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* Resolves references (like short commit names, branch names, tag names, etc.)
* into canonical, stable commit identifiers. This query works for all
* repository types.
* This query will always resolve refs which can be resolved, but may need to
* perform VCS operations. A faster (but less complete) counterpart query is
* available in @{class:DiffusionCachedResolveRefsQuery}; that query can
* resolve most refs without VCS operations.
final class DiffusionLowLevelResolveRefsQuery
extends DiffusionLowLevelQuery {
private $refs;
private $types;
public function withRefs(array $refs) {
$this->refs = $refs;
return $this;
public function withTypes(array $types) {
$this->types = $types;
return $this;
protected function executeQuery() {
if (!$this->refs) {
return array();
switch ($this->getRepository()->getVersionControlSystem()) {
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT:
$result = $this->resolveGitRefs();
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL:
$result = $this->resolveMercurialRefs();
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN:
$result = $this->resolveSubversionRefs();
throw new Exception(pht('Unsupported repository type!'));
if ($this->types !== null) {
$result = $this->filterRefsByType($result, $this->types);
return $result;
private function resolveGitRefs() {
$repository = $this->getRepository();
$unresolved = array_fuse($this->refs);
$results = array();
// First, resolve branches and tags.
$ref_map = id(new DiffusionLowLevelGitRefQuery())
$ref_map = mgroup($ref_map, 'getShortName');
$tag_prefix = 'refs/tags/';
foreach ($unresolved as $ref) {
if (empty($ref_map[$ref])) {
foreach ($ref_map[$ref] as $result) {
$fields = $result->getRawFields();
$objectname = idx($fields, 'refname');
if (!strncmp($objectname, $tag_prefix, strlen($tag_prefix))) {
$type = 'tag';
} else {
$type = 'branch';
$info = array(
'type' => $type,
'identifier' => $result->getCommitIdentifier(),
if ($type == 'tag') {
$alternate = idx($fields, 'objectname');
if ($alternate) {
$info['alternate'] = $alternate;
$results[$ref][] = $info;
// If we resolved everything, we're done.
if (!$unresolved) {
return $results;
// Try to resolve anything else. This stuff either doesn't exist or is
// some ref like "HEAD^^^".
$future = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture('cat-file --batch-check');
$future->write(implode("\n", $unresolved));
list($stdout) = $future->resolvex();
$lines = explode("\n", rtrim($stdout, "\n"));
if (count($lines) !== count($unresolved)) {
throw new Exception(
'Unexpected line count from `%s`!',
'git cat-file'));
$hits = array();
$tags = array();
$lines = array_combine($unresolved, $lines);
foreach ($lines as $ref => $line) {
$parts = explode(' ', $line);
if (count($parts) < 2) {
throw new Exception(
'Failed to parse `%s` output: %s',
'git cat-file',
list($identifier, $type) = $parts;
if ($type == 'missing') {
// This is either an ambiguous reference which resolves to several
// objects, or an invalid reference. For now, always treat it as
// invalid. It would be nice to resolve all possibilities for
// ambiguous references at some point, although the strategy for doing
// so isn't clear to me.
switch ($type) {
case 'commit':
case 'tag':
$tags[] = $identifier;
throw new Exception(
'Unexpected object type from `%s`: %s',
'git cat-file',
$hits[] = array(
'ref' => $ref,
'type' => $type,
'identifier' => $identifier,
$tag_map = array();
if ($tags) {
// If some of the refs were tags, just load every tag in order to figure
// out which commits they map to. This might be somewhat inefficient in
// repositories with a huge number of tags.
$tag_refs = id(new DiffusionLowLevelGitRefQuery())
foreach ($tag_refs as $tag_ref) {
$tag_map[$tag_ref->getShortName()] = $tag_ref->getCommitIdentifier();
$results = array();
foreach ($hits as $hit) {
$type = $hit['type'];
$ref = $hit['ref'];
$alternate = null;
if ($type == 'tag') {
$alternate = $identifier;
$identifier = idx($tag_map, $ref);
if (!$identifier) {
throw new Exception(
"Failed to look up tag '%s'!",
$result = array(
'type' => $type,
'identifier' => $identifier,
if ($alternate !== null) {
$result['alternate'] = $alternate;
$results[$ref][] = $result;
return $results;
private function resolveMercurialRefs() {
$repository = $this->getRepository();
// First, pull all of the branch heads in the repository. Doing this in
// bulk is much faster than querying each individual head if we're
// checking even a small number of refs.
$branches = id(new DiffusionLowLevelMercurialBranchesQuery())
$branches = mgroup($branches, 'getShortName');
$results = array();
$unresolved = $this->refs;
foreach ($unresolved as $key => $ref) {
if (empty($branches[$ref])) {
foreach ($branches[$ref] as $branch) {
$fields = $branch->getRawFields();
$results[$ref][] = array(
'type' => 'branch',
'identifier' => $branch->getCommitIdentifier(),
'closed' => idx($fields, 'closed', false),
if (!$unresolved) {
return $results;
// If we still have unresolved refs (which might be things like "tip"),
// try to resolve them individually.
$futures = array();
foreach ($unresolved as $ref) {
$futures[$ref] = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture(
'log --template=%s --rev %s',
hgsprintf('%s', $ref));
foreach (new FutureIterator($futures) as $ref => $future) {
try {
list($stdout) = $future->resolvex();
} catch (CommandException $ex) {
if (preg_match('/ambiguous identifier/', $ex->getStdErr())) {
// This indicates that the ref ambiguously matched several things.
// Eventually, it would be nice to return all of them, but it is
// unclear how to best do that. For now, treat it as a miss instead.
if (preg_match('/unknown revision/', $ex->getStdErr())) {
// No matches for this ref.
throw $ex;
// It doesn't look like we can figure out the type (commit/branch/rev)
// from this output very easily. For now, just call everything a commit.
$type = 'commit';
$results[$ref][] = array(
'type' => $type,
'identifier' => trim($stdout),
return $results;
private function resolveSubversionRefs() {
// We don't have any VCS logic for Subversion, so just use the cached
// query.
return id(new DiffusionCachedResolveRefsQuery())

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