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final class DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation
extends DrydockBlueprintImplementation {
const PHASE_SQUASHMERGE = 'squashmerge';
const PHASE_REMOTEFETCH = 'blueprint.workingcopy.fetch.remote';
const PHASE_MERGEFETCH = 'blueprint.workingcopy.fetch.staging';
public function isEnabled() {
return true;
public function getBlueprintName() {
return pht('Working Copy');
public function getBlueprintIcon() {
return 'fa-folder-open';
public function getDescription() {
return pht('Allows Drydock to check out working copies of repositories.');
public function canAnyBlueprintEverAllocateResourceForLease(
DrydockLease $lease) {
return true;
public function canEverAllocateResourceForLease(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockLease $lease) {
return true;
public function canAllocateResourceForLease(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockLease $lease) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
if ($this->shouldLimitAllocatingPoolSize($blueprint)) {
return false;
// TODO: If we have a pending resource which is compatible with the
// configuration for this lease, prevent a new allocation? Otherwise the
// queue can fill up with copies of requests from the same lease. But
// maybe we can deal with this with "pre-leasing"?
return true;
public function canAcquireLeaseOnResource(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
// Don't hand out leases on working copies which have not activated, since
// it may take an arbitrarily long time for them to acquire a host.
if (!$resource->isActive()) {
return false;
$need_map = $lease->getAttribute('');
if (!is_array($need_map)) {
return false;
$have_map = $resource->getAttribute('');
if (!is_array($have_map)) {
return false;
$have_as = ipull($have_map, 'phid');
$need_as = ipull($need_map, 'phid');
foreach ($need_as as $need_directory => $need_phid) {
if (empty($have_as[$need_directory])) {
// This resource is missing a required working copy.
return false;
if ($have_as[$need_directory] != $need_phid) {
// This resource has a required working copy, but it contains
// the wrong repository.
return false;
if ($have_as && $lease->getAttribute('repositories.strict')) {
// This resource has extra repositories, but the lease is strict about
// which repositories are allowed to exist.
return false;
if (!DrydockSlotLock::isLockFree($this->getLeaseSlotLock($resource))) {
return false;
return true;
public function acquireLease(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
private function getLeaseSlotLock(DrydockResource $resource) {
$resource_phid = $resource->getPHID();
return "{$resource_phid})";
public function allocateResource(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockLease $lease) {
$resource = $this->newResourceTemplate($blueprint);
$resource_phid = $resource->getPHID();
$blueprint_phids = $blueprint->getFieldValue('blueprintPHIDs');
$host_lease = $this->newLease($blueprint)
->setAttribute('workingcopy.resourcePHID', $resource_phid)
$resource->setAttribute('host.leasePHID', $host_lease->getPHID());
$map = $lease->getAttribute('');
foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
$map[$key] = array_select_keys(
$resource->setAttribute('', $map);
$slot_lock = $this->getConcurrentResourceLimitSlotLock($blueprint);
if ($slot_lock !== null) {
return $resource;
public function activateResource(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource) {
$lease = $this->loadHostLease($resource);
$command_type = DrydockCommandInterface::INTERFACE_TYPE;
$interface = $lease->getInterface($command_type);
// TODO: Make this configurable.
$resource_id = $resource->getID();
$root = "/var/drydock/workingcopy-{$resource_id}";
$map = $resource->getAttribute('');
$repositories = $this->loadRepositories(ipull($map, 'phid'));
foreach ($map as $directory => $spec) {
// TODO: Validate directory isn't goofy like "/etc" or "../../lol"
// somewhere?
$repository = $repositories[$spec['phid']];
$path = "{$root}/repo/{$directory}/";
// TODO: Run these in parallel?
'git clone -- %s %s',
->setAttribute('workingcopy.root', $root)
public function destroyResource(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource) {
try {
$lease = $this->loadHostLease($resource);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
// If we can't load the lease, assume we don't need to take any actions
// to destroy it.
// Destroy the lease on the host.
if ($lease->isActive()) {
// Destroy the working copy on disk.
$command_type = DrydockCommandInterface::INTERFACE_TYPE;
$interface = $lease->getInterface($command_type);
$root_key = 'workingcopy.root';
$root = $resource->getAttribute($root_key);
if (strlen($root)) {
$interface->execx('rm -rf -- %s', $root);
public function getResourceName(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource) {
return pht('Working Copy');
public function activateLease(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
$host_lease = $this->loadHostLease($resource);
$command_type = DrydockCommandInterface::INTERFACE_TYPE;
$interface = $host_lease->getInterface($command_type);
$map = $lease->getAttribute('');
$root = $resource->getAttribute('workingcopy.root');
$default = null;
foreach ($map as $directory => $spec) {
$cmd = array();
$arg = array();
$cmd[] = 'git clean -d --force';
$cmd[] = 'git fetch';
$commit = idx($spec, 'commit');
$branch = idx($spec, 'branch');
$ref = idx($spec, 'ref');
// Reset things first, in case previous builds left anything staged or
// dirty.
$cmd[] = 'git reset --hard HEAD';
if ($commit !== null) {
$cmd[] = 'git checkout %s --';
$arg[] = $commit;
} else if ($branch !== null) {
$cmd[] = 'git checkout %s --';
$arg[] = $branch;
$cmd[] = 'git reset --hard origin/%s';
$arg[] = $branch;
$this->execxv($interface, $cmd, $arg);
if (idx($spec, 'default')) {
$default = $directory;
// If we're fetching a ref from a remote, do that separately so we can
// raise a more tailored error.
if ($ref) {
$cmd = array();
$arg = array();
$ref_uri = $ref['uri'];
$ref_ref = $ref['ref'];
$cmd[] = 'git fetch --no-tags -- %s +%s:%s';
$arg[] = $ref_uri;
$arg[] = $ref_ref;
$arg[] = $ref_ref;
$cmd[] = 'git checkout %s --';
$arg[] = $ref_ref;
try {
$this->execxv($interface, $cmd, $arg);
} catch (CommandException $ex) {
$display_command = csprintf(
'git fetch %R %R',
$error = DrydockCommandError::newFromCommandException($ex)
throw $ex;
$merges = idx($spec, 'merges');
if ($merges) {
foreach ($merges as $merge) {
$this->applyMerge($lease, $interface, $merge);
if ($default === null) {
$default = head_key($map);
// TODO: Use working storage?
$lease->setAttribute('workingcopy.default', "{$root}/repo/{$default}/");
public function didReleaseLease(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
// We leave working copies around even if there are no leases on them,
// since the cost to maintain them is nearly zero but rebuilding them is
// moderately expensive and it's likely that they'll be reused.
public function destroyLease(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
// When we activate a lease we just reset the working copy state and do
// not create any new state, so we don't need to do anything special when
// destroying a lease.
public function getType() {
return 'working-copy';
public function getInterface(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease,
$type) {
switch ($type) {
case DrydockCommandInterface::INTERFACE_TYPE:
$host_lease = $this->loadHostLease($resource);
$command_interface = $host_lease->getInterface($type);
$path = $lease->getAttribute('workingcopy.default');
return $command_interface;
private function loadRepositories(array $phids) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$repositories = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery())
$repositories = mpull($repositories, null, 'getPHID');
foreach ($phids as $phid) {
if (empty($repositories[$phid])) {
throw new Exception(
'Repository PHID "%s" does not exist.',
foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
$repository_vcs = $repository->getVersionControlSystem();
switch ($repository_vcs) {
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT:
throw new Exception(
'Repository ("%s") has unsupported VCS ("%s").',
return $repositories;
private function loadHostLease(DrydockResource $resource) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$lease_phid = $resource->getAttribute('host.leasePHID');
$lease = id(new DrydockLeaseQuery())
if (!$lease) {
throw new Exception(
'Unable to load lease ("%s").',
return $lease;
protected function getCustomFieldSpecifications() {
return array(
'blueprintPHIDs' => array(
'name' => pht('Use Blueprints'),
'type' => 'blueprints',
'required' => true,
protected function shouldUseConcurrentResourceLimit() {
return true;
private function applyMerge(
DrydockLease $lease,
DrydockCommandInterface $interface,
array $merge) {
$src_uri = $merge['src.uri'];
$src_ref = $merge['src.ref'];
try {
'git fetch --no-tags -- %s +%s:%s',
} catch (CommandException $ex) {
$display_command = csprintf(
'git fetch %R +%R:%R',
$error = DrydockCommandError::newFromCommandException($ex)
$lease->setAttribute('workingcopy.vcs.error', $error->toDictionary());
throw $ex;
// NOTE: This can never actually generate a commit because we pass
// "--squash", but git sometimes runs code to check that a username and
// email are configured anyway.
$real_command = csprintf(
'git -c -c merge --no-stat --squash -- %R',
try {
$interface->execx('%C', $real_command);
} catch (CommandException $ex) {
$display_command = csprintf(
'git merge --squash %R',
$error = DrydockCommandError::newFromCommandException($ex)
$lease->setAttribute('workingcopy.vcs.error', $error->toDictionary());
throw $ex;
public function getCommandError(DrydockLease $lease) {
return $lease->getAttribute('workingcopy.vcs.error');
private function execxv(
DrydockCommandInterface $interface,
array $commands,
array $arguments) {
$commands = implode(' && ', $commands);
$argv = array_merge(array($commands), $arguments);
return call_user_func_array(array($interface, 'execx'), $argv);

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