Oncilla-sim is a collection of tools to help user to install Oncilla simulator.
How to develop on the app
Please use pip and virtualenv ::
mkvirtualenv oncilla-sim --no-site-packages
workon oncilla-sim
pip install -r requirements.txt
It will install lot of tools for TDD and BDD
Make good use of sniffer : just launch it and it will run the tests
when needed.
also use lettuce *extensively* ::
cd test && lettuce
How to add some dependencies
go into your work environment, and use pip ::
workon oncilla-sim
pip install my_awesome_dep
Now to help developpers to get the same dependency, freeze your environment ::
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Now share it other using git ::
git add requirements.txt
git commit -m "Added dependency on my_awesome_dep"
Oncilla-sim is a collection of tools to help user to install Oncilla simulator.
How to develop on the app
Please use pip and virtualenv ::
mkvirtualenv oncilla-sim --no-site-packages
workon oncilla-sim
pip install -r requirements.txt
It will install lot of tools for TDD and BDD
Make good use of sniffer : just launch it and it will run the tests
when needed.
also use lettuce *extensively* ::
cd test && lettuce
How to add some dependencies
go into your work environment, and use pip ::
workon oncilla-sim
pip install my_awesome_dep
Now to help developpers to get the same dependency, freeze your environment ::
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Now share it other using git ::
git add requirements.txt
git commit -m "Added dependency on my_awesome_dep"
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