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Sun, Jul 28, 02:27


final class DifferentialInlineComment
implements PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface {
private $proxy;
private $syntheticAuthor;
public function __construct() {
$this->proxy = new DifferentialTransactionComment();
public function __clone() {
$this->proxy = clone $this->proxy;
public function getTransactionCommentForSave() {
$content_source = PhabricatorContentSource::newForSource(
return $this->proxy;
public function openTransaction() {
public function saveTransaction() {
public function save() {
return $this;
public function delete() {
return $this;
public function getID() {
return $this->proxy->getID();
public function getPHID() {
return $this->proxy->getPHID();
public static function newFromModernComment(
DifferentialTransactionComment $comment) {
$obj = new DifferentialInlineComment();
$obj->proxy = $comment;
return $obj;
public function setSyntheticAuthor($synthetic_author) {
$this->syntheticAuthor = $synthetic_author;
return $this;
public function getSyntheticAuthor() {
return $this->syntheticAuthor;
public function isCompatible(PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface $comment) {
($this->getAuthorPHID() === $comment->getAuthorPHID()) &&
($this->getSyntheticAuthor() === $comment->getSyntheticAuthor()) &&
($this->getContent() === $comment->getContent());
public function setContent($content) {
return $this;
public function getContent() {
return $this->proxy->getContent();
public function isDraft() {
return !$this->proxy->getTransactionPHID();
public function setChangesetID($id) {
return $this;
public function getChangesetID() {
return $this->proxy->getChangesetID();
public function setIsNewFile($is_new) {
return $this;
public function getIsNewFile() {
return $this->proxy->getIsNewFile();
public function setLineNumber($number) {
return $this;
public function getLineNumber() {
return $this->proxy->getLineNumber();
public function setLineLength($length) {
return $this;
public function getLineLength() {
return $this->proxy->getLineLength();
public function setCache($cache) {
return $this;
public function getCache() {
return null;
public function setAuthorPHID($phid) {
return $this;
public function getAuthorPHID() {
return $this->proxy->getAuthorPHID();
public function setRevision(DifferentialRevision $revision) {
return $this;
public function getRevisionPHID() {
return $this->proxy->getRevisionPHID();
// Although these are purely transitional, they're also *extra* dumb.
public function setRevisionID($revision_id) {
$revision = id(new DifferentialRevision())->load($revision_id);
return $this->setRevision($revision);
public function getRevisionID() {
$phid = $this->proxy->getRevisionPHID();
if (!$phid) {
return null;
$revision = id(new DifferentialRevision())->loadOneWhere(
'phid = %s',
if (!$revision) {
return null;
return $revision->getID();
// When setting a comment ID, we also generate a phantom transaction PHID for
// the future transaction.
public function setCommentID($id) {
return $this;
/* -( PhabricatorMarkupInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */
public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) {
// We can't use ID because synthetic comments don't have it.
return 'DI:'.PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getContent());
public function newMarkupEngine($field) {
return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newDifferentialMarkupEngine();
public function getMarkupText($field) {
return $this->getContent();
public function didMarkupText($field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) {
return $output;
public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) {
// Only cache submitted comments.
return ($this->getID() && !$this->isDraft());

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