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Sat, Mar 22, 16:27


final class PholioMockCommentController extends PholioController {
private $id;
public function willProcessRequest(array $data) {
$this->id = $data['id'];
public function processRequest() {
$request = $this->getRequest();
$user = $request->getUser();
if (!$request->isFormPost()) {
return new Aphront400Response();
$mock = id(new PholioMockQuery())
if (!$mock) {
return new Aphront404Response();
$is_preview = $request->isPreviewRequest();
$draft = PhabricatorDraft::buildFromRequest($request);
$mock_uri = '/M'.$mock->getID();
$comment = $request->getStr('comment');
$xactions = array();
$inline_comments = id(new PholioTransactionComment())->loadAllWhere(
'authorphid = %s AND transactionphid IS NULL AND imageid IN (%Ld)',
mpull($mock->getImages(), 'getID'));
if (!$inline_comments || strlen($comment)) {
$xactions[] = id(new PholioTransaction())
id(new PholioTransactionComment())
foreach ($inline_comments as $inline_comment) {
$xactions[] = id(new PholioTransaction())
$editor = id(new PholioMockEditor())
try {
$xactions = $editor->applyTransactions($mock, $xactions);
} catch (PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectException $ex) {
return id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectResponse())
if ($draft) {
if ($request->isAjax() && $is_preview) {
$xaction_view = id(new PholioTransactionView())
return id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionResponse())
} else {
return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($mock_uri);

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