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final class PhabricatorAuthenticationConfigOptions
extends PhabricatorApplicationConfigOptions {
public function getName() {
return pht('Authentication');
public function getDescription() {
return pht('Options relating to authentication.');
public function getIcon() {
return 'fa-key';
public function getGroup() {
return 'core';
public function getOptions() {
return array(
$this->newOption('auth.require-email-verification', 'bool', false)
pht('Require email verification'),
pht("Don't require email verification"),
pht('Require email verification before a user can log in.'))
'If true, email addresses must be verified (by clicking a link '.
'in an email) before a user can login. By default, verification '.
'is optional unless {{}} is nonempty.')),
$this->newOption('auth.require-approval', 'bool', true)
pht('Require Administrators to Approve Accounts'),
pht("Don't Require Manual Approval"),
pht('Require administrators to approve new accounts.'))
"Newly registered Phabricator accounts can either be placed ".
"into a manual approval queue for administrative review, or ".
"automatically activated immediately. The approval queue is ".
"enabled by default because it gives you greater control over ".
"who can register an account and access Phabricator.\n\n".
"If your install is completely public, or on a VPN, or users can ".
"only register with a trusted provider like LDAP, or you've ".
"otherwise configured Phabricator to prevent unauthorized ".
"registration, you can disable the queue to reduce administrative ".
"NOTE: Before you disable the queue, make sure ".
"{{}} is configured correctly ".
"for your install!")),
$this->newOption('', 'list<string>', array())
->setSummary(pht('Only allow registration from particular domains.'))
"You can restrict allowed email addresses to certain domains ".
"(like ``) by setting a list of allowed domains ".
"here.\n\nUsers will only be allowed to register using email ".
"addresses at one of the domains, and will only be able to add ".
"new email addresses for these domains. If you configure this, ".
"it implies {{auth.require-email-verification}}.\n\n".
"You should omit the `@` from domains. Note that the domain must ".
"match exactly. If you allow ``, that permits ".
"`` but rejects ``."))
pht('Valid Setting')),
$this->newOption('account.editable', 'bool', true)
pht('Allow editing'),
pht('Prevent editing'),
'Determines whether or not basic account information is editable.'))
'Is basic account information (email, real name, profile '.
'picture) editable? If you set up Phabricator to automatically '.
'synchronize account information from some other authoritative '.
'system, you can disable this to ensure information remains '.
'consistent across both systems.')),
$this->newOption('account.minimum-password-length', 'int', 8)
->setSummary(pht('Minimum password length.'))
'When users set or reset a password, it must have at least this '.
'many characters.')),

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