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abstract class PhabricatorBulkEngine extends Phobject {
private $viewer;
private $controller;
private $context = array();
private $objectList;
private $savedQuery;
private $editableList;
private $targetList;
private $rootFormID;
abstract public function newSearchEngine();
abstract public function newEditEngine();
public function getCancelURI() {
$saved_query = $this->savedQuery;
if ($saved_query) {
$path = '/query/'.$saved_query->getQueryKey().'/';
} else {
$path = '/';
return $this->getQueryURI($path);
public function getDoneURI() {
if ($this->objectList !== null) {
$ids = mpull($this->objectList, 'getID');
$path = '/?ids='.implode(',', $ids);
} else {
$path = '/';
return $this->getQueryURI($path);
protected function getQueryURI($path = '/') {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$engine = id($this->newSearchEngine())
return $engine->getQueryBaseURI().ltrim($path, '/');
protected function getBulkURI() {
$saved_query = $this->savedQuery;
if ($saved_query) {
$path = '/query/'.$saved_query->getQueryKey().'/';
} else {
$path = '/';
return $this->getBulkBaseURI($path);
protected function getBulkBaseURI($path) {
return $this->getQueryURI('bulk/'.ltrim($path, '/'));
final public function setViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) {
$this->viewer = $viewer;
return $this;
final public function getViewer() {
return $this->viewer;
final public function setController(PhabricatorController $controller) {
$this->controller = $controller;
return $this;
final public function getController() {
return $this->controller;
final public function addContextParameter($key) {
$this->context[$key] = true;
return $this;
final public function buildResponse() {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$controller = $this->getController();
$request = $controller->getRequest();
$response = $this->loadObjectList();
if ($response) {
return $response;
if ($request->isFormPost() && $request->getBool('bulkEngine')) {
return $this->buildEditResponse();
$list_view = $this->newBulkObjectList();
$header = id(new PHUIHeaderView())
->setHeader(pht('Bulk Editor'))
$list_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
->setHeaderText(pht('Working Set'))
$form_view = $this->newBulkActionForm();
$form_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
$complete_form = phabricator_form(
'action' => $this->getBulkURI(),
'method' => 'POST',
'id' => $this->getRootFormID(),
$column_view = id(new PHUITwoColumnView())
// TODO: This is a bit hacky and inflexible.
$crumbs = $controller->buildApplicationCrumbsForEditEngine();
$crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Query'), $this->getCancelURI());
$crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Bulk Editor'));
return $controller->newPage()
->setTitle(pht('Bulk Edit'))
private function loadObjectList() {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$controller = $this->getController();
$request = $controller->getRequest();
$search_engine = id($this->newSearchEngine())
$query_key = $request->getURIData('queryKey');
if (strlen($query_key)) {
if ($search_engine->isBuiltinQuery($query_key)) {
$saved = $search_engine->buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key);
} else {
$saved = id(new PhabricatorSavedQueryQuery())
if (!$saved) {
return new Aphront404Response();
} else {
// TODO: For now, since we don't deal gracefully with queries which
// match a huge result set, just bail if we don't have any query
// parameters instead of querying for a trillion tasks and timing out.
$request_data = $request->getPassthroughRequestData();
if (!$request_data) {
throw new Exception(
'Expected a query key or a set of query constraints.'));
$saved = $search_engine->buildSavedQueryFromRequest($request);
$object_query = $search_engine->buildQueryFromSavedQuery($saved)
$object_list = $object_query->execute();
$object_list = mpull($object_list, null, 'getPHID');
// If the user has submitted the bulk edit form, select only the objects
// they checked.
if ($request->getBool('bulkEngine')) {
$target_phids = $request->getArr('bulkTargetPHIDs');
// NOTE: It's possible that the underlying query result set has changed
// between the time we ran the query initially and now: for example, the
// query was for "Open Tasks" and some tasks were closed while the user
// was making action selections.
// This could result in some objects getting dropped from the working set
// here: we'll have target PHIDs for them, but they will no longer be
// part of the object list. For now, just go with this since it doesn't
// seem like a big problem and may even be desirable.
$this->targetList = array_select_keys($object_list, $target_phids);
} else {
$this->targetList = $object_list;
$this->objectList = $object_list;
$this->savedQuery = $saved;
// Filter just the editable objects. We show all the objects which the
// query matches whether they're editable or not, but indicate which ones
// can not be edited to the user.
$editable_list = id(new PhabricatorPolicyFilter())
$this->editableList = mpull($editable_list, null, 'getPHID');
return null;
private function newBulkObjectList() {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$objects = $this->objectList;
$objects = mpull($objects, null, 'getPHID');
$handles = $viewer->loadHandles(array_keys($objects));
$status_closed = PhabricatorObjectHandle::STATUS_CLOSED;
$list = id(new PHUIObjectItemListView())
foreach ($objects as $phid => $object) {
$handle = $handles[$phid];
$is_closed = ($handle->getStatus() === $status_closed);
$can_edit = isset($this->editableList[$phid]);
$is_disabled = ($is_closed || !$can_edit);
$is_selected = isset($this->targetList[$phid]);
$item = id(new PHUIObjectItemView())
->setSelectable('bulkTargetPHIDs[]', $phid, $is_selected, !$can_edit);
if (!$can_edit) {
$item->addIcon('fa-pencil red', pht('Not Editable'));
return $list;
private function newContextInputs() {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$controller = $this->getController();
$request = $controller->getRequest();
$parameters = array();
foreach ($this->context as $key => $value) {
$parameters[$key] = $request->getStr($key);
$parameters = array(
'bulkEngine' => 1,
) + $parameters;
$result = array();
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
$result[] = phutil_tag(
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => $key,
'value' => $value,
return $result;
private function newBulkActionForm() {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$input_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
$edit_engine = id($this->newEditEngine())
$edit_map = $edit_engine->newBulkEditMap();
$groups = $edit_engine->newBulkEditGroupMap();
$spec = array();
$option_groups = igroup($edit_map, 'group');
$default_value = null;
foreach ($groups as $group_key => $group) {
$options = idx($option_groups, $group_key, array());
if (!$options) {
$option_map = array();
foreach ($options as $option) {
$option_map[] = array(
'key' => $option['xaction'],
'label' => $option['label'],
if ($default_value === null) {
$default_value = $option['xaction'];
$spec[] = array(
'label' => $group->getLabel(),
'options' => $option_map,
'rootNodeID' => $this->getRootFormID(),
'inputNodeID' => $input_id,
'edits' => $edit_map,
'optgroups' => array(
'value' => $default_value,
'groups' => $spec,
$cancel_uri = $this->getCancelURI();
return id(new PHUIFormLayoutView())
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => 'xactions',
'id' => $input_id,
id(new PHUIFormInsetView())
->setTitle(pht('Bulk Edit Actions'))
'href' => '#',
'class' => 'button button-green',
'sigil' => 'add-action',
'mustcapture' => true,
pht('Add Another Action')))
'sigil' => 'bulk-actions',
'class' => 'bulk-edit-table',
id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
->setValue(pht('Apply Bulk Edit'))
private function buildEditResponse() {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$controller = $this->getController();
$request = $controller->getRequest();
if (!$this->objectList) {
throw new Exception(pht('Query does not match any objects.'));
if (!$this->editableList) {
throw new Exception(
'Query does not match any objects you have permission to edit.'));
// Restrict the selection set to objects the user can actually edit.
$objects = array_intersect_key($this->editableList, $this->targetList);
if (!$objects) {
throw new Exception(
'You have not selected any objects to edit.'));
$raw_xactions = $request->getStr('xactions');
if ($raw_xactions) {
$raw_xactions = phutil_json_decode($raw_xactions);
} else {
$raw_xactions = array();
if (!$raw_xactions) {
throw new Exception(
'You have not chosen any edits to apply.'));
$edit_engine = id($this->newEditEngine())
$xactions = $edit_engine->newRawBulkTransactions($raw_xactions);
$cancel_uri = $this->getCancelURI();
$done_uri = $this->getDoneURI();
$job = PhabricatorWorkerBulkJob::initializeNewJob(
new PhabricatorEditEngineBulkJobType(),
'objectPHIDs' => mpull($objects, 'getPHID'),
'xactions' => $xactions,
'cancelURI' => $cancel_uri,
'doneURI' => $done_uri,
$type_status = PhabricatorWorkerBulkJobTransaction::TYPE_STATUS;
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorWorkerBulkJobTransaction())
$editor = id(new PhabricatorWorkerBulkJobEditor())
->applyTransactions($job, $xactions);
return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())
private function getRootFormID() {
if (!$this->rootFormID) {
$this->rootFormID = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
return $this->rootFormID;

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