) > 0:
tmp_pwps = []
index = 0
while index < len(all_positional_word_parts) and currentString != ''.join([ pwp.text for pwp in tmp_pwps ]):
index += 1
if currentString != ''.join([ pwp.text for pwp in tmp_pwps ]):
warnings.warn('ATTENTION: "{}" does not match a word_part_obj!'.format(currentString))
next_pwps = all_positional_word_parts[index:]
next_transkription_positions = TranskriptionPosition.CREATE_TRANSKRIPTION_POSITION_LIST_FROM_PWPS(next_pwps, debug_msg_string='word.split')
next_text = ''.join([ pwp.text for pwp in next_pwps ])
nextWord = Word(text=next_text, id=current_id+1, line_number=self.line_number, transkription_positions=next_transkription_positions)
all_positional_word_parts = all_positional_word_parts[:index]
current_transkription_positions = TranskriptionPosition.CREATE_TRANSKRIPTION_POSITION_LIST_FROM_PWPS(all_positional_word_parts, debug_msg_string='word.split')
current_text = ''.join([ pwp.text for pwp in all_positional_word_parts ])
currentWord = Word(text=current_text, id=current_id, line_number=self.line_number, transkription_positions=current_transkription_positions)
return previousWord, currentWord, nextWord
def split_according_to_status(self, status, splits_are_parts=False):
"""Split a word according to its transkription_positions' text.
:return: a list of new word.Word
new_words = []
if self.has_mixed_status(status):
last_status = None
transkription_positions = []
for transkription_position in self.transkription_positions:
if transkription_position.__dict__[status] != last_status\
and len(transkription_positions) > 0:
self._create_new_word(transkription_positions, status,
transkription_positions = []
last_status = transkription_position.__dict__[status]
if len(transkription_positions) > 0:
self._create_new_word(transkription_positions, status,
if splits_are_parts:
self.word_parts += new_words
if len(self.word_parts) > 0:
self.transkription_positions = []
return new_words
def undo_partitioning(self):
"""Undo partitioning.
if len(self.word_parts) > 0:
for word_part in self.word_parts:
if self.text != ''.join([ tp.get_text() for tp in self.transkription_positions ]):
self.transkription_positions += word_part.transkription_positions
self.earlier_version = None
self.edited_text = None
self.word_box = None
self.word_parts = []
self.corrections = []
self.earlier_versions = []
self.box_paths = []
def _create_new_word(self, transkription_positions, status, new_id=0):
"""Create a new word from self and transkription_positions.
newWord = Word(id=new_id, transkription_positions=transkription_positions)
for key in self.COPY_PROPERTY_KEY:
if key != status and key in self.__dict__.keys():
newWord.__dict__[key] = self.__dict__[key]
newWord.__dict__[status] = transkription_positions[0].__dict__[status]
return newWord
def _get_parts_with_property_key(self, property_key):
"""Return a list of word_parts with property == property_key.
word_parts = []
for word_part in self.word_parts:
if property_key in word_part.__dict__.keys():
word_parts += word_part._get_parts_with_property_key(property_key)
return word_parts
def _get_partial_word_over_box(self):
"""Partition a word according to its transkription_positions' has_box
->split word and add partial words as its parts.
:return: word over box or self
word_over_box = None
if self.has_mixed_status('has_box'):
transkription_positions = []
last_word_box = None
for transkription_position in self.transkription_positions:
if transkription_position.has_box != last_word_box\
and len(transkription_positions) > 0:
newWord = Word(id=len(self.word_parts), line_number=self.line_number,\
transkription_positions=transkription_positions, deleted=self.deleted, writing_process_id=self.writing_process_id)
if last_word_box is not None:
word_over_box = newWord
word_over_box.word_box = last_word_box
transkription_positions = []
last_word_box = transkription_position.has_box
if len(transkription_positions) > 0:
newWord = Word(id=len(self.word_parts), line_number=self.line_number,\
transkription_positions=transkription_positions, deleted=self.deleted, writing_process_id=self.writing_process_id)
if last_word_box is not None:
word_over_box = newWord
word_over_box.word_box = last_word_box
self.transkription_positions = []
elif len(self.word_parts) > 0:
#self.word_parts, word_over_box = execute_function_on_parts(self.word_parts, inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) #'get_partial_word_over_box')
for word_part in self.word_parts:
if word_over_box is None:
word_over_box = word_part._get_partial_word_over_box()
elif len([ tp for tp in self.transkription_positions if tp.has_box is not None]) == 1:
word_over_box = self
word_over_box.word_box = [ tp for tp in self.transkription_positions if tp.has_box is not None][0].has_box
return word_over_box
def _set_box_to_transkription_position(self, box_path, word_path, transkription_position, new_transkription_positions_dictionary, tr_xmin):
"""Set box_path to transkription_position that is contained by box_path.
Create new transkription_positions by splitting old ones if necessaryand add them to new_transkription_positions_dictionary.
if box_path.contains_path(word_path):
transkription_position.has_box = box_path
elif box_path.contains_start_of_path(word_path):
split_position = box_path.path.bbox()[1] - tr_xmin
new_tps = transkription_position.split(split_position)
if len(new_tps) == 2:
new_tps[0].has_box = box_path
new_transkription_positions_dictionary.update({ transkription_position: new_tps })
transkription_position.has_box = box_path
elif box_path.contains_end_of_path(word_path):
split_position = box_path.path.bbox()[0] - tr_xmin
new_tps = transkription_position.split(split_position)
if len(new_tps) == 2:
new_tps[1].has_box = box_path
new_transkription_positions_dictionary.update({ transkription_position: new_tps })
transkription_position.has_box = box_path
else: # box_path in the middle of word_pathz
split_position1 = box_path.path.bbox()[0] - tr_xmin
split_position2 = box_path.path.bbox()[1] - tr_xmin
new_tps = transkription_position.split(split_position1, split_position2)
if len(new_tps) >= 2:
new_tps[1].has_box = box_path
new_transkription_positions_dictionary.update({ transkription_position: new_tps })
transkription_position.has_box = box_path
def do_paths_intersect_saveMode(mypath1, mypath2):
"""Returns true if paths intersect, false if not or if there was an exception.
return mypath1.path.intersect(mypath2.path, justonemode=True)\
or mypath1.is_partially_contained_by(mypath2)
except AssertionError:
return False

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