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Sat, Mar 22, 01:03


final class PhabricatorPirateEnglishTranslation
extends PhutilTranslation {
public function getLocaleCode() {
return 'en_P*';
protected function getTranslations() {
return array(
'Search' => 'Scour',
'Review Code' => 'Inspect Riggins',
'Tasks and Bugs' => 'Bilge rats',
'Cancel' => 'Belay',
'Advanced Search' => 'Scour Hard',
'No search results.' => 'We be finding nothin.',
'Send' => 'Aye!',
'Partial' => 'Parrtial',
'Upload' => 'Hoist',
'Partial Upload' => 'Parrtial Hoist',
'Submit' => 'Aye!',
'Create' => 'Make Sail',
'Okay' => 'Ahoy!',
'Edit Query' => 'Overhaul Query',
'Hide Query' => 'Furl Query',
'Execute Query' => 'Quarter Query',
'Wiki' => 'Sea Log',
'Blog' => 'Capn\'s Tales',
'Add Action...' => 'Be Addin\' an Action...',
'Change Subscribers' => 'Change Spies',
'Change Projects' => 'Change Prrojects',
'Change Priority' => 'Change Priarrrity',
'Change Status' => 'Change Ye Status',
'Assign / Claim' => 'Arrsign / Stake Claim',
'Prototype' => 'Ramshackle',
'Continue' => 'Set Sail',
'Recent Activity' => 'Recent Plunderin\'s',
'Browse and Audit Commits' => 'Inspect ye Work of Yore',
'Upcoming Events' => 'Upcoming Pillages',
'Get Organized' => 'Straighten yer gig',
'Host and Browse Repositories' => 'Hide ye Treasures',
'Chat with Others' => 'Parley with yer Mates',
'Review Recent Activity' => 'Spy ye Freshest Bottles',
'Comment' => 'Scrawl',
'Actions' => 'Actions! Arrr!',
'Title' => 'Ye Olde Title',
'Assigned To' => 'Matey Assigned',
'Status' => 'Ye Status',
'Priority' => 'Priarrrity',
'Description' => 'Splainin\'',
'Visible To' => 'Bein\' Spied By',
'Editable By' => 'Plunderable By',
'Subscribers' => 'Spies',
'Projects' => 'Prrojects',
'%s added a comment.' => '%s scrawled.',
'%s edited the task description.' =>
'Capn %s be stakin\' a claim on this here task.',
'%s claimed this task.' =>
'Capn %s be updatin\' ye task\'s splainin.',
'%s created this task.' =>
'Capn %s be the one creatin\' this here task.',

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