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File Metadata

Sun, Oct 6, 21:09


final class DifferentialDiff
extends DifferentialDAO
PhabricatorDestructibleInterface {
protected $revisionID;
protected $authorPHID;
protected $repositoryPHID;
protected $sourceMachine;
protected $sourcePath;
protected $sourceControlSystem;
protected $sourceControlBaseRevision;
protected $sourceControlPath;
protected $lintStatus;
protected $unitStatus;
protected $lineCount;
protected $branch;
protected $bookmark;
protected $arcanistProjectPHID;
protected $creationMethod;
protected $repositoryUUID;
protected $description;
protected $viewPolicy;
private $unsavedChangesets = array();
private $changesets = self::ATTACHABLE;
private $arcanistProject = self::ATTACHABLE;
private $revision = self::ATTACHABLE;
private $properties = array();
protected function getConfiguration() {
return array(
self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true,
self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array(
'revisionID' => 'id?',
'authorPHID' => 'phid?',
'repositoryPHID' => 'phid?',
'sourceMachine' => 'text255?',
'sourcePath' => 'text255?',
'sourceControlSystem' => 'text64?',
'sourceControlBaseRevision' => 'text255?',
'sourceControlPath' => 'text255?',
'lintStatus' => 'uint32',
'unitStatus' => 'uint32',
'lineCount' => 'uint32',
'branch' => 'text255?',
'bookmark' => 'text255?',
'arcanistProjectPHID' => 'phid?',
'repositoryUUID' => 'text64?',
// These should be non-null; all diffs should have a creation method
// and the description should just be empty.
'creationMethod' => 'text255?',
'description' => 'text255?',
self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array(
'revisionID' => array(
'columns' => array('revisionID'),
) + parent::getConfiguration();
public function generatePHID() {
return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(
public function addUnsavedChangeset(DifferentialChangeset $changeset) {
if ($this->changesets === null) {
$this->changesets = array();
$this->unsavedChangesets[] = $changeset;
$this->changesets[] = $changeset;
return $this;
public function attachChangesets(array $changesets) {
assert_instances_of($changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset');
$this->changesets = $changesets;
return $this;
public function getChangesets() {
return $this->assertAttached($this->changesets);
public function loadChangesets() {
if (!$this->getID()) {
return array();
return id(new DifferentialChangeset())->loadAllWhere(
'diffID = %d',
public function attachArcanistProject(
PhabricatorRepositoryArcanistProject $project = null) {
$this->arcanistProject = $project;
return $this;
public function getArcanistProject() {
return $this->assertAttached($this->arcanistProject);
public function getArcanistProjectName() {
$name = '';
if ($this->arcanistProject) {
$project = $this->getArcanistProject();
$name = $project->getName();
return $name;
public function save() {
$ret = parent::save();
foreach ($this->unsavedChangesets as $changeset) {
return $ret;
public static function initializeNewDiff(PhabricatorUser $actor) {
$app = id(new PhabricatorApplicationQuery())
$view_policy = $app->getPolicy(
$diff = id(new DifferentialDiff())
return $diff;
public static function newFromRawChanges(
PhabricatorUser $actor,
array $changes) {
assert_instances_of($changes, 'ArcanistDiffChange');
$diff = self::initializeNewDiff($actor);
return self::buildChangesetsFromRawChanges($diff, $changes);
public static function newEphemeralFromRawChanges(array $changes) {
assert_instances_of($changes, 'ArcanistDiffChange');
$diff = id(new DifferentialDiff())->makeEphemeral();
return self::buildChangesetsFromRawChanges($diff, $changes);
private static function buildChangesetsFromRawChanges(
DifferentialDiff $diff,
array $changes) {
// There may not be any changes; initialize the changesets list so that
// we don't throw later when accessing it.
$lines = 0;
foreach ($changes as $change) {
if ($change->getType() == ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_MESSAGE) {
// If a user pastes a diff into Differential which includes a commit
// message (e.g., they ran `git show` to generate it), discard that
// change when constructing a DifferentialDiff.
$changeset = new DifferentialChangeset();
$add_lines = 0;
$del_lines = 0;
$first_line = PHP_INT_MAX;
$hunks = $change->getHunks();
if ($hunks) {
foreach ($hunks as $hunk) {
$dhunk = new DifferentialModernHunk();
$add_lines += $hunk->getAddLines();
$del_lines += $hunk->getDelLines();
$added_lines = $hunk->getChangedLines('new');
if ($added_lines) {
$first_line = min($first_line, head_key($added_lines));
$lines += $add_lines + $del_lines;
} else {
// This happens when you add empty files.
$metadata = $change->getAllMetadata();
if ($first_line != PHP_INT_MAX) {
$metadata['line:first'] = $first_line;
$parser = new DifferentialChangesetParser();
$changesets = $parser->detectCopiedCode(
$min_width = 30,
$min_lines = 3);
return $diff;
public function getDiffDict() {
$dict = array(
'id' => $this->getID(),
'revisionID' => $this->getRevisionID(),
'dateCreated' => $this->getDateCreated(),
'dateModified' => $this->getDateModified(),
'sourceControlBaseRevision' => $this->getSourceControlBaseRevision(),
'sourceControlPath' => $this->getSourceControlPath(),
'sourceControlSystem' => $this->getSourceControlSystem(),
'branch' => $this->getBranch(),
'bookmark' => $this->getBookmark(),
'creationMethod' => $this->getCreationMethod(),
'description' => $this->getDescription(),
'unitStatus' => $this->getUnitStatus(),
'lintStatus' => $this->getLintStatus(),
'changes' => array(),
'properties' => array(),
'projectName' => $this->getArcanistProjectName(),
$dict['changes'] = $this->buildChangesList();
$properties = id(new DifferentialDiffProperty())->loadAllWhere(
'diffID = %d',
foreach ($properties as $property) {
$dict['properties'][$property->getName()] = $property->getData();
if ($property->getName() == 'local:commits') {
foreach ($property->getData() as $commit) {
$dict['authorName'] = $commit['author'];
$dict['authorEmail'] = idx($commit, 'authorEmail');
return $dict;
public function buildChangesList() {
$changes = array();
foreach ($this->getChangesets() as $changeset) {
$hunks = array();
foreach ($changeset->getHunks() as $hunk) {
$hunks[] = array(
'oldOffset' => $hunk->getOldOffset(),
'newOffset' => $hunk->getNewOffset(),
'oldLength' => $hunk->getOldLen(),
'newLength' => $hunk->getNewLen(),
'addLines' => null,
'delLines' => null,
'isMissingOldNewline' => null,
'isMissingNewNewline' => null,
'corpus' => $hunk->getChanges(),
$change = array(
'id' => $changeset->getID(),
'metadata' => $changeset->getMetadata(),
'oldPath' => $changeset->getOldFile(),
'currentPath' => $changeset->getFilename(),
'awayPaths' => $changeset->getAwayPaths(),
'oldProperties' => $changeset->getOldProperties(),
'newProperties' => $changeset->getNewProperties(),
'type' => $changeset->getChangeType(),
'fileType' => $changeset->getFileType(),
'commitHash' => null,
'addLines' => $changeset->getAddLines(),
'delLines' => $changeset->getDelLines(),
'hunks' => $hunks,
$changes[] = $change;
return $changes;
public function hasRevision() {
return $this->revision !== self::ATTACHABLE;
public function getRevision() {
return $this->assertAttached($this->revision);
public function attachRevision(DifferentialRevision $revision = null) {
$this->revision = $revision;
return $this;
public function attachProperty($key, $value) {
$this->properties[$key] = $value;
return $this;
public function getProperty($key) {
return $this->assertAttachedKey($this->properties, $key);
/* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface )----------------------------------------- */
public function getCapabilities() {
return array(
public function getPolicy($capability) {
if ($this->hasRevision()) {
return $this->getRevision()->getPolicy($capability);
return $this->viewPolicy;
public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) {
if ($this->hasRevision()) {
return $this->getRevision()->hasAutomaticCapability($capability, $viewer);
return ($this->getAuthorPHID() == $viewer->getPhid());
public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) {
if ($this->hasRevision()) {
return pht(
'This diff is attached to a revision, and inherits its policies.');
return pht('The author of a diff can see it.');
/* -( HarbormasterBuildableInterface )------------------------------------- */
public function getHarbormasterBuildablePHID() {
return $this->getPHID();
public function getHarbormasterContainerPHID() {
if ($this->getRevisionID()) {
$revision = id(new DifferentialRevision())->load($this->getRevisionID());
if ($revision) {
return $revision->getPHID();
return null;
public function getBuildVariables() {
$results = array();
$results['buildable.diff'] = $this->getID();
$revision = $this->getRevision();
$results['buildable.revision'] = $revision->getID();
$repo = $revision->getRepository();
if ($repo) {
$results['repository.callsign'] = $repo->getCallsign();
$results['repository.vcs'] = $repo->getVersionControlSystem();
$results['repository.uri'] = $repo->getPublicCloneURI();
return $results;
public function getAvailableBuildVariables() {
return array(
'buildable.diff' =>
pht('The differential diff ID, if applicable.'),
'buildable.revision' =>
pht('The differential revision ID, if applicable.'),
'repository.callsign' =>
pht('The callsign of the repository in Phabricator.'),
'repository.vcs' =>
pht('The version control system, either "svn", "hg" or "git".'),
'repository.uri' =>
pht('The URI to clone or checkout the repository from.'),
/* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */
public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() {
return new DifferentialDiffEditor();
public function getApplicationTransactionObject() {
return $this;
public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() {
return new DifferentialDiffTransaction();
public function willRenderTimeline(
PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline,
AphrontRequest $request) {
return $timeline;
/* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */
public function destroyObjectPermanently(
PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) {
foreach ($this->loadChangesets() as $changeset) {
$properties = id(new DifferentialDiffProperty())->loadAllWhere(
'diffID = %d',
foreach ($properties as $prop) {

Event Timeline