Moving the observer around evolving snapshots
In this exemple, the track followed by the camera is set using glups. First, lunch glups to visualize one snapshot :
glups ../data/treo4000.000.gad
Set the desired view, and then, in the menu, set Menu >> GL Mode >> Auto-motion on
You can now guide the motion of the ovserver using the mouse and the + and - keys. Record the track by pressing the F1 key. Once you have finished, press again the F1 key. You can now quit glups.
A direcory named track, containing a record of the track followed by the observed has been created. We must now interpolated these files in as a function of the desired frame needed for the movies. This is achived by the command :
../bin/gsplinetrk -n 400 track/*.trk --dirname=newtrack00 --basename=trk
A new directory "newtrack00" containing the new 200 interpolated track files is created. These files must now be converted into pNbody parameter files :
../bin/gtrk2nbd newtrack00/*.trk --eye='both' --snapfiles="../data/treo*.gad"
Two directory "right" and "left" are created with the corresponding files.
If you need only one eye, simply type : ../bin/gtrk2nbd newtrack00/*.trk --eye='default' --snapfiles="../data/treo4000.000.gad"
The files are then stored in a directory called "center".
Now, it is time to setup the movie parameter file "". The movie is composed of 2 horizontal sub-movies, one for each eye. The position of the observer corresponding to each eye, is now defind entirely by the files stored in the "right" and "left" directories. (param[1]['tdir'] = 'right',param[2]['tdir'] = 'left'). The other parameters may be chosen freely.
mkgmov -p movie04.gmv ../data/treo* gmov -s 50 movie04.gmv