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Tue, Jun 11, 09:09

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import types
from copy import deepcopy
from numpy import *
from nbodymodule import *
from mapping import *
from palette import *
from myNumeric import *
import Tkinter as tk
import ImageTk
is_tk = True
except ImportError:
is_tk = False
import Image
import ImageDraw
import ImageFont
import ImagePalette
import mpi
import param
import thread
from mapping import *
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy import convolve as conv
is_scipy = True
except ImportError:
is_scipy = False
import libqt
is_qt = True
is_qt = False
def get_fake_fct(nx=256,ny=256):
# create a function
mx = 2*pi
my = 2*pi
x,y = indices((nx,ny))
x = mx*(x-nx/2)/(nx/2)
y = my*(y-ny/2)/(ny/2)
R = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
R1 = sqrt((x-pi)**2+(y-pi)**2)
mat = cos(R)/(1+R) + 0.5*cos(R1)/(1+R1)
return mat
def get_n_per_task(ntot,NTask):
n_per_task = zeros(NTask,int)
for Task in range(NTask-1,-1,-1):
n_per_task[Task] = ntot/NTask + ntot%NTask*(Task==0)
return n_per_task
def get_npart_all(npart,NTask):
npart_all = zeros((NTask,len(npart)),int)
for n in npart:
npart_all[:,i] = get_n_per_task(n,mpi.mpi_NTask())
i = i + 1
return npart_all
def old_get_n_per_task(ntot,NTask):
nleft = ntot
n_per_task = zeros(NTask,int)
for Task in range(NTask-1,-1,-1):
if nleft < 2*ntot/NTask:
n_per_task[Task] = nleft
n_per_task[Task] = ntot/NTask
nleft = nleft - n_per_task[Task]
if nleft!=0:
raise "get_n_per_task : nleft != 0 (%d)"%(nleft)
return n_per_task
def cross_product(x,y):
if x.shape!=y.shape:
raise "cross_product error","x and y do not have the same shape"
n = len(x)
p = zeros((n,3),x.dtype)
p[:,0] = x[:,1]*y[:,2] - x[:,2]*y[:,1]
p[:,1] = x[:,2]*y[:,0] - x[:,0]*y[:,2]
p[:,2] = x[:,0]*y[:,1] - x[:,1]*y[:,0]
return p
def myhistogram(a,bins):
Return the histogram (n x 1 float array) of the
n x 1 array "a".
"bins" (m x 1 array) specify the bins of the histogram.
n = searchsorted(sort(a),bins)
n = concatenate([n,[len(a)]])
return n[1:]-n[:-1]
def compress_from_lst(x,num,lst,reject=False):
Return the compression of x
# 1) sort the list
ys = sort(lst)
# 2) sort index in current file
xs = sort(num)
zs = take(arange(len(x)),argsort(num)) # sort 0,1,2,n following xs (or self.num)
# 3) apply mask on sorted lists (here, getmask need xs and ys to be sorted)
m = getmask(xs.astype(int),ys.astype(int))
if reject:
m = logical_not(m)
# 4) revert mask, following zs inverse transformation
c = take(m,argsort(zs))
return compress(c,x,axis=0)
def tranfert_functions(rmin,rmax,g=None,gm=None):
This function computes the normalized tranfer fonction from g and gm
It is very usefull to tranform a linear vetor in a non linear one
example of g:
g = lambda r:log(r/rc+1)
gm = lambda r:rc*(exp(r)-1)
rmin = float(rmin)
rmax = float(rmax)
f = lambda r:r # by default, identity
fm = lambda r:r # by default, identity
if g != None and gm != None:
f = lambda r: ( g(r)-g(rmin) )/( g(rmax)-g(rmin) ) *(rmax-rmin) + rmin
fm = lambda f: gm( (f-rmin)*( g(rmax)-g(rmin) )/( rmax-rmin ) + g(rmin) )
return f,fm
def geter(n,rmin,rmax,g,gm):
Generate a one dimentional non linear array of r
n = int(n)
dr = (rmax-rmin)/float(n-1)
f,fm = tranfert_functions(rmin,rmax,g,gm)
Rs = arange(0,rmax+dr,dr)
Rs= fm(Rs)
return Rs
def geter2(n,rmin,rmax,g,gm):
Generate a one dimentional non linear array of r
n = int(n)
dr = (rmax-rmin)/float(n-1)
f,fm = tranfert_functions(rmin,rmax,g,gm)
Rs = arange(0,rmax+dr,dr)
Rs= f(Rs)
return Rs
def getr(nr=31,nt=32,rm=100.):
Return a sequence of number (n x 1 array),
where n=nr+1 defined by: Pfenniger & Friedli (1994)
j = arange(nr+1)
ct1 = 0.5+(nt/(pi+pi))
ct2 = (exp((nr)/ct1)-1.)
r = rm*(exp(j/ct1)-1)/ct2
return r
def invgetr(r,nr=31,nt=32,rm=100.):
From r, return the corresponding indexes.
Inverse of getr function.
ct1 = 0.5+(nt/(pi+pi))
ct2 = (exp((nr)/ct1)-1.)
i = ct1*log( ct2 * r/rm + 1)
return i
def get_eyes(x0,xp,alpha,dr):
Return the position of two eyes.
x0 : position of the head
xp : looking point
theta : rotation of the head
dr : distance of the eyes
x0 = array(x0,float)
xp = array(xp,float)
# distance between the observer and the looking point
Robs = sqrt((x0[0]-xp[0])**2 + (x0[1]-xp[1])**2 + (x0[2]-xp[2])**2)
# init
x = array([[dr,-Robs,0.],[-dr,-Robs,0.]],float32)
m = Nbody(pos=x,status='new')
# first : put xp in the origin
x0 = x0 - xp
# angle in azimuth
phi = arctan2(x0[1],x0[0]) + pi/2
# angle in nutation
R = sqrt(x0[0]**2 + x0[1]**2)
if R==0:
if x0[2] >= 0: theta = pi
else: theta = -pi
theta = arctan(x0[2]/R)
# rotate
# rotations alpha
if alpha != 0.:
# rotation in nutation
if theta!=0.:
# rotation in azimuth
if phi != 0.:
# translate
x1 = m.pos[0,:]
x2 = m.pos[1,:]
return x1,x2
def apply_filter(mat,name=None,opt=None):
Apply a filter to an image
if name == "convol":
nx = opt[0]
ny = opt[1]
sx = float(opt[2])
sy = float(opt[3])
nxd = (nx-1)/2
nyd = (ny-1)/2
# the kernel
b = fromfunction(lambda j,i: exp(-(i-nxd)**2/sx**2 + -(j-nyd)**2/sy**2),(nx,ny))
s = sum(sum(b))
b = b/s # normalisation
# conversion:
b = b.astype(float)
return convol(mat,b)
elif name == "convolve":
nx = opt[0]
ny = opt[1]
sx = float(opt[2])
sy = float(opt[3])
nxd = (nx-1)/2
nyd = (ny-1)/2
# the kernel
b = fromfunction(lambda j,i: exp(-(i-nxd)**2/sx**2 + -(j-nyd)**2/sy**2),(nx,ny))
s = sum(sum(b))
b = b/s # normalisation
# conversion:
b = b.astype(float)
return conv.convolve2d(mat,b,output=None,fft=0)
if name == "boxcar":
nx = opt[0]
ny = opt[1]
boxshape = (nx,ny)
return conv.boxcar(mat,boxshape,mode='reflect')
if name == "gaussian":
sigma = float(opt[0])
return ndimage.gaussian_filter(mat,sigma,mode='nearest')
if name == "uniform":
sigma = float(opt[0])
return ndimage.uniform_filter(mat,sigma,mode='nearest')
elif name == None:
print "unknown filter type"
return mat
def set_ranges(mat,scale='log',mn=None,mx=None,cd=None):
Transform an n x m float array into an n x m int array that will be
used to create an image. The float values are rescaled and cutted in order to range
between 0 and 255.
mat : the matrice
scale : lin or log
mn : lower value for the cutoff
mx : higer value for the cutoff
cd : parameter
rm = ravel(mat)
if mn == None:
mn = min(rm)
if mx == None:
mx = max(rm)
if mn == mx:
mn = min(rm)
mx = max(rm)
mat = clip(mat,mn,mx)
if scale == 'log':
if cd == None or cd == 0:
cd = rm.mean()
mat = 255.*log(1.+(mat-mn)/(cd)) / log(1.+(mx-mn)/(cd))
mat = mat*0.
elif scale == 'lin':
mat = 255.*(mat-mn)/(mx-mn)
cd = 0
return mat.astype(int),mn,mx,cd
def contours(m,matint,nl,mn,mx,kx,ky,color,crush='no'):
Compute iso-contours on a n x m float array.
If "l_min" equal "l_max", levels are automatically between the minimum and
maximum values of the matrix "mat".
m = matrice (real values)
matint = matrice (interger values)
kx = num of sub-boxes
ky = num of sub-boxes
nl = # of levels
mn = min
mx = max
color = color of contours
# create an empty matrice
newm = zeros(m.shape,float32)
if color != 0:
# transform color
color = array(color,int8)
if mx == mn:
rm = ravel(m)
mn = min(rm)
mx = max(rm)
levels = arange(mn+(mx-mn)/nl,mx,(mx-mn)/(nl+1))
levels = arange(mn,mx+(mx-mn)/(nl-1),(mx-mn)/(nl-1))[:nl]
#print levels
m = transpose(m) # !!!
X = [(),(),(),(),()]
rect = [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,1)]
# number of sub-boxes per axis
nx = (m.shape[0]-1)/(kx-1)
ny = (m.shape[1]-1)/(ky-1)
for i in range(0,nx):
for j in range(0,ny):
ix = (kx-1)*i # here, we could add an offset
iy = (ky-1)*j
X[1]=(ix, iy, m[iy ][ix])
X[2]=(ix+(kx-1),iy, m[iy ][ix+(kx-1)])
X[4]=(ix, iy+(ky-1),m[iy+(ky-1)][ix])
# find the center
# loop over the levels
for l in levels:
# loop over the trianles
for r in rect:
z1 = X[r[0]][2]
z2 = X[r[1]][2]
z3 = X[0][2]
# find the maximum
if z1 > z2:
if z1 > z3:
if z2 > z3:
c = X[r[0]]
b = X[r[1]]
a = X[0]
c = X[r[0]]
b = X[0]
a = X[r[1]]
c = X[0]
b = X[r[0]]
a = X[r[1]]
if z2 > z3:
if z1 > z3:
c = X[r[1]]
b = X[r[0]]
a = X[0]
c = X[r[1]]
b = X[0]
a = X[r[0]]
c = X[0]
b = X[r[1]]
a = X[r[0]]
# a,b,c are the tree triangle points
if l >= a[2] and l <= c[2] and a[2] != c[2] : # the level cut the triangle
lamb = (l-a[2])/(c[2]-a[2])
xx1 = int(lamb*(c[0]-a[0]) + a[0])
yy1 = int(lamb*(c[1]-a[1]) + a[1])
if l >= b[2] and l <= c[2] and b[2] != c[2]:
lamb = (l-b[2])/(c[2]-b[2])
xx2 = int(lamb*(c[0]-b[0]) + b[0])
yy2 = int(lamb*(c[1]-b[1]) + b[1])
elif b[2] != a[2] :
lamb = (l-a[2])/(b[2]-a[2])
xx2 = int(lamb*(b[0]-a[0]) + a[0])
yy2 = int(lamb*(b[1]-a[1]) + a[1])
matc = newm.astype(int8)
if crush == 'yes':
matint = ones(matc.shape)
matint = matint*255
matint = where(matc,matc,matint)
matint = where(matc,matc,matint)
return matint
def add_box(matint,shape=(256,256),size=(30.,30.),center=None,box_opts=(1,None,None,255)):
add a box on the frame
lweight = box_opts[0]
xticks = box_opts[1]
yticks = box_opts[2]
color = box_opts[3]
box = sbox(shape,size,lweight=lweight,xticks=xticks,yticks=yticks,color=color)
matint = where(box!=0,box,matint)
return matint
def mplot(mat,palette='light',save=None,marker=None,header=None):
plot a 2d array
from pNbody import io
if mpi.mpi_IsMaster():
if save!=None:
if os.path.splitext(save)[1] == ".fits":
io.WriteFits(transpose(mat).astype(float32),save, header)
# if the matrix is real
if mat.dtype != int32:
matint,mn_opt,mx_opt,cd_opt = set_ranges(mat,scale='lin',cd=0,mn=0,mx=0)
mat = matint
# add marker
if marker!=None:
if marker=='cross':
nx,ny = mat.shape
ix,iy = indices(mat.shape)
mat = where((ix==nx/2)+(ix==nx/2-1)+(iy==ny/2)+(iy==ny/2-1),255,mat)
if marker=='circle':
nx,ny = mat.shape
ix,iy = indices(mat.shape)
r = 100
dr = 1
Rs = sqrt((ix-nx/2)**2 + (iy-ny/2)**2)
c = (Rs<r+dr)*(Rs>r-dr)
mat = where(c,255,mat)
image = get_image(mat,name=None,palette_name=palette)
if save==None:
def get_image(mat,name=None,palette_name='light',mode='RGB'):
Return an image (PIL object).
data : numpy 2x2 object
name : name of the output
palette_name : name of a palette
# modif 09.03.05
mat = transpose(mat)
mat = mat.astype(int8)
#mat = mat.astype(int) # ok
#mat = transpose(mat) # la transposee fait changer aussi autre chose ??? c'est peut-etre la sortie de Py_BuildValue("(Of)",mat,cdopt); pas bon...
image = Image.fromstring("P",(mat.shape[1],mat.shape[0]),mat.tostring())
# include the palette
palette = Palette(palette_name)
# set mode
if mode=='RGB': # to convert with ImageQt, need to be in RGB
image = image.convert('RGB')
# save it
if name != None:
return image
def display(image):
if mpi.mpi_IsMaster():
if is_qt:
elif is_tk:
#root = tk.Tk()
root = tk.Toplevel()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root)
imagetk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
raise "tk or qt not present"
def sbox(shape,size,lweight=1,xticks=None,yticks=None,color=255):
simple box
return a matrix of integer, containing a box with labels
xticks = (m0,d0,h0,m1,d1,h1)
0 = big
1 = small
m0,m1 = dist between ticks
d0,d1 = first tick
h0,h1 = height of the ticks
center = None
# parameters
nn = 4.
bticks = array([1.,2.,5.])
color = int(color)
# create matrix from scratch
matint = zeros(shape,int)
# add the outer box
for l in range(lweight):
# in x
matint[:,shape[1]-1-l]=(zeros((shape[0],))+color).astype(int) # may be commented
# in y
matint[shape[0]-1-l,:]=(zeros((shape[1],))+color).astype(int) # may be commented
# add the ticks in x
if xticks == None:
#cx = center[0]
#cy = center[1]
cx = 0
cy = 0
hx = shape[0]
hy = shape[1]
dx = size[0]
dy = size[1]
rat = (2.*dx)/nn # dist between ticks
ratn = rat / 10**int(log10(rat))
d0 = bticks[argmin(fabs(bticks-ratn))] * 10**int(log10(rat))
n0 = int(fmod(2.*dx/d0,2)+(2.*dx/d0)) # number of ticks
m0 = cx - (n0*d0)/2. # first tick
h0 = hy/20. # height of the ticks
d1 = d0/4. # dist between ticks
n1 = n0*4
m1 = m0 # first tick
h1 = h0/2. # height of the ticks
m0 = xticks[0]
d0 = xticks[1]
h0 = xticks[2]
m1 = xticks[3]
d1 = xticks[4]
h1 = xticks[5]
# big ticks x
matint = drawxticks(matint,m0,d0,n0,h0,shape,size,center,color)
# small ticks x
matint = drawxticks(matint,m1,d1,n1,h1,shape,size,center,color)
#print "dx = %8.3f"%(d0)
# add the ticks in y
if xticks == None:
#cx = center[0]
#cy = center[1]
cx = 0
cy = 0
hx = shape[0]
hy = shape[1]
dx = size[0]
dy = size[1]
rat = (2.*dx)/nn # dist between ticks
ratn = rat / 10**int(log10(rat))
d0 = bticks[argmin(fabs(bticks-ratn))] * 10**int(log10(rat))
n0 = int(fmod(2.*dx/d0,2)+(2.*dx/d0)) # number of ticks
m0 = cy - (n0*d0)/2. # first tick
h0 = hx/20. # height of the ticks
d1 = d0/4. # dist between ticks
n1 = n0*4
m1 = m0 # first tick
h1 = h0/2. # height of the ticks
m0 = xticks[0]
d0 = xticks[1]
h0 = xticks[2]
m1 = xticks[3]
d1 = xticks[4]
h1 = xticks[5]
# big ticks y
matint = drawyticks(matint,m0,d0,n0,h0,shape,size,center,color)
# small ticks y
matint = drawyticks(matint,m1,d1,n1,h1,shape,size,center,color)
#print "dy = %8.3f"%(d0)
return matint
def drawxticks(matint,m0,d0,n0,h0,shape,size,center,color):
draw x ticks in a matrix
x = m0
for nx in range(n0):
ix,iy = phys2img(shape,size,center,x,0)
try: # !! version dependant !!
ix = int(ix[0])
ix = int(ix)
for iy in range(int(h0)):
x = x + d0
return matint
def drawyticks(matint,m0,d0,n0,h0,shape,size,center,color):
draw x ticks in a matrix
x = m0
for nx in range(n0):
ix,iy = phys2img(shape,size,center,x,0)
try: # !! version dependant !!
ix = int(ix[0])
ix = int(ix)
for iy in range(int(h0)):
x = x + d0
return matint
def draw_line(m,x0,x1,y0,y1,c,z0=None,z1=None):
dd = 0.5 # half a pixel
imax = m.shape[0]-1
jmax = m.shape[1]-1
if abs(x0-x1) > abs(y0-y1) :
ixmin = int(round(min(x0,x1)))
ixmax = int(round(max(x0,x1)))
a = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)
#az = (z1-z0)/(x1-x0)
for i in xrange(ixmin,ixmax+1):
j = round((i - x0)*a + y0)
#jz = (i - x0)*az + z0
if (i<=imax) and (i>=0) and (j<=jmax) and (j>=0):
m[i,j] = c
elif abs(x0-x1) <= abs(y0-y1) and abs(y0-y1) > 0:
iymin = int(round(min(y0,y1)))
iymax = int(round(max(y0,y1)))
a = (x1-x0)/(y1-y0)
#az = (z1-z0)/(y1-y0)
for j in xrange(iymin,iymax+1):
i = round((j - y0)*a + x0)
#iz = (j - y0)*az + z0
if (i<=imax) and (i>=0) and (j<=jmax) and (j>=0):
m[i,j] = c
i = round(x0)
j = round(y0)
if (i<=imax) and (i>=0) and (j<=jmax) and (j>=0):
m[i,j] = c
return m
def draw_points(m,x,y,c):
n = len(x)
for i in xrange(n):
m = draw_line(m,x[i],x[i],y[i],y[i],c)
return m
def draw_lines(m,x,y,c):
n = len(x)
for i in xrange(n-1):
m = draw_line(m,x[i],x[i+1],y[i],y[i+1],c)
return m
def draw_polygon(m,x,y,c):
n = len(x)
for i in xrange(n-1):
m = draw_line(m,x[i],x[i+1],y[i],y[i+1],c)
m = draw_line(m,x[n-1],x[0],y[n-1],y[0],c)
return m
def draw_segments(m,x,y,c,zp=None):
n = len(x)
p = int(n/2)
for j in xrange(p):
i = 2*j
if zp!=None:
m = draw_line(m,x[i],x[i+1],y[i],y[i+1],c,zp[i],zp[i+1])
m = draw_line(m,x[i],x[i+1],y[i],y[i+1],c)
return m
def draw_polygonN(m,x,y,c,N):
n = len(x)
p = int(n/N)
for j in xrange(p):
i = N*j
for k in xrange(N-1):
m = draw_line(m,x[i+k],x[i+k+1],y[i+k],y[i+k+1],c)
m = draw_line(m,x[i+N-1],x[i],y[i+N-1],y[i],c)
return m
def phys2img(shape,size,center,x,y):
convert physical position into the image pixel
#cx = center[0]
#cy = center[1]
cx = 0
cy = 0
hx = shape[0]
hy = shape[1]
dx = size[0]
dy = size[1]
ax = hx/(2.*dx)
bx = (hx/2.)*(1.-cx/dx)
ay = hy/(2.*dy)
by = (hy/2.)*(1.-cy/dy)
ix = int(ax*x+bx)
iy = int(ay*y+by)
ix = clip(ix,0,hx-1)
iy = clip(iy,0,hy-1)
return ix,iy
def can_to_carth(l,scale_fact,x_can,y_can):
x = float(x_can - l[0]/2.)/scale_fact[0]
y = float(-y_can + l[1]/2.)/scale_fact[1]
return x,y
def carth_to_can(l,scale_fact,x,y):
x_can = int( x*scale_fact[0] + l[0]/2.)
y_can = int(-y*scale_fact[1]+ l[1]/2.)
return x_can,y_can
def getval(nb,mode='m',obs=None):
For each point, return a specific value linked to this point
modes :
0 : moment 0
m : moment 0
x : first moment in x
y : first moment in y
z : first moment in z
y2 : second moment in x
y2 : second moment in y
z2 : second moment in z
vx : first velocity moment in x
vy : first velocity moment in y
vz : first velocity moment in z
vx2 : second velocity moment in x
vy2 : second velocity moment in y
vz2 : second velocity moment in z
Lx : kinetic momemtum in x
Ly : kinetic momemtum in y
Lz : kinetic momemtum in z
lx : specific kinetic momemtum in x
ly : specific kinetic momemtum in y
lz : specific kinetic momemtum in z
u : specific energy
rho : density
T : temperature
A : entropy
P : pressure
Tcool : cooling time
Lum : luminosity
Ne : local electro density
# depends on projection
r : first momemtum of radial distance
r2 : second momemtum of radial distance
vr : first momemtum of radial velocity
vr2 : second momemtum of radial velocity
vxyr : first momemtum of radial velocity in the plane
vxyr2 : second momemtum of radial velocity in the plane
vtr : first momemtum of tangential velocity in the plane
vtr2 : second momemtum of tangential velocity in the plane
3 types of values
(1) scalar values
(2) values computed with respect to xp
(3) values computed with respect to absolute position in space
empty for the moment (do not have the initial positions...)
# values independent of angle of view
# scalar
# moment 0
if mode =='0':
val = ones(len(nb.pos))
# moment 0
elif mode =='m':
val = ones(len(nb.pos))
# u
elif mode=='u':
val = nb.U()
# rho
elif mode=='rho':
val = nb.Rho()
# T
elif mode=='T':
val = nb.T()
# A
elif mode=='A':
val = nb.A()
# P
elif mode=='P':
val = nb.P()
# Tcool
elif mode=='Tcool':
val = nb.Tcool()
# Ne
elif mode=='Ne':
val = nb.Ne()
# Hsml
elif mode=='Hsml':
val = nb.Hsml()
# Lum
elif mode=='Lum':
val = nb.Lum()
# vectors
# x
elif mode=='x':
val = nb.pos[:,0]
# y
elif mode=='y':
val = nb.pos[:,1]
# z
elif mode=='z':
val = nb.pos[:,2]
# x2
elif mode=='x2':
val = nb.pos[:,0]**2
# y2
elif mode=='y2':
val = nb.pos[:,1]**2
# z2
elif mode=='z2':
val = nb.pos[:,2]**2
# vx
elif mode=='vx':
val = nb.vel[:,0]
# vy
elif mode=='vy':
val = nb.vel[:,1]
# vz
elif mode=='vz':
val = nb.vel[:,2]
# vx2
elif mode=='vx2':
val = nb.vel[:,0]**2
# vy2
elif mode=='vy2':
val = nb.vel[:,1]**2
# vz2
elif mode=='vz2':
val = nb.vel[:,2]**2
# kinetic momentum in x
elif mode=='Lx':
val = nb.mass*(nb.pos[:,1]*nb.vel[:,2] - nb.pos[:,2]*nb.vel[:,1])
# kinetic momentum in y
elif mode=='Ly':
val = nb.mass*(nb.pos[:,2]*nb.vel[:,0] - nb.pos[:,0]*nb.vel[:,2])
# kinetic momentum in z
elif mode=='Lz':
val = nb.mass*(nb.pos[:,0]*nb.vel[:,1] - nb.pos[:,1]*nb.vel[:,0])
# specific kinetic momentum in x
elif mode=='lx':
val = (nb.pos[:,1]*nb.vel[:,2] - nb.pos[:,2]*nb.vel[:,1])
# specific kinetic momentum in y
elif mode=='ly':
val = (nb.pos[:,2]*nb.vel[:,0] - nb.pos[:,0]*nb.vel[:,2])
# specific kinetic momentum in z
elif mode=='lz':
val = (nb.pos[:,0]*nb.vel[:,1] - nb.pos[:,1]*nb.vel[:,0])
# luminosity
elif mode=='lum':
val = nb.luminosity_spec()
# values dependent on the angle of view
# first moment in z
elif mode=='r':
# center xp
val = nb.pos[:,2]
# second moment in z
elif mode=='r2':
# center xp
val = nb.pos[:,2]**2
# first moment in z
elif mode=='vr':
val = nb.vel[:,2]
# second moment in z
elif mode=='vr2':
# center xp
val = nb.vel[:,2]**2
# first velocity moment in radial velocity in the plane
elif mode=='vxyr':
val = (nb.pos[:,0]*nb.vel[:,0] + nb.pos[:,1]*nb.vel[:,1]) / sqrt(nb.pos[:,0]**2 + nb.pos[:,1]**2)
# second velocity moment in radial velocity in the plane
elif mode=='vxyr2':
val = ((nb.pos[:,0]*nb.vel[:,0] + nb.pos[:,1]*nb.vel[:,1]) / sqrt(nb.pos[:,0]**2 + nb.pos[:,1]**2))**2
# first moment in tangential velocity in the plane
elif mode=='vtr':
val = (nb.pos[:,0]*nb.vel[:,1] - nb.pos[:,1]*nb.vel[:,0] )/ sqrt(nb.pos[:,0]**2 + nb.pos[:,1]**2)
# second moment in tangential velocity in the plane
elif mode=='vtr2':
val = ((nb.pos[:,0]*nb.vel[:,1] - nb.pos[:,1]*nb.vel[:,0] )/ sqrt(nb.pos[:,0]**2 + nb.pos[:,1]**2))**2
# other mode
#print "getval : unknown mode %s"%(mode)
cmd = "val = %s"%(mode)
#print "trying command %s"%(cmd)
del nb
return val.astype(float32)
def getvaltype(mode='m'):
list values that depends on projection
if mode=='r':
valtype = 'in projection'
elif mode=='r2':
valtype = 'in projection'
elif mode=='vr':
valtype = 'in projection'
elif mode=='vr2':
valtype = 'in projection'
elif mode=='vxyr':
valtype = 'in projection'
elif mode=='vxyr2':
valtype = 'in projection'
elif mode=='vtr':
valtype = 'in projection'
elif mode=='vtr2':
valtype = 'in projection'
# other mode
valtype = 'normal'
return valtype
def extract_parameters(arg,kw,defaultparams):
this function extract parameters given to a function
it returns a dictionary of parameters with respective value
defaultparams : dictionary of default parameters
params = {}
if len(kw) == 0 and len(arg) >= 1:
if type(arg[0]) == types.DictionaryType:
params = arg[0]
elif len(kw) >=1 and len(arg) >= 1:
if type(arg[0]) == types.DictionaryType:
params = arg[0]
# add other keywords
for key in kw.keys():
elif len(kw) >= 1 and len(arg) == 0:
params = kw
newparams = deepcopy(defaultparams)
for key in params.keys():
if defaultparams.has_key(key):
newparams[key] = params[key]
return newparams
# functions relative to mapping
def GetNumberMap(pos,shape):
val = ones(pos.shape).astype(float32)
if len(shape) == 1:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap1d(pos,val,val,shape)
elif len(shape) == 2:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap2d(pos,val,val,shape)
elif len(shape) == 3:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap3d(pos,val,val,shape)
return m0
def GetMassMap(pos,mass,shape):
val = ones(pos.shape).astype(float32)
if len(shape) == 1:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap1d(pos,mass,val,shape)
elif len(shape) == 2:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap2d(pos,mass,val,shape)
elif len(shape) == 3:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap3d(pos,mass,val,shape)
return m0
def GetMeanValMap(pos,mass,val,shape):
if len(shape) == 1:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap1d(pos,mass,ones(len(pos),float32),shape)
# compute first momentum
m1 = mkmap1d(pos,mass,val,shape)
elif len(shape) == 2:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap2d(pos,mass,ones(len(pos),float32),shape)
# compute first momentum
m1 = mkmap2d(pos,mass,val,shape)
elif len(shape) == 3:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap3d(pos,mass,ones(len(pos),float32),shape)
# compute first momentum
m1 = mkmap3d(pos,mass,val,shape)
# combi map
return GetMeanMap(m0,m1)
def GetSigmaValMap(pos,mass,val,shape):
if len(shape) == 1:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap1d(pos,mass,ones(len(pos),float32),shape)
# compute first momentum
m1 = mkmap1d(pos,mass,val,shape)
# compute second momentum
m2 = mkmap1d(pos,mass,val*val,shape)
elif len(shape) == 2:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap2d(pos,mass,ones(len(pos),float32),shape)
# compute first momentum
m1 = mkmap2d(pos,mass,val,shape)
# compute second momentum
m2 = mkmap2d(pos,mass,val*val,shape)
elif len(shape) == 3:
# compute zero momentum
m0 = mkmap3d(pos,mass,ones(len(pos),float32),shape)
# compute first momentum
m1 = mkmap3d(pos,mass,val,shape)
# compute second momentum
m2 = mkmap3d(pos,mass,val*val,shape)
# combi map
return GetSigmaMap(m0,m1,m2)
def GetMeanMap(m0,m1):
Return a MeanMap using the 0 and 1 momentum
m0 : zero momentum
m1 : first momentum
m1 = where(m0==0,0,m1)
m0 = where(m0==0,1,m0)
mat = m1/m0
return mat
def GetSigmaMap(m0,m1,m2):
Return a MeanMap using the 0 and 1 and 2 momentum
m0 : zero momentum
m1 : first momentum
m2 : second momentum
m1 = where(m0==0,0,m1)
m2 = where(m0==0,0,m2)
m0 = where(m0==0,1,m0)
mat = m2/m0 - (m1/m0)**2
mat = where((mat>0),sqrt(mat),0)
return mat
# extract from map functions
def Extract1dMeanFrom2dMap(x,y,mass,val,kx,ky,nmin,momentum=0):
Extract the mean along one axis, from a 2d mean or sigma matrix
x : pos in first dim. (beetween 0 and 1)
y : pos in sec dim. (beetween 0 and 1)
mass : mass of particles
val : value to compute
kx : number of bins in x
ky : number of bins in y
nmin : min number of particles needed to compute value
momentum : 0,1,2 (-1=number)
shape = (kx,ky)
# normalize values
pos = transpose(array([x,y,y],float32))
mat_num = GetNumberMap(pos,shape)
if momentum == -1:
mat_val = GetNumberMap(pos,shape)
if momentum == 0:
mat_val = GetMassMap(pos,mass,shape)
elif momentum == 1:
mat_val = GetMeanValMap(pos,mass,val,shape)
elif momentum == 2:
mat_val = GetSigmaValMap(pos,mass,val,shape)
# 2d mean
mat_num = transpose(mat_num)
mat_val = transpose(mat_val)
m1 = sum(mat_num,0)
m0 = sum(ones(mat_val.shape),0)
vec_num = where((m0!=0),m1/m0,0)
c = (mat_num>nmin) # *(mat_val!=0)
m1 = sum(mat_val*c,0)
m0 = sum(ones(mat_val.shape)*c,0)
vec_sigma = where((m0!=0),m1/m0,0)
return vec_sigma
def get1dMeanFrom2dMap(mat_val,mat_num,nmin=32,axis=0):
m1 = sum(mat_num,axis)
m0 = sum(ones(mat_val.shape),axis)
vec_num = where((m0!=0),m1/m0,axis)
c = (mat_num>nmin)
m1 = sum(mat_val*c,axis)
m0 = sum(ones(mat_val.shape)*c,axis)
vec_sigma = where((m0!=0),m1/m0,axis)
return vec_sigma
# filter
def log_filter(x,xmin,xmax,xc,kx=1.0):
map a value between 0 and kx
if xc==0:
return kx * (x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)
return kx * log(1+(x-xmin)/xc) / log(1+(xmax-xmin)/xc)
def log_filter_inv(k,xmin,xmax,xc,kx=1.0):
map a value betwen xmin and xmax
if xc==0:
return (k/kx*(xmax-xmin)) + xmin
A = log(1+(xmax-xmin)/xc)
return xc*(exp(A*k/kx)-1.0) + xmin
# change of coordinate
# cylindrical coord
def vel_cyl2cart(pos=None,vel=None):
Transform velocities in cylindrical coordinates vr,vt,vz into carthesian
coodinates vx,vy,vz.
Pos is the position of particles in cart. coord.
Vel is the velocity in cylindrical coord.
Return a 3xn float array.
x = pos[:,0]
y = pos[:,1]
z = pos[:,2]
vr = vel[:,0]
vt = vel[:,1]
vz = vel[:,2]
r = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
vx = where(r>0,(vr*x - vt*y)/r,0)
vy = where(r>0,(vr*y + vt*x)/r,0)
vz = vz
return transpose(array([vx,vy,vz])).astype(float32)
def vel_cart2cyl(pos,vel):
Transform velocities in carthesian coordinates vx,vy,vz into cylindrical
coodinates vr,vz,vz.
Pos is the position of particles in cart. coord.
Vel is the velocity in cart. coord.
Return a 3xn float array.
x = pos[:,0]
y = pos[:,1]
z = pos[:,2]
vx = vel[:,0]
vy = vel[:,1]
vz = vel[:,2]
r = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
vr = where(r>0,(x*vx + y*vy)/r,0)
vt = where(r>0,(x*vy - y*vx)/r,0)
vz = vz
return transpose(array([vr,vt,vz])).astype(float32)
# gl2nbody
def RotateAround(angle,axis,point,ObsM):
this should be C
# this work with OpenGL
#Q = ones(16,float)
##Q = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX);
#ObsM = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX);
#return ravel(ObsM)
angle = angle*pi/180
point = concatenate((point,array([0])))
M = ObsM
M.shape = (4,4)
# center point
M = M-point
# construction of the rotation matrix
norm = sqrt(axis[0]**2 + axis[1]**2 + axis[2]**2)
if norm == 0:
return x
sn = sin(-angle/2.)
e0 = cos(-angle/2.)
e1 = axis[0]*sn/norm
e2 = axis[1]*sn/norm
e3 = axis[2]*sn/norm
a = zeros((4,4),float)
a[0,0] = e0**2 + e1**2 - e2**2 - e3**2
a[1,0] = 2.*(e1*e2 + e0*e3)
a[2,0] = 2.*(e1*e3 - e0*e2)
a[3,0] = 0.
a[0,1] = 2.*(e1*e2 - e0*e3)
a[1,1] = e0**2 - e1**2 + e2**2 - e3**2
a[2,1] = 2.*(e2*e3 + e0*e1)
a[3,1] = 0.
a[0,2] = 2.*(e1*e3 + e0*e2)
a[1,2] = 2.*(e2*e3 - e0*e1)
a[2,2] = e0**2 - e1**2 - e2**2 + e3**2
a[3,2] = 0.
a[0,3] = 0.
a[1,3] = 0.
a[2,3] = 0.
a[3,3] = 1.
a = a.astype(float)
# multiply x and v
M = dot(M,a)
# decenter point
M = M+point
return ravel(M)
def gl2pNbody(glparam,nbparam=None):
EYE = 0
PTS = 4
HEA = 8
ARM = 12
gwinShapeX = 512; # to change...
gwinShapeY = 512;
if (ProjectionMode):
# frustum
gwinPerspectiveTop = glparam["PerspectiveNear"]*tan(glparam["PerspectiveFov"]*0.5*pi/180.);
gwinPerspectiveRight = gwinPerspectiveTop*float(gwinShapeX)/float(gwinShapeY);
# ortho
gwinPerspectiveLeft = -5*glparam["PerspectiveNear"];
gwinPerspectiveRight = -gwinPerspectiveLeft;
gwinPerspectiveTop = float(gwinShapeY)/float(gwinShapeX)*gwinPerspectiveRight;
gwinClip1 = glparam["PerspectiveNear"]
gwinClip2 = glparam["PerspectiveFar"]
#/* observer position */
# /* copy the observer matrix */
M = zeros(16,float)
axis = zeros(3,float)
point = zeros(3,float)
M[0] = glparam["M0"]
M[1] = glparam["M1"]
M[2] = glparam["M2"]
M[3] = glparam["M3"]
M[4] = glparam["M4"]
M[5] = glparam["M5"]
M[6] = glparam["M6"]
M[7] = glparam["M7"]
M[8] = glparam["M8"]
M[9] = glparam["M9"]
M[10] = glparam["M10"]
M[11] = glparam["M11"]
M[12] = glparam["M12"]
M[13] = glparam["M13"]
M[14] = glparam["M14"]
M[15] = glparam["M15"]
# rotate
axis[0] = M[EYE+0]-M[PTS+0];
axis[1] = M[EYE+1]-M[PTS+1];
axis[2] = M[EYE+2]-M[PTS+2];
point[0] = M[EYE+0];
point[1] = M[EYE+1];
point[2] = M[EYE+2];
M = RotateAround(90,axis,point,M); # this is also bad !!!
# this is not correct, dist must come from projec. params */
dist = sqrt( pow(M[0]-M[8],2) + pow(M[1]-M[9],2) + pow(M[2]-M[10],2))
# head
obs1 = M[0];
obs2 = M[1];
obs3 = M[2];
# lookat point */
norm = sqrt( pow(M[0]-M[4],2) + pow(M[1]-M[5],2) + pow(M[2]-M[6],2));
obs4 = obs1 + (M[4] -obs1)/norm*dist;
obs5 = obs2 + (M[5] -obs2)/norm*dist;
obs6 = obs3 + (M[6] -obs3)/norm*dist;
# arm
norm = sqrt( pow(M[0]-M[8],2) + pow(M[1]-M[9],2) + pow(M[2]-M[10],2));
obs7 = obs1 + (M[8] - obs1)/norm;
obs8 = obs2 + (M[9] - obs2)/norm;
obs9 = obs3 + (M[10]- obs3)/norm;
# head
norm = sqrt( pow(M[0]-M[12],2) + pow(M[1]-M[13],2) + pow(M[2]-M[14],2));
obs10 = obs1 + (M[12] - obs1)/norm;
obs11 = obs2 + (M[13] - obs2)/norm;
obs12 = obs3 + (M[14] - obs3)/norm;
obs = array([obs1,obs2,obs3,obs4,obs5,obs6,obs7,obs8,obs9,obs10,obs11,obs12],float)
obs.shape = (4,3)
if nbparam == None:
nbparam = param.Params(PARAMETERFILE,None)
if ProjectionMode:
return nbparam

Event Timeline