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Sat, Mar 22, 21:48


final class ReleephProjectEditController extends ReleephProjectController {
public function processRequest() {
$request = $this->getRequest();
$e_name = true;
$e_trunk_branch = true;
$e_branch_template = false;
$errors = array();
$project_name = $request->getStr('name',
$trunk_branch = $request->getStr('trunkBranch',
$branch_template = $request->getStr('branchTemplate');
if ($branch_template === null) {
$branch_template =
$pick_failure_instructions = $request->getStr('pickFailureInstructions',
$commit_author = $request->getStr('commitWithAuthor',
$test_paths = $request->getStr('testPaths');
if ($test_paths !== null) {
$test_paths = array_filter(explode("\n", $test_paths));
} else {
$test_paths = $this->getReleephProject()->getDetail('testPaths', array());
$release_counter = $request->getInt(
$arc_project_id = $this->getReleephProject()->getArcanistProjectID();
if ($request->isFormPost()) {
$pusher_phids = $request->getArr('pushers');
if (!$project_name) {
$e_name = pht('Required');
$errors[] =
pht('Your releeph project should have a simple descriptive name');
if (!$trunk_branch) {
$e_trunk_branch = pht('Required');
$errors[] =
pht('You must specify which branch you will be picking from.');
if ($release_counter && !is_int($release_counter)) {
$errors[] = pht("Release counter must be a positive integer!");
$other_releeph_projects = id(new ReleephProject())
->loadAllWhere('id <> %d', $this->getReleephProject()->getID());
$other_releeph_project_names = mpull($other_releeph_projects,
'getName', 'getID');
if (in_array($project_name, $other_releeph_project_names)) {
$errors[] = pht("Releeph project name %s is already taken",
foreach ($test_paths as $test_path) {
$result = @preg_match($test_path, '');
$is_a_valid_regexp = $result !== false;
if (!$is_a_valid_regexp) {
$errors[] = pht('Please provide a valid regular expression: '.
'%s is not valid', $test_path);
$project = $this->getReleephProject()
->setDetail('pushers', $pusher_phids)
->setDetail('pick_failure_instructions', $pick_failure_instructions)
->setDetail('branchTemplate', $branch_template)
->setDetail('commitWithAuthor', $commit_author)
->setDetail('testPaths', $test_paths);
if ($release_counter) {
$project->setDetail('releaseCounter', $release_counter);
$fake_commit_handle =
if ($branch_template) {
list($branch_name, $template_errors) = id(new ReleephBranchTemplate())
if ($template_errors) {
$e_branch_template = pht('Whoopsies!');
foreach ($template_errors as $template_error) {
$errors[] = "Template error: {$template_error}";
if (!$errors) {
return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())
$error_view = null;
if ($errors) {
$error_view = new AphrontErrorView();
$projects = mpull(
id(new PhabricatorProject())->loadAll(),
$projects[0] = '-'; // no project associated, that's ok
$pusher_phids = $request->getArr(
$this->getReleephProject()->getDetail('pushers', array()));
$handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery())
$pusher_handles = array_select_keys($handles, $pusher_phids);
$basic_inset = id(new AphrontFormInsetView())
id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
->setCaption(pht('A name like "Thrift" but not "Thrift releases".')))
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
->setLabel(pht('Arc Project'))
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
->setLabel(pht('Releeph Project PHID'))
id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
->setLabel(pht('Release counter'))
pht("Used by the command line branch cutter's %%N field")))
id(new AphrontFormTextAreaControl())
->setLabel(pht('Pick Instructions'))
pht("Instructions for pick failures, which will be used " .
"in emails generated by failed picks")))
id(new AphrontFormTextAreaControl())
->setLabel(pht('Tests paths'))
->setValue(implode("\n", $test_paths))
pht('List of strings that all test files contain in their path '.
'in this project. One string per line. '.
'Examples: \'__tests__\', \'/javatests/\'...')));
$pushers_inset = id(new AphrontFormInsetView())
pht('Pushers are allowed to approve Releeph requests to be committed. '.
'to this project\'s branches. If you leave this blank then anyone '.
'is allowed to approve requests.'))
id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl())
$commit_author_inset = $this->buildCommitAuthorInset($commit_author);
// Build the Template inset
$help_markup = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::renderOneObject(
id(new PhabricatorMarkupOneOff())->setContent($this->getBranchHelpText()),
$branch_template_input = id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
pht("Leave this blank to use your installation's default."));
$branch_template_preview = id(new ReleephBranchPreviewView())
->addControl('template', $branch_template_input)
->addStatic('arcProjectID', $arc_project_id)
->addStatic('isSymbolic', false)
->addStatic('projectName', $this->getReleephProject()->getName());
$template_inset = id(new AphrontFormInsetView())
->setTitle(pht('Branch Cutting'))
pht('Provide a pattern for creating new branches.'))
// Build the form
$form = id(new AphrontFormView())
id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
$panel = id(new AphrontPanelView())
->setHeader(pht('Edit Releeph Project'))
return $this->buildStandardPageResponse(
array($error_view, $panel),
array('title' => pht('Edit Releeph Project')));
private function buildCommitAuthorInset($current) {
$vcs_type = $this->getReleephProject()
switch ($vcs_type) {
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT:
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL:
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN:
$vcs_name = PhabricatorRepositoryType::getNameForRepositoryType($vcs_type);
// pht?
$help_markup = hsprintf(<<<EOTEXT
When your project's release engineers run <tt>arc releeph</tt>, they will be
listed as the <strong>committer</strong> of the code committed to release
%s allows you to specify a separate author when committing code. Some
tools use the author of a commit (rather than the committer) when they need to
notify someone about a build or test failure.
Releeph can use one of the following to set the <strong>author</strong> of the
commits it makes:
, $vcs_name);
$trunk = $this->getReleephProject()->getTrunkBranch();
$options = array(
'value' => ReleephProject::COMMIT_AUTHOR_FROM_DIFF,
'label' => pht('Original Author'),
'caption' =>
pht('The author of the original commit in: %s.', $trunk),
'value' => ReleephProject::COMMIT_AUTHOR_REQUESTOR,
'label' => pht('Requestor'),
'caption' =>
pht('The person who requested that this code go into the release.'),
'value' => ReleephProject::COMMIT_AUTHOR_NONE,
'label' => pht('None'),
'caption' =>
pht('Only record the default committer information.'),
if (!$current) {
$current = ReleephProject::COMMIT_AUTHOR_FROM_DIFF;
$control = id(new AphrontFormRadioButtonControl())
foreach ($options as $dict) {
$control->addButton($dict['value'], $dict['label'], $dict['caption']);
return id(new AphrontFormInsetView())
private function getBranchHelpText() {
return <<<EOTEXT
==== Interpolations ====
| Code | Meaning
| ----- | -------
| `%P` | The name of your project, with spaces changed to "-".
| `%p` | Like %P, but all lowercase.
| `%Y` | The four digit year associated with the branch date.
| `%m` | The two digit month.
| `%d` | The two digit day.
| `%v` | The handle of the commit where the branch was cut ("rXYZa4b3c2d1").
| `%V` | The abbreviated commit id where the branch was cut ("a4b3c2d1").
| `%..` | Any other sequence interpreted by `strftime()`.
| `%%` | A literal percent sign.
==== Tips for Branch Templates ====
Use a directory to separate your release branches from other branches:
=> releases/2012-30-16-rHERGE32cd512a52b7
Include a second hierarchy if you share your repository with other projects:
=> releases/Tintin/tintin-release-20121116-32cd512a52b7
Keep your branch names simple, avoiding strange punctuation, most of which is
forbidden or escaped anyway:
lang=none, counterexample
releases//..clown-releases..//`date --iso=seconds`-$(sudo halt)
Include the date early in your template, in an order which sorts properly:
=> releases/20121116-rHERGE32cd512a52b7 (good!)
=> releases/32cd512a52b7-11.16.2012 (awful!)

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