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final class HarbormasterBuildkiteBuildStepImplementation
extends HarbormasterBuildStepImplementation {
public function getName() {
return pht('Build with Buildkite');
public function getGenericDescription() {
return pht('Trigger a build in Buildkite.');
public function getBuildStepGroupKey() {
return HarbormasterExternalBuildStepGroup::GROUPKEY;
public function getDescription() {
return pht('Run a build in Buildkite.');
public function getEditInstructions() {
$hook_uri = '/harbormaster/hook/buildkite/';
$hook_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($hook_uri);
return pht(<<<EOTEXT
WARNING: This build step is new and experimental!
To build **revisions** with Buildkite, they must:
- belong to a tracked repository;
- the repository must have a Staging Area configured;
- you must configure a Buildkite pipeline for that Staging Area; and
- you must configure the webhook described below.
To build **commits** with Buildkite, they must:
- belong to a tracked repository;
- you must configure a Buildkite pipeline for that repository; and
- you must configure the webhook described below.
Webhook Configuration
In {nav Settings} for your Organization in Buildkite, under
{nav Notification Services}, add a new **Webook Notification**.
Use these settings:
- **Webhook URL**: %s
- **Token**: The "Webhook Token" field below and the "Token" field in
Buildkite should both be set to the same nonempty value (any random
secret). You can use copy/paste the value Buildkite generates into
this form.
- **Events**: Only **build.finish** needs to be active.
These variables will be available in the build environment:
| Variable | Description |
public function execute(
HarbormasterBuild $build,
HarbormasterBuildTarget $build_target) {
$viewer = PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser();
$buildable = $build->getBuildable();
$object = $buildable->getBuildableObject();
if (!($object instanceof HarbormasterBuildkiteBuildableInterface)) {
throw new Exception(
pht('This object does not support builds with Buildkite.'));
$organization = $this->getSetting('organization');
$pipeline = $this->getSetting('pipeline');
$uri = urisprintf(
$data_structure = array(
'commit' => $object->getBuildkiteCommit(),
'branch' => $object->getBuildkiteBranch(),
'message' => pht(
'Harbormaster Build %s ("%s") for %s',
'env' => array(
'meta_data' => array(
'buildTargetPHID' => $build_target->getPHID(),
$json_data = phutil_json_encode($data_structure);
$credential_phid = $this->getSetting('token');
$api_token = id(new PassphraseCredentialQuery())
if (!$api_token) {
throw new Exception(
'Unable to load API token ("%s")!',
$token = $api_token->getSecret()->openEnvelope();
$future = id(new HTTPSFuture($uri, $json_data))
->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
->addHeader('Accept', 'application/json')
->addHeader('Authorization', "Bearer {$token}")
$this->logHTTPResponse($build, $build_target, $future, pht('Buildkite'));
list($status, $body) = $future->resolve();
if ($status->isError()) {
throw new HarbormasterBuildFailureException();
$response = phutil_json_decode($body);
$uri_key = 'web_url';
$build_uri = idx($response, $uri_key);
if (!$build_uri) {
throw new Exception(
'Buildkite did not return a "%s"!',
$target_phid = $build_target->getPHID();
$api_method = 'harbormaster.createartifact';
$api_params = array(
'buildTargetPHID' => $target_phid,
'artifactType' => HarbormasterURIArtifact::ARTIFACTCONST,
'artifactKey' => 'buildkite.uri',
'artifactData' => array(
'uri' => $build_uri,
'name' => pht('View in Buildkite'),
'ui.external' => true,
id(new ConduitCall($api_method, $api_params))
public function getFieldSpecifications() {
return array(
'token' => array(
'name' => pht('API Token'),
'type' => 'credential',
=> PassphraseTokenCredentialType::CREDENTIAL_TYPE,
=> PassphraseTokenCredentialType::PROVIDES_TYPE,
'required' => true,
'organization' => array(
'name' => pht('Organization Name'),
'type' => 'text',
'required' => true,
'pipeline' => array(
'name' => pht('Pipeline Name'),
'type' => 'text',
'required' => true,
'webhook.token' => array(
'name' => pht('Webhook Token'),
'type' => 'text',
'required' => true,
public function supportsWaitForMessage() {
return false;
public function shouldWaitForMessage(HarbormasterBuildTarget $target) {
return true;

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