@title Using XHProf
@group fieldmanual

Describes how to install and use XHProf, a PHP profiling tool.


XHProf is a profiling tool which will let you understand application
performance in Phabricator.

After you install XHProf, you can use it from the web UI and the CLI to
generate detailed performance profiles. It is the most powerful tool available
for understanding application performance and identifying and fixing slow code.

Installing XHProf

You are likely to have the most luck building XHProf from source:

  $ git clone https://github.com/phacility/xhprof.git

From any source distribution of the extension, build and install it like this:

  $ cd xhprof/
  $ cd extension/
  $ phpize
  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ sudo make install

You may also need to add `extension=xhprof.so` to your php.ini.

You can also try using PECL to install it, but this may not work well with
recent versions of PHP:

  $ pecl install xhprof

Once you've installed it, `php -i` should report it as installed (you may
see a different version number, which is fine):

  $ php -i | grep xhprof
  xhprof => 0.9.2

Using XHProf: Web UI

To profile a web page, activate DarkConsole and navigate to the XHProf tab.
Use the **Profile Page** button to generate a profile.

For instructions on activating DarkConsole, see @{article:Using DarkConsole}.

Using XHProf: CLI

From the command line, use the `--xprofile <filename>` flag to generate a
profile of any script.

You can then upload this file to Phabricator (using `arc upload` may be easiest)
and view it in the web UI.

Analyzing Profiles

Understanding profiles is as much art as science, so be warned that you may not
make much headway. Even if you aren't able to conclusively read a profile
yourself, you can attach profiles when submitting bug reports to the upstream
and we can look at them. This may yield new insight.

When looking at profiles, the "Wall Time (Inclusive)" column is usually the
most important. This shows the total amount of time spent in a function or
method and all of its children. Usually, to improve the performance of a page,
we're trying to find something that's slow and make it not slow: this column
can help identify which things are slowest.

The "Wall Time (Exclusive)" column shows time spent in a function or method,
excluding time spent in its children. This can give you hint about whether the
call itself is slow or it's just making calls to other things that are slow.

You can also get a sense of this by clicking a call to see its children, and
seeing if the bulk of runtime is spent in a child call. This tends to indicate
that you're looking at a problem which is deeper in the stack, and you need
to go down further to identify and understand it.

Conversely, if the "Wall Time (Exclusive)" column is large, or the children
of a call are all cheap, there's probably something expesive happening in the
call itself.

The "Count" column can also sometimes tip you off that something is amiss, if
a method which shouldn't be called very often is being called a lot.

Some general thing to look for -- these aren't smoking guns, but are unusual
and can lead to finding a performance issue:

  - Is a low-level utility method like `phutil_utf8ize()` or `array_merge()`
    taking more than a few percent of the page runtime?
  - Do any methods (especially high-level methods) have >10,00 calls?
  - Are we spending more than 100ms doing anything which isn't loading data
    or rendering data?
  - Does anything look suspiciously expensive or out of place?
  - Is the profile for the slow page a lot different than the profile for a
    fast page?

Some performance problems are obvious and will jump out of a profile; others
may require a more nuanced understanding of the codebase to sniff out which
parts are suspicious. If you aren't able to make progress with a profile,
report the issue upstream and attach the profile to your report.

Next Steps

Continue by:

  - enabling DarkConsole with @{article:Using DarkConsole}; or
  - understanding and reporting performance problems with
    @{article:Troubleshooting Performance Problems}.