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<h1>Overview<a class="headerlink" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p><strong>pNbody</strong> is a parallelized python module toolbox designed to manipulate and display
interactively very lage N-body systems.</p>
<p>Its oriented object approche allows the user to perform complicate manipulation
with only very few commands.</p>
<p>As python is an interpreted language, the user can load an N-body system and explore it
interactively using the python interpreter. pNbody may also be used in python scripts.</p>
<p>The module also contains graphical facilities desinged to create maps of physical values of
the system, like density maps, temperture maps, velocites maps, etc. Stereo capabilities are
also implemented.</p>
<p>pNbody is not limited by file format. Each user may redefine in a parameter file how to read
its prefered format.</p>
<p>Its new parallel (mpi) facilities make it works on computer cluster without being limitted by
memory consumption. It has already been tested with several millions of particles.</p>
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