# global: user_db_cache: "cache.yaml" all: [git] use_keyring: true in: backend: epfl username: out: backend: c4science username: token: cli-n5dutb2wv26ivcpo66yvb3sbk64g groups: __all__: import-scheme: type: project # Will import the ldap scitas-ge-unit group to scitas project # This will remove and add users on the project to match the epfl group scitas-ge-unit: import-scheme: name: scitas user-import-strategy: synchronize # This will add users from my-epfl-group to a sub-project of scitas # and only add users and not remove them my-epfl-group: import-scheme: name: my-c4science-subproject project: scitas type: sub-project user-import-strategy: additive