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Thu, Mar 20, 19:25


final class PhabricatorExternalAccount extends PhabricatorUserDAO
implements PhabricatorPolicyInterface {
protected $userPHID;
protected $accountType;
protected $accountDomain;
protected $accountSecret;
protected $accountID;
protected $displayName;
protected $username;
protected $realName;
protected $email;
protected $emailVerified = 0;
protected $accountURI;
protected $profileImagePHID;
protected $properties = array();
private $profileImageFile = self::ATTACHABLE;
public function getProfileImageFile() {
return $this->assertAttached($this->profileImageFile);
public function attachProfileImageFile(PhabricatorFile $file) {
$this->profileImageFile = $file;
return $this;
public function generatePHID() {
return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(
protected function getConfiguration() {
return array(
self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true,
'properties' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON,
self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array(
'userPHID' => 'phid?',
'accountType' => 'text16',
'accountDomain' => 'text64',
'accountSecret' => 'text?',
'accountID' => 'text64',
'displayName' => 'text255?',
'username' => 'text255?',
'realName' => 'text255?',
'email' => 'text255?',
'emailVerified' => 'bool',
'profileImagePHID' => 'phid?',
'accountURI' => 'text255?',
self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array(
'account_details' => array(
'columns' => array('accountType', 'accountDomain', 'accountID'),
'unique' => true,
'key_user' => array(
'columns' => array('userPHID'),
) + parent::getConfiguration();
public function getPhabricatorUser() {
$tmp_usr = id(new PhabricatorUser())
return $tmp_usr;
public function getProviderKey() {
return $this->getAccountType().':'.$this->getAccountDomain();
public function save() {
if (!$this->getAccountSecret()) {
return parent::save();
public function setProperty($key, $value) {
$this->properties[$key] = $value;
return $this;
public function getProperty($key, $default = null) {
return idx($this->properties, $key, $default);
public function isUsableForLogin() {
$key = $this->getProviderKey();
$provider = PhabricatorAuthProvider::getEnabledProviderByKey($key);
if (!$provider) {
return false;
if (!$provider->shouldAllowLogin()) {
return false;
return true;
public function getDisplayName() {
if (strlen($this->displayName)) {
return $this->displayName;
// TODO: Figure out how much identifying information we're going to show
// to users about external accounts. For now, just show a string which is
// clearly not an error, but don't disclose any identifying information.
$map = array(
'email' => pht('Email User'),
$type = $this->getAccountType();
return idx($map, $type, pht('"%s" User', $type));
/* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface )----------------------------------------- */
public function getCapabilities() {
return array(
public function getPolicy($capability) {
switch ($capability) {
case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW:
return PhabricatorPolicies::getMostOpenPolicy();
case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT:
return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE;
public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) {
return ($viewer->getPHID() == $this->getUserPHID());
public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) {
switch ($capability) {
case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW:
return null;
case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT:
return pht(
'External accounts can only be edited by the account owner.');

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