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Thu, Oct 17, 01:43


final class DiffusionURIEditEngine
extends PhabricatorEditEngine {
const ENGINECONST = 'diffusion.uri';
private $repository;
public function setRepository(PhabricatorRepository $repository) {
$this->repository = $repository;
return $this;
public function getRepository() {
return $this->repository;
public function isEngineConfigurable() {
return false;
public function getEngineName() {
return pht('Repository URIs');
public function getSummaryHeader() {
return pht('Edit Repository URI');
public function getSummaryText() {
return pht('Creates and edits repository URIs.');
public function getEngineApplicationClass() {
return 'PhabricatorDiffusionApplication';
protected function newEditableObject() {
$uri = PhabricatorRepositoryURI::initializeNewURI();
$repository = $this->getRepository();
if ($repository) {
return $uri;
protected function newObjectQuery() {
return new PhabricatorRepositoryURIQuery();
protected function getObjectCreateTitleText($object) {
return pht('Create Repository URI');
protected function getObjectCreateButtonText($object) {
return pht('Create Repository URI');
protected function getObjectEditTitleText($object) {
return pht('Edit Repository URI %d', $object->getID());
protected function getObjectEditShortText($object) {
return pht('URI %d', $object->getID());
protected function getObjectCreateShortText() {
return pht('Create Repository URI');
protected function getObjectName() {
return pht('Repository URI');
protected function getObjectViewURI($object) {
return $object->getViewURI();
protected function buildCustomEditFields($object) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$uri_instructions = null;
if ($object->isBuiltin()) {
$is_builtin = true;
$uri_value = (string)$object->getDisplayURI();
switch ($object->getBuiltinProtocol()) {
case PhabricatorRepositoryURI::BUILTIN_PROTOCOL_SSH:
$uri_instructions = pht(
" - Configure [[ %s | %s ]] to change the SSH username.\n".
" - Configure [[ %s | %s ]] to change the SSH host.\n".
" - Configure [[ %s | %s ]] to change the SSH port.",
} else {
$is_builtin = false;
$uri_value = $object->getURI();
if ($object->getRepositoryPHID()) {
$repository = $object->getRepository();
if ($repository->isGit()) {
$uri_instructions = pht(
"Provide the URI of a Git repository. It should usually look ".
"like one of these examples:\n".
"| Example Git URIs\n".
"| -----------------------\n".
"| ``\n".
"| `ssh://`\n".
"| ``");
} else if ($repository->isHg()) {
$uri_instructions = pht(
"Provide the URI of a Mercurial repository. It should usually ".
"look like one of these examples:\n".
"| Example Mercurial URIs\n".
"| `ssh://`\n".
"| ``");
} else if ($repository->isSVN()) {
$uri_instructions = pht(
"Provide the **Repository Root** of a Subversion repository. ".
"You can identify this by running `svn info` in a working ".
"copy. It should usually look like one of these examples:\n".
"| Example Subversion URIs\n".
"| ``\n".
"| `svn+ssh://`\n".
"| `svn://`\n\n".
"You **MUST** specify the root of the repository, not a ".
return array(
id(new PhabricatorHandlesEditField())
->setDescription(pht('The repository this URI is associated with.'))
'Create a URI in a given repository. This transaction type '.
'must be present when creating a new URI and must not be '.
'present when editing an existing URI.'))
pht('Repository PHID to create a new URI for.'))
id(new PhabricatorTextEditField())
->setDescription(pht('The repository URI.'))
->setConduitDescription(pht('Change the repository URI.'))
->setConduitTypeDescription(pht('New repository URI.'))
id(new PhabricatorSelectEditField())
->setLabel(pht('I/O Type'))
->setDescription(pht('URI I/O behavior.'))
->setConduitDescription(pht('Adjust I/O behavior.'))
->setConduitTypeDescription(pht('New I/O behavior.'))
id(new PhabricatorSelectEditField())
->setLabel(pht('Display Type'))
->setDescription(pht('URI display behavior.'))
->setConduitDescription(pht('Change display behavior.'))
->setConduitTypeDescription(pht('New display behavior.'))
id(new PhabricatorHandlesEditField())
pht('The credential to use when interacting with this URI.'))
->setConduitDescription(pht('Change the credential for this URI.'))
->setConduitTypeDescription(pht('New credential PHID, or null.'))
id(new PhabricatorBoolEditField())
->setDescription(pht('Active status of the URI.'))
->setConduitDescription(pht('Disable or activate the URI.'))
->setConduitTypeDescription(pht('True to disable the URI.'))
->setOptions(pht('Enable'), pht('Disable'))

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