Display Models ********************** .. currentmodule:: pNbody.main Generate the example file ========================= To run the examples of this section, you must first move to the ``~/pnbody_examples`` directory. If the latter does not exists, you can first create it with:: pNbody_copy-examples then inside this directory, type:: ./scripts/mkmodel_for_display.py This will create the N-body file ``snapd.dat``. This file contains a rotating disk of radius 30, with a small plummer sphere centered on (15,15,10). The display method ================== Any model may be displayed simply using the method :func:`NbodyDefault.display`. This method takes several parameters that will be described in detail below. For our first example, we simply use the ``size`` parameter, which set the size of the displayed area:: >>> from pNbody import * >>> nb = Nbody("snapd.dat",ftype='gadget') >>> nb.display(size=(50,50)) If your default parameters are still the ones of the **pNbody** distribution, this should display the following image: .. image:: ../images/snapd.png Display parameters ================== **pNbody** provides rather complex tools to display N-body systems. The tools uses different parameters that are sumarized in the following table: ================================ ================================ ========================================= ============= name meaning value type ================================ ================================ ========================================= ============= obs observer None (ArrayObs) xp observing position None (List) x0 position of observer None (List) alpha angle of the head None (Float) view view xz (String) r_obs dist. to the observer 201732.223771 (Float) clip clip planes (100866.11188556443, 403464.44754225772) (Tuple) cut cut clip planes no (String) eye name of the eye None (String) dist_eye distance between eyes -0.0005 (Float) foc focal 300.0 (Float) persp perspective off (String) shape shape of the image (512, 512) (Tuple) size pysical size (6000, 6000) (Tuple) frsp frsp 0.0 (Float) space space pos (String) mode mode m (String) rendering rendering mode map (String) filter_name name of the filter None (String) filter_opts filter options [10, 10, 2, 2] (List) scale scale log (String) cd cd 0.0 (Float) mn mn 0.0 (Float) mx mx 0.0 (Float) l_n number of levels 15 (Int) l_min min level 0.0 (Float) l_max max level 0.0 (Float) l_kx l_kx 10 (Int) l_ky l_ky 10 (Int) l_color level color 0 (Int) l_crush crush background no (String) b_weight box line weight 0 (Int) b_xopts x axis options None (Tuple) b_yopts y axis options None (Tuple) b_color line color 255 (Int) ================================ ================================ ========================================= ============= The value of these parameters may be obtained by the command:: pNbody_show-parameters Set the observer position ========================= When creating an image from a model, one has to choose the observer position, the look at point and the orientation of the head. The user has tree possibilities to define these parameters : 1. Define manually the observer matrix ``obs``. ``obs`` is a 4x3 array matrix. Meaning of the four vectors composing this matrix is given in the following table : ====== ============================================================================= obs Meaning ====== ============================================================================= obs[0] position of the observer obs[1] position of the look at point (with respect to the position of the observer) obs[2] position of the head (with respect to the position of the observer) obs[3] position of the arm (with respect to the position of the observer) ====== ============================================================================= If ``obs`` is defined, it is used in priority. 2. Using the parameters ``xp``, ``x0`` and ``alpha``, where ``x0`` is the observer position, ``xp`` is the *look at point* and ``alpha`` the angle between the head and the z axis. 3. Using the parameters ``view`` and ``r_obs``. This simpler method is used if ``obs``, ``xp`` and ``x0`` are set to ``None``. The parameter ``view`` can be equal to *xy*, *xz* or *yz*, the projection being parallel to one of the main axis. ``r_obs`` gives the distance between the observer and the *look at point*. Example: -------- To see the disk face-on, projecting it along the z axis:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=None,xp=None,size=(50,50),view='xy') .. image:: ../images/snapd-xy.png To align the center of the disk with the center of the sphere:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[30.,30.,20.],xp=[15,15,10],alpha=0,size=(50,50)) .. image:: ../images/snapd-aling.png To look at the disk from the bottom, tilting the head from 45 degres:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,-50],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=pi/4,size=(50,50)) .. image:: ../imag========= ================================ =========es/snapd-bottom.png Set the projection mode ======================= **pNbody** offers two projection modes. If ``persp``='on', the model is projectec using a frustrum projection matrix. In the other case, it uses an ortho matrix (orthogonal projection). The near and far clipping planes are given by the parameter ``clip`` containing a tuple. The left, right, bottom and top clipping planes are given by the parameter ``size``. If ``cut`` is set to 'yes', particles outside the box defined by the 6 planes are not displayed. Example: -------- Using the frustrum projection:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,20],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(5,5),persp='on',clip=(10,50)) The field of view is determined using ``clip`` and ``size``. .. image:: ../images/snapd-frustrum.png If ``cut`` is set to ``yes``, only particles inside the clip planes are displayed:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,20],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(5,5),persp='on',clip=(10,50),cut='yes') .. image:: ../images/snapd-frustrum-cut.png Stero mode ========== In order to create stereo images, you can specify the ``eye`` you are looking with ('right','left'). When exposition the model using the method :func:`NbodyDefault.expose`, the observer will be rotate around an axis parallel to its head, with a center rotation in the direction of the *look at point*, at a distance ``foc`` of the eye. The angle of the rotation is such as to move the observer of a distance ``dist_eye``/2. Example: -------- Left and right images may be obtained respectively with:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,20],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(5,5),persp='on',clip=(10,50),foc=100,dist_eye=0.01,eye='left') >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,20],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(5,5),persp='on',clip=(10,50),foc=100,dist_eye=0.01,eye='left') This gives the following image that may be seen using a cross-eyed vision: .. image:: ../images/snapd-left.png .. image:: ../images/snapd-right.png Shape of the final image ======================== The shape in pixel of the final image is set by the tuple ``shape``. Display space ============= The ``space`` parameter may be either ``pos`` (default) or ``vel``. In the second case, the model is displayed in velocity space, this simply means that the positions are replaced by the velocities. Example: -------- The model in the velocity space gives:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=None,size=(1,1),view='xy',space='vel') .. image:: ../images/snapd-vel.png We clearly see the ofset of (0.5,0,0) in velocity of the sphere. Display mode ============ The ``mode`` parameter is very important. It tells the method :func:`NbodyDefault.display` which physical quantities must be displayed. By default, it value is ``m``, meaning the mass. When used, a projected mass map (surface density) is returned. The value of ``mode`` parameter may be set to: 1. a value from the following list. In this case, the value does not dependends on the observer position : ========= ======================================== ====================== Value Meaning Formula ========= ======================================== ====================== "m" zero momentum :math:`\sum m` "x" first momentum in x "y" first momentum in y "z" first momentum in z "x2" second momentum in x "y2" second momentum in y "z2" second momentum in z "vx" first velocity momentum in x :math:`\sum m vx` "vy" first velocity momentum in y :math:`\sum m vy` "vz" first velocity momentum in z :math:`\sum m vz` "vx2" second velocity momentum in x :math:`\sum m vx^2` "vy2" second velocity momentum in y :math:`\sum m vy^2` "vz2" second velocity momentum in z :math:`\sum m vz^2` "lx" first specific kinetic momemtum in x "ly" first specific kinetic momemtum in y "lz" first specific kinetic momemtum in z "Lx" first kinetic momemtum in x "Ly" first kinetic momemtum in y "Lz" first kinetic momemtum in z "u" first momentum of specific energy "rho" first momentum of density "T" first momentum of temperature "A" first momentum of entropy "P" first momentum of pressure "Tcool" first momentum of cooling time "Lum" first momentum of luminosity "Ne" first momentum of electronic density ========= ======================================== ====================== 2. a value from the following list. In this case, the value does dependends on the observer position : ========= ===================================================== =================================================== Value Meaning Formula ========= ===================================================== =================================================== "r" first momentum of radial distance "r2" second momentum of radial distance "vr" first momentum of radial velocity "vr2" second momemtum of radial velocity "vxyr" first momentum of radial velocity in the plane :math:`\sum m (x vx + y vy)/\sqrt{x^2+y^2}` "vxyr2" second momentum of radial velocity in the plane :math:`\sum m [(x vx + y vy)/\sqrt{x^2+y^2}]^2` "vtr" first momentum of tangential velocity in the plane :math:`\sum m (x vx - y vy)/\sqrt{x^2+y^2}` "vtr2" second momentum of tangential velocity in the plane :math:`\sum m [(x vx - y vy)/\sqrt{x^2+y^2}]^2` ========= ===================================================== =================================================== 3. any scalar linked with each particle, for example the density ``nb.rho``. Example: -------- A radial velocity map is obtained using ``mode=vr``:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,25],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(30,30),mode='vr',scale='lin',palette='rainbow4') .. image:: ../images/snapd-vr.png Note that we have used a linear scale here. Rendering ========= The parameter ``rendering`` is by default set to ``map``. This means that particles are projected on a grid (2d histrogram). However, in some circumstances, it may be usefull to display simple objects, like a cube or a sphere, determined by a small number of points. The object is obtained by linking all points with segments. This is done by setting the parameter ``rendering`` to one of the following value: ========= ================ ============================================== Value Call Meaning ========= ================ ============================================== lines draw_lines draw a continuous line linking all points segments draw_segments draw disconnected segemnts (need persp='on') points draw_points draw individual points polygon draw_polygon draw a continuous closed line polygon2 draw_polygonN 2 draw polygons with groups of 2 points polygon4 draw_polygonN 4 draw polygons with groups of 4 points polygon10 draw_polygonN 10 draw polygons with groups of 10 points polygon# draw_polygonN n draw polygons with groups of n points ========= ================ ============================================== Examples: -------- >>> from pNbody import ic >>> nb = ic.box(20,1,1,1) >>> nb.display(shape=(256,256),size=(1.1,1.1)) .. image:: ../images/rendering.png :: >>> nb.display(shape=(256,256),size=(1.1,1.1),rendering='points') .. image:: ../images/rendering-points.png :: >>> nb.display(shape=(256,256),size=(1.1,1.1),rendering='lines') .. image:: ../images/rendering-lines.png :: >>> nb.display(shape=(256,256),size=(1.1,1.1),rendering='polygon') .. image:: ../images/rendering-polygon.png :: >>> nb.display(shape=(256,256),size=(1.1,1.1),rendering='segments',persp='on') .. image:: ../images/rendering-segments.png :: >>> nb.display(shape=(256,256),size=(1.1,1.1),rendering='polygon4') .. image:: ../images/rendering-polygon4.png Lets now display the ``sphere.dat`` model :: >>> from pNbody import * >>> nb = Nbody("sphere.dat",ftype='gadget') >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[-50,-50,25],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(2,2)) .. image:: ../images/sphere-map.png This model is a discretised sphere. using ``rendering='polygon'`` this gives: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[-50,-50,25],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(2,2),rendering='polygon') .. image:: ../images/sphere-polygon.png Set color range =============== Once a mapping has been performed, it return a matrix containing physical values. The latter must be transformed into an image coded by 256 colors, i.e, a matrix containing integers between 0 and 255. The transformation from the initial matrix and the integer matrix is determined using four parameters: ========= ==================================================== Parameter Meaning ========= ==================================================== scale the scaling 'lin' or 'log' cd if scale='lin', this gives the position of the elbow mn the minimum physical value mx the maximum physical value ========= ==================================================== In more details, if :math:`M_p` is the physical matrix and :math:`M_i` the integer one, the transformation is: 1. when ``scale``='lin': .. math:: M_i = 255 \frac{M_p-mn}{mx-mn} 2. when ``scale``='log': .. math:: M_i = 255 \left( \frac{\log( 1+\frac{M_p-mn}{cd}) }{ \log(1+ \frac{mx-mn}{cd}) } \right) If ``mn``=0 or ``mx``=0, or ``cd``=0, these parameters are set automatically. Examples: -------- To cut the velocities at a values of -0.3 and 0.3 in the velocity map example:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,25],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(30,30),mode='vr',scale='lin',mn=-0.2,mx=0.2,palette='rainbow4') .. image:: ../images/snapd-vr-mnmx.png To change the contrast of an image:: >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,25],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(30,30),cd=1e2) .. image:: ../images/snapd-vr-cd.png Set filters =========== Its possible to apply filter on the physical matrix, before converting it into an integer matrix. To set a filter, you must specify the ``filter_name`` parameter and the ``filter_options`` parameter: The actual filters are : ============ ==================================================== Filter name filter opts ============ ==================================================== convol [nx,ny,sx,xy] convolve [nx,ny,sx,xy] boxcar [nx,ny,sx,xy] gaussian [sigma] uniform [sigma] ============ ==================================================== Examples: -------- >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=[0,-50,25],xp=[0,0,0],alpha=0,size=(30,30),mode='vr',scale='lin',palette='rainbow4',filter_name='gaussian',filter_opts=[5]) .. image:: ../images/snapd-filter.png Draw contours ============= It is possible to add contours ============ ==================================================== Parameter Meaning ============ ==================================================== l_n number of levels l_min mininum level value l_max maximum level value l_kx smoothing size in x l_ky smoothing size in x l_color color code l_crush 'yes' or 'no' , if yes, display only contours ============ ==================================================== Examples: -------- >>> parameters = {} >>> parameters['obs'] = None >>> parameters['x0'] = [0,-50,25] >>> parameters['xp'] = [0,0,0] >>> parameters['alpha'] = 0 >>> parameters['size'] = (30,30) >>> parameters['mode'] = 'vr' >>> parameters['scale'] = 'lin' >>> parameters['palette'] = 'rainbow4' >>> parameters['filter_name'] = 'gaussian' >>> parameters['filter_opts'] = [5] >>> parameters['l_n'] = 20 >>> parameters['l_min'] = -0.2 >>> parameters['l_max'] = -0.2 >>> parameters['l_color'] = 255 >>> nb.display(parameters,palette='rainbow4') .. image:: ../images/snapd-contour.png Draw axis ========= It is possible to draw a very simple axis around an image, using the following parameters: ============ ============================================================================================ Parameter Meaning ============ ============================================================================================ b_weight weight of the line b_xopts x ticks options (m0,d0,h0,m1,d1,h1) m=dist between ticks, d=first tick h=height of the ticks b_yopts y ticks options (m0,d0,h0,m1,d1,h1) m=dist between ticks, d=first tick h=height of the ticks b_color smoothing size in x ============ ============================================================================================ Examples: -------- >>> parameters['b_weight'] = 1 >>> parameters['b_xopts'] = 1 >>> parameters['b_xopts'] = None >>> parameters['b_yopts'] = None >>> parameters['b_color'] = 255 >>> nb.display(parameters,palette='rainbow4') .. image:: ../images/snapd-axe.png frsp ========= This last parameter is used to smooth the image using an adaptative smoothing lenght. Typically, in N-body system, the adaptative smoothing lenght may be the one derived using the SPH technique. When the particles are projected in the focal plane, each particle is convolved whith a kernel corresponding to its proper smoothing lenght multiplied by the parameter ``frsp``. This allows to play with the strength of the smooting. The value of the smoothin lenght must be stored in th variable ``nb.rsp``.. Examples: -------- Here, we first use the :func:`NbodyDefault.ComputeSph` method to compute the SPH radius of each particle. This radius is determined a the radius of a sphere containing 50 neighbors with a maximal deviation of 1. As this method automatically store the results to ``nb.Hsml`` we have to copy it to ``nb.rsp``, before calling the display function:: >>> nb.ComputeSph(DesNumNgb=50,MaxNumNgbDeviation=1) >>> nb.rsp = nb.Hsml >>> nb.display(obs=None,x0=None,xp=None,size=(50,50),view='xy',frsp=2) .. image:: ../images/snapd-frsp.png