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Tue, Feb 18, 23:22
66 KB
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Thu, Feb 20, 23:22 (1 d, 23 h)
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#include <Python.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
#include <omp.h>
#define kxmax1d 1024
#define kxmax2d 1024
#define kymax2d 1024
#define kxmax3d 64
#define kymax3d 64
#define kzmax3d 64
#define PI 3.14159265358979
/* mkmap1d */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap1d(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i;
int ix;
int kx;
npy_intp ld[1];
float dseo[kxmax1d];
float x,gm,am;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(i)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax1d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 1 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be one dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1])*(kx);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
ix = (int)(x);
if (ix >= 0 && x < kx)
dseo[ix] = dseo[ix] + gm*am;
/* create the subimage */
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0])) = (float) dseo[i] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap1dn */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap1dn(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i;
int ix;
int kx;
npy_intp ld[1];
float *dseo;
float x,gm,am;
size_t bytes;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(i)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx))
return NULL;
if(!(dseo = malloc(bytes = kx*sizeof(float))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for `dseo' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 1 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be one dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1])*(kx);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
ix = (int)(x);
if (ix >= 0 && x < kx)
dseo[ix] = dseo[ix] + gm*am;
/* create the subimage */
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0])) = (float) dseo[i] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap2d */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap2d(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i,j;
int ix,iy;
int kx,ky;
npy_intp ld[2];
float dseo[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
float x,y,z,gm,am;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(ii)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx,&ky))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax2d || ky > kymax2d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<ky;iy++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1])*(kx);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1])*(ky);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
ix = (int)(x);
iy = (int)(y);
if (ix >= 0 && ix < kx)
if (iy >= 0 && iy < ky)
dseo[ix][iy] = dseo[ix][iy] + gm*am;
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[i][j] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap2dn */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap2dn(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i,j;
int ix,iy;
int kx,ky;
npy_intp ld[2];
float *dseo;
float x,y,z,gm,am;
size_t bytes;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(ii)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx,&ky))
return NULL;
if(!(dseo = malloc(bytes = kx*ky*sizeof(float))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for `dseo' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<ky;iy++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1])*(kx);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1])*(ky);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
ix = (int)(x);
iy = (int)(y);
if (ix >= 0 && ix < kx)
if (iy >= 0 && iy < ky)
dseo[iy+ix*ky]=dseo[iy+ix*ky] + gm*am;
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[j+i*ky] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap3d */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap3d(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i,j,k;
int ix,iy,iz;
int kx,ky,kz;
npy_intp ld[3];
float dseo[kxmax3d][kymax3d][kzmax3d];
float x,y,z,gm,am;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(iii)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx,&ky,&kz))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax3d || ky > kymax3d || kz > kzmax3d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
ld[2] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(3,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<ky;iy++) {
for (iz=0;iz<kz;iz++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1])*(kx);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1])*(ky);
z = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 2*pos->strides[1])*(kz);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
ix = (int)(x);
iy = (int)(y);
iz = (int)(z);
if (ix >= 0 && ix < kx)
if (iy >= 0 && iy < ky)
if (iz >= 0 && iz < kz)
dseo[ix][iy][iz] = dseo[ix][iy][iz] + gm*am;
/* create the subimage */
for (k=0;k<kz;k++) {
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1]) + (k)*(mat->strides[2])) = (float) dseo[i][j][k] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap3dn */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap3dn(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i,j,k;
int ix,iy,iz;
int kx,ky,kz;
npy_intp ld[3];
float *dseo;
float x,y,z,gm,am;
size_t bytes;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(iii)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx,&ky,&kz))
return NULL;
if(!(dseo = malloc(bytes = kx*ky*kz*sizeof(float))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for `dseo' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
ld[2] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(3,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<ky;iy++) {
for (iz=0;iz<kz;iz++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1])*(kx);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1])*(ky);
z = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 2*pos->strides[1])*(kz);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
ix = (int)(x);
iy = (int)(y);
iz = (int)(z);
if (ix >= 0 && ix < kx)
if (iy >= 0 && iy < ky)
if (iz >= 0 && iz < kz)
dseo[ix*(kz*ky)+iy*(kz)+iz] = dseo[ix*(kz*ky)+iy*(kz)+iz] + gm*am;
/* create the subimage */
for (k=0;k<kz;k++) {
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1]) + (k)*(mat->strides[2])) = (float) dseo[i*(kz*ky)+j*(kz)+k] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap1dw */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap1dw(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i;
int ix1,ix2;
float wx1,wx2;
int kx;
npy_intp ld[1];
float dseo[kxmax1d];
float x,gm,am;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(i)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax1d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 1 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be one dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix1=0;ix1<kx;ix1++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1]);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
if (x>=0 && x<=1)
x = x*(kx-1);
ix1 = (int)(x);
ix2 = ix1+1;
wx1 = 1 - (x-ix1);
wx2 = 1 - (ix2-x);
if (wx1 > 0)
dseo[ix1] = dseo[ix1] + gm*am*wx1;
if (wx2 > 0)
dseo[ix2] = dseo[ix2] + gm*am*wx2;
/* create the subimage */
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0])) = (float) dseo[i] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap2dw */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap2dw(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i,j;
int ix1,ix2,iy1,iy2;
float wx1,wx2,wy1,wy2;
int kx,ky;
npy_intp ld[2];
float dseo[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
float x,y,z,gm,am;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(ii)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx,&ky))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax2d || ky > kymax2d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix1=0;ix1<kx;ix1++) {
for (iy1=0;iy1<ky;iy1++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1]);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1]);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
if ((x>=0 && x<=1)&&(y>=0 && y<=1))
x = x*(kx-1);
ix1 = (int)(x);
ix2 = ix1+1;
wx1 = 1 - (x-ix1);
wx2 = 1 - (ix2-x);
y = y*(ky-1);
iy1 = (int)(y);
iy2 = iy1+1;
wy1 = 1 - (y-iy1);
wy2 = 1 - (iy2-y);
if (wx1*wy1 > 0)
dseo[ix1][iy1] = dseo[ix1][iy1] + gm*am*wx1*wy1;
if (wx2*wy1 > 0)
dseo[ix2][iy1] = dseo[ix2][iy1] + gm*am*wx2*wy1;
if (wx1*wy2 > 0)
dseo[ix1][iy2] = dseo[ix1][iy2] + gm*am*wx1*wy2;
if (wx2*wy2 > 0)
dseo[ix2][iy2] = dseo[ix2][iy2] + gm*am*wx2*wy2;
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[i][j] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap3dw */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap3dw(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i,j,k;
int ix1,ix2,iy1,iy2,iz1,iz2;
float wx1,wx2,wy1,wy2,wz1,wz2;
int kx,ky,kz;
npy_intp ld[3];
float dseo[kxmax3d][kymax3d][kzmax3d];
float x,y,z,gm,am;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(iii)",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx,&ky,&kz))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax3d || ky > kymax3d || kz > kzmax3d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
ld[2] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(3,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix1=0;ix1<kx;ix1++) {
for (iy1=0;iy1<ky;iy1++) {
for (iz1=0;iz1<kz;iz1++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1]);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1]);
z = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 2*pos->strides[1]);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
if ((x>=0 && x<=1)&&(y>=0 && y<=1)&&(z>=0 && z<=1))
x = x*(kx-1);
ix1 = (int)(x);
ix2 = ix1+1;
wx1 = 1 - (x-ix1);
wx2 = 1 - (ix2-x);
y = y*(ky-1);
iy1 = (int)(y);
iy2 = iy1+1;
wy1 = 1 - (y-iy1);
wy2 = 1 - (iy2-y);
z = z*(kz-1);
iz1 = (int)(z);
iz2 = iz1+1;
wz1 = 1 - (z-iz1);
wz2 = 1 - (iz2-z);
if (wx1*wy1*wz1 > 0)
dseo[ix1][iy1][iz1] = dseo[ix1][iy1][iz1] + gm*am*wx1*wy1*wz1;
if (wx1*wy1*wz2 > 0)
dseo[ix1][iy1][iz2] = dseo[ix1][iy1][iz2] + gm*am*wx1*wy1*wz2;
if (wx1*wy2*wz1 > 0)
dseo[ix1][iy2][iz1] = dseo[ix1][iy2][iz1] + gm*am*wx1*wy2*wz1;
if (wx1*wy2*wz2 > 0)
dseo[ix1][iy2][iz2] = dseo[ix1][iy2][iz2] + gm*am*wx1*wy2*wz2;
if (wx2*wy1*wz1 > 0)
dseo[ix2][iy1][iz1] = dseo[ix2][iy1][iz1] + gm*am*wx2*wy1*wz1;
if (wx2*wy1*wz2 > 0)
dseo[ix2][iy1][iz2] = dseo[ix2][iy1][iz2] + gm*am*wx2*wy1*wz2;
if (wx2*wy2*wz1 > 0)
dseo[ix2][iy2][iz1] = dseo[ix2][iy2][iz1] + gm*am*wx2*wy2*wz1;
if (wx2*wy2*wz2 > 0)
dseo[ix2][iy2][iz2] = dseo[ix2][iy2][iz2] + gm*am*wx2*wy2*wz2;
/* create the subimage */
for (k=0;k<kz;k++) {
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1]) + (k)*(mat->strides[2])) = (float) dseo[i][j][k] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap2dsph */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap2dsph(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *rsp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i,j;
int ix,iy;
int kx,ky;
npy_intp ld[2];
float dseo[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
float x,y,z,gm,am,sigma,sigma2,pisig,gaus,sum;
int xin,xfi,yin,yfi,ixx,iyy;
int dkx2,dky2,dkx,dky;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOOO(ii)",&pos,&gmm,&,&rsp,&kx,&ky))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax2d || ky > kymax2d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<ky;iy++) {
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1])*(kx);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1])*(ky);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
sigma = *(float *) (rsp->data + i*(rsp->strides[0]));
/* the size of the subgrid */
dkx2 = (int)(3.*sigma); /* 3 sigma -> 98% volume */
dky2 = (int)(3.*sigma);
dkx = 2.*dkx2 + 1;
dky = 2.*dky2 + 1;
if (dkx==1 && dky == 1){ /* the size is 1 */
ix = (int)(x);
iy = (int)(y);
if (ix >= 0 && ix < kx)
if (iy >= 0 && iy < ky)
dseo[ix][iy] = dseo[ix][iy] + gm*am;
} else {
ix = (int)x; /* center of the sub grid */
iy = (int)y;
sigma2 = sigma*sigma;
pisig = 1./(2.*PI*sigma2);
sum = 0;
//printf("%f %d %d %d %d\n",sigma,dkx,dky,kx,ky);
/* bornes */
xin = ix - dkx2;
yin = iy - dky2;
xfi = ix + dkx2 + 1;
yfi = iy + dky2 + 1;
if (xin < 0){xin = 0;}
if (yin < 0){yin = 0;}
if (xfi > kx-1){xfi = kx-1;}
if (yfi > ky-1){yfi = ky-1;}
if (xfi > xin && yfi > yin ) {
/* loop over the grid */
for (ixx=xin;ixx < xfi;ixx++){
for (iyy=yin;iyy < yfi;iyy++){
gaus = pisig*exp( 0.5*(-((float)(ix-ixx)/(sigma))*((float)(ix-ixx)/(sigma))
-((float)(iy-iyy)/(sigma))*((float)(iy-iyy)/(sigma))) );
sum = sum + gaus;
dseo[ixx][iyy] = dseo[ixx][iyy] + gm*am * gaus;
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[i][j] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap2dnsph */
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap2dnsph(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *rsp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int n,i,j;
int ix,iy;
int kx,ky;
npy_intp ld[2];
float *dseo;
size_t bytes;
float x,y,z,gm,am,sigma,sigma2,pisig,gaus,sum;
int xin,xfi,yin,yfi,ixx,iyy;
int dkx2,dky2,dkx,dky;
int nth;
omp_lock_t *lock;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOOO(ii)i",&pos,&gmm,&,&rsp,&kx,&ky,&nth))
return NULL;
if(!(dseo = malloc(bytes = kx*ky*sizeof(float))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for `dseo' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<ky;iy++) {
/* set number of threads */
if(!(lock = malloc(kx*ky*sizeof(omp_lock_t))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for lock'\n");
return NULL;
#pragma omp parallel shared(dseo) private(i,x,y,gm,am,sigma,dkx2,dky2,dkx,dky,ix,iy,sigma2,pisig,sum,xin,yin,xfi,yfi,ixx,iyy,gaus)
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
//#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,100) nowait
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,8) nowait
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1])*(kx);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1])*(ky);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
sigma = *(float *) (rsp->data + i*(rsp->strides[0]));
/* the size of the subgrid */
dkx2 = (int)(3.*sigma); /* 3 sigma -> 98% volume */
dky2 = (int)(3.*sigma);
dkx = 2.*dkx2 + 1;
dky = 2.*dky2 + 1;
if (dkx==1 && dky == 1){ /* the size is 1 */
ix = (int)(x);
iy = (int)(y);
if (ix >= 0 && ix < kx)
if (iy >= 0 && iy < ky)
//#pragma omp critical
dseo[ix*ky+iy] = dseo[ix*ky+iy] + gm*am;
} else {
ix = (int)x; /* center of the sub grid */
iy = (int)y;
sigma2 = sigma*sigma;
pisig = 1./(2.*PI*sigma2);
sum = 0;
//printf("%f %d %d %d %d\n",sigma,dkx,dky,kx,ky);
/* bornes */
xin = ix - dkx2;
yin = iy - dky2;
xfi = ix + dkx2 + 1;
yfi = iy + dky2 + 1;
if (xin < 0){xin = 0;}
if (yin < 0){yin = 0;}
if (xfi > kx-1){xfi = kx-1;}
if (yfi > ky-1){yfi = ky-1;}
if (xfi > xin && yfi > yin ) {
/* loop over the grid */
for (ixx=xin;ixx < xfi;ixx++){
for (iyy=yin;iyy < yfi;iyy++){
gaus = pisig*exp( 0.5*(-((float)(ix-ixx)/(sigma))*((float)(ix-ixx)/(sigma))
-((float)(iy-iyy)/(sigma))*((float)(iy-iyy)/(sigma))) );
sum = sum + gaus;
//#pragma omp critical
dseo[ixx*ky+iyy] = dseo[ixx*ky+iyy] + gm*am * gaus;
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[i*ky+j] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mapzero */
static PyObject *
mapping_mapzero(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
float xmx,ymx,xc,yc,zc;
int view;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int kx,ky;
int kxx,kyy;
int kxx2,kyy2;
int n,i,j;
int ix,iy,xi,yi,zi;
npy_intp ld[2];
float ax,ay,bx,by;
float dseo[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
float mm;
float x,y,z,gm;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OO(ii)(ff)(fff)i",&pos,&gmm,&kx,&ky,&xmx,&ymx,&xc,&yc,&zc,&view))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax2d || ky > kymax2d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* set image dimension */
ax =kxx2/xmx;
ay =kyy2/ymx;
bx =kxx2+1.;
by =kyy2+1.;
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float0");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kxx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<kyy;iy++) {
/* choose the view */
if (view==1){ /*xz*/
xi = 0;
yi = 2;
xc = xc;
yc = zc;
if (view==2){ /*xy*/
xi = 0;
yi = 1;
xc = xc;
yc = yc;
if (view==3){ /*yz*/
xi = 1;
yi = 2;
xc = yc;
yc = zc;
mm = 0.;
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + xi*pos->strides[1]) -xc;
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + yi*pos->strides[1]) -yc;
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
if (x > -xmx && x < xmx) {
if (y > -ymx && y < ymx) {
ix = (int)(ax*x + bx) -1;
iy = (int)(ay*y + by) -1;
dseo[ix][iy] = dseo[ix][iy] + gm; /* add in cell */
mm = mm + gm; /* sum the weight */
/* normalisation */
for (ix=0;ix<kxx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<kyy;iy++) {
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (ky-j-1)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[i][j] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mapzerosph */
static PyObject *
mapping_mapzerosph(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *rsp = NULL;
float xmx,ymx,xc,yc,zc,frsp;
int view;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int kx,ky;
int kxx,kyy;
int kxx2,kyy2;
int dkx2,dky2,dkx,dky;
int ikx,iky;
int n,i,j;
int ix,iy,xi,yi,ixx,iyy;
int xin,xfi,yin,yfi;
npy_intp ld[2];
float ax,ay,bx,by;
float dseo[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
float mm;
float x,y,z,gm,sigma,sigma2,pisig,gaus,ds,sum;
int *pv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOO(ii)(ff)(fff)fi",&pos,&gmm,&rsp,&kx,&ky,&xmx,&ymx,&xc,&yc,&zc,&frsp,&view))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax2d || ky > kymax2d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* set image dimension */
ax =kxx2/xmx;
ay =kyy2/ymx;
bx =kxx2+1.;
by =kyy2+1.;
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float0");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kxx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<kyy;iy++) {
/* choose the view */
if (view==1){ /*xz*/
xi = 0;
yi = 2;
xc = xc;
yc = zc;
if (view==2){ /*xy*/
xi = 0;
yi = 1;
xc = xc;
yc = yc;
if (view==3){ /*yz*/
xi = 1;
yi = 2;
xc = yc;
yc = zc;
mm = 0;
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + xi*pos->strides[1]) -xc;
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + yi*pos->strides[1]) -yc;
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
sigma = *(float *) (rsp->data + i*(rsp->strides[0]));
sigma = frsp*sigma;
mm = mm+gm;
/* define the subgrid */
/* the size of the subgrid */
dkx2 = (int)(ax* 2.*sigma); /* 3 sigma -> 98% volume */
dky2 = (int)(ay* 2.*sigma);
dkx = 2.*dkx2 + 1;
dky = 2.*dky2 + 1;
if (dkx==1 && dky == 1){ /* the size is 1 */
if (x > -xmx && x < xmx) {
if (y > -ymx && y < ymx) {
ix = (int)(ax*x + bx) -1;
iy = (int)(ay*y + by) -1;
dseo[ix][iy] = dseo[ix][iy] + gm;
} else {
ix = (int)(ax*x + bx) -1; /* center of the grid */
iy = (int)(ay*y + by) -1;
sigma2 = sigma*sigma;
pisig = 1./(2.*PI*sigma2);
ds = (1./ax)*(1./ay);
sum = 0;
//printf("%f %d %d %d %d\n",sigma,dkx,dky,kxx,kyy);
/* bornes */
xin = ix - dkx2;
yin = iy - dky2;
xfi = ix + dkx2 + 1;
yfi = iy + dky2 + 1;
if (xin < 0){xin = 0;}
if (yin < 0){yin = 0;}
if (xfi > kxx-1){xfi = kxx-1;}
if (yfi > kyy-1){yfi = kyy-1;}
if (xfi > xin && yfi > yin ) {
/* loop over the grid */
for (ixx=xin;ixx < xfi;ixx++){
for (iyy=yin;iyy < yfi;iyy++){
gaus = ds*pisig*exp( 0.5*(-((float)(ix-ixx)/(ax*sigma))*((float)(ix-ixx)/(ax*sigma))
-((float)(iy-iyy)/(ay*sigma))*((float)(iy-iyy)/(ay*sigma))) );
sum = sum + gaus;
dseo[ixx][iyy] = dseo[ixx][iyy] + gm * gaus;
/* normalisation */
for (ix=0;ix<kxx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<kyy;iy++) {
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (ky-j-1)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[i][j] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mapone */
static PyObject *
mapping_mapone(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
float xmx,ymx,xc,yc,zc;
int view;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int kx,ky;
int kxx,kyy;
int kxx2,kyy2;
int n,i,j;
int ix,iy,xi,yi,zi;
npy_intp ld[2];
float ax,ay,bx,by;
float dseo[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
float mm[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
float x,y,z,gm,am;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(ii)(ff)(fff)i",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx,&ky,&xmx,&ymx,&xc,&yc,&zc,&view))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax2d || ky > kymax2d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* set image dimension */
ax =kxx2/xmx;
ay =kyy2/ymx;
bx =kxx2+1.;
by =kyy2+1.;
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float0");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kxx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<kyy;iy++) {
/* choose the view */
if (view==1){ /*xz*/
xi = 0;
yi = 2;
xc = xc;
yc = zc;
if (view==2){ /*xy*/
xi = 0;
yi = 1;
xc = xc;
yc = yc;
if (view==3){ /*yz*/
xi = 1;
yi = 2;
xc = yc;
yc = zc;
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + xi*pos->strides[1]) -xc;
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + yi*pos->strides[1]) -yc;
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
if (x > -xmx && x < xmx) {
if (y > -ymx && y < ymx) {
ix = (int)(ax*x + bx) -1;
iy = (int)(ay*y + by) -1;
dseo[ix][iy] = dseo[ix][iy] + gm*am;
mm[ix][iy] = mm[ix][iy] + gm;
/* normalisation */
for (ix=0;ix<kxx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<kyy;iy++) {
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (ky-j-1)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[i][j] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mapn */
static PyObject *
mapping_mapn(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
float xmx,ymx,xc,yc,zc;
int view;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int kx,ky;
int kxx,kyy;
int kxx2,kyy2;
int n,i,j;
int ix,iy,xi,yi,zi;
npy_intp ld[2];
float ax,ay,bx,by;
float dseo[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
int nn[kxmax2d][kymax2d];
float x,y,z,gm,am;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOO(ii)(ff)(fff)i",&pos,&gmm,&,&kx,&ky,&xmx,&ymx,&xc,&yc,&zc,&view))
return NULL;
/* check max size of matrix */
if (kx > kxmax2d || ky > kymax2d){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dimension of argument 3 is too large.");
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* set image dimension */
ax =kxx2/xmx;
ay =kyy2/ymx;
bx =kxx2+1.;
by =kyy2+1.;
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float0");
return NULL;
/* number of particules */
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kxx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<kyy;iy++) {
/* choose the view */
if (view==1){ /*xz*/
xi = 0;
yi = 2;
xc = xc;
yc = zc;
if (view==2){ /*xy*/
xi = 0;
yi = 1;
xc = xc;
yc = yc;
if (view==3){ /*yz*/
xi = 1;
yi = 2;
xc = yc;
yc = zc;
/* full dseo : loop over all points in pos*/
for (i = 0; i < pos->dimensions[0]; i++) {
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + xi*pos->strides[1]) -xc;
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + yi*pos->strides[1]) -yc;
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
if (x > -xmx && x < xmx) {
if (y > -ymx && y < ymx) {
ix = (int)(ax*x + bx) -1;
iy = (int)(ay*y + by) -1;
dseo[ix][iy] = dseo[ix][iy] + gm*am;
nn[ix][iy] = nn[ix][iy] + 1;
// /* check the statistic */
// for (ix=0;ix<kxx;ix++) {
// for (iy=0;iy<kyy;iy++) {
// if(nn[ix][iy]<=2){
// dseo[ix][iy]=0.;
// }
// }
// }
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (ky-j-1)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[i][j] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* mkmap3dnsph */
#define KERNEL_COEFF_1 2.546479089470
#define KERNEL_COEFF_2 15.278874536822
#define KERNEL_COEFF_5 5.092958178941
/*! returns the maximum of two integers
int imax(int x, int y)
if(x > y)
return x;
return y;
/*! returns the minimum of two integers
int imin(int x, int y)
if(x < y)
return x;
return y;
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap3dslicesph(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *rsp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int kx,ky,kz;
float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax;
int n,i,j,k;
int ix,iy,iz;
npy_intp ld[2];
int izz;
float *dseo;
float x,y,z,gm,am,r;
float xx,yy,zz;
float fx,fy,fz;
size_t bytes;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOOO(iii)(ff)(ff)(ff)i",&pos,&gmm,&,&rsp,&kx,&ky,&kz,&xmin,&xmax,&ymin,&ymax,&zmin,&zmax,&izz))
return NULL;
if(!(dseo = malloc(bytes = kx*ky*sizeof(float))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for `dseo' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<ky;iy++) {
dseo[ix*ky+iy] = 0.;
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* some constants */
fx = (kx-1)/(xmax-xmin);
fy = (ky-1)/(ymax-ymin);
fz = (kz-1)/(zmax-zmin);
/* set xmin,ymin,zmin for each particles */
/* first slice */
int ixx,iyy;
int iz1,iz2;
float wk;
float h,u;
float hinv3;
iz1 = 0;
iz2 = 1;
int ixmin, ixmax;
int iymin, iymax;
int izmin, izmax;
/* loop over all particles */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
z = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 2*pos->strides[1]);
h = *(float *) (rsp->data + i*(rsp->strides[0]));
izmin = (int) (((z - h)-zmin)*fz);
izmax = (int) (((z + h)-zmin)*fz);
izmin = imax(izmin,0);
izmax = imin(izmax,kz-1);
if ( (izz>=izmin) && (izz<=izmax) )
x = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1]);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1]);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + i*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + i*(amp->strides[0]));
ixmin = (int) (((x - h)-xmin)*fx);
ixmax = (int) (((x + h)-xmin)*fx);
ixmin = imax(ixmin,0);
ixmax = imin(ixmax,kx-1);
iymin = (int) (((y - h)-ymin)*fy);
iymax = (int) (((y + h)-ymin)*fy);
iymin = imax(iymin,0);
iymax = imin(iymax,ky-1);
hinv3 = 1.0/(h*h*h) * (xmax-xmin)/kx * (ymax-ymin)/ky * (zmax-zmin)/kz ;
if ((ixmin==ixmax) && (iymin==iymax) && (izmin==izmax))
dseo[ixmin*ky+iymin] = dseo[ixmin*ky+iymin] + gm*am;
/* loop over the grid */
for (ixx=ixmin;ixx <= ixmax;ixx++)
for (iyy=iymin;iyy <= iymax;iyy++)
xx = (ixx/fx)+xmin; /* physical coordinate */
yy = (iyy/fy)+ymin;
zz = (izz/fz)+zmin;
r = sqrt( (x-xx)*(x-xx) + (y-yy)*(y-yy) + (z-zz)*(z-zz) );
u = r/h;
if (u<1)
if(u < 0.5)
wk = hinv3 * (KERNEL_COEFF_1 + KERNEL_COEFF_2 * (u - 1) * u * u);
wk = hinv3 * KERNEL_COEFF_5 * (1.0 - u) * (1.0 - u) * (1.0 - u);
dseo[ixx*ky+iyy] = dseo[ixx*ky+iyy] + gm*am * wk;
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[j+i*ky] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
struct points
int index;
float h;
float z;
float izmin;
float izmax;
int next;
int prev;
static PyObject *
mapping_mkmap3dsortedsph(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *pos = NULL;
PyArrayObject *gmm = NULL;
PyArrayObject *amp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *rsp = NULL;
PyArrayObject *mat;
int kx,ky,kz;
float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax;
int n,i,j,k;
int ix,iy,iz;
npy_intp ld[2];
int izz;
float *dseo;
float x,y,z,gm,am,r;
float xx,yy,zz;
float fx,fy,fz;
struct points *P;
int nP;
size_t bytes;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOOO(iii)(ff)(ff)(ff)",&pos,&gmm,&,&rsp,&kx,&ky,&kz,&xmin,&xmax,&ymin,&ymax,&zmin,&zmax))
return NULL;
if(!(dseo = malloc(bytes = kx*ky*sizeof(float))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for `dseo' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
return NULL;
n = pos->dimensions[0];
/* allocate memory for P */
if(!(P = malloc(bytes = n*sizeof(struct points))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for `P' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
/* check the size of pos */
if (pos->nd != 2 || pos->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument 1 must be two dimentionnal and of type Float32");
return NULL;
/* initialisation of dseo */
for (ix=0;ix<kx;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<ky;iy++) {
dseo[ix*ky+iy] = 0.;
/* some constants */
fx = (kx-1)/(xmax-xmin);
fy = (ky-1)/(ymax-ymin);
fz = (kz-1)/(zmax-zmin);
/* set xmin,ymin,zmin for each particles */
/* first slice */
int ixx,iyy;
int iz1,iz2;
float wk;
float h,u;
float hinv3;
iz1 = 0;
iz2 = 1;
int ixmin, ixmax;
int iymin, iymax;
int izmin, izmax;
int istart;
int nAdded;
nP = 0;
nAdded = 0;
istart = 0;
for (iz=0;izz<kz;izz++)
i=nAdded; /* index of first particle not added */
if (i==n) /* no particles left to add */
z = *(float *) (pos->data + i*(pos->strides[0]) + 2*pos->strides[1]);
h = *(float *) (rsp->data + i*(rsp->strides[0]));
izmin = imax((int) (((z - h)-zmin)*fz),0);
izmax = imin((int) (((z + h)-zmin)*fz),kz-1);
if (izmin>izz) /* the next particle is not in the slice, do nothing */
/* the particle enter the slice, add it */
P[i].index = i;
P[i].z = z;
P[i].h = h;
P[i].izmin = izmin;
P[i].izmax = izmax;
/* set its position in the list */
/* default, first one */
if (nP==0)
P[i].next = istart;
istart = i;
i++; /* move to next particle */
/* loop over all particles in the list */
i = istart;
//printf("(%d) nP=%d\n",izz,nP);
if (nP>0)
z = P[i].z;
izmin = P[i].izmin;
izmax = P[i].izmax;
h = P[i].h;
/* do the particle */
if(izmax<izz) /* the part leaves the slice */
if (nP==1)
/* do nothing */
/* remove it from the list */
if (P[i].prev==-1) /* first one */
istart = P[i].next;
P[istart].prev = -1;
if (P[i].next==-1) /* last one */
P[P[i].prev].next = -1;
else /* one in the middle */
P[ P[i].prev ].next = P[i].next;
P[ P[i].next ].prev = P[i].prev;
x = *(float *) (pos->data + P[i].index*(pos->strides[0]) + 0*pos->strides[1]);
y = *(float *) (pos->data + P[i].index*(pos->strides[0]) + 1*pos->strides[1]);
gm = *(float *) (gmm->data + P[i].index*(gmm->strides[0]));
am = *(float *) (amp->data + P[i].index*(amp->strides[0]));
ixmin = (int) (((x - h)-xmin)*fx);
ixmax = (int) (((x + h)-xmin)*fx);
ixmin = imax(ixmin,0);
ixmax = imin(ixmax,kx-1);
iymin = (int) (((y - h)-ymin)*fy);
iymax = (int) (((y + h)-ymin)*fy);
iymin = imax(iymin,0);
iymax = imin(iymax,ky-1);
hinv3 = 1.0/(h*h*h) * (xmax-xmin)/kx * (ymax-ymin)/ky * (zmax-zmin)/kz ;
/* loop over the grid */
for (ixx=ixmin;ixx <= ixmax;ixx++)
for (iyy=iymin;iyy <= iymax;iyy++)
xx = (ixx/fx)+xmin; /* physical coordinate */
yy = (iyy/fy)+ymin;
zz = (izz/fz)+zmin;
r = sqrt( (x-xx)*(x-xx) + (y-yy)*(y-yy) + (z-zz)*(z-zz) );
u = r/h;
if (u<1)
if(u < 0.5)
wk = hinv3 * (KERNEL_COEFF_1 + KERNEL_COEFF_2 * (u - 1) * u * u);
wk = hinv3 * KERNEL_COEFF_5 * (1.0 - u) * (1.0 - u) * (1.0 - u);
dseo[ixx*ky+iyy] = dseo[ixx*ky+iyy] + gm*am * wk;
i = P[i].next;
while (i!=-1);
/* create the subimage */
for (j=0;j<ky;j++) {
for (i=0;i<kx;i++) {
*(float*)(mat->data + i*(mat->strides[0]) + (j)*(mat->strides[1])) = (float) dseo[j+i*ky] ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* create_line */
/* */
static PyObject *
mapping_create_line(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *mat = NULL;
int x0,y0,x1,y1,color,width;
int dy = y1 - y0;
int dx = x1 - x0;
int stepx, stepy;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"Oiiiii",&mat,&x0,&y0,&x1,&y1,&color))
return NULL;
/* create the output */
dy = y1 - y0;
dx = x1 - x0;
width = 1;
if (dy < 0) { dy = -dy; stepy = -width; } else { stepy = width; }
if (dx < 0) { dx = -dx; stepx = -1; } else { stepx = 1; }
dy <<= 1;
dx <<= 1;
y0 *= width;
y1 *= width;
*(float*)(mat->data + x0*(mat->strides[0]) + y0*mat->strides[1]) = (float) color ;
if (dx > dy) {
int fraction = dy - (dx >> 1);
while (x0 != x1) {
if (fraction >= 0) {
y0 += stepy;
fraction -= dx;
x0 += stepx;
fraction += dy;
*(float*)(mat->data + x0*(mat->strides[0]) + y0*mat->strides[1]) = (float) color ;
} else {
int fraction = dx - (dy >> 1);
while (y0 != y1) {
if (fraction >= 0) {
x0 += stepx;
fraction -= dy;
y0 += stepy;
fraction += dx;
*(float*)(mat->data + x0*(mat->strides[0]) + y0*mat->strides[1]) = (float) color ;
return Py_BuildValue("i",1);
/* create_line */
static PyObject *
mapping_create_line2(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
PyArrayObject *mat;
npy_intp ld[2];
int kx,ky,x1,y1,x2,y2,color;
int i; // loop counter
int ystep, xstep; // the step on y and x axis
int error; // the error accumulated during the increment
int errorprev; // *vision the previous value of the error variable
int x,y; // the line points
int ddy, ddx; // compulsory variables: the double values of dy and dx
int dx ;
int dy;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"iiiiiii",&kx,&ky,&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2,&color))
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
y = y1;
x = x1;
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
*(short*)(mat->data + x1*(mat->strides[0]) + y1*mat->strides[1]) = color ;
// NB the last point can't be here, because of its previous point (which has to be verified)
if (dy < 0){
ystep = -1;
dy = -dy;
ystep = 1;
if (dx < 0){
xstep = -1;
dx = -dx;
xstep = 1;
ddy = 2 * dy; // work with double values for full precision
ddx = 2 * dx;
if (ddx >= ddy){ // first octant (0 <= slope <= 1)
// compulsory initialization (even for errorprev, needed when dx==dy)
errorprev = error = dx; // start in the middle of the square
for (i=0 ; i < dx ; i++){ // do not use the first point (already done)
x += xstep;
error += ddy;
if (error > ddx){ // increment y if AFTER the middle ( > )
y += ystep;
error -= ddx;
// three cases (octant == right->right-top for directions below):
if (error + errorprev < ddx) // bottom square also
*(float*)(mat->data + (x)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y-ystep)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
else if (error + errorprev > ddx) // left square also
*(float*)(mat->data + (x-xstep)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
else{ // corner: bottom and left squares also
*(short*)(mat->data + (x)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y-ystep)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
*(short*)(mat->data + (x-xstep)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
*(float*)(mat->data + (x)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
errorprev = error;
}else{ // the same as above
errorprev = error = dy;
for (i=0 ; i < dy ; i++){
y += ystep;
error += ddx;
if (error > ddy){
x += xstep;
error -= ddy;
if (error + errorprev < ddy)
*(float*)(mat->data + (x-xstep)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
else if (error + errorprev > ddy)
*(float*)(mat->data + (x)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y-ystep)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
*(float*)(mat->data + (x-xstep)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
*(float*)(mat->data + (x)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y-ystep)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
*(float*)(mat->data + (x)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
errorprev = error;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* create_line */
static PyObject *
mapping_create_line3(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;
int kx,ky,x0,y0,x1,y1,color;
PyArrayObject *mat;
float a,b;
int x,y,dx;
int n,lx,ly,s0,s1,inv;
npy_intp ld[2];
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"iiiiiii",&kx,&ky,&x0,&y0,&x1,&y1,&color))
return NULL;
/* create the output */
ld[0] = kx;
ld[1] = ky;
mat = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2,ld,NPY_FLOAT);
if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) {
*(float*)(mat->data + (x0)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y0)*mat->strides[1]) = (float) color ;
return Py_BuildValue("i",0);
lx = abs(x1-x0);
ly = abs(y1-y0);
inv = 0;
if (lx < ly) {
/* swap x,y */
s0 = x0;
s1 = x1;
x0 = y0;
x1 = y1;
y0 = s0;
y1 = s1;
inv = 1;
a = (float)(y0-y1)/(float)(x0-x1);
b = (float)(x0*y1 - y0*x1)/(float)(x0-x1);
/* dx */
if (x1>x0) {dx = 1;} else {dx=-1;}
/* main loop */
x = x0;
while (x!=x1) {
y = (int) (a*(float)x + b);
if (inv){
*(float*)(mat->data + (y)*(mat->strides[0]) + (x)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
//printf("- %d %d\n",y,x);
} else {
*(float*)(mat->data + (x)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
//printf("%d %d\n",x,y);
x = x + dx;
/* last point */
if (inv){
*(float*)(mat->data + (y1)*(mat->strides[0]) + (x1)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
//printf("- %d %d\n",y1,x1);
} else {
*(float*)(mat->data + (x1)*(mat->strides[0]) + (y1)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
//printf("%d %d\n",x1,y1);
*(float*)(mat->data + (96)*(mat->strides[0]) + (73)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
*(float*)(mat->data + (94)*(mat->strides[0]) + (76)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
*(float*)(mat->data + (92)*(mat->strides[0]) + (79)*mat->strides[1]) = (float)color ;
return PyArray_Return(mat);
/* definition of the method table */
static PyMethodDef mappingMethods[] = {
{"mkmap1d", mapping_mkmap1dn, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 1d mapping."},
{"mkmap1dn", mapping_mkmap1dn, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 1d mapping."},
{"mkmap2d", mapping_mkmap2dn, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 2d mapping."},
{"mkmap2dn", mapping_mkmap2dn, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 2d mapping."},
{"mkmap3d", mapping_mkmap3dn, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 3d mapping."},
{"mkmap3dn", mapping_mkmap3dn, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 3d mapping."},
{"mkmap3dslicesph", mapping_mkmap3dslicesph, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 3d slice (sph)."},
{"mkmap3dsortedsph", mapping_mkmap3dsortedsph, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 3d mapping (sph)."},
{"mkmap1dw", mapping_mkmap1dw, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 1d mapping (a particle is distributed over 2 nodes)."},
{"mkmap2dw", mapping_mkmap2dw, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 2d mapping (a particle is distributed over 4 nodes)."},
{"mkmap3dw", mapping_mkmap3dw, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 3d mapping (a particle is distributed over 8 nodes)."},
{"mkmap2dsph", mapping_mkmap2dnsph, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 2d smoothed maping."},
{"mkmap2dnsph", mapping_mkmap2dnsph, METH_VARARGS,
"Return a 2d smoothed maping."},
//{"mapzero", mapping_mapzero, METH_VARARGS,
// "Return the zero momentum. (obsolete)"},
//{"mapzerosph", mapping_mapzerosph, METH_VARARGS,
// "Return the zero momentum (softned) (obsolete)."},
//{"mapone", mapping_mapone, METH_VARARGS,
// "Return the first momentum (obsolete)."},
//{"mapn", mapping_mapn, METH_VARARGS,
// "Return the first momentum (not normalized) (obsolete)."},
{"create_line", mapping_create_line, METH_VARARGS,
"Add a line in the given matrice using the Bresenham algorithm."},
{"create_line2", mapping_create_line2, METH_VARARGS,
"Add a line in the given matrice using the Bresenham algorithm."},
{"create_line3", mapping_create_line3, METH_VARARGS,
"Add a line in the given matrice using a personal algorithm."},
{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
void initmapping(void)
(void) Py_InitModule("mapping", mappingMethods);
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