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* @task autotarget Automatic Targets
abstract class HarbormasterBuildStepImplementation extends Phobject {
private $settings;
private $currentWorkerTaskID;
public function setCurrentWorkerTaskID($id) {
$this->currentWorkerTaskID = $id;
return $this;
public function getCurrentWorkerTaskID() {
return $this->currentWorkerTaskID;
public static function getImplementations() {
return id(new PhutilClassMapQuery())
public static function getImplementation($class) {
$base = idx(self::getImplementations(), $class);
if ($base) {
return (clone $base);
return null;
public static function requireImplementation($class) {
if (!$class) {
throw new Exception(pht('No implementation is specified!'));
$implementation = self::getImplementation($class);
if (!$implementation) {
throw new Exception(pht('No such implementation "%s" exists!', $class));
return $implementation;
* The name of the implementation.
abstract public function getName();
public function getBuildStepGroupKey() {
return HarbormasterOtherBuildStepGroup::GROUPKEY;
* The generic description of the implementation.
public function getGenericDescription() {
return '';
* The description of the implementation, based on the current settings.
public function getDescription() {
return $this->getGenericDescription();
public function getEditInstructions() {
return null;
* Run the build target against the specified build.
abstract public function execute(
HarbormasterBuild $build,
HarbormasterBuildTarget $build_target);
* Gets the settings for this build step.
public function getSettings() {
return $this->settings;
public function getSetting($key, $default = null) {
return idx($this->settings, $key, $default);
* Loads the settings for this build step implementation from a build
* step or target.
final public function loadSettings($build_object) {
$this->settings = $build_object->getDetails();
return $this;
* Return the name of artifacts produced by this command.
* Future steps will calculate all available artifact mappings
* before them and filter on the type.
* @return array The mappings of artifact names to their types.
public function getArtifactInputs() {
return array();
public function getArtifactOutputs() {
return array();
public function getDependencies(HarbormasterBuildStep $build_step) {
$dependencies = $build_step->getDetail('dependsOn', array());
$inputs = $build_step->getStepImplementation()->getArtifactInputs();
$inputs = ipull($inputs, null, 'key');
$artifacts = $this->getAvailableArtifacts(
foreach ($artifacts as $key => $type) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $inputs)) {
$artifact_steps = ipull($artifacts, 'step');
$artifact_steps = mpull($artifact_steps, 'getPHID');
$dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, $artifact_steps);
return $dependencies;
* Returns a list of all artifacts made available in the build plan.
public static function getAvailableArtifacts(
HarbormasterBuildPlan $build_plan,
$artifact_type) {
$steps = id(new HarbormasterBuildStepQuery())
$artifacts = array();
$artifact_arrays = array();
foreach ($steps as $step) {
if ($current_build_step !== null &&
$step->getPHID() === $current_build_step->getPHID()) {
$implementation = $step->getStepImplementation();
$array = $implementation->getArtifactOutputs();
$array = ipull($array, 'type', 'key');
foreach ($array as $name => $type) {
if ($type !== $artifact_type && $artifact_type !== null) {
$artifacts[$name] = array('type' => $type, 'step' => $step);
return $artifacts;
* Convert a user-provided string with variables in it, like:
* ls ${dirname}
* ...into a string with variables merged into it safely:
* ls 'dir with spaces'
* @param string Name of a `vxsprintf` function, like @{function:vcsprintf}.
* @param string User-provided pattern string containing `${variables}`.
* @param dict List of available replacement variables.
* @return string String with variables replaced safely into it.
protected function mergeVariables($function, $pattern, array $variables) {
$regexp = '@\\$\\{(?P<name>[a-z\\./-]+)\\}@';
$matches = null;
preg_match_all($regexp, $pattern, $matches);
$argv = array();
foreach ($matches['name'] as $name) {
if (!array_key_exists($name, $variables)) {
throw new Exception(pht("No such variable '%s'!", $name));
$argv[] = $variables[$name];
$pattern = str_replace('%', '%%', $pattern);
$pattern = preg_replace($regexp, '%s', $pattern);
return call_user_func($function, $pattern, $argv);
public function getFieldSpecifications() {
return array();
protected function formatSettingForDescription($key, $default = null) {
return $this->formatValueForDescription($this->getSetting($key, $default));
protected function formatValueForDescription($value) {
if (strlen($value)) {
return phutil_tag('strong', array(), $value);
} else {
return phutil_tag('em', array(), pht('(null)'));
public function supportsWaitForMessage() {
return false;
public function shouldWaitForMessage(HarbormasterBuildTarget $target) {
if (!$this->supportsWaitForMessage()) {
return false;
return (bool)$target->getDetail('builtin.wait-for-message');
protected function shouldAbort(
HarbormasterBuild $build,
HarbormasterBuildTarget $target) {
return $build->getBuildGeneration() !== $target->getBuildGeneration();
protected function resolveFutures(
HarbormasterBuild $build,
HarbormasterBuildTarget $target,
array $futures) {
$futures = new FutureIterator($futures);
foreach ($futures->setUpdateInterval(5) as $key => $future) {
if ($future === null) {
if ($this->shouldAbort($build, $target)) {
throw new HarbormasterBuildAbortedException();
protected function logHTTPResponse(
HarbormasterBuild $build,
HarbormasterBuildTarget $build_target,
BaseHTTPFuture $future,
$label) {
list($status, $body, $headers) = $future->resolve();
$header_lines = array();
// TODO: We don't currently preserve the entire "HTTP" response header, but
// should. Once we do, reproduce it here faithfully.
$status_code = $status->getStatusCode();
$header_lines[] = "HTTP {$status_code}";
foreach ($headers as $header) {
list($head, $tail) = $header;
$header_lines[] = "{$head}: {$tail}";
$header_lines = implode("\n", $header_lines);
->newLog($label, 'http.head')
->newLog($label, 'http.body')
/* -( Automatic Targets )-------------------------------------------------- */
public function getBuildStepAutotargetStepKey() {
return null;
public function getBuildStepAutotargetPlanKey() {
throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException();
public function shouldRequireAutotargeting() {
return false;

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