intTi_endstep;/*!< marks start of current timestep of particle on integer timeline */
intTi_begstep;/*!< marks end of current timestep of particle on integer timeline */
intnext;/* yr : indice of the next particule in the node list */
intDaughter;/*!< index of first daughter cell (out of 8) of top-level node */
intPstart;/*!< for the present top-level node, this gives the index of the first node in the concatenated list of topnodes collected from all processors */
intBlocks;/*!< for the present top-level node, this gives the number of corresponding nodes in the concatenated list of topnodes collected from all processors */
intLeaf;/*!< if the node is a leaf, this gives its number when all leaves are traversed in Peano-Hilbert order */
peanokeySize;/*!< number of Peano-Hilbert mesh-cells represented by top-level node */
peanokeyStartKey;/*!< first Peano-Hilbert key in top-level node */
longlongCount;/*!< counts the number of particles in this top-level node */