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File Metadata

Mon, Oct 7, 20:27


final class DiffusionHistoryQueryConduitAPIMethod
extends DiffusionQueryConduitAPIMethod {
private $parents = array();
public function getAPIMethodName() {
return 'diffusion.historyquery';
public function getMethodDescription() {
return 'Returns history information for a repository at a specific '.
'commit and path.';
protected function defineReturnType() {
return 'array';
protected function defineCustomParamTypes() {
return array(
'commit' => 'required string',
'path' => 'required string',
'offset' => 'required int',
'limit' => 'required int',
'needDirectChanges' => 'optional bool',
'needChildChanges' => 'optional bool',
protected function getResult(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$path_changes = parent::getResult($request);
return array(
'pathChanges' => mpull($path_changes, 'toDictionary'),
'parents' => $this->parents,
protected function getGitResult(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
$repository = $drequest->getRepository();
$commit_hash = $request->getValue('commit');
$path = $request->getValue('path');
$offset = $request->getValue('offset');
$limit = $request->getValue('limit');
list($stdout) = $repository->execxLocalCommand(
'log '.
'--skip=%d '.
'-n %d '.
'--pretty=format:%s '.
'%s -- %C',
// Git omits merge commits if the path is provided, even if it is empty.
(strlen($path) ? csprintf('%s', $path) : ''));
$lines = explode("\n", trim($stdout));
$lines = array_filter($lines);
if (!$lines) {
return array();
$hash_list = array();
$parent_map = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
list($hash, $parents) = explode(':', $line);
$hash_list[] = $hash;
$parent_map[$hash] = preg_split('/\s+/', $parents);
$this->parents = $parent_map;
return DiffusionQuery::loadHistoryForCommitIdentifiers(
protected function getMercurialResult(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
$repository = $drequest->getRepository();
$commit_hash = $request->getValue('commit');
$path = $request->getValue('path');
$offset = $request->getValue('offset');
$limit = $request->getValue('limit');
$path = DiffusionPathIDQuery::normalizePath($path);
$path = ltrim($path, '/');
// NOTE: Older versions of Mercurial give different results for these
// commands (see T1268):
// $ hg log -- ''
// $ hg log
// All versions of Mercurial give different results for these commands
// (merge commits are excluded with the "." version):
// $ hg log -- .
// $ hg log
// If we don't have a path component in the query, omit it from the command
// entirely to avoid these inconsistencies.
// NOTE: When viewing the history of a file, we don't use "-b", because
// Mercurial stops history at the branchpoint but we're interested in all
// ancestors. When viewing history of a branch, we do use "-b", and thus
// stop history (this is more consistent with the Mercurial worldview of
// branches).
if (strlen($path)) {
$path_arg = csprintf('-- %s', $path);
$branch_arg = '';
} else {
$path_arg = '';
// NOTE: --branch used to be called --only-branch; use -b for
// compatibility.
$branch_arg = csprintf('-b %s', $drequest->getBranch());
list($stdout) = $repository->execxLocalCommand(
'log --debug --template %s --limit %d %C --rev %s %C',
($offset + $limit), // No '--skip' in Mercurial.
hgsprintf('reverse(ancestors(%s))', $commit_hash),
$stdout = PhabricatorRepository::filterMercurialDebugOutput($stdout);
$lines = explode("\n", trim($stdout));
$lines = array_slice($lines, $offset);
$hash_list = array();
$parent_map = array();
$last = null;
foreach (array_reverse($lines) as $line) {
list($hash, $parents) = explode(';', $line);
$parents = trim($parents);
if (!$parents) {
if ($last === null) {
$parent_map[$hash] = array('...');
} else {
$parent_map[$hash] = array($last);
} else {
$parents = preg_split('/\s+/', $parents);
foreach ($parents as $parent) {
list($plocal, $phash) = explode(':', $parent);
if (!preg_match('/^0+$/', $phash)) {
$parent_map[$hash][] = $phash;
// This may happen for the zeroth commit in repository, both hashes
// are "000000000...".
if (empty($parent_map[$hash])) {
$parent_map[$hash] = array('...');
// The rendering code expects the first commit to be "mainline", like
// Git. Flip the order so it does the right thing.
$parent_map[$hash] = array_reverse($parent_map[$hash]);
$hash_list[] = $hash;
$last = $hash;
$hash_list = array_reverse($hash_list);
$this->parents = $parent_map;
return DiffusionQuery::loadHistoryForCommitIdentifiers(
protected function getSVNResult(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
$repository = $drequest->getRepository();
$commit = $request->getValue('commit');
$path = $request->getValue('path');
$offset = $request->getValue('offset');
$limit = $request->getValue('limit');
$need_direct_changes = $request->getValue('needDirectChanges');
$need_child_changes = $request->getValue('needChildChanges');
$conn_r = $repository->establishConnection('r');
$paths = queryfx_all(
'SELECT id, path FROM %T WHERE pathHash IN (%Ls)',
array(md5('/'.trim($path, '/'))));
$paths = ipull($paths, 'id', 'path');
$path_id = idx($paths, '/'.trim($path, '/'));
if (!$path_id) {
return array();
$filter_query = '';
if ($need_direct_changes) {
if ($need_child_changes) {
$type = DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_CHILD;
$filter_query = 'AND (isDirect = 1 OR changeType = '.$type.')';
} else {
$filter_query = 'AND (isDirect = 1)';
$history_data = queryfx_all(
'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE repositoryID = %d AND pathID = %d
AND commitSequence <= %d
ORDER BY commitSequence DESC
LIMIT %d, %d',
$commit ? $commit : 0x7FFFFFFF,
$commits = array();
$commit_data = array();
$commit_ids = ipull($history_data, 'commitID');
if ($commit_ids) {
$commits = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit())->loadAllWhere(
'id IN (%Ld)',
if ($commits) {
$commit_data = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData())->loadAllWhere(
'commitID in (%Ld)',
$commit_data = mpull($commit_data, null, 'getCommitID');
$history = array();
foreach ($history_data as $row) {
$item = new DiffusionPathChange();
$commit = idx($commits, $row['commitID']);
if ($commit) {
$data = idx($commit_data, $commit->getID());
if ($data) {
$history[] = $item;
return $history;

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