.. _nemomath: Installing NemoMath ==================== In order to install nemomath, please download the following packages depending on your system: * Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid 32bit: `nemomath `_, `nemomath0.3 `_ * Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid 64bit: `nemomath `_, `nemomath0.3 `_ * Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric 32bit: `nemomath `_, `nemomath0.3 `_ * Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric 64bit: `nemomath `_, `nemomath0.3 `_ * Ubuntu 12.04 Precise 32bit: `nemomath `_, `nemomath0.3 `_ * Ubuntu 12.04 Precise 64bit: `nemomath `_, `nemomath0.3 `_ And install with the following command in your doenload folder:: sudo dpkg -i NemoMath*